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[pep. press association.]

WELLINGTON, October 27. The House of Representatives met at 2.30 p.m.

Mr Mason gave notice of intention to introduce the Divorce and Matrimonial Causes Amendment Bill. Replying to Mr Barnard, Mr Forbes said that owing to the considerable over supply of bananas to the New Zealand market, which had resulted in ruinous prices and heavy losses, all the supplying countries (including Cook Islands, and Western Samoa) had decided to limit the quantities to be shipped, so as to allow an importation into New Zealand of a total quantity of bananas equivalent to twenty-five thousand Fiji cases every four weeks, dufring the months of May to September, and thirty thousand cases during the remainder of the year. These quantities were considered to be the utmost that could be absorbed in the Dominion at a price that would enable the growers to supply. No proper indication .of average prices could of course, be obtained from sales in October, November and December, when prices were invariably higher than during the remainder of the year. Continuing Mr Forbes said that in the absence of some such agreement, many growers had been on the point of being forced out of business, and the result would have been a shortage of supplies with a corresponding increase in price to the consumer in New Zealand, followed by disturbing fluctuations in both supplies and prices. The position of the growers in the Cook Islands and Western Samoa had been most serious, and the Government had been reluctant to consider _ anything in the nature of a duty which would have been the only alternative to the quota system. The present arrangement was considered to be in the best interests of both producers and consumers, who would each benefit by the system of orderly marketing. Replying to a further question by Mr Barnard. Mr Young said he was indebted to the member for Napier for having drawn his attention to a placard headed “Ridiculous Statement Denied.” He said that the advertisement misquoted the remarks by himself and had brought in words he had not used, when replying to a question asked by. Mr Barnard, earlier in the session, concerning a certain patent medicine. The advertisement had also omitted a very important portion of the reply, in which he had said the preparation was subtle in its influence, and should be taken only under medical advice. He would take immediate steps to communicate with the firm concerned.

The Budget debate was continued. Mr Connolly stressed the need for new markets and suggested that the potentialities of China and Japan as markets should b© investigated. If exporters of meat would give one per cent of their produce to the Meat Export Board to be- distributed in Eastern countries, it should be possible to create a demand which would lead to the development ■of trade. Attention should also be given to increasing the demand for meat within New Zealand.

Mr Parry expressed the view that Britain was more Interested in what she could supply to New Zealand than in what she could buy from New Zealand. The whole subject was considered along capitalistic business lines. He described the nations of the Empire as comrades in competition, and declared that the Government should conduct its trade on a sound basis of taking in imports from any one country, the same amount as that country took of our imports. It should see that the balance was maintained no matter what country was concerned.

Mr Campbell suggested that a Commission be appointed to inquire into the school books contract, and the Order-in-Council affecting picture shows in order to allay any uneasiness in the'public mind. Mr Mason said the only indication of policy that could be found in the Budget was the . opinion we should look abroad for a solution of our problems. He thought before doing this we should at least ascertain there was some prospect of our finding a solution in this manner. He referred to Mr Montague Norman’s recent speech and added: “The idea is there should be a world conference of gentlemen, who are all equally lost, and it is going to be a case of ‘the blind leading the blind.’ ” “WHISPERING CAMPAIGN.” The House resumed at 7.30, when the Bridget debate was continued. Mr End'ean, after referring to politics generally, said it was “a miserable game when we have a whispering campaign, and a man is vilified. We know what is happening in New Zealand in regard to a certain man in this House, and I say it is a disgrace tn politics, and the sooner this practice is abolished the better." (Hear, hear). Mr Endean contrasted the position of the Attorney-General in England with that in New Zealand. lie said that, in England members of the legal profession were very patriotic, and it was deemed their duty that a certain percentage of their time should be given to the country’s affairs. New Zealand was not so fortunate because active practitioners were not able to devote the time to the country’s affairs. He considered that in New Zealand the functions of the AttorneyGeneral were falling into disuse. Sir T. Sidey had done justice- to the profession, but gentlemen in the Lower House, who had occupied the position had certainly not come up to the mark. Mr Wright quoted figures to show that New Zealand had been getting behind to the extent of two mililon pounds a year in payments on her debt. Imports for the last year amounted to £453,700,173 and exports to £477,254,310. The average surplus of exports per year over that period was £2,355,413, whereas the annual interest payments overseas amounted to £4,361,969, that left an annual deficiency of two million pounds. Discussing the Expenditure Commission’s recommendations regarding education, Mr J. A. Nash said he agreed that the boards could be abolished. The whole change could be brought about by raising the status

'and increasing the powers of the school committees. In view of the services which the committees were called! upon to perform, he believed they were entitled to more consideration. There was room for saving in the cost of administration of higher education. He advocated the placing under the control ot one authoiitj, technical and secondary schools in any one town. The Minister of Agriculture referred to the report of the National Expenditure Commission. He said it had been necessary for the Government to formulate its policy on certain questions prior to the reception of the report from the Commission. Cabinet in its wider survey of the position had decided its attitude in regard to the destruction of rabbits, fertilizer subsidy and free carriage of lime. It regarded these operations as investments which would offer a good return to the State. The Government was quite satisfied that it would he wise to give effect to the recommendations of the Commission on these subjects and conse-, quently it would not do so. Mr Macmillan expressed regret that the finances did not permit the Government to do more to assist the development of gold mining. He was convinced that the Dominion was on the eve of big developments in gold mining. There had been many improvements in methods. The Government was making every effort so far as limited funds available would allow to assist the industry, and it occurred to him that it would 'be advisable to build up funds from the royalties on gold won, for the purpose of enabling the Government to bore and try out the country. This would be a substantial inducement to investment. Referring to Arapuni, the Minister said there had been much criticism both inside and outside the House concerning the installation of hydro plants. People spoke of them as extravagant. He admitted they were a good deal ahead of their times, but it would ultimately prove less costly for them later, as the demand for power increased. He quoted figures to show that hydro electric plants generated at lower cost per unit than steam plants. Continuing, the Minister said there was no cause for alarm concerning Arapuni, and he believed the people of New Zealand had a very good asset in this undertaking. “Even if the worst comes to worst,” he said, “even if it becomes necessary for engineers to relieve the pressure on the surrounding country by rendering a diversion tunnel capable of taking that pressure, the plant will still be capable of generating 80,000 horsepower at a cost of £32/5/- per horsepower.” The debate was adjourned when the House rose at 11.25 p.m. TO-DAY’S PROCEEDINGS. UNEMPLOYMENT RELIEF. WELLINGTON, October 28. The House of Representatives met at 10.30 a.m. Mr Howard gave notice of intention to introduce the Christchurch District Drainage Amendment Bill.

Mr Jones asked the Prime Minister whether he would give an assurance it was not the intention of the Government to repeal the provision in the National Expenditure Adjustment Act, providing that local bodies should not be required to reduce rentals to an amount below five per cent of the unimproved values, as shown by the district valuation roll. Mr Forbes said that this question had been raised by several members, who had presented representations from various local bodies, and on the other hand requests for relief had been received from the lessees. It was the Government’s intention to give an opportunity, this session, for an inquiry to be conducted into the matter. It would bring down an amendment which would be referred to a Select Committee in order that evidence might be taken for and against for the proposal of the repeal provision mentioned. Replying to Mr Richards, Mr Hamilton said that in view of the heavy call upon unemployment funds, it was not possible to provide extra workingtime for relief men between now and Christmas. It was impossible at the moment to say what further assistance, if any, could be given before tile holiday period.

Replying to a further question by Mr Richards, Mr Hamilton said that everything possible was being done to induce private employers to take on as many hands as possible. The Divorce and Matrimonial Causes Amendment Bill and the Auckland Transport Board Conversion of Loans Empowering Bill (both by Mr Mason) were introduced and read a first time.

The Budget debate was continued. Mr Lye referred to the speech by Mr Stallworthy, in which the latter had complained of a “verbal assault” in the lobbies by Mr Masters, and had also disclosed a conversation with Mr Masters. Mr Lye said that he had never before known a member to come into the House and complain in this manner. There was an unwritten law among members of Parliament, not to disclose the confidential statements of others, or conversations with other members, and ho deprecated the action of Mr Stallworthy in disclosing in the House a statement he alleged that Mr Masters had made on the subject of the Order-in-Council relating to picture theatres. Labour members: Then the statement was made?

Mr Lye: I am pot concerned whether there was a statement or otherwise, but the action of the member for Eden seemed to me to be like the behaviour of a petulant child. Referring to Mr Stallworthy’s attitude on the school books contract, Mr Lye said that he was disappointed Mr Stallworthy had not attended the Minister’s meeting with the School Committees’ Association at Auckland, at which tlie Minister had explained his side. Mr Stallworthy had also declined to attend a meeting of the Caucus, at which Mr Masters had stated his case, but had proceeded to criticise the Minister's actions on information as it had been presented to him. Mr McKeen said it was realised that the old banking system was no longer suitable to the economic situation. The present financial system had absolutely broken down and the need for a change was becoming increasingly apparent. Financial policies should be controlled by Parliament, which should see to it that the banking system was used for the benefit of the country as a whole. A central bank was essential, but it should be a State institution. He hoped the Bank would not be established on the lines suggested by Sir O. Niemeyer, who had come to New Zealand in the interests of the Bank

of England, and the big financial concerns.

Continuing, Mr McKeen said it was apparent that discussions had taken place at. Ottawa regarding the future of immigration and it seemed there would shortly be a move to finance immigration schemes. The Government was apparently holding back information which should be in possession of members of Parliament. He was not opposed to immigration, but the Government should care for its own people first. New Zealand coiiltf accommodate millions more people if a. progressive policy of industrial development were adopted. Mr Macpherson, referring to the value of the wheat industry to New Zealand, said there was over a million acres of high class wheat land in the Dominion, and that was sufficient to meet the requirements of our people, and stock. While it might be possible to import wheat and flour nominally more cheaply than we could produce it in New Zealand, it should be remembered the most important feature of the industry was the offal, namely bran and pollard. This was the lifeblood of New Zealand, and if it were lost we would find avenues of export closed. Tim House adjourned at 1 p.m.

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Greymouth Evening Star, 28 October 1932, Page 7

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BANANAS AND BUDGET Greymouth Evening Star, 28 October 1932, Page 7

BANANAS AND BUDGET Greymouth Evening Star, 28 October 1932, Page 7