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The monthly meeting of the Greymouth Borough Council, held last evening, was attended by tbe Mayor (Mr W.. Meldrum),-Crs. A. H. McKane, R. J. Williams, J; B. Kent, J. McGinley, F, F. Boustridge, G. R. Harker, A. H. Paterson, and C. Neville. An apology was received for the absence of Ci.. A. M. Carroll. ... The Minister of Internal Affairs wrote, requesting that the Council cooperate in the observance of Arbor Day, on August s.—Referred to the Reserves Committee. Mrs H. E. Price wrote, complaining of the state of Doyle. Street, South Elaketown. She stated that the footpath is piled high with stand, and,the lupins meet from one side to the other, while the road is nothing but a track. The; sft.high lupins affect the visibility of motor-drivers, and accidents to children may result. Cr. McGinley-said that-it would' he only a small job for a fejv men to cut the lupins. The road was formed for only half its width, and the lupins were growing .between the formation and the kerbing. Children playing about the lupins kept running in and out, ,tw.o. of .them. Zivere... nearly killed," ’last week,- by" cars. • On the motion, of Cr. Kent, the matter was referred to the Engineer, with power to act. The publicity manager of the Railways. Department forwarded “pulls” of the proposed contents of the booklet advertising West Coast scenic attractions.

The Minister of Agriculture wrote in connection with the regulations governing the preparation, treatment, classification, grading, and sale of hides. —Referred to the Abattoirs Committee, with power to act. An application for an increase in wages was received from J. Rose, assistant to the superintendent of reserves.

Cr. Kent moved that the standard rate be granted. In seconding the resolution. Cr. McKane said he understood that Government legislation prevented the Council putting a man off, on the ground that the standard wage could not be afforded. The resolution was approved. Copies of a pamphlet, “Community Planning,” were forwarded by the Town-Planning Institute of New Zealand, for distribution to councillors. Messrs Guinness and Kitchingham forwarded form of dedication in respect of two portions of Hospital Reserve 49, from the Grey Hospital Board to the Council, for street purposes.—Referred to the Engineer, for a report.

Mrs J. Gray wrote, complaining of the state of the footpath in front of her premises in Peel Street, Cobden, and’ asked the Council to carry out its promises to make improvements, and remove the blackberry and other growth.—Referred to the Works Committee.

F. E. Castle, Peel Street, Cobden, applied for lease of land adjoining his section. —Referred to Reserves Committee.

L. A. Chapman, Bright Street, Cobden, forwarded subdivisional plan of Reserve 1294, Cobden, for consent of Council. —Approved. •

George F. Webster’s application for a license to ply a motor-car for hire in the Borough was granted. Major Ransom, of the Salvation Army, forwarded a letter of appreciation for the Council’s co-operation in the matter of selecting a site for openair meetings. .

The secretary of the Cobden Debating Club (Mr R. Quinn) wrote, suggesting that Tuesdays be set aside for the meetings of the club in the office formerly used by the Town Board: also that members of the club be given free access by duplicate key) to the room, for- the purpose of using the library. The club intimated its willingness to provide furnishings and curtains, to make the room more comfortable.

On the motion of Cr, McKane, the matter was referred to a sub-com-mittee of the General Committee, to meet the club members and discuss the position.

The Westland Football Association wrote, asking the Council to invite the shopkeepers of Greymouth to close their premises for at least part of the afternoon of Tuesday next, July 7, on the occasion of the match between the Australian team and the combined Westland-Buller team. The Mayor and councillors were also invited to meet the visitors at the railway station and to attend a dinner at the Albion Hotel.

Cr. Kent said that the visitors were helping to cement the friendship he T tween two sistei* Dominions. They had been given civic welcomes in other centres, and it was only right that the Council should meet them. He moved that, the invitation be accepted.

The resolution was seconded by Cr. Wiliams, and approved. On the motion of the Mayor, it, was decided to invite the Businessmen’s Association to close their premises from 2.?,0 p.m. until 4.30 p.m. ■WORKS COMMITTEE ■ I The Works Committee met on June 24. there being present: The. Mayor and, Williams (chairman), McGinley, Boustridge. and McKane. An apology for. absence was received from Cr. Carroll. Visits were paid as follow: Town Belt North roadway on hill eastwards, of Alexander Street;, roadway in course of construction northwards from the eastern end. of,Devon Street in Tindale’s subdivision; roadway in course of construction as a continuation of-Lydia Street in the Perotti Estate subdivision'’ Kilgour Estate subdivision; southern end of Milton Road; aerodrome and roadway around western side of same; Arney Street; Boundary Street public convenience reconstruction; southern approach to Cobden Bridge; Bright Street; Ward and Fox Streets. The Committee was favourably impressed with the improvement to be effected to the roadway on the Town Belt -North eastwards of Alexander Street as a result of the widening being carried out to provide top dressing for the aerodrome. In connection with the roadway in Tindale’s subdivision the urgency of the required reconstruction of Devon Street, and its’ connection with the roadway referred to, was noted for attention as early as possible. The Borough Engineer advised that the recon-

struction of the southern end of Mil-

ton' Road, on the hill, would be taken * in hand the next week. At the southern approach to Cobden Bridge it is

recommended that portion of the spoil available in the course of the removal of the isolated knob on the bend on Omoto Road opposite the Atlantic Union oil depot be used to widen the bridge approach on the downstrea»u side and thus build up a footway clear of. the main traffic lane on to the bridge,- The improvements in hand in Bright Street were noted. At the intersection of Taylor Street some drains have been relaid prior to the surfacing of Bright -Street and in continuation of that work it is recommended that the 12-incli earthenware nine in stock in Cobden be used to pipe the drain in Taylor Street towards Fox Street.

ENGINEER’S REPORT. The Engineer (Mr A. J. Fairmaid) reported as follows: Streets. —Concrete kerbing and channelling has been completed on the western side of Arney Street between Gresson and Swanson Streets, this work being finished by concreting the water-table in Gresson Street westwards from Arney Street to the railway crossing and by continuing the kerb and channel round the corner. Like work, so far as comcreting is concerned, has been completed on the eastern side of Tainui Street between Whall and Chapel Streets. In Bright Street, concrete kerbing'and’ channelling' is jn Wand oh the eastern side between Stafford and Taylor Streets. The re-formation of Ward Street from Sturge Street, southwards to the foot of the hill is practicaly completed, and such metalling as is required is receiving attention. In Fox Street similar work has been commenced from Cardwell Street

southwards to the foot of the hill. The preparation of a further length of Bright Street for tar-sealing during the coming season is receiving attention, particularly between Taylor and

Stafford Streets. Considerably more preparatory work is required here than on the length already sealed, the roadway in the vicinity of Taylor Street requiring to be raised one foot on the centre line and the footpath on the eastern side being raised and realigned, this latter operation entailing the construction of a dry stone facing, or retaining wall, according to locality, throughout the whole length. The Post and Telegraph Department is shifting the telephone poles to the new alignment of the concrete kerb. Domett Esplanade, which now carries considerable heavy traffic as a result of the establishment of a. stonecrushing plant just beyond the borough boundary, has required additional attention to maintenance. The roadway here being narrow, and traffic confined to a single lane, deterioration is considerably faster than would be the case on a wider roadway. Some reconstruction will be required at no distant date, bi(t as this road along the foreshore is a popular drive, such reconstruction will not serve but one purpose only. The roadway under construction around the western side of the aerodrome has received a. first coat of beach shingle and a binder coat will be applied as soon as work at the Swift Street end has been attended to. Like Domett Esplanade on the northern side of the Grey River, this foreshore road on the southern side will become a noteworthy pleasure drive upon completion. To obtain top-dressing for the aerodrome the Public Works Department is widening the roadway on the hill section of the Town Belt North. Whilst furthering the surfacing of the aerodrome this work will provide good access to the lipper areas in the vicinity of the Belt, where residential sites are being taken up, and built upon. Drainage: A 9-inch and 6-inch sewer has-been laid from Blackmore Street to the 'Town Belt North for a total length of 317 feet. This, whilst serving but one residence meanwhile, is the preliminary step towards the sewer service to the residential area on the Town Belt North referred to under “streets” above. To facilitate

the laying of gas and water mains in the Kilgour Estate subdivision, an open drain has been excavated on the western side of Elizabeth Street southwards from Chesterman Creek. This will also provide drainage facilities for the residences in course of erection here until such time as a sewerage system can be provided. A stormwater drainage sump has been provided in Cowper Street southwards from Franklin Street to replace an old one which was in an unsuitable position under a water-table crossing. A sewer connection has been made in Arney Street. At the intersection of Bright and Taylor Streets the stormwater drains have been relaid to obviate the necessity of opening up the roadway in Bright Street after the surfacing has received attention. The work included the construction of two manholes, one of which will eliminate a particularly bad open watercourse on the south-western corner of the intersection. In Newcastle Street, westwards from Bright Street, a 6-inch pipe has been laid across the roadway to enable the construction of a footpath on the northern side of the street. Waterworks: The reservoir has been kept full with an average daily pump run of nine hours. The provision of a water supply to residences in course of construction on the Kilgour Estate subdivision is in hand, a bypass service being laid through a section from the corner of Elizabeth and' Eva Streets to Marlborough Street. Four-inch cast-iron pipe is being laid on permanent locations, but supply will be by means of a smaller pipe until the street circuit can be completed. Extension of buildings in this locality is now such that the laying of a four-inch main in Marsden Road from the end of the three-inch main in Eva Street, a distance of 650 feet, cannot long he delayed, the whole area being at present served by a three-quarter-inch pipe. Parallel with the sewer to the Town Belt area referred to under “drainage,” a four-inch cast-iron main has been laid to a fire-plug located on the northern side of the Town Belt North roadway. This plug is situated at a higher level than any other within the borough, but it, along with the others in the Blackmore and' Rochefort Street area, cannot be fully effective until a further feed is provided from the reticulation of the surrounding district.

General: The last-purchased extension to the Cemetery has been cleared and is ready for preparation as a burial ground. The old superstructure of the Boundary Street urinal has been demolished, and the convenience has been re-erected in concrete, a flat roof being constructed over the en-

closed portions. The concreting has been completed, but the boxing cannot yet be removed. The report was adopted.

On the motion of Cr. Harker, it was decided that a culvert be put in over the kerbing at the corner of Gresson Street, near the Gilmer Hotel, for the convenience of pedestrians.- - '

RESERVES COMMITTEE. A meeting of the Reserves Committee. held on July 1, was attended by the Mayor and Crs. McKane (chairman), Boustridge. Harker, Kent and Neville. The whole Committee visited Sections 219 and 220, Block 34, N. R. 31, Turumaha Street, of which Mr. P. Deere is the lessee and on which Mr. Deere has applied for permission to erect a further three dwellings. The Committee recommended that the application be declined. The other members having retired, Crs. McKane and Boustridge proceeded, with the Bor-

ough Engineer, to the cemetery where the last-purchased extension was viewed in its condition as now cleared and ready for preparation as a burial ground. The Borough Engineer’s proposals regarding vehicular access, namely, a roadway along the eastern boundary of the existing portion of cemetery continued across Massey Road with a culvert over the creekflowing along the same, thence along the eastern boundary of the extension to the road along the southern boundary and thence to-Parqa Road .by the said, roadway, are recommended .to be given effect to. Regarding the unoccupied areas in the original cemetery area, consisting of the portion on the eastern side of the occupied burial ground, and. the paddocks between this and the railway line, six test holts have been put down to determine the water-bearing nature of the country. Except in the paddock at the corner of Chesterfield Street, and the Railway Reserve the holes showed water to such an extent as to render the ground unsuitable. But in the paddock referred to. so far as the two test holes therein showed, there is a depth of five, feet of puggy subsoil underlaid by a bed of coarse sand. A small amount of water was encountered in the sinking, but as soon as the sand was reached the water disappeared into it. This paddock, therefore, will be suitable as a burial ground but a considerable amount of levelling will be required, and as it is at present fulfilling a useful purpose as an abattoir paddock, it is recommended that the latest extension be prepared now and when further land is required, consideration be given to the use of this paddock before going further afield. Further drainage would assist in clearing up the ground found to be unsuitable at the present time, and it is recommended that such work be attended' to as opportunity arises. The report was adopted. The annual report of the Reserves Committee for the year 1935-36 was read by the Chairman (Cr. McKane). as follows: —The sundial presented by Mrs. Lindop, of Cowper Street, was placed in position at the entrance to the swimming bath. This necessitated the reforming of the circle with granite edging, crazy paths, and granite column for the dial, which is very effective. The paths at the Cenotaph were filled with clay foundation ahd fine gravel surface. The banks in Dixo.n Park, adjoining the Band Rotunda. were regraded and lawned. The opening up and development of the nursery at the rear of the swimming bath has proved a great advantage, as we are already propagating our own seedlings and shrubs. The southern end of the Recreation Ground was tondressed. Tainui Park was planted with ornamental trees.and shrubs, and fhe portion next to the road was sown in lawn. Work in the course of construction: Shrub borders at the swimming bath; shade houses at the nurs-

ery; extension of glass frames, and entrance to Dixon Park. Arbor Day. 1935, was celebrated with the planting of trees and shrubs at Tainui Park. All schools were represented, and appropriate speeches were given by the Mayor and the Chairman of the Reserves Committee. GENERAL COMMITTEE.

( A meeting of the General Commit- , tee was held on June IS, the followt ing being present:—Cr. Kent (chair- ( man), the Mayor, Crs. Paterson, ; Harker, Neville, and' Boustridge. The ’ committee submitted' the following re- . commendations:—That the 15 minutes . parking limit in Mackay Street be en- . forced. That angle-parking be permitted on both sides of Herbert Street from Boundary Street, except on the Herbert street frontage of s the Regent Theatre. That the attenI tion of the Traffic Inspector be drawn to number-plates of motor-vehicles obscured by mud. That glass panels bo fitted in the d°°r of the magazine > room in the Municipal Library. I-lhat ’ a sign notifying the hours of attendance at the lending department of the library be erected in the lower passage way of the library wing of the , Town Hall. That a vestibule be con- ' structed inside the library wing entrance of the Town Hall. That the sashes and' doors of the Town Hall be painted. FINANCE COMMITTEE The Finance Committee met on June IS, the following being present: The Mayor (chairman), and Crs. McGinley, Kent, Paterson, Harker. Williams, ; Neville and Boustridge. A deputation consisting of Messrs. McKendry. Wil- . kins, Daniels, and Sutherland waited on the Council in connection with the question of access to their properties in Marlborough Street, Mr. McKendry addressing the Committee on behalf of the deputation. After consideration of the deputation’s request the Committee recommends that the Borough Engineer be empowered to proceed with the formation of Marlborough Street bordering on the Kilgour Estate. The Committee submitted the following recommendations for approval: That accounts amounting to £1,572 8/-, be passed for payment and accounts amounting to £1,705/1.3/3, paid since last meeting be approved. That, a letter from the District Employment Officer. Employment Bureau, Greymouth, advising .that' his head office is agreeable to subsidising men employed on 40-hour week basis £2/5/per man per week, provided the Council pays the standard rate of 2/- per hour, be received. That an application from Patrick Deere for the renewal of three building permits, which were included in ten permits originally granted by the Council and had lapsed, required in respect of three new dwellings to be erected in Turumaha Street, be referred to the Town Planning Committee for a report. That regarding a letter from the Greymouth Harbour Board, stating that it adhered to its previous resolution regarding the filling in of the lagoon between Blake Street, and Packer’s Quay, the Board be advised that the Council agrees to its filling in to R.L. 98.00 but that per- ■ mission to build on the land will not be granted, or, alternatively, that land be filled to 98.00, the Council contri- 1 bating £2OO of the £6OO and the Coun-L

cil will purchase the land hy £lOO annual instalments to meet cost of filling plus present valuation of land. (Cr. Williams recorded his vote against the proposal). That the Deputv Native Trustee be advised that Mr. E. Warriis, Mackay Street, Greymouth, had been appointed to act as the Council’s valuator in connection with the valuation of the land and improvements contained in lease of Lot 1, Section 287, Block' 11, Greymouth, which expires shortly. That the necessary steps be taken to approach the Department of Internal Affairs, as advised by the Controller and AuditorGeneral. requesting that unauthorised expenditure exceeded by grants to the Mayor’s Relief Fund be validated by legislation. That a letter from the Napier Borough Council requesting the Council's support to a proposal for the formation of a. Local Body Employees’ Union right throughout New Zealand, be deferred for consideration. That regarding an application from M. J. Fogarty for permission to extend the outer wall of the lean-to at the back of his office in Mackay Street, to bring it. in line with the main side wall, the extension to be carried out in wood and iron, permission be not granted, but a permtbe issued on condition that the outer side wall be erected in brick or concrete. That an offer from the National Bank of New Zealand, Ltd., Greymouth, to make a temporary advance of £5,000 at four and a-haif per cent, interest against hypothecation of the full issue of debentures’in connection with the proppsed Cobden Water • Works Doan .of £6,400, be ‘deferred for future consideration. That consideration of the question of raising a loan for repairing and improving the Town Hall be held over till other loans are dealt with. That the recommendation of the Reserves Committee, “That in lieu of the piece of land already granted the West Coast United Aero Cluo for a hangar site, the Council grant the Club part of Section 8. corner of Merrick Street and Preston Road—area one chain by one chain, as the Civil Aviation authorities will not grant permission for the site previously allotted to the Club to be occupied by a hangar,” be agreed to. That the tender of the New Zealand Concrete Pine and. Products, Ltd., Greymouth, for the supply of 9in and 12in diameter reinforced concrete pipes, be accepted. That a letter covering particulars of the proposed formation of the South Island (New Zealand) Travel Association, forwarded by the Lyttelton Harbour Board, be received. That notice be served on owners of property in sewered areas to provide patents instead of pans within three months from date of I such notice. That the Council approach I Mrs. Sharp through her lawyer, in connection with the proposal to acquire j her property in Omoto Road for road improvements. The Finance Committee again mot on June 25, there being present: The Mayor and Crg. Williams, Boustridge. Kent, McGinley,' McKane, and Harker. Apologies for absence were received from Crs. Carroll and Neville. The Committee recommended: That an application from the Central Queen Committee, Grey Technical School Assembly Hall Queen Carnival, for permission to use the entrance hall of the Town Hall as a shop on Friday, July 3, and Friday, July 10. be declined, as it is not the principle of thei Council to encourage trading in front! of the civic premises. That no action | be taken in connection with a request from the Gas Companies Association of New Zealand (Inc. f ) that the Council make application to the Arbitration Court regarding extension of hours prescribed by the Factories Amendment Act, 1936, as affecting its Gas Works employees.. With reference to Mr M. J. Fogarty’s building application, a. motion by Cr. Kent, that permission be granted under the “hardship” clause of the by-

laws, was seconded by Cr. Williams. Under the “hardship" clause, the matter is required to be referred to the Borough Surveyor. This was done, and Mr. Flirmaid said that, in this case, he diu not think there was any hardship. The resolution was defeated, only Crs. Kent. Williams, and McGinley voting for it.

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Greymouth Evening Star, 3 July 1936, Page 12

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GREY BOROUGH COUNCIL Greymouth Evening Star, 3 July 1936, Page 12

GREY BOROUGH COUNCIL Greymouth Evening Star, 3 July 1936, Page 12