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Consult the Government Tourist Bureau, Mackay Street, about your Christmas trip. Full information regarding travel in Now Zealand. ‘Phone 162. —Advt. A writ has been issued by R. H. Boys, on behalf of Rev. Howard Elliott, on a Wellington publishing firm, claiming damages for alleged libel. —Press Assn. r Ambrosia Cream Chocolate.—Brimful of goodness—sustaining and nourishing. A Pascail production. Try a g-lb slab.—26. “The moral tone of camps lias very much improved in recent years,’’ said Rev. C. 11. Olds of the Chaplain’s Committee at yesterday’s meeting of the Auckland Methodist Synod. ’ “This is helped by the gradual disappearance of the old familiar type of Sergeant-Major whose language in drilling men was so livid.” A decision decided “certainly unbeatable value” 1000 pure linen TeaTowels 3 for 2/11; 1000 pure linen Glass' Towels 3 for 2/11, procurable only from C. Smith Ltd., Drapers, Greymouth.—Advt. The following telegram was despatched tliis morning by Mr J. P. Irvine, member of the Grey County Council, to the Minister of Railways (Hon. F. J. Rolleston). —“On behalf of residents of Blackball and district, accept their congratulations for excellent work you and your engineers, overseers and workmen have done in re-erecting bridge, which means such a lot to the district. You will be ( pleased to learn that trains com-1 menced running this morjiing.” /

When in Greymouth stay at the Hotel Dominion, the sporting and -commer'dax hsuse; one minute from Railway Station., G.P.0., and Banks. Superior service, excellent table. Papers delivered to bedroom with . morning tea. Speight’s iMid Monteith’s Ales on tap. E. J. Kiely, Proprietor.— Advt.

Miss Marjorie Fletcher will play a violin solo at the Trinity Church tomorrow evening.—Advt.

The banks at Greymouth will be closed on Tuesday next (St.'Andrew’s Day) and on Wednesday next (Westland’s Anniversary Day).

Pascal!s Confections in Bottles an ideal gift- for your friends going on a sea voyage —stocked by all confectioners. —29.

Owing to the inclement weather the outing arranged to Kumara to-day for the Grey mouth and Hokitika Boy Scouts, was abandoned.

Leading confectioners recommend Pascalls Fruit Salad and .Fruit Bonbons for charm of flavour and goodness. -‘-27.

Milk at fivepence per quart will be available to the people of Greymouth from Wednesday next. A depot will be opened by Mr W. Coburn, dairy farmer, of Marsden, at the premises in Tainui Street next to those of Mr Sharp, baker. Cream will be retailed at 1/6 per pint. A -winter supply of milk will be guaranteed to customers.

Xylonite and Tortoiseshell toilet ware is more popular than ever. A large assortment at Parkinson’s. — Advt.

The railway line at Omoto subsided about two feet last night, and had to be ballasted up again this morning. The Blackball service was resumed this morning and has relieved the congestion of coal at the Blackball and Roa Compapies’ binns, permitting a resumption of work at .both mines. For the present the service will necessarily be a restricted one so that permanent repair work at the Ngahere-Blackball bridge will be held up as little as possible.

Music, vocal and instrumental, will be a special feature of to-niorrow’s services bj r the Greymouth Salvation Army. The programme, which is under the direction of Ensign Friberg and Mr B. Leach, Y.P.S.M., is to celebrate the Sunday School anniversary. Services will be held at 11 a.m, and 3 p.m., and prizes presented to the primary school children. At 7 p.m., the tableaux, “Rock of Ages” and "The Object Lesson,” will be presented. On Monday, a young people’s demonstration will be held.

Hurry in before tfi.e final bargains are hurried out. Slump sale definitely closes on Monday, Nov. 29. Lower marking in every department. New season’s goods are being fired out regardless of cost. No lower prices anywhere. Come and see for yourself. —McGruer’s, the Store that Undersells, Greymouth, Reefton and Hokitika. —Advt.

The meeting of a motor car and a motor cyclo at a culvert on the road near Kaiata yesterday morning, had unpleasant results for the cyclist, Mr. R. Blyth, carpenter, of Cobden, who received injuries to his right hand and face, necessitating medical attention. Mr Blyth was bound for Dobson, and the car, driven by Mr D. Livingstone, auctioneer, of Christchurch. travelling in the same direction, bound for Reefton. The car apparently tried to pass the cycle, and struck the rear wheel in doing so, with the result that Mr Blyth was thrown off his machine.

Xmas gift goods for men.—Pocket wallets and letter cases, 2/- to 30/-; Key cases, 3/6 to 10/6; Military brushes, 7/6 to 60/- a set; Writing folios. 2/- to 60/-; Writing cases, 15/to 70/-; Fountain pens from 9/6 to 63/-; Propelling pencils, 3/- to 35/-; Shaving mirrors, 2/9 to 12/6 , Shaving outfits, 15/- to 42/6 ; Shaving brushes, ,L- to 8/6; Cigarette and cigar cases, 5/- to 25/-; Fancy pen holders, 1/- to 2/6; Collar boxes, 2/6 to 21/-; Tie boxes, 2/6 to 4/6; Stud boxes, 1/- to 2 Z 6, Pipe racks, 2/- to 8/6; Photo albums, 2/- to 21/-;’ Shaving soaps, 1/- to 2/-. Latest novels, 6/-; . Books of travel, etc., all the latest. Cloth brushes, 1/3 to 14/6; Set of chessmen and boards, ,6/6 to 40/-. The best values and dependable quality goods are at B. Dixon’s, Tainui Street. — Advt.

The monthly meeting of the Grey Patriotic Association, held yesterday afternoon, was attended by Messrs W. H. Parfitt (Chairman), W. F. G. Pullin, D. Tennent, G. E. Perkins, D. McKay, H. R. Barrett, W. R. Kettle, T. E. Y. geddon,, and Rev. Collins. Apologies for absence were received from-Messrs J. McLean and F. M. Dennehy. Four grants were approved to various applicants. One unsatisfactory case was notified. One application for assistance was held oyer, and an application for a maternity bonus was left in the hands of the Chairman. The annual report of the South Canterbury Patriotic Association was received, and circulated amongst members. Accounts were passed for payment.

I Your choosing of Xmas gift goods will cause you no worry or concern if you select your requirements from the largest stocks of seasonable lines at B. Dixon’s, Tainui Street. The store is packed from floor to ceiling with the latest productions in fancy goods, fancy leather goods, fancy novelties, fan y ehira, fancy borea stationery, reward and prize books, gift books in art .paper and leather covers, Xmas stationery, cards and post cards, books of views, dolls, Dean’s toys and animals, Xmas tree decorations, fancy crackers and bou-bons. Everything that you will require for the festive season, is here at the lowest possible prices, and are the best values obtainable. _Com» in and inspect them. Do your Xmas shopping early. We will put anything aside for you that you require.—Advt..

The approach of big fish season brings to mind (telegraphs our Auckland correspondent) a wonderful feat ’ by a sea-skipper in 1886, on the fore ■ and aft topsail schooner “Olive,” built by Fane and Brown of. Whangaroa, and owned by Macartliur and Co. of Auckland, in command of the late \ Capt. Tow, who was a well known master-mariner. She was bound from ■ Auckland to Tonga. One morning, • when the vessel was becalmed, the ; passengers thought they would catch some of the sharks that were swimming around. One of those who threw out a line was the then British Consul for Tonga. The whole morning the sharks were lured by every con- . ceivablp bait, but refused to bite. . Patience was about exhausted, when Capt. H. Cook, the present master of i the well-known whaler Hananui IL, who was also a passenger and ( had looked on the futlie efforts with, amusement, suddenly exclaimed: “Why not lassoo them?” This query was scorned, but Capt. Cook, getting hold of some light line, well greasedat the end, soon hauled in first .one then another, until his hands became too blistered to continue. The sharks were about ten feet long., ’the .passengers had looked on with amazement as shark after shark ' was lassooed. They would never have be.'lieved it possible, and soon were keen to emulate the performance.

The amount of goods traffic through tllo Otira tunnel for the week .ended to-day, in coal, timber, produce aud general merchandise, was 10,491 tons.

For Christmas, Gift Boxes, containing perfume soap etc., at Parkinson’s, from 2/6 to 35/-.—Advt,

The Brunner Collieries Ltd. drew coal from the mine to-day for supplying their boilers. Production for market is .expected to commence shortly. It will be first necessary to> remove a quantity of loose coal which was left when the original company was working the coal measure.

Watch Parkinson’s windows from now until Christmas. A small deposit secures for you any - goods displayed. Get in early.—Advt.

Two motor cars received damages as the result of a collision which occurred at 6.30 o’clock last evening, at the intersection of Tainui and Guinness Streets. A taxi, driven by.Mr R. Hill, was proceeding along Tainui Street towards the town, when a car driven by Miss Warnes, travelling from Guinnes Street into Tainui Street, struck the taxi side on, near the rear wheels, breaking the mud-, guard and putting the back axle out of alignment. Th,e front of Miss Warnes' car was damaged, but both vehicles were able to proceed.

Pascall’s bottles of pure confections handy for the traveller in large variety at the best confectioners —save the Coupons.—28.

At the conference of the Dominion Boy Scouts Association, at . Wellington, this week, a remit in favour o£ re-establishing the marksman’s badge for proficiency; in the use of the rifle,, was defeated. The Governor-Gen-eral opposed the remit. He opposed it because one of the great objections to the Scout movement was the old cry of militarism. Second, New Zealand was in a different position to other countries, in that cadet and military training was established so that young people were brought up to use the rifle and to defend their country, if required. In his ojflnion, it would be unwise to go back \on the previous decision and introduce the badge referred to.

Lovers of a good wholf foine bever,,age should try McGavin s Oatmalt Stout. It is considered i? e finest brewed article in New Zealand. Griffen and Smith, Ltd., are the .local! agents.—Advt.- ,

Christmas Gifts for young and old. Fashionable ladies’ hand bags from 7/6 to 22/6; Decorations for Christmas trees etc. at 4Jd each; Large assortments of crepe de chine bows-and’ ties in all the leading shades; Georgette and crepe de chine jacots in cream and coffee shades. The very latest in champagne kid gloves with fancy gauntlets. New lines of holeproof silk hose in shades of grain peach, champagne blush, Frenchnude at 6/11 pair.—C. Smith, Ltd., Greymouth, The House for Christmas presents.—Advt.

As showing what local patriotism i can do, even in the present difficult times, the New Plymouth citizens have just raised £lO,OOO to take over, ■improve and develop the North Egmoot Mountain House. They haye subscribed money knowing that they will get no direct return, and on the understanding that it will prove a good Investment for the town. AH', the shares were taken in a week or two. It is intended to erect a large social hall and a billiard room, and to instal heating in the present buildings, and also to bring the hostelry into line with the most modern Alpine resorts. It is also proposed to put clown tennis courts, and to provide other facilities for visitors to the mountain road, which will shortly be re-made and tar-sealed. —Press Assn.

Xmas gift goods that will delight your lady friends. —The latfest handbags 10/6 to 54/-; Wrist and arm baga 5/6 to ‘ 30/-; . Manicure sets, 3/6 to 00/-; Sewing sei.s, 2/6 to 35/-; Glove boxes, 2/- to 5/6;. Brush sets 8/6 to 60/-; Toilet cases, 2/6 to 12/6; Hair brushes, 2/6 to 35/-; Writing folios, 5/6 to 60/-; Handkerchief boxes, 2/to 5/6; Comb sets, 1/Mo 3/6; Purses, 1/- to 16/6; Scent sachet.?, 1/ to 2/6 ; Fancy soaps, 1/- to 2/6;' £>cfints and perfumes, 1/- to 21/-; Soep' boxes, 1/- to 2/6; Pin boxes, l/-\to 2/-j Hand mirrors, 4/6 to 35/-;' Boxed stationery, 1/- to 26/-; Bath salta, 1/4 to 7/6; Serviette rings, lOd to ''&/OInspect these lines at B Dixon?- s, Tainui Street. —Advt.

The Secretary of the West Coast Agricultural Pastoral and Industrial' Association (Mr C. H. Rose), advises that the following have offered special prizes for the forthcoming Show. D.C.L. per E. McDonnell, Cup, valued at £lO 10s; Canterbury Education' Board £7; Kempthorne Prosser and’. Co., Christchurch, Goods £3 10s; J.' Ballantyne and Co., Ltd., Christchurch £3 3s; N.Z. Breweries Ltd., (Speights branch) Dunedin £2 2s; Christchurch Press Co. Ltd., (12 months subscription to Weekly Press) £2 2s; D.1.C., Christchurch, Trophy, valued at £2 2s; Punakaiki Farmers’ Union £1 Is; Lankshears Ltd., Wellington, Trophy £1 Is; J. Tennent, Greymouth, Trophy, £1 IS; W.D. and H.O. Wills (N.Z.) Ltd., Auckland £1 Is; Gollin and Co, Proprietary Ltd., £1 Is; Dominion Compressed Yeast Co. Ltd., £1 Is; Cadbury’s and Frys (N.Z.) Ltd., Trophy £1 Is; D. Hanrahan, Trophy, 10/6; McGruer Ltd., Baby’s Outfit, for Baby Competition, value £5 ss; Tymons and Co., Baby’s Outfit, for Baby Courpetition, value £5 ss; Wilson Canham and Co u Greymouth £2 2s; Fletcher Humphreys and Co. Ltd’, Christchurch Trophy, £2 2s; Skelton and Frostick Ltd. (per F. Wise) £.l Is; J. T. Norton’s Ltd. Lyttelton £1 Is; Aulsebrook and Co., Christchurch Troph, £1 Is; Sanitarium Health Food Co., Christchurch, trophy- £1 Is; David Strang, Ltd., Invercargill, trophy £1 Is; H. Bruhn, Greymouth, £1 Is; British Imperial Oil Co. Lt J'., Wellington, £1 Is; T. Sinnot, Greymouth, trophy, 10/6, J. Dumble 10/6; F. Mcllroy 10/6.

Ladies’ hand bags direct from th’ makers in all the latest styles, are being shown at A. E. Kilgour’s fancy goods emporium. The values are out standing. A most wonderful selection. —Advt. '■ •

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Greymouth Evening Star, 27 November 1926, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL Greymouth Evening Star, 27 November 1926, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL Greymouth Evening Star, 27 November 1926, Page 4