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To-day, being St. Andrew's Day, the Banks observed a. statutory holiday. Flags were flown from the Post Office and Municipal Buildings.

Pascall’s Confections in small bottles. The ideal sweet to take with you on your journey—Save the coupons.—37.

The Grey Hospital Board last evening was discussing the account of a debtor, who wrote requesting the Board to meet him half-way by wiping off half the account. In that Case, he would make an endeavour to pay the other half as soon as he could do so. The Chairman (Mr J. W. Hanan) remarked that there was no definite offer before the Board. If the debtor made a straight-out offer to pay a certain amount,, the Board would have something to decide. Mr F. Williams: “He is offering not. to pay it for some time!” Children’s “Pioneer” tricycles, ball bearing rubber-tyred wheels, 65/-, 77/6. 85/- to 95/-; “Pioneer” automobiles for children, £6 10s and £lO 5s ; “Tinkei* Toys” ...and Meccano sets, 5/6, 7/6, 12/6 to '7O/- each. Pay a small deposit and have ally -.of the above reserved for yon till Xmas. A. E. Kilgour, fancy goods and toy depot, Mawhiera Quay.r—Advt. Mr S. J.-Irwin, who. acted as judge for the Scott Memorial Essay Competition, has placed the candidates in the following,, .order.: —A: section: Maisie Martin, Grey. Main School, 1; Ronald Sullivan, -Grey Mtlin School, 2. .B .. Section: Eric Young, Otira School, 1; Hamner Smith, Otird Schobl, 2. This year the standard of the essays was fair. Some of the candidates were apt to sacrifice, simplicity and clearness for the use of big words and irrelevant matter. In the opinion of the jiidge, the essays of the B Section were superior to those,of the A., as they adhered?more cioseiy id the subject, arid tlife subject matter flowed on in logical sequence,]

' When in Greymouth stay at the Hotel Dominion, the sporting and commercial h^use; one minute from Railway Station, G.P.0., and Banks. Superior service,. excellent table. Papers delivered to bedroom with morning tea. Speight’s and Monteith’s Ales on tap. E. J. Kiely, Proprietor.— , Advt.

Mr J. P. Irvine, County representative for the Brunner Riding, has received . the following telegram from the Minister .of Railways:—“l appreciate very much your kind message, on behalf of the residents of Blackball and Roa, and shall have much pleasure in handing this on to the officers of the Department responsible for the work.”

Pascall’s Confections have always been quality goods and have won for themselves an outstanding reputation for popularity.—36.

Different conductors of orchestras observe their own peculiarities >.• and exhibit certain mannerisms • whilst “wielding the baton.” Last night at the final performance of Miss Muriel Starr and her company, an. occupant of a dress circle seat caused considerable merriment by “conducting” the Opera House Orchestra, making a banana do service for the more professorial “stick.”

• Fruit Salad. The newest fruit flavoured confection —there is nothing like this on the market. A Pascall masterpiece.—34.

Mr Seddon, M.P., has received the following reply, in answer to his suggestion that longer . time should be allowed the Duke and Duchess of York during their forthcoming visit to the West Coast, to enable them to visit the Franz Josef Glacier: “Your reference to the desirability of leaving the Royal Party longer on the' West Coast, and affording them an opportunity of visiting 'the Franz Josef Glacier is noted. It is unfortunate that the time is so limited, but dates given the Government by the Secretary of State have to be adhered to. The Royal guests wish to see as much of the West Coast, and meet as many of the people as possible, and we can only get through the programme by making the trip from Nelson to Greymouth, and from Greymouth the following day, a strenuous one.”

Xmas Gifts 20/ worth for 18/; 10/ worth for 9/—A special inducement for you to buy now. Our large store is overcrowded with Xmas presents. There you will find many suitable arid useful gifts for man, woman and child. Xmas Concession Fair now on. We give you a cash refund of 2/ for every 20, z spent. McGruer’s Headquarters for Xmas Gifts, Greymouth, Reefton and Hokitika. —Advt.

A motor car and its owner and driver, W. S. H. Ringer, fell into the Auckland Harbour shortly before midnight on Sunday (telegraphed our correspondent). The accident occurred near Winstone’s wharf, after Ringer had driven a friend to the steamer Herekino, berthed there. When the car was being turned, before leaving, it was backed down the steep incline used for hauling dinghys on to the wharf, and car and driver, were precipitated . into the water. The car sank to the' bottom of the harbour. Ringer had to break tlifi side curtain to get out of the car, arid the nswam ashore. It was ijot an enviable experience as the night was very cold. The car -was’ lifted out of the water yesterday morning by the' Harbour Board’s transpbrt crane. It was undamaged and was later driven by Ringer.' / • ' :

. Xmas, gift goods that will delight your lady friends.-—The latest handbags 10/6 to 54/-;-Wrist arid arm bags' 5/6 to 30/-; Manicure sets, 3/6 to 00/-; Sewing sets, 2/6 to 35/-p Glove boxes, 21- to 5/6; Brush sets 8/6 to 60/-; Toilet cases, 2/6 to 12/6; . Hair brushes, 2/6 to 35/-; Writing folios, 5/6 to 60/-; Handkerchief boxes, -2/to 5/6; Comb sets, 1/- to 3/6; Purses, 1/- to 16/6; Scent sachets, 1/ to 2/6 : Fancy soaps, 1/- to 2/6; Scents.ana perfumes, 1/- to -21/-; Soap boxes, 11-. to 2/6; Pin boxes, 1/- to 2/-; Hand mirrors, 4/6 to 35/- ;■ Boxed stationery,. !/- to 26/-; Batli salts;-1/3 to 7/6; Serviette rings, lOd to 4/6. Inspect these lines at B Dixon’s, Tainui Street. —Advt. '

The subsidence on the railway, liqe at Omoto is still'-- a source of grave concern '■ to the Permanent Why Maintenance staff; and ballasting is required as each-train passes over the “fault” area/ The subsidence was so marked last night, that it was thought likely that rib trains would be permitted to cross today.. . express wd§, however, able to cross without difficulty. A start was made this morning to bore' lit the “faulted” area, between the railway line and the main road, foV 'tlie purpose of ascertaining the nature of* th'ri country at a depth and a'lstb if possible, to penetrate to the-solid country underneath the slip portion..- Tlie operation is expected to occupy a day or two, and will, it - is hoped,' provide some useful data in<assisting to deal successfully with the present difficult problem.

Your choosing of Xmas gift goods will cause you no worry or concern if you select your requirements from the largest stocks of seasonable lines at B. Dixon’s, Tainui . Street. The store is packed from floor to ceiling with the latest productions ;in fancy goods, fancy leather goods, fancy novelties, fan y chira, fancy bored stationery, reward and prize books, gift books in art paper and leather covers, Xmas stationery, cards and post cards, books of views, dolls, Dean’s toys and animals, Xmas tree decorations, fancy crackers and bon-bons. Everything that you will re. quire for the festive- season is here at the lowest possible .prices, and are the. best values obtainable. Come in andinspect them. Do your Xmas shopping early We will put anything aside for you that you require —Advt.

For what are known as “donkey’s years” tht building which housed the old people at Greymouth was condemned by the Hospital Board and the public generally, on account of its aged, worm-ridden and insanitary condition. The old people" are now in a new building, and portion of the old structure has been demolished. One room is still standing, however, and is used by the Hospital Board as an office for the transaction of clerical business. The condition of the room was strongly criticised last evening by Mr F. Williams, who-re-ferred to the foul odours generated by the rotting timbers, which no ambunt of ventilation seemed to disperse. The place was hideous and insanitary. Mr F.-L. Turley said that the place was a home for the old people for half a century, and every possible disease in the world, he supposed, had been in the building, which must be full of germs. . It was significant that three men who had worked in the room had gone to the hospital as patients. At the Motueka Library a few years ago, three men developed disease and died #ithin a few months. The Government then closed the • library '.and burned all the books. If the Board’s books remained in that room much longer, they too, would probably have to be burned. The .Chairman (Mr J. W. .Hannan) said that it might be possible to rent the office in the Town Hall, formerly used by the Board/ until proposed alterations at the hospital were carried out. The Chairman and Mr W. H. Parfitt were commissioned to arrange for other office accommodation as soon’ as possible.

The road to Mitchell’s.threatens to. become one of the most frequented in the Grey district, by the pleasure seeker. Last Sunday no fewer than fifteen cars were counted on their wav to Mitchell’s, on the shores .of Lake Brunner. The drive front Kumara through Greenstone is said ,to be particularly pretty. A climb up the mountain gives a fine view or Greymouth, and the area between it and Mitchell’s, which makes the hour and a quarter’s climb, well worth while. Good fishing is to be had in. the Lake and some satisfactory catches have already been recorded this 'season.

Pascall, the seal of quality and purity in the confectionery world. ■Their latest creation, Fruit Salad will delight you.—3s.

Recently Mr Seddon, M.P., .was approached by a number of pensioners, in Greymouth, who complained that pensions had not been paid for some time. Mr Seddon communicated ynth the Minister in charge of Pensions* and today received the following telegram:—“Replying to tin portion of. your wire relating to pensions, necessary authority was issued. last week, and recipients should be able to obtain payment to-day. Arrangements have been made for an officer of the Pensions Department, who will leave here to-night, to take over the registrarship. This should overcome .any cause for future complaint.” '

Lovers of a good wholesome beverage should try McGavin s Oatmalt Stout. It is considered the finest brewed article in New. Zealand. Griffen and Smith Ltd., the kcal agents, inform us their, sales for same arephenomenal. —Advt.

Mr H. E. Holland, M.P„ who arrived at Wellington to-day, en route interviewed the manager of the Anchor Line at Nelson, and. presented a request from the, Buller Diamond Jubilee Committee for a special boat to carry pioneers to the Coast for Jubilee Week. This morning Mr Holland interviewed the Acting-Prime. Minister (Mr Stewart) and the Minister of Marine, in regard to the flood damage to farms throughout the Bu#er district, to country roads, borough streets and to the harbour itself, Mr. Holland stated the Minister gave a definite promise that the Government woukF make a grant of. £lOO to the .entertainment of old-timers in connection with the Diamond Jubilee. Assn. ~ ..

Christmas Gifts for young and old. Fashionable ladies’ hand bags from 7/6 to 22/6; Decorations for Christmas trees etc. at 4id each; Large assortments of crepe de chine bows and ties in all the leading shades; Georgette and crepe de chine jacots -to cream and coffee shades. The very latest in champagne kid gloves /With fancy gauntlets. New lines of holb proof Silk hose in shades of peach, champagne blush, French nude at 6/11 pair—C. Smith, Ltd, Greymouth, The House for Christmas presents. —Advt. - ?.

That old joke about summer having set in with its accustomed severity fits the situation, (telegraphed our Christchurch correspondent). It has been a -cold, desolate week-end, chill winds and showers, with isnow out back, and frost in South Canterbury and North Otago. The copsequence o£ that frost to the districts concerned will be serious.: For the twenty-four hours ended 9.30 a.m. on. Sunday the rainfall was ;325in. On Monday morning a? further .OlOin. was added to the totdl ’c There were no frosts fortunately ill Christchurch, but over a stretch of country reaching, over the greater-part-Of the coimtry from Dunsande! to Oamaru, . there was a white frost on Sunday mbrnjng.' It will wreck tlie strawberry crops and do great damage to potatoes.

Xmas gift goods for men, —Pocket wallets and letter cases, 2/- to 30/-; Key cakes, 3/6 to 10/6.; . Military brushes, 7/6 td 60/.. d set ; ;r Writing folios; 2/- to 60/-; Writing cases, 15/(6/170/-;; Fountain pens from 9/6 to 53/- ; Propelling pencjli, 3/-. to 35/-J Shaving mirrors, 2/9 to Shaving outfits, ,15/- to 42/6 ; Shaving-^ r « shes , b- to 8/6 ; Cigarette and cigar, cases, 5/-t025/<; Fancy,pen holders, ■ 1/- to 2/6; Collar boxes, 2/6 to 21/-;-.Tl® boxes, 2/6 .to 4 y 6; Stud boxes, 1/-\to 2/6;>Pipe racks, 2/- to 8/6; Photo Albums,-. 2/-. to 21/-; Shaving soaps, 1/-. to 2/-. Latest novels, 6/-; Books of travel, etc.., all the latest. Cloth brushes, 1/3 to 14/6; Set of, chessmen and boards, 6/6 to 40/-. .The best value's and dependable quality goods Are at B. Dixon’s, Tainui Street,— Advt. ; ,

A strange discovery has been made in- connection with the foiir-masted Ge'rnlSin barque- Gustav, which has just discharged a cargo of guano from Malden Island, preparatory to loading wool, in Australia ufrirp Europe (telegraphed our Auckland- correspondent). During the lay up;.at Adelaide early this yean the sides became rusted, and the bottcim foul.: A’few days before weighing anchor, the harbour was discoloured by sugar from, a refining factory on the waterfront catching? afire. The unusual condition of-the water proved too much for the fish, -thousands of which -floated to' the Surface dead. Contrary winds delayed the Gustav’s arrival at Auckland, but to the supposed foulness of the bottom was more commonly at-r tritiuted the slow passage. As tpe cargo was dumped into the trucks at King’s wharf, and the ship rose out' of the water, it was seen that the hull was , comparatively ’’clean; a fact attributed to i the sugar killing the barnicles and causing them to fall off at the Adelaide .anchorage. .In consequence the. Gustav will not go into® Calliope Dock as driginally intended. Kilgour’s lay-by system—you pay -a small deposit.—Advt. :‘- A decision decided “certainly Unbeatable value” 1000 pure linen TeaTdwels 3 for 2/11; 1000 pure linen Glass Towels 3 for 2/11, procurable only from C. Smith Ltd., Drapers, Greymouth.—Advt. Ladies’ hand bags direct from ths. makers in all the latest styles, are being shown at A. E. Kilgour’s fancy goods emporium. The values are out standing. A most wonderful selection. —Advt. * 2CTaBSBa . •■-'./•’lt 1

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Greymouth Evening Star, 30 November 1926, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL Greymouth Evening Star, 30 November 1926, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL Greymouth Evening Star, 30 November 1926, Page 4