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A LENGTHY LIST OF APPEALS. FLEAS F OR' EXEMPTION MOSTLY DECLINED. A sitting of the No. 2 Military Service Board was held at the Courthouse yesterday. The members of, the Board were: Mr. J. W. Poynton (chairman), and Messrs. T. A. Bamber and F. Curtice. Captain Beale represented the Defence Department. Ralph Beaufoy, farmer, Gisborne (Mr. Burnard). —The case had previously been before the Board and had been adjourned.—The Chairman said they had gone carefully into all the evidence. The man appeared to be doing very useful work,, and if he was called up at present it would mean., the farm going back.— adjourned for three months. Corporal J. H. O’Meara, Gisborne (Mr. Burnard).—Withdrawn.CASE OF A STATION MANAGER. Edward James Dever, station manager, Tologa Bay (Mr. Blair). —This was an appeal by one of the employers, Mr. Reynolds, who stated that Dever was managing., a place of 4000 acres at Tologa Bay. It carried 8000 /sheep and 500 head of cattle. Witness .was looking after another place at Ormond. It would take a month to get a new man, and he could not seek another man till Dever had been medically examined. Ho had one or two men in He asked for three months’ leave. To Captain Beale: Dever was a working manager. Witness attended to the buying 'and selling. It he knew the man was medically fit he would not appeal at all. At Ormond witness had one shepherd and himself. - ' Captain Beale suggested that a month would do. "To Mr. Blair: His Ormond place had an area of 3700 acres and carried 7000 sheep. . - ! Appeal dismissed, and leave granted till first concentration sin August. Harold Aston, painter and paperhanger, Gisborne (Mr. Burnard).— Appellant said he had twice enlisted and had been turned down and had since married. He asked to be transferred to the class for married men with one child. ’ He wanted time to arrange his affairs. The Chairman: You have really got what you ask. The appeal was dismissed, and leave granted till June 21st. Henry Hastings Russell, sheepfarmer, Gisborne (Mr. Blair) —Withdrawn. William H. O. Johnston, storekeeper, Ruatorea (Mr. Burnard). — Withdrawn. A SEARCHING CROSS-EXAM-INATION. Alexander Robert Little, sheepfarmer, Motu (Mr. Burnard). —It was stated that the appeal was by- Mr. Little, senior. The position had changed since the last hearing for Mr. Little was now in bad health. Mr. Little had two places, and the one at Motu needed the attention of the son. Captain Beale said he understood that Mr. Little’s health was not- as poor as they were leci to believe and that the boy was spending his time in town doing nothing. -Robert Little, senior, said lie owned a small property at Haiti of 200 acres and two properties in Motu worked in one consisting of 1500 acres. He had recently applied to have his son released from camp on account of the floods. The fences were washed in some places clean away, a-nd his stock bad got mixed up with his neighbor’s. His son, who had been called up, was the only one he could rely on to put the place in order. He had met with an accident himself and had lost the use of one arm. To Captain-Beale: He could do a fair day’s work if lie had the use of his arm. It was not true that his son was wasting his time in town. Captain Beale: I have been given to understand that both you and your son are wasting your time. Appeal dismissed, and leave granted till June Bth. Arthtir Foster, ploughman, Gisborne, and a returned soldier.—The Chairman said that the hearing had ben adjourned for evidence of service and discharge. The appellant had not appeared and the appeal would be dismissed. .. Samuel Wilson, carrier, Patutahi. —Appellant was in camp and the appeal was dismissed. A GOOD CASE- ON BEHALF OF ADJOURNMENT. Arthur George McGregor, sheepfarmer, Tiniroto (Mr. Wauchop).Appellant said he was managing 691 acres, renewable lease of 66 years. Two other brothers were partners in the farm and they were at the front. The farm, carried 700 sheep and 40 head of breeding cattle. He was the only man on the property and could get no assistance. The land was mixed bush and fern and had to be watched very closely. There were two brothers besides, the partners, and one of these was at the front. The other brother, a younger one, was prepared to go to the front when his turn came, and said he would prefer this to camp life on the property. His father had a farm at Pulia.* To Captain Beale : He had been on tils- farm at Tiniroto for about five years. His father’s property would lie about 50 miles away. There was an agreement of partnership between him and bis brothers. The Chairman said that in this case it would not only mean injury to himself-if they took appellant away but to his .brothers. The appeal would be adjourned till the first sitting of the Board in August. A DENIAL OF BOASTING. Charles Richardson, farmer, Motu (Mr. Burnard). —Appellant stated that the area of his property was 1530 acres. He had been in camp and, was discharged on August 8. While in camp lie left a man in charge, but this was not satisfactory and if he had to go to camp again he woukl\ prefer to sell. Owing to the floods about two miles of fencing would have to be renewed. Cattle and sheeap yards were being constructed and also a wool shed. His father was 64, and without appellant could not. get through the shearing. He had two brothers on active service. To Captain Beale: He was.prepared to go into camp if satisfactory arrangements could be made for carrying on the farm. He had not boasted that ho' would not go into camp. To Mr. Burnard : There' were persons in the district who strongly disliked him and who had made mis- ! statements to the military authori* j ■■'ties. He would like to be confronted with the letters sent and those who wrote them. The Chairman said therft were no letters before the Board. i ..< The appeal was. dismissed, the reservist to leave for camp on June 21. Cecil Thomas Smart, engineer, Gisborne (employer’s appeal).—No appearance; dismissed. . . Thomas William Robson, machinist U BUTCHER’S APPEAL DISMISSED. Douglas Stevenson, shepherd, G:sborne.—Appellant, to Captain Beale, stated that he'had been shepherding when his appeal was previously before the Board, hut he was now butchering., He had one brother who had been rejected twice. The Chairman: You wore,.called up before under section 35. ; f.; Witness, in ahsiyer,. to a..question, said he was a singlo map. " . _ The secretary to the union said the i man wafe a learner and had come on

in February last. He was one of the left out of 15 taken on its learners. There was no appeal from the employers. W | Appeal dismissed, aud leave recommended till June 1. ) Stanley S war brick, slieepfarmer, Otoko (Mr. Coleman).—This was an application for time. Appellant said ho farmed 442 acres, carrying 1300 sheep and 70 head of cattle. He wanted time to finish crutehing and repair fences. Appeal dismissed, and leave recommended till July 17. James Taylor, farmer, Ormond.— j Appellant stated that since he had been rejected lie bad taken on aq' agricultural farm. Labor, he said', was scarce.'He had 20 acres of maize to pick*and wanted time to do. this. His age was 34. He asked for leave till about the end of June.

Appeal dismissed, and-leave granted till June 28.

! 1 James Henry Herbert, farm labor- ■ or, Te Karaka.—Dismissed ; C2. Frank Edward. Orr, clerk, Gis- ! borne.—Withdrawn. Alfred Job Barber, threshing . con- | tractor, Waerenga-a-hika (Mr. Colo- ; man). —Appellant said his work on ! hand could be cut out in about eight j weeks. A brother had returned from the front, but-his foot had been amputated and he could not undertake the work. I Mr. Coleman said that appellant’s mother and father were partly dependent- on him and the father was in ■ hospital. ] Appeal dismissed; and leave recommended till July 23. J Henry Ernest Drummond, general carrier," Te Hapnra.—Appeal for financial assistance. .No answer had been received from the Financial Assistance Board.—The appeal was dismissed, and leave granted till June 28. • IS HE A RESERVIST? Albert Win. Hatlierell, gardener, Mangahaia.—Appellant did not appear. . It was stated that ..lie was in j hospital, had live children, and was over age.—Adjourned till next sitt- | ing for proofs, which Mr. W. G. Sherratt undertook to attend to. John Johanson, laborer, Gisborne. —Transferred to Class B, as appellant was married and bad two children. ® Captain Beale said that though appellant had been classed as medically fit lie had since liken under an. operation for appendicitis and a second medical examination would be necesi sary. o ‘ The appeal was dismissed, and leave was granted till June 28 Robert Martin Smith, yard foreman, \forwarded an application for financial assistance but had no reply. The Chairman said that with the exception of one item be was almost certain to get the assistance asked. Appeal dismissed, and leave granted till June 28. Thomas Gibson, farm hand, Manutuke (father’s appeal).—Withdrawn. WIFE APPEAL FOR RETURN OF HUSBAND. y Mangus Anderson, soldier in France.—Application for his return by his wife. She stated that she had been four times in hospital. The Chairman said that if the reasons shown were sufficient every mother could get her son and every wife her husband back.—Application refused. Patrick John O’Donnell, dairy farmer, Matawliero (Mr Burnard). —Application for time to harvest maize crop. He required seven or eight weeks. —Appeal dismissed, and leave recommended till June 28. Frank Cox, tailoi, Gisborne. Withdrawn. Stanley Alex. Brandon, wool carrier, Arataha.—Dismissed ; C2. James Graham, carriage builder (employer’s appeal).—Mr Nolan, who appeared for appellant, said the position haj nob changed since it was last before the Board. The man bad four brothers at the front; he was the head of the home and the whole responsibility for-managing the dairy farm fell upon him. He was the main support of his mother. He oid tlio whole of the outside work on the farm as well as attending to the business side of it. Appeal adjourned till the first sitting in August. In the meantime, the Chairman said, one of the mothers may return from the front, and if not one of the two brothers now working away from home should cake appellant’s place on the farm. Men were urgently needed now. James Taylor Watt, carpenter,Gisborne.—Dismissed; C2. - Leslie Janies Renner, clerk, Gisborne.—Withdrawn. S. P. Sheppard, head Gisborne (Mr. Nolan), an employer’s appeal for extension of nme.— Granted till the first concentration for camp in August. Wreford Percival Wade, plumber (Mr. Coleman).—Application for time on the grounds lie was acting s< ? i retary for the Oddfellows’ Lodge Granted to July 17. . Reginald F. Green, cierk, Gisborne (Mr. Coleman).—Withdrawn. > . William E. Krebbs, coacli -m icier (Mr. Coleman).—Mr. Coleman said the position had not changed January.—The appeal was furtbei adjourned. „ DELAY OYER A HOUSE. William Chas. Whitfield, carrier, Te Hapara (Mr. Coleiinn).--Mr. Coleman said appellant had c isposea of his business and only asi eel icr a little time to fix up the finamv il pa:t of the deal. —Appeal dismisswi, and leave recommended till June John Chris. Harding, seaman.--This case had been adjoin; v?d previ ously so as to allow satisfactory financial arrangements to bo ma-e in regard to the purchase of a bouse; an offer by the landlord was accepted bv appellant.—Adjourned pending result of application to Financial Assistance Board. . John David Bryce, shepherd, lologa Bay,—The applicant bad asked to be transferred to the class toi married men with one child .--No appearance; dismissed. • . . Samuel Leonard Joll threshing mill owner, Gisborne.—Hie reservist appealed on the ground that his seivices were necessary to an essential industry. A petition on behalf nt applicant was put m by about -t settlers.. , , , Appellant said he had contracts m ht To Capt". Beale: He had a threshing mill and chaff-cutter _and had had them for about six years. Roug - ly speaking lie had about 15 co - tracts on hand now. lhe labow vm chiefly found b v farmers. .He found one of the seven men.requneel. Iheie were three threshing mills m t e district He worked every ‘day lie nnss blv could. One brother was m Cl cainp If be could find a suitable min he would willingly .hand the nlant over to him. T]ie man in n s S now bad been with lnm Two years but was not suitable to take Cl,f rhe e appeal was dismissed, leave ham , Arthur James Candy, ia«n bam., MOM WO||: t THAN g HE COXTLD a T"" m cStain : Beafc : not. some of these farmers wlvo nssist m - . the machine work it themselves.

Appellant: There would be the labor trouble. To the Chairman: Ho could shell about 600 s(icks of maize a week. > The appeal was dismissed, leave being recommended to August 1. ' William H. Williams, station manager, .Gisborne (Mr. Burnard). Harry Williams, father of W. H. Williams, who lodged the appeal, said lie was 73. He owned a property carrying 6000 sheep and 700 head of cattle. His son managed that, property. His son owned a property at • Rakauroa of 1726 acres, carrying 2100 sheep, and there were 500 acres of bush not yet burned. The bush had been felled two years ago. There wore also 4220 acres eight miles from Rakauroa, carrying 3300 sheep. This was owned by bis son Ernest, who was with the New Zealand forces in France. On that property 1100 acres had been felled but not burnt. He had another son who had been gassed and wounded in France. Alb" the properties were fairly steep, but the Rakauroa property was particularly rough. His son George was brought up to the storekeeping business, and lie would not like to trust him on a farm. 'This son had four children. Edward had two properties of bis Own .which lie was looking after. He was in the Ngatapa. district. Witness’s .. farm was-30 miles north, in a totally' different direction.

The appeal was adjourned till the first sitting in August. Joseph Middlcmiss. greaser, freezing works, Ormond.—Appellant had purchased a house on the instalment system.—The Chairman said the Government would pay interest and the landlord should allow the other payments to stand over.

| Mr. Elliott, who also lodged an appeal on behalf of the employers, said that other members of the engine room staff were being called up. A greaser would be difficult to replace. I The appeal was adjourned till the I first sitting in August. ! Robert McNeil, jnr., sheepfarmer, ' Toioga, Bay (Mr. Nolan). —This was 1 a father’s appeal. I Mr Nolan stated that the reservist | was working three farms, separated I by about 19 miles and containing 250 acres, 800 acres and 473 acres. He bad the assistance of one youth of 16. The father was 74 vears of age and had not been able to do active work for many years past. The appellant had advertised for a man, but it was impossible tp get a man who would take ovei©Lhe management of the whole four farms. . The farms carried 4000 sheep and 400 cattle. There were two ’ other sons, each married, with four children, and with properties of their own. To Captain Beale; The whole of his father’s properties were acquired be fore the war. He had been managing the properties for about six years. The appeal was adjourned till the first sitting in August. Allan Black, slieepfarmer, Manutuke (Mr. Coleman). —Dismissed; leave recommended to August 1. Merman Bulst, sheepfarmer, Matawai (Mr. Burnard). —Julius Bulst. father of appellant, said be had one son at the front. Evidence concerning the financial position was given. —Appeal dismissed ; leave recommended to August 1. Harry Forde Matthews.—Mr aucbop, who appeared for appellant, said the case was adjourned from last sitting. The Board bad all the facts. The circumstances had not changed since the case was last before the Board.—-Appellant’s father said he thought it only fair to inform the Board that since it last consideretl the case his third son had returned from tfie' front, but was a complete invalid.—The Chairman said in view of Mr. Matthews’ good record and that of his boys the case would be adiourned till August. Norman Henr v Bike, farmer, Manutuke. —Appeal dismissed ; leave recommended to August 1. . Bruce Lancelot Scott, apiarist, Gisborne.—No appearance; case dismissed „ , , -r, Stanley Ernest Robert Bruce, sheepfarmer, Fernside. fokomaru Rav.—Mr. Wauchop. who appeared for appellant, said the case, on the father’s appeal, had already been adiourned sine die. This appeal bad been put in separately on account ot appellant’s own farm.—The appeal was dismissed; leave extended t August 1.

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Gisborne Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 4875, 22 May 1918, Page 3

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MILITARY, SERVICE APPEALS. Gisborne Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 4875, 22 May 1918, Page 3

MILITARY, SERVICE APPEALS. Gisborne Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 4875, 22 May 1918, Page 3