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T2ie Great Boon s To Business Men. THERE’S A WEALTH OF HEALTH IN A BOTTLE OF PURIRI" (The Famous Mineral Water) The first essential for the success of a Business Man is IHTNESS he must feel fit. If he doesn’t, he is severely handicapped ; he doesn't have a fair chance, and probably will soon be knocked out of the running. • Therefore the business man's first duty is to brace himself up—make himself fit and keep himself fit. There's no better means than the judicious and regular use of Pckihi Natural Mineral Water, nature's own Tonic and Reviver. A glass of rußtm in the morning does a world of good, giving yon that " just-fit feeling the go. vitality and energy that make you feel capable to tackle successfully the business worries of a busy day. Pcriri Natural Mineral Water is particularly palatable, and mixes most beneficially with all liquors. Take it instead of soda water. It adds sparkle and flavour to the liquor, irrespective of its great medicinal value. Doctors Prescribe PURIRI. It is bottled straight from the famous mineral springs. Thousands today swear by it, and it adds to its benefited drinkers every day. It is the Cheapest, the Purest and Best Drink on the market, and can be obtained at all hotels and local agents. wavr ms HONOUR the chief justice, sir Robert STOUT. K.C.M.G., THINKS OP VURIKI. 1 , w much pleasure in stating that I have fTi |i icst»ty to iu Hem tic a* *“ oni i c#>roml to none in ibe maiKct. I u-siily tu us I will find it a useful talk leliuve tnai anjou, , ami second to none in the maiKct. Yours raiibfull)-, Robkrt Stout. and Where to Obtain PUKIKI: Me .. . ~niTicu jjupißp HOTEL CORONATION HOTEL, MA ON! \'| 'lllis ViorilLl 1 ROYAL HOTEL. GISBORNE HOTEL. And ail C.roc-rs and Clubs. |f - u , d „ ua no. stock it. ask him to K °t it for you. Wholesale Agents: WILLIAMS A KETTLE Ltd.

LET*US SEND YOU FREE , our COLON an A d^UTO'S°p S DES. .Popular Parcel 2 nirS Merit, e Taste°and^V r afue <l ha^Q a increased every year. Mem. as pac Ked, Free to your home, 23 6. Letter orders receive thoughtful cuuOoforyou Ivo nro lie™ in conSet S'‘the'm»rp?a?ui r sLWLV? AT^O'VKST gromis^have D»M We can help you. WRITE FOR " fflc of this paper. Apply at once. f> Price Lists may be obtained from tne ouice «*'"=> ijfvr'riNfiH AM ENGLAND. 6AMI- PEACH & SONS, Manufacturers, Box 636 NOTTINGHAM,am lawu. CURES. BRIGHT’S DISEASE. -From Mr. William John Yuille, Harvey town, Ear’shawk, Bendigo, Vic., Ist September. 1903. t <3 “ Despite all the skill and attention bestowed on me by the hospital doctors atid nurses, I gradually grew worse, the doctors having diagnosed niv complaint as Bright’s Disease. The doctors gave mo up ns incurable, and gave me hut a few weeks longer to live. I was then taken from the hospital to my homo to die (us my triend3 thought), as my father did not wish me to die in the hospital. But I had a feeliug within myself that there was h >pe whilst there was life, and, unlike my friends, I did not give up in despair. On the way home my father procured a bottle of Warner’s !-’afe Cure, but, on arrival, I was in a state of collapse from the shaking I had undergone on the way. My father, thinking that the Safe Cure would do me no harm if it did me no good, gave me a small dose, continuing to do so at Intervals throughout the day. I felt a little better, the agonising pain being less eevore. I continued to take Warner’s Safe Cure, and was soon able to get a little re.t and sleep, and my strength very gradually returned. My friends began to have hopes of my ultimate recovery. Each day my urine, when analysed, showed less albumen. My health steadily improved. Each bottle of Warner’s Safe Cure I took hastened my recovery. I was then able to get up and about, and in less than three, months was restored to perfect health and strength. From that timo up to th() present I have had no return of the disease, and for six years have been in constant employment on the mines.” BLADDER DISEASE.—From Mr. F. H. White, 37 Errol Street, Wear Footseray. Vie., 9th April, 1906. “ About eight years ago, when living in Gippsland, I had occasion to do some heavy work on our farm there and brought on a disorder of the bladder, which caused me to suffer excruciating pain in the bladder and other organs, especially id my side and back. Urinating became most painful and difficult. My urine wat mixed with a great deal of mucous matter, and a brick-dust like sediment was precipitated in it. At frequent intervals X suffered from retention of urine and consequent torture. The-pain became so severe at last that I was not able to get about. X tried a number of medicines with no effect until I commenced to take a course of Warner’s Safe Cure. After taking one bottle of that medicine my condition was much improved, and the pain, when passing water, less violent. Continuing to take the medicine, I gradually grew better, and my urine became clear and free from deposits. I can now urinate without pain, and alt symptoms of my deplorable condition have ceased. I now enjoy very good health and can honestly recommend Warner’s Safe Cure for bladder troubles.” LIVER DISEASE. —From Mrs. Mary Maher, 18 Burrahpofe Street, Sydney, j N.S.W., 17 March, 1906. ft V For a number of years I have suffered from sick-headaches, indigestion and biliousness. At times I became quite dizzy and almost afraid to venture into the street. My blood was poor and watery. I tried many medicines, hoping to get relief, hut without success. I was nearly in despair, when, on the advice of a friend, I decided to give Warner’s Safe Cure a trial. After taking about two bottles of Warner’s Safe Cure the beadaeofe entirely left me, and in the course of a month I found a wonderful improvement in my general health. I gained strength rapidly, and as my strength returned the dizziness ceased to trouble me. I can now eat and sleep and attend to my household work with ease and comfort.” RHEUMATISM. —From Mrs. Mary Kegelsford, 84 Gerard Street, Alexandria, N.S.W., 26th October, 1905. “ I was laid up with acute Itheumatism and Rheumatic Fever for eleven weeks, and for eight weeks of that time I was quite a cripple, being unable to get about at all. I was treated by a Sydney doctor, but after taking his medicine only got relief for a little while. I then thought a change might do me good, so I went away, and while away I got so bad that we called in another doctor. He prescribed for me, but I only seemed to get temporary relief/ I also tried many professed cures for Rheumatism, both internal and external, but could get no relief whatever. I was beginning to get very down-hearted after trying so many medicines. Finally I made up my mind to take Warner’s Safe Cure. Altogether I took seven bottles of Warner’s Safe Cure and one bottle ot Warner’s Safe liheumatio Cure. After taking the second bottle' I began to feci a change, so I persevered with the treatment and found that I was improving with every dose I took. The result was that I was thoroughly cured. I can honestly say that I feel like a new woman, being now able to attend to my household duties, washing included. You are at liberty to use this letter as you like so as to benefit others who may suffer as X have.” ’ A pamphlet containing many similar letters will be sent, post free, "by H. 53, Warner and Co., Limited, Australasian Branch, Melbourne, proprietors of * WARNER’S SAFE CURE. ® MKil & D!v v : Manufacturers of BISCUITS, JAMS, and CONFECTIONERY AUCKLAND AND THAMES. K AITI AIT I JOINERY OINERY w ORKS. ORKS. J. CHAMBERS. P. T. KEAM. To Sottlers in Gisborne and East Coast Districts. WE wish to draw your attention to the fact that we supply the Best JAMS and MARMALADE made in the colony, largely from CHAMBERS and TT'EAM, H AMBERS and Jt\.EAM, BUILDERS, JOINERS, Etc. Fruit Grown in the Auckland District Why. then, should you send your Smith for these ArtiolesP —BUY—MENNIE AND DAY’S Biscuits, Jams, Fancy Confections, Chocolates and Swaetß of every kind Having taken over the Premises lately occupied by Mr. Peach, we beg to announce to the Public of Gisborne that we are ed with the trade In tile mostr up-to-date style. AN classes of Stair-building constructed and satisfaction guaranteed. All kinds hf Joinery made on the premises. Chip Relief and Model Carving in any design executed promptly. Head Office: Albert St., Auckland. MSN AB AB & Mf 0N LASON Sculptors (Gold Medalist), And Monumentalists, T HE HE CUT OF THE /"lOAT UT OF THE V/OAT Tells the Taste of the Tailor, The Garment that Strikes your Fancy may not be the one you should wear, SYMONDS STREET, AUCKLAND. GRANITE AND MARBLE MONU MKNTS, HEADSTONES, CROSSES Etc., IRON RAILINGS. All Cemetery Work Done. LOWEST PRICES. REST WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS. Contractors Cook Memorial. illustrated Lists and all information on application to In the mirror of the retail clothier you cannot see yourself as others see you. X' it safe to trust your apranee to the judgment of I ’’ - ready-made salesman, ■ed by the necessity of LLUiig you to the clothing rather than the olotbing to youP Individuality and character are expressed in every garment we make. H. S. ANDLANT, ANDLANT, CHARLES CLARKE, Makarnkn. Gisborne Representative. Merchant Tailor and Importer, PEEL STREET.

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Gisborne Times, Volume XXV, Issue 2198, 30 September 1907, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Gisborne Times, Volume XXV, Issue 2198, 30 September 1907, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Gisborne Times, Volume XXV, Issue 2198, 30 September 1907, Page 4