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The quantity of goods, including coal, timber, produce and general merchandise railed through the Otira tunnel for the week ended to-day was 8918 tons.

In view of the new time-table coining into operation on December 5, the Mawheraiti station, yard has been extended so as to allow the crossing of the morning trains, GteymouthReefton, at Mawheraiti, instead >of Ikamatua as formerly. ’

The Berlin correspondent of the “Daily Mail” says Krupp’s latest product is stainless steel artificial teeth. They are said to wear better than gold and it is hoped that they will revolutionise dentistry.

A few pennies will go far at McGruer’s Selling Off Sale. Children’s woven gloves, sizes 1 to 6 (selling off) one penny pair; gents’ soft silk and linen starched collars, one penny each, ribbons, large assortment J to 1 inch wide (selling off) one penny yard. McGruer’s. —Advt.

The Junior National Scholarship examinations which were conducted this week under the supervision of Rev. T. N. Cuttie, were completed yesterday. Nine candidates sat specially for the Seddon Medal, whilst a further eleven of the scholarship candidates were also eligible for the medal. The matriculation exams will commence on Monday under the supervision of Archdeacon Carr.

See Kilgour!s window display of mechanical toys bought direct from the manufacturers. —Motor Cars, 1/-, 1/6, 2/-, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6, 10/-, to 17/6; Mechanical Toys, 1/-, 3/6, 7/6; Engines on Rails, 4/-, 5/6, 7/6, to 15/-; Hornby Train Sets, 35/- and 37/6; The. new Meccano, 7/6, 12/6, 23/6, 35/-, BOZSO/-, 125/-, 210/-, 530/-; Road Rollers, 4/6 and 6/6; Daisy and King Air Guns 12/6 -and 15/-; Teddy Jockey, 7/6; “Zoe Hustler,” 7/6; “Hustler Pup, 7/6; “Teddy Hobby,” 6/11; “Teddy Sacks,” 6/11; “Tom Tinker,” 4/6; “Follo-me Tinker,” 7/6; “Pony Tinker,” 7/6; “Dragon Tinker,” 7/6; “Belle Tinker,” 4/6; “Clown Tinker,” 4/6—Advt.

The search for the body of the boy, Charles Sweetman, who has been missing since Thursday afternoon, is still unsuccessful, and hope of finding him alive has been practically abandoned. His whitebait net was recovered under the wharf, and it is considered that the boy fell into the river, probably striking his head, and was swept out over the bar. Other boys were at the wharf on Thursday afternoon, but were not with Sweetnmn, who usually went “on his own/’ The search is proceeding on both the north and south beaches.

Xmas time is gift time. What to choose is your problem. .That problem will be quickly and easily solved if you shop at B. Dixon’s, Tainui Street. Large new stocks of the latest novelties in Fancy Goods, Fancy Leather Goods, Fancy Chinas, the latest Books, Calendars, Fancy Boxed Stationery, Dolls and Toys, Games and Toys for the children. You are invited to inspect these new stocks. The prices and values offered will delight you. See the special displays in our windows. —Advt.

Mr Seddon and a number of members of Parliament, representing country districts, waited on the Prime Minister and Minister of Public Works, yesterday, in reference to the allocation of moneys under the Motor Spirits Taxation Act. Fear was expressed that a portion of the proceeds of the tax, which should go to the counties and smaller boroughs, would be allocated to the larger centres. The deputation was assured that this would not be the case, and that the provisions of the Act would not be applied to the detriment of counties and smaller boroughs.

Kilgour’s large display of toys.— Children’s Puzzles, 2/-; Blocks, 1/-, 2/-, 2/6 to 4/6; Jump Rope Tinker, 4/6; Skipping Ropes, 1/- and 1/6; Gas-fill-ed Balloons, 6d each; Hold-them-Fast Pistols, 6d, 1/-, l/6„ 2/- and 2/6; Sponge Balls, 6d, 9d, 1/6, 2/6 to 3/6; Barnet Glass Play Balls, 1/-, 1/6, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6, to 5/6; Tool Sets, 1/-, 1/6, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6 to 10/6; Cricket Sets 15/-, 17/6, 25/-, to 30/-; Cricket Bats, 1/6, 3/-, 5/-, 10/6 to 35/-; Doll’s Prams 6/6, 12/6, 20/-, 25/- to 65/-; Boys’ Tricycles, inch tyres, 65/- to £4/10/-; Tennis Racquets, 5/6, 22/6, 25/- to 60/-. Inspection invited. A. E. Kilgour, Fancy Goods Dealer, Mawhera Quay.—Advt.

A very unwelcome visitor in the shape of a shark measuring from tip to tail 9ft 2in, was dispatched off the shore in the vicinity of the Parnell baths, Auckland, on Thursday afternoon. The shark had been hovering around the locality throughout the day, and, prompted, no doubt, by a natural desire to rid the sea of at least one of its kind, two men working nearby decided to attempt its destruction. The method adopted was in one respect reminiscent of trench warfare. Armed with picks and Mills bombs in the shape of detonators, they waded into the water and hurled the latter at the shark which was sufficiently disabled to enable them to administer the coup de grace with their picks.

Kilgour’s Warehouse is open to everybody. Large shipments of Xmas toys and dolls just opened direct from the manufacturers. —Hair " Stuffed Dolls, 6d, 1/-, 1/6 to 4/6 each; Jointed Dolls, 1/-, 2/-, 2/6, 4/6, 7/6, to 25/-;. Dean’s Rag Dolls, 1/-, 2/6, 4/6, 7/6, to 25/-; Dean’s Posy Dolls, 4/6, 5/6, 7/6, 12/6 to 20/-; Dean’s Princess Dolls, 7/6, 10/6, 15/-, 19/6, 25/-, 30/-, 35/- to 42/6; Teddy Bears, 2/-, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6, 6/6; 7/6 to 40/-; True-to-life Dog 10/6, 15/- and 19/6; Celluloid Dolls and Kewpies 6,9 d, 1/-, 2/-, 2/6, 4/6, 6/6, to 20/-; Dismal Desmond 3/6, 5/6, 7/9, 10/-, to 19/6. See our window display. Pay a small deposit and have any article put aside for Xmas. A. E. Kilgour, Fancy Goods Dealen, the home for Santa Claus. —Advt.

When the Native Washing-Up Bill was before the House yesterday, Mr Scddon raised the question of fishing rights in the Arahura River. He referred to the troubles that had occurred over whitebait fishing, and then pointed out that the Acclimatisation Societies had stocked the river with trout. He felt that the Maoris would not have any objection to the Pakehas fishing for trout, and he therefore Suggested that provision should be made in the bill empowering the Native Trustee to allow white people to fish for trout. It would be very unfair, he said, if such conditions were imposed as to prevent anglers and others enjoying the privileges of fishing in the stream. Unless expressed provision were made it would be possible for some native owner to order fishermen off. the banks of the river, and that would create a most unhappy situation.

When in Greymouth stay at the Hotel Dominion, the sporting and commercial house, one minute from Railway Station, G.P.O. and Banks. Superior service, excellent table. Papers delivered to bedroom with morning tea. Speight’s and Monteith’s Ales on tap. E. J. Kiely, Proprietor—Advt.

Residents of the Oxford district recently held an “egg day” on behalf of the local hospital, and as a result 71 dozen eggs were contributed, and have been put down for use in the winter.

A beautiful selection of ladies’ smart trimmed and untrimmed crinoline hats, in all the newest colourings at very moderate prices at C. Smith, Ltd., Drapers, Greymouth.—Advt.

Residents, and ex-residents, of Greymouth, are invited to send any photographs of old identities and scenes, which they may have available, to the “Star,” for the purpose of reproduction in the special issue in connection with the Diamond Jubilee of the Grey District. Every care will be taken of such photographs, and they will be returned. Letterpress concerning the pictures, persons, or places will also be appreciated.

Much lower than London prices.— Frilled and* embroidered pillow cases (selling off) 1/- each, scalloped edge pillow cases 1/10 each, embroidered supper* cloths 2/4, linen cushion cov ers 1/6 each. Closing down, selling off. McGruer’s,

Dead from a gun-shot wound, a homing pigeon was found in Taumata Park, Eltham, recently. Two other birds that had suffered a similar fate were discovered hidden in a truck of coal that had come to Waipuku from the Glen Afton mine. Their rings indicated that they belonged to the Auckland Homing Federation and, according to a letter received last week by the New Plymouth Club, the evidence seemed to show that their destroyer had buried them in the coal to avoid prosecution, for an offence bearing a heavy penalty.

When considering the purchase of a piano, it should be borne in mind that you don’t expect to buy more than one during your life time, therefore buy a good one at a reasonable price with a 10 years’ guarantee. We stock the Barnard at 75 guineas, Collinson from 80 guineas to 105 guineas, Bell, Sarnes, Collard and Collard, Broadwood, Lipp etc. Full iron frames best-double repeating check actions. Tone and touch unequalled. The largest dealers on the Coast for His Master’s Voice Gramophone and records. Write for Catalogues. The Bristol Piano Co. Ltd., Tainui Strebt. —Advt.

A most interesting marine spectacle was. witnessed the other morning at the mouth of the Bluff .harbour, when a large school of blackflsh (or cow fish) made one of their periodical visits (says the Bluff correspondent of the “Southland News”). There must have been hundreds of the monsters assembled, and it was an edifying lesson in marine natural history to watch them at their gambols and evolutions. The fish apparently travel in pairs, presenting a,, most beautiful picture as they broach and dive in their natural element. A number of residents viewed the scene from the foreshore and were loud in their exclamations of delight.

The vagaries jof the weather have been fully manifested during the past week. We have had samples of the four seasons; sometimes the whole of the changes occurring within one day. We have had rain, hail, sleet, mist, fog, wind and sunshine strangely, intermingled. The barometer and thermometer have had a busy week. It is difficult to know what clothes to wear to suit Nature’s varying moods. No wonder colds, coughs and winter ailments are prevalent. However, by the timely use of Parksinson’s Lime Syrup and Influenza Specific these troubles .may be successfully, combated and good health retained in spite of the weather. The Lime Syrup is a reliable cough cure, and the Influenza Specific is, as its name indicates, a specific for influenza. Keep these two remedies by you in case of need. Take, them as directed, and you can rest immune from climatic influences. —Advt,

A curious hitch occurred in Invercargill the other day in connection with the wedding of a young couple (says the “Southland Times”). The correct . forms and ceremonies had been completed, both the happy parties had declared themselves willing to undertake the mixec| blessings and tribulations of matrimony, and they had been declared man and wife. The least important part came next. As they were signing the register, it was noticed, that the marriage had been entered to take place in a church, whereas it had been solemnised in a private home and was consequently invalid. The only thing to do was for the two “victims,” the two witnesses, and the minister to be hastily bundled into a car and rushed to the church. This time the ordeal was safely passed and no mere “slip” knot tied.

See the window display of dolls at B. Dixon’s, Tainui Street. The latest in cloth, unbreakable lines, fast colours, and hygienically stuffed, latest style of dresses. Dean’s Stuffed Dolls from 1/-, 2/-, 3/6, 5/6, 8/6, 9/6, 21/32/6. Then we have the newer lines of “Caresse," “Mabel Lucie Attwell,” and “Bainbina” Dolls; these are the best quality dolls made, none better. Each one is in a board bed fitted with drawer for dolls’ clothes. Beautifully dressed in the latest fashion, washable fast dyes. • Prices: 6/-, 7/-, 9/-, 10/6, 27/6, 30/-, 32/6, 40/-, 47/6. Here is another good line with china heads, 22-inch 15/6, 204nch 13/6, 18-inch, 8/6 each.—Advt.

For School Committees and Sunday School teachers. Large new stocks of the new Season’s. Reward Books, Prize Books, Picture Books, Gift Books, Annuals, Bumper Books, Presentation Booklets. Leather Bound Poetical Works, Collection of Verse and Prose, Standard Works and all books suitable for library use have just arrived at B. Dixon’s, Tainui Street. We hold the largest stocks of books on the Coast, our prices are equal and in most cases better than big town prices. Special discounts to schools and Sunday schools. If you have not received our reward book list, send for one at once.—Advt.

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Greymouth Evening Star, 26 November 1927, Page 6

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LOCAL AND GENERAL Greymouth Evening Star, 26 November 1927, Page 6

LOCAL AND GENERAL Greymouth Evening Star, 26 November 1927, Page 6