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Local and General.

The local Customs officer has been advised that the export of hides weighing 431bs or more has been pro-

The Tokomaru Bay Freezing works are reported to be closing down for a iortnight- from to-dav. on. account of a shortage of bottoms.

Officers of the Agricultural Depart ment will visit Ormond to-day to purchase horses for the Government. Only horses suitable for artillerv work are required. The ages should be from six years >o ten y^ars. The efforts to make the Maori Queen Carnival at Te Araroa a success are meeting with good results. Six tribes have entered candidates, and it is expected that £IOOO will be raised towards the Wounded Soldiers' Fund. A dance was held at Te Araroa nine days ago, and £62 was raised towards the support of one queen.

The Stanley McKay Pantomime Compay concluded their Gisborne season on Saturday, when they presented “Cinderella.” At the matinee in the afternoon there was a very good attendance, but not so many attended in the evening. Messrs. Barton Bros.’ circus also concluded their season on Saturday night, with a packed tent.

The following members of the National Reserve are on duty at the Recruiting Office. Reel Street, front 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.: — -To-night-, February 7, Messrs. H. H. de Costa and R. Wyles; Tuesday. February 8. R. Cogar and W. Findlay ; 'Wednesday. February 9. J. Q. E. Kissling and G C. Muims; Thursday, February 10. W. Miteliie' and C. Ferris; Fridav, February 11, C. Blackburn and \Y. Tilliek; Saturday, February 12, G. A Fenwick and W* F. Cedorwall.

The troupe of Maori musicians and singers, lod bv Mr. Walter Smith, the well-known Maori entertainer, gave an enjoyable entertainment at "His Majesty’s Theatre on Saturday evening. when a large audience.'d'.uefiy Maoris, attended. The troupe won great appreciation by their beautiful singing, and Mr. Smith's exhibition of legerdemain was Very well received- _ The popular songs rendered by Niki and llangi, two members of the troupe, roused great enthusiasm. The country dates oi this troupe are advertised in this morning’s "Times,"

The stnuigo behaviour of a man in Harris Street, Kaiti, yesterday morning, led to complaints being made to the police. The man was wandering about in an aimless fashion declaiming certain things, in which religions utterances and denouncements of the Kaiser were mixed up. Constable Leckie arrested the man, and in the afternoon lie was examined by Drs. Williams and Kidd, and was committed to the Porirua Mental Asylum. Constable Leckie left with him bv the evening’s boat.

By advertisement in this issue Miss Rees, of Cook County College announces that- she has chartered a school omnibus, which will run for the first time to-morrow morning. Leaving the Post Office*, at 5 minutes to 9, Foster’s motor omnibus will run Mono; Wamui Road via De Lautour Road, via Iramu Road, to Harris Street, across the Wm. Pettio bridge and thence via Ormond Road to Russell Street, returning along the same route in the afternoon. Miss Rees will be at home to-day to enrol new pupils, and those who wish to engage seats in the omnibus should make early applications.

'jtie Wellington wool sale will now be held on February 14th, Acceptances for the Poverty Bay Trotting Club’s meeting close with the secretary (Mr. H. E. Dodd) at 8 o’clock this evening. Members of the various Labor unions are invited to attend a meeting to be held in Townley’s Hall tomorrow evening. The ever-popular Maurice Costello is featured in a stirring Vitagraph special, “The Evil Men Do,” which is at the head of the Pathe Pictures programme for this evening. Th tenth episode of Thanhouseris wonderful serial, “The Million Dollar Mystery,” will be screened at the Opera House 'this evening. This 13 an exceptionally interesting number and one of the most exciting of the story. Kingfishing as a sport is.supplarifcvu, trout fishing to a certain degree, anS those who know state that there is no comparison in the two sports. Kingfish are very plentiful in Hawke’s Bay”at the present time. A telephone message was received in Gisborne vesterday from Napier stating that yesterday morning a party, consisting of Messrs. W. Fenwick. H. Tod Sprott, and Smith, went out in the’ launch Doris, and secured the catch of the season, namely, 56 bea u-tifui-oonditioned kingies. The Hon. Jas. Alien states in connection wit h tlie personal appeal on the recruiting scheme that it is proposed to issue four distinct types of armlets, quite easily riistmguishabie a khaki with a crown. 1 had been examined by the Premier and himself, and finally approved and adopted by* the Recruiting Board. The armlets will be issued as follows(1) Enlisting and waiting to be called -up; i'2) unable to comply with _ requirements: (3) retained in No**, land for service: (4) soldier returned from the front. A considerable amount of interest is being taken in the shooting competition between the Ambulance section and No. 2 Platoon of the National Reserve, which takes place . at tne Tange in the Garrison Hall this e, ening° Last week the Ambulance section defeated No. 3 but a closer result is in this contest as it is rumored No. 2 Platoon contains some crack shots. Botn sides have been practising, and “bulls” will not be uncommon on the targets this evening. The. following members will represent tne Araalliance: Messrs. Armstrong, Ait ken, Cox. McLoughlin. Langridge, Bio-ore, and' Ormond, r/ : k- Messrs. Ti.licit, Blackburn. lit' on, Mitchell, Ley. Kissling. and uarv y will represent No. 2 Platoon. A statement of assets and liaoiuties. as fo.ivws. has been lodged .wit., tee depute official assignee- by .Jonn E uurv Jones, land and estate agent, wno has been adjudged bankrupt:—lnsecured creditors. £604 2s id: secuieo creditors, £13,708: estimated value o. securities, £TS.6Sb ; surplus to contra, £1980; other "liabilities (interest on mortgage), £5-58 -6s 3d; deposit:-. on property sold, £160; total coots, £1322 8s lOd; book debts, £65 lie. estimated to produce £6B 10s: outstanding rent. £ol los: Opera House shares, £25; .Johns Bannister shares, £l3: office furniture. £75; P.B. Motor Garage shares, £lb 15s Imperial insurance Co. unpaid claim iTio': surplus from securities in hancs or ' secured creditors, £l9co; total assets, 1 £2337; surplus. £lOl4 11s 2d. The directors 01 the Poverty Bay Farmers" Meat Co. met on -satuicuy. > and -deckled to arrange for a special ) train to leave Gisborne at 1.4 ct- —■ , to-day. to allow townspeople to attend the official opening or tne worses at Naitaratahi tins afternoon. Tne : directors will be pleased 10 issue t'-ot- - ets to anyone desiring to attend, ate r the same may be obtained iron: tne secretary, at Messrs. Bennett and Sherrat-vs office, or from any member of the directorate. Provision is also being made to pick up country settlers waiting at an T of the intermediate stations. ‘ Afternoon, t.u is being provided. The train will leave for town at *5.10 p.m. arte- tne arrival of the up train. Fue directors 1 have requested Mrs. W. D. Lysnar to > perform the ceremony of opening the works, by setting tne machinery in motion. * The official ceremony will take place about 2.30 p.m.. wren speeches will be delivered t>y tne chairman Air. W. D. Lysnar* arm others.

Before Mr. \V. A. Barton. S.M.. a: the Magistrate’s Court on Saturday. Edward Francis Niekolls, alias John Rayfield. pleaded guilty to' a charge of there from Wm. Stern at Te Araroa on December 29 of a horse, saddle. and, bridle, valued t. - £l2. Senr.Sergt. Hutton stated that accused borrowed rae horse for a cay, and rode to Tnparoa. where he sole tie saddle and bridle, and exchangee tne horse for another horse, saddle, and bridle, which he sold for £2. The police had traced and recovered the stolen property. There were several previous convictions against accused for theft and false pretences. _ Accused pleaded tor leniency, saying ne would go to the front if allowed, bat the Magistrate said he considered accused ought not to escape the penalty of his crime. Accused received a sentence of six months in the Napier Gael. George Roberts pleaded guilty to a charge of drunkenness. There were three previous convictions against accused, and after receiving some good advice from the Bench, he was senteuood to six weeks* imprisonment ani prohibited.

Representatives from the Cook County Cotmcil, the Borough Council, and the Mangapapa Town Board l eld a preliminary conference at the i eok County office on Saturday regard rig the proposed bridge oyer tie Tn ulieru River, to give a .-cots to the tew cemetery. There were present: Cr Jcx-B'ake (itt the v-r.r.n, the Mayor t.Mr. W. G. Sherratt). Messis. I. Grundy and 0. A. b'r > ».ek v Ma a; pi pa Town Board). A discussion x place on the question of proportion of costs. The Mayor pointed out that the reading through the Makaraka Domain was a matter that apparently rested with the Government. The Borough, he said, would stand by its previous undertaking to agree to the reading, and bear one-third of din? cost. Or, J ex-Blake said the Council thought the Borough should contribute one-half. fit was stated by the Mayor that the. estimated cost of the formation and m etui ling on the Manga pa pa side was £450, and the Ma kanaka side £278. and a low-level bridge £IOOO. The Mangapapa Town Board delegates said that they recognised beat all the local bodies interested should bear a portion of the cost, but their Boa id would look to the other local bodies to assist them in seme of their schemes. It was agreed that the Tavnhem Road Board should also be made a contributing party. After further discussion it was decided that the delegates should place the matter before their respective bodies, and then meet again.

Messrs Samson Bros, report a large attendance at their drapery sale of the Sterling House stock on Saturday. Large quantities* were disposed of, but tiny prices were very low. dress materials worth Ss per yard fetching only from 4d to 6d per Turd* The sale will continue at 11 a,m. today. ■

A watch that has been, to Gallipoli and back to Gisborne ami still keeping -perfect time 'is not b&d recommendation for \ GrieyeV fjfevrel.lert Wristlet Watches,.*

Tlie district schools re-open to-mor-:ro\v,‘ after the siimni er vacation. Seven recruits signed on at the .Recruiting Depot, Peel Street, on Saturday. Picture lovers will note in our advertising columns that the World’s ■Pictures are reproducing this afternoon the magnificently colored picture, “The King’s Counterpart;." This picture caused quite a sensation when exhibited on Saturday, and is well worth seeing. A record journey has just been accomplished by Mr. L. Wilkinson, the popular taxi-driver. Leaving town at 5 a.m. on Saturday, he arrived in Napier at about 1.30 p.m. Leaving Napier at 2.30 he reached Gisborne again at 11 p.m. the same day. . The actual travelling time for each, way was hours. Mr. Wilkinson left for* Napier again at 8 a.m. on Sunday. His Oakland oar accomplished the whole journey, about 450 miles, in two days, without a hitch. The Hon. James Allen states that he intends to make personal invitations to soldiers to send in complaints with a view to locating flaws in the administration. In his original memo he advised that when a soldier arrived by a transport the Defence Department was responsible for bis transport to the hospital.- When a man reached hospital the Defence Department was to notify the Health Department. When a man was discharged from hospital it was the duty of the Health Department to notify the Defence Department. It appeared that this had not been done systematically, with the result occasionally that when a man was discharged from hospital his pay warrants were compiled at Is a day ((hospital pay), aiul so complaints arose.

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Gisborne Times, Volume XLV, Issue 4157, 7 February 1916, Page 4

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Local and General. Gisborne Times, Volume XLV, Issue 4157, 7 February 1916, Page 4

Local and General. Gisborne Times, Volume XLV, Issue 4157, 7 February 1916, Page 4