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■ A sitting of the Hawke’s Bay Land Board will be held in Gisborne oil .Monday.

There will be a late train after the Theatre (Montgomery’s Pictures) tonight.

Members of the Gisborne Rifles who are not going to the Easter manoeuvres are requested to return their waistbelts, frogs, pouches, haversacks, loggings, and waterbottles at once.

Mr. J. C. Field having decided not to offer himself this time for election to the Cook County Council, this narrows the contest for tho Waimata Riding to Messrs. T. Holden and Clias. Gray. Tho election will take place on Wednesday, 22nd inst. Rev. C. Griffin will preach' both 1 morning and evening to-morrow at the Wesley Church. liis subjects aro “The .Sun’s Message of God” and "The Lonely Christ of Getliseiiiane.” Tho United Bible Class meets in tho afternoon. Mr. Griffin will preach at Ormond in the afternoon. Tho pulpit in the Baptist Tabernacle will be occupied in the morning by Mr. W. GiUanders, 8.A., national secretary of the Y.M.C.A. In the evening the ]!«v. AV. Lamb will speak on the subject, “Two Men Went Un To Pray.” Nominations for the office of Mayor of Gisborne, and for tho vacancy on the Borough Council caused' by the resignation of Mr. AV. Miller, must bo lodged with the returning officer, Mr. H. M. Porter, before noon, on April 23rd. Tho elections will take place on Wednesday, April 29th. An enthusiastic meeting of 'Mr. W. D. Lysnar’s committee was held in the Farmers’ Union Club Rooms last evening. Matters in connection with the Mayoral election wore freely discussed, and found to bo in a forward condition with regard to the candidature of Mr, Lysnar. Bright, interesoting services will be conducted by Adjutant Dickens, assisted by Ensign Giles and Captain Adams, in the Barracks, all day tomorrow. Captain Adams and. a few comrades will hold servico in tho Waerenga-a-hika Hall in the oveuing, commencing at 7 p.m. Brigadier AlbistoD, from Wellington, will conduct the Harvest Festival demonstration, which will extend from April 25th to the 28th.

Tho Education Department has issued. a circular to tho teachers and committees controlling classes in .manual and technical instruction, drawing attention to the new regulations which provide that pupils may now receive instruction in swimming, irrespective of the size of the school, that reduced fees are allowed in the classes for physiology and cookery, and tho rate for capitation for classes in agriculture has been increased to 5s where the classes are supervised by an intinerent instructor.

Tho Gisborne Private 'Band, under Mr. D. McKillop, will play the following programme on the Recreation ltetunda to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon, at 3 p.m.:—Quickstep, “Tho Royal Rifles,” C. W. Dalboy; grand selection, “Opera Bouquet,” T. Bidgood; triple tonguo cornet solo, “The Village Festival,” J. Clement; vnlse, “Donnu Wellen,” J. Ivanovicij intermezzo, “Iola,” E. J. Johnson ; selection, “Songs of the Rhinoland,” H. Round; valsc, “Gay Paris,” Felix Burns; march, “Postman’s Parade,” F. E. Bulch. Tho qualifications for persons entitled to vote at the forthcoming municipal elections requires the voter to ha either a ratepayer, a' freeholder, or a tenant who has been in occupancy for three months, and pays a rental of £lO per year. A man renting a room*or an office at the above- rental value is entitled to a vote, but a boarder is not. In all cases where the name of tho husband is eligible to be placed upon the roll, the qualification also extends to the wife.

A largely attended meeting of Dr. Williams 3 executive committee was held at Mr. Mann’s office last evening. Reports were received from various members, who stated that the campaign was making excellent progress. It was 'mentioned that the ladies’ committee had got to work, and was doing capital service in the candidate’s interests. Dr. Williams announced that he would address the electors at His Majesty’s Theatre on Tuesday evening next. Tho Chief Postmaster asks us to mention that- the last day of grace for payment of telephone subscriptions was on Thursday last, liot Thursday next as previously stated. To-morrow is Palm Sunday, and special services will he held in Holy Trinity Church. The Vicar will occupy "the nulpit morning and evening. Before the evening sermon the Vicar will answer a number of lmportant questions from the pulpit. Strangers and visiters, as well as residents generally, aro cordially invited to all the services. " Tlio town cadets are to hold a church narado on Sunday morning at St Andrew’s Church, when the chaplain of the corps, tho Rev. W. Grant, wilhaireach on “The Greatest Soldier.” A" hearty invitation is extended to the young men. of the town for that service. In the evening tho subject is “The Itefugo of Lice.

The new bell for the Gisborne Stnto School is on view fit Variiell s lionmoiigery store, Gl»dstono-road.

On hearing of tho disqualification of u jeckoy recently, a wag son 1 • collect wire as follows: Aro you pic pared to ;>ull Webb in six. months time.” Tho reply was unprintable. The monthly mooting of tho Orange Lodge, No. 55, was held last night ß in the Oddfellows’ Hall, Street. Routine and other business was transacted, and an enjoyable ovening was spent by tho members.

It is proposed to establish art and cookery classes at tho Gisborno Techdeal School. Four pupils have mado application to bo enrolled . OftC J class, but tho numbering offering is too small for classes to bo formed at onco. Those desirous of joining either classes should communicate with Ml. W.'Morgan who will supply lull particulars.

The annual meeting of tlio lovoity Bay Assembly was held yesterday in Lho Masonic Hotel, when thero was a largo attendance of members. The balance-sheet was adopted, ana a committee of 17 wore elected, with Air. A. T. Coleman secretary (pro tern). It is proposed to hold dances as usual this year during tho months of May, June, July, and August.

At the Police Court yseterday morning before Mr. AV. A. Barton,. SAL, n man named Frederick Kemp stone, who was convicted ofdi'unkness for tho fourth time within six months, was sentenced to two months imprisonment with hard labor in M pier Gaol, and a prohibition order was issued against him. A case of maintenance was also caHwl yestor .in v morning and on the application of‘defendant’s counsel was adjourned until Wednesday next.

\ lengthy and animated discussion occurred at a meeting of the U°nciyation Board at Lceston, the question at issue being apparently "he are a man and his wife a married collide?” Mr D. Jones held that when a married man was employed on a farm, and his wife was not reuired to cook for employee., other SB. husband, tho ~r a “married couple. Air J- Thorn said that as they had enteieil the bonds of holy matrimony he faded to s-e what else they were. The “is cussion then became very general, all parties to the dispute and several members of the Board, interject- ; n g remarks without any regard the rules of debate.

Some strange things are seen at times in the Alagistrate s Court, but an incident almost without parallel took place 0 n Monday (says the Aew Zealand Times”), when a man actually instituted criminal pioce-d ings against himself, and managed to persuade Dr McArthur, S-M., to record a conviction. It seems that the Johnsonvillo ranger is no of persons, and a few days ago e impounded a horse helongin„ clerk of the Town Board, u hi-h ho found wandering at large, "hen the dork, therefore, in the execution of his official duties cime to issue summoned against the law-breakers who “dkl not know the gate was open,” ho found he had. to issue one again.t himself, in his private capacity- And when the .case came befoie the_Ali ■nstrate ho made no mistake in ins conduct of the prosecution, and succeeded in getting himself impoverished to the extent of Li

a meetin'’' was held in the Nuhafca I'lililic Halt on th.,3oth ult.. to or..anise the prouosed Brass Band, tor which the instruments had previously been bought (says tho East Coast Mail”). Air. J‘. Rattray was voted to the chair, and explained what bad already been done about tho purchase of tho instruments--22 in number. Tho election of officers follow ed, and resulted as follows:—Patron, G. Ormond, Esq.; president, J. T. Bowen Esq.; vice-presidents, Messrs. R. Baty, Stewart, Aislabie, J.E. Cooper, Jefferson, Hansford, IS. Mclm tvre A Alavo, Paul Hapi, S. Black, A Black, and E. Bluck; committee, Messrs. Rattray, V. Bluck. B. G. Dei Eli ton, South, and J. McLeod, secretary, Air. South; treasurer. Mr. Llattrav: bandmaster, Air. Rattray. Some 20 names of intending members have already been handed in. The entrance fee was fixed at five shillings. The committee is to meet shortly and make arrangements about place and time for practices. The instruments have now (April 6th) arrived, and no doubt the Band will very soon get to work with enthusiasm.

The half-yearly meeting of the Gisborne City Band for the election of officers was held last evemn o . conductor, Mr. A. Lawrence, vas m tho chair, and there was a full attendance of members. The chairman in a brief speech, made a tew remarks anent hand matters generally, and advised the meeting, in electing officers, to ho careful in their choice, and to elect men who would recognise their responsibilities, ■ who would work their hardest in the interests of the hand. Tlio officers were then appointed. Drum-major, Mr. Spindle; .bandmaster, Mr. J. Richards; chairman, Mr. A. Young; corporal, Mi. W. Faulkner; lance-corporal, Mr. U Williams; treasurer, Mr. i. Albrecht; assistant secretary, Mr. h. Quigley; librarian, Mr, Spindle, custodian, Mr. T. Morrison. It. was decided that the present committee. who have several important schemes on hand, should remain in office until the next election. Tho post of assistant librarian was abolished. it being decided instead to allow the bandmaster to nominate two different orderlies each month, so that the work may be equally divided among the members.

The management of tho Melbourne Gash have just made an addition to their premises, in Gladstone road, of a large showroom, 33ft by 21ft., which allows of much extension of all tlio other departments. Tho addition is connected with the main shop by a 'large ordinary showroom. Tlio new roonv is lofty and spacious, with an artistically shaded metal ceiling, and is splendidly lighted from five side windows and a fine skylight. One wall is covered with large mirrors and tho fittings throughout are very complete, everything being arranged in such a way that the goods aro displayed to the best advantage. Beau-tifully-trimmed hats and children’s millinery are tastefully displayed, and the whole room is stocked with new goods freshly opened up. Tho addition was much needed in order to meet tho increasing trade of tho leading houses in town. The management claim that the limitation of its busiiK : to purely cash transactions is largely responsible for tho success attained.

Recently there was a “side show” at the Fire Brigade bazaar in Eltliam that created some amusement. A compartment was curtained off and placarded “For men only. Admission 3d.” This excited curiosity at once, and various rumors were current concerning the propriety of tho exhibition. Men paid the necessary fee to see tlio exhibition, and when they came out of the department were unanimous in. their denunciation .and suggested “that tho thing should be stopped.” Ladies looked askance at the mysterious apartment," and some declared it was a shame to have such an exhibition. Remember, the apartment was labelled “For men only,” and when visitors entered they saw 'hanging upon a line, O! shameful sight! a pair of men’s pants, a pair of old socks, a hat and •a vest. The victims had to admit that the articles were for men only, and accepted the “sell” in cheerful spirit. Each victim when he came out denounced the iniquity of, the show and did his best to lure other victims into tho trap.

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Gisborne Times, Volume XXVI, Issue 2163, 11 April 1908, Page 2

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Untitled Gisborne Times, Volume XXVI, Issue 2163, 11 April 1908, Page 2

Untitled Gisborne Times, Volume XXVI, Issue 2163, 11 April 1908, Page 2