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Electors throughout the Dominion yesterday cast their vot£s at the ballot boxes in the various municipalities. As was expected, the lack of interest at Greymouth resulted in a small poll, only appiit UR fetors exercising their privilege out of nearly 3000 on the roll. All the previous Borough Cogmipßm-s gggin peered their w v ere efecM, and the too new msmbers the topncil are Messrs F. B. lawn and C. Neville. Mr. J. B. Kent, who was Peputy-Mw in the jireyipus Xpuncil, lipaded pol|. The “ticket” supported by tqe JFriqqdJy m cpwctipn with the Grey Hospital Board wa? successful m thrpp put qf four cases, Messrs R. Barrowman, J. Kyle, and E. Clarke being elected, while Mrs. K. O’Brien, a previous of the Borough, was BSr. £. R. fferker, who qgqjii his services, to secure re-election. Tfcg detsdlgil figW s $ various bqoths were as fpllpw:—


A very cold easterly wind was Wowing last night tilt this did not deter about one hundred citizens from assembling at the Town Hall to hear the results of the poll announced, which was done by the Returning Officer (Mr. F. H. Penton) at 9.30 ’o’clock. An electric light’ had been placed over the entrance,, but the wind caused trouble with the wire, and ,thp result was an intermittent light, and finally “black out.” Following the anpounceinent of the figures, candidates addressed the audience. -Mr. Kent returned sincere thanks to the electors for placing him at the top of the poll again, and said that it Was very gratifying to know that he retained the confidence of the people. He hoped by the end of the ensuing two years to prove that their confidence had not been misplaced. Mr. Kitchingham also returned thanks for his re-election, and said that he did not represent any particular interest or party. He was on the Council to represent the whole of the ratepayers, and to do the best .he could for them.

Mi;. McGinley, after returning thanks, would do his best for the Borough- Anyone who had a complaint could at all times come to him, and he would see to it", Mr. (Carroll returned thanks for his re-election, and said it was pleasing to know he retained the confidence of the people. He had no promises to make, as the work Of the Council was largely regulated by the available finance. About £lB,OOO. was collected annually in rates, but the amount .to be spent was very high. The hospital levy absorbed about £ 5,500, and the interest on overdraft and loans of something over £IOO,OQO, together with the sinking fund, brought the annual payment to about £13,000. Apart from miscellaneous revenue from water, gas, and other sources, the electors could see that there was not a great deal to be spent on streets. He would do the best he could, consistent with economy. Mr. Robertson thanked his supporters, for securing his re-election. He assured the citizens generally that, he had done his best in their interests in the past, and would continue to do so in- the future. Mr. Perotti, in returning thanks for his re-election, said he would endeavour to carry out his work on the Council, as he had done in the past. He referred to the amount of work to be undertaken during the next two years, and expressed 'pleasure at the re-election of the previous councillors. • ~ Mr. Lawn said that he was an old resident of Greymouth, which was his birthplace, but he felt diffident in standing for election, as one never knew how 'one would fare. He was very pleased indeed with the support given him, and hoped that he would merit it. It was his intention, first and foremost, to endeavour to keep down the' rates, which were quite high ehoUgh, if not too high. Mr. Neville stated that he was very pleased indeed at his success. He had been approached at the last moment to offer his services. He was a very young man, but considered that he should at least try to do a little for the borough. He trusted that his actions on the Council would justify his flection. "I just want to say that this is the third time I have contested a seat on the Council, and for the third time I have been turned down,” said Mr. McCarthy. He had lived in Greymputh for about 40 years, had married and was rearing a family, was spending his money here, and had a real live interest in the town as a citizen and a small business man. "After the third ■defeat in my own town, there must be something

radically wrong with Arthur McCarthy!” (Laughter): Whatever that was, he would have to unearth it and try to rectify it. He was satisfied that the citizens of Greymouth did not understand Arthur McCarthy? If alive and’ well, he would be a candidate next time. He claimed to have every right to sit at the Council table, and said that he was as competent as some of those elepted, and more so than some of them. “I will come again in two years’ timp,” he concluded, amidst laughter, “so watch out!” Mr. Keddie, in thanking his 500 supporters, said that lie did not expect much support, as it was the first time ,he had been before the electors. All being well,' it would not ,be the last. It gave him some encouragement. to know that he had pOO hearty supporters. He also thanked his hardworking committee, and said that he yrduid certainly he pleaspd to have the same committee’s assistance if he stood again. Jilr. Barrowman returned thanks to the electors for placing him at the top Of the poll for the Hospital Board. It was gratifying to know that his efforts during the past two years had met with the ratepayers’ approval. He hoped to retain their confidence as one of the Borough nominees; Mr. Kyle thanked the electors for the honour they had done, him in placing him second on the list. It was the firpt time of asking, and he had a lot to thank the Friendly Societies for. He would do his utmost for the hospital, and was prepared to be recalled if he failed in his duties. Mrs. O’Brien said she wished sincerely to thank all those who supported her, and she deeply appreciated the Work done on hei’ behalf. Her aim would be to serve the people who had placed her on the Board, to the best of her ability, and at the same time to maintain the hospital on a high plane of efficiency. Mr. Clarke thanked the electors for the confidence they had placed in him. He assured them that he would work in the interests of the Borough, and not, as one of the newspapers made but, with the object of helping the Friendly Societies to "dish out free beds.” The interests of the ratepayers would be his object, and, with the assistance of the whole of the Board, he would work in the interests, of the town. Mr. Paterson returned thanks to lus ; supporters, and also to those who did not vote for him, explaining that the nights very cold ' now, and his non-election meant that, while the successful candidates were going out to meetings, he would be able to sit at home before the fireside. He wished the best of luck to those elected. Like Mr. McCarthy, he would come again. The Mayor (Mr. J. W. Greenslade), who had introduced the speakers, said that he appreciated the compliment the electors had paid him by re-elect-ing him unopposed as Mayor. So far as the work of the Borough generally was concerned, he thought that the town had a great future, ilt was getting more on the map as the years rolled by. AT WESTPORT ’ WESTPORT, May 6. The Municipal and Hospital Board ■ elections were held to-day, keen -in terest being taken in them. The results were: — MAYORALTY Mr. J. Harkness (sitting Mayor) 903 Mr. G. Scandrett 710 HOSPITAL BOARD i Miss Agnes Holland .. - - 1145 Mr. E- R. Fox 632 Mr. P. Caldwell 947 . . The above were elected. The other t candidates were Messrs H. Nalir, C. : Thomas and H. Young.

BOROUGH COUNCIL. Mr. R. Menzies 1228 far. J. Railford .. • • 1088 Mr. J. M. Robertson .. .. 1066 Mr. Marshall 1000 Mr. H. R. Young .. .. 877 far. E. B. Fox .. .. 874 far. C. H. Thomas .. .. BGI Mr. O. Nahr 828 far. F. C. Bqche 746

££e were the successful candidates. “’ The others were Messrs W. P. Caidwell, J. ’Colville-Cook, W. J. Hart, A. H. Henley, S. Higgins, F. Keating and R. S. Knight. AT ROSS MAYORALTY ... .... . ■ • Mr. John Murdoch .. • • Hl Mr. HUOsmers . • •• 90 HOSPITAL BOARD Mr. N. Warren 107 Mr. Evenden 99 ROSS BOROUGH COUNCIL A. Hedwig .. .. .. 158 K. May • • • • 146 A. Thompson 146 i J. Rae 187 W. Blacklow 122 J. Whittle 122 G. A- Thompson .. . • 115 ;• J. Richards 104 The foregoing were elected. The other candidates were Messrs R. Scott, Holmes, Dayis, Cherrie and Bridgman. AT CHRISTCHURCH CHRISTCHURCH, May 6. The election to-day for .the Christchurch City Mayoralty Resulted: — AU G. ' Sullivan '(Labour) 15,733 W. Hayward'.(Citizen), .. 14,310 Majority .. 1,423

The City Council elections are by proportional representation. The first .preferences only were counted to-night. The retiring Labour* Mayor , Mr. Archer, tops the poll, followed by Mr. E. H. Andrews, of the Citizens’ Association. It seems possible that the Citizens’ Association may have 8 representatives, Labour 6, with one Independent, and one Independent-La-bour. HOSPITAL BOARD Hospital Board (progress return): — Dr. Acland (Citizen)’ 3652, Rev. J. K. Archer (Labour) 3088, fars E. R. McCoumbs (Labour) 1726, H. J. Otley (Citizen) 1927, Mrs T.Green (Labour) 456, A. H. Scales t (Labour) 139, Mrs iJ. Bean (Citizen) 1 385, A. C. Maxwell (Citizen) 88, Dr. P. Foster (Citizen) 737, Miss E. Aitken (Citizen) 175, W. Anderson (Citizen) 109, Barnett (Labour) 172, K. fa. Gresson (Citizen? '20,6, J. Harl (Labour) 94. NEW BRIGHTON For the Mayoralty the figures were: Mr. J. H. Shaw (re-elected) 1037 far. Leaver . • - • • • 699 SUMNER Mayoralty:—Mr. Nicholson (reelected) .. -• 996 Mr. Barlow 772 LYTTELTON Mayoralty:—F. G. Sutton, (exMayor) 634 Mr. Foster (sitting Mayor) ..611 Mr. Lester 460 RANGIORA Mayoralty: Mr. Rowse • • 554 Mr. Ayers 446 ■ t AT ASHBURTON ASHBURTON, May 7. For the Mayoralty: H.’Woods 1214, R. Kerr (sitting Mayor) 545. Kei-r was returned with the former Borough Councillors. Dr. J. R. Wells was re-elected as Borough representative on the Hospital Board. WAIMATE. WAIMATE, May 7. The Mayoralty: G. Dash (re-elected) 623, F.*'T. 'Wallace 51’2. The Thursday half-holiday was retained by a big majority. TIMARU ~TIMARU, May 6. In the election of three representatives for the Borough on the Hospital Board', Mr Clyde Carr, M.P., ’ who sought a seat, was defeated, being at the bottom of the poll. There were five candidates. The Mayoralty election resulted:- — T. W. Satterthwaite .. 2247 W. Angland (sitting Mayor), 1670 B ; C. Vinnell 1022 DUNEDIN DUNEDIN, May 6. The Mayoralty election resulted: — Mr. Black (sitting Mayor) 10,765 Mr. R. A. Scott . . .. 10,130 A poll to-day on the question of instituting unimproved rating system resulted: — For . . • • • • • • 5,668 Against 8,101 INVERCARGILL

INVERCARGILL, May 6. The Mayoralty election resulted: — John Miller 3,366 J. D. Campbell (sitting Mayor) 3,322 The half-holiday poll resulted: — Saturday 3519 Wednesday (present half-day) 3393 WELLINGTON WELLINGTON, May 6. • Mr. T. C. a: Hislop' was elected Mayor of Wellington to-day. The voting resulted: — Mr. Hislop 13,089 Mr. M. F. Luckie . • .. 11,285 All the old City Councillors have been re-elected. AUCKLAND AUCKLAND, May 6. The Mayoral election resulted: — G. W. Hutchison .. .. 12,749 H. G. R. Mason, M.P., .. 8,738 There was a landslide in the Auckland suburban contests, the sitting Mayors being defeated in most cases. The new Mayors are: — Devonport.—Mr. H. F. Meikle. Nbrthcote.—Mr. R. Martin. Mount Albert.—Mr. W. F. Stillwell. Takapuna.—Mr. J. Guiniven. Mount Eden. —Mr. T. McNab. Onehunga.—Mr. E. Morton. At Whangarei, Mr. W. Jones was reelected.

WANGANUI WANGANUI, May 6. By only 29 votes, the Labour Mayor, Mr. W. J. Rogers, was defeated by Mr. N. G. Armstrong in a record poll. Labour won three seats on the Borough Council. NEW PLYMOUTH ' NEW PLYMOUTH, May 6. Mr. Victor H. S. Griffiths was fleeted Mayor of New Plymouth. PALMERSTON NORTH PALMERSTON NORTH, May 6. The Mayoral elections resulted: — A. E. Mansford * .... 4089 M.‘ A. Eliott 2405 WAIROA WAIROA, May 6. The Mayoral election resulted: — B. L. Barker 567 J. Corkill (ex-Mayor) • • 460 OTAKI WELLINGTON, May 6. Municipal elections resultes: —Richards 443, Cockrell 418, Sipith 388, Milne 371, McGill 355, O’llourke 354, Fearnley 267, Williams 2-59, Broadway 202, informal 52; The first six were elected. PAHIATUA

Mayoralty: J. D. Wilson (re-elect-ed) 349, J. D. C. Crewe 278. Council: W. H. Murch, J. C. Davidson, W. T. Brown, P. R. Boagey, A. D. Donald, J. E. Murphy, S. K. Sipdells, F. Britland, G. H. Hodd, (elected), W. Barrett, A. H. White, C. McCardle, T. Fleming, S- G. Wpllis, C. Cody, G. Gough. Hospital Board:—Miss C. McKenny had a substantial majority oyer Mrs David Crewe.' ROTORUA.After a keen campaign, the Mayor (Mr T. Jackson) was returned with a majority in excess of two to one over Mr Clinkard,x M.P. Five of the six retiring councillors supporting Mr Jackson were also returned. THAMES. THAMES, May 7. Mayoral election —S- Epspr $52, 'W.i Bongard (sitting Mayor) V 7'2p; A. JWhiteside 108. Unless a rqcpupt al-; ters the figures, Whiteside loses deposit. • TAURANGA. Mayoralty: B. D. Robbins (sitting) 459,’ A.' F- Tunks 373, B. Dive 3£2.'

BOROUGH CpUNCIL. ' ' i -. 1 : - Toy?n Tephi Untd. Blktn. Total Hall. School. Pvlh. School. James Begg, 714 245 - 171 122 1252 1196 RITCHINGHAM. Frederick Arthur; §40 273 174 109 WILLIAMS, Richard Jones,' . 634 260 167 105 1166 McGINLEY, James, 618 247 154 lid 1129 LAWN, Frank Bdrijamin, 582 244 171 95 1092 ROBERTSON, John Spiers, 579 237 173 93 » 1082 CARROLL, Andrew MicRiiel, PEROTTI, Qerald. 680 55.8 234 225 128 121 89 77 1031 981 NEVILLE, Cyril, ... 505 231 156 .89 p81 (Elected)110 58 0 4 . 779 525 12 13 MCCARTHY, Arthur, KEDDIE, James Hendersqp, ' Informal • • • • Declarations 445 .. , 267 7 5 139 116 4 . 4 85 84 1 0 Total number of votes rec pjjled 898 332 216 162 1608 HOSPITAL BOARD. Town Tech. Untd. Blktn. Hall. School. Pvln. School. Total BARROWMAN, Robert Alexander, 485 197 141 101 924 KYLE, James, 430 177 131 35 69 823 O’BRIEN, Kate Teresa, 474 149 84 776 CLARKE, Robert Emmet, -**401 133 99 74 707 (Elected) 115 63 660 562 331 PATERSON, Alfred Hughes, 333 149 HARKER, George Ralph, .. 310 v .. 179 112 80 60 OLEMER, Dorothy Isobelle, 74 47 31 PEROTTI, Gerald, 184 60 22 14 . 13 280 160 KEDDIE, James Henderson, 85 36 26 ' Informal ' , 95 35 21 19 170 ' Declarations X,. 5 4 0 4 13 Total number of votes recorded, 899 332 216 162 1609

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Greymouth Evening Star, 7 May 1931, Page 5

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MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS Greymouth Evening Star, 7 May 1931, Page 5

MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS Greymouth Evening Star, 7 May 1931, Page 5