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Stevenson’s Hotel, Reefton, superior accommodation, and booking office for Newman Bros., motor services to Westport, Nelson and Blenheim. — Advt.

The usual fortnightly meeting of the Loyal Greymouth Lodge M.U.1.0.0. F. will be held in the Lodge Rooms, Guinness Street this (Friday) evening at 8 o’clock.—Advt.

A first offender charged with drunkenness before Mr F. C. Wade J.P., at the Magistrate’s Court to-day, was convicted and fined the amount of his bail, ss. Sure to please.—Women’s Patent Buckle Shoes 22/6; Women’s Strong Brogue Shoes 22/6; Women’s Glacie Derby Shoes, Pat. Caps 18/6. Procurable at Challis. Advt.

The reiiovations being made at the Empire Hotel in Tainui Street, are revealing relics of past ages. The removal of the bar flooring has disclosed the piles of the former* structure—Wallace Wolfe’s butchery. Though the piles have lasted well, there are many which appear to require removal, being now in a halfrotted condition.

Special value for one week only.— 50in white and cream Curtain Nets. Usually 3/6 yard. Special price 2/9 yard.—McGruer’s, Greymouth, Reefton and Hokitika. —Advt.

Just landed a shipment of the famous easy running Triumph Bicycles. These splendid machines are fitted with the very best equipment, including a special Oilbath Chain Case, English Dunlop Tyres, Brooks Saddle, Eadie Coaster, and everything that makes for a quality Bicycle. Call and inspect them today at F. C. Wade and Co.—Advt-

“It is an. excellent thing to have our older schools remodelled, so that the classrooms may not have accommodation for more than 60 pupils, and the Minister of Education is to be congratulated on the remodelling scheme,” said Mr Osmond Corrigan, president of the Mount Roskill (Auckland) Ratepayers’ Association at a public meeting of residents. “But the districts with no schools at all have a prior claim to have their absolute needs supplied.”

We make our Spring display of ladies’. hats. These -models have been selected by our lady buyer after* visiting Paris, and the leading centres foi millinery. The . models have been very tastefully designed showing in the latest colours in almond, red tobac, shrimp, sunset and peach. We ask you to inspect our Spring Show. C. Smith Ltd.—Advt.

Demolition of bld buildings on the West Coast often reveals the wooden framework to be in exceptionally good order in spite of decades of service. This' fact was referred to by Cr F. A. Kitchingham, at last night’s meeting of the Greymouth Borough Council when the question of the brick area was being discussed. He stated that whfen repairs were being effected Io his own office the wonderful state of preservation in which the framework was found was widely commented upon. It was a tribute fo the first-class work of the early builders and to their selection of materials.

Th© hotel to stay at when in Greymouth is the Royal, close to the Railway Station. First-class dining-room with every attention. Booking Office for Newman’s Motor Service.—Advt.

Reporting to the Greymouth Borough Council for the month of Aug- : ust, the Librarians of the Municipal Library (Misses M. L- Cunliffe and E. ■ Bignell) state that 2,225 books had . been circulated, 30, tickets had been issued,..and 18 books placed on the shelves.

Denison Crepe Paper in thirty-two different shades of colour, at 1/3, a roll may be had at B. Dixon’s, Tamui Street. New stocks of knitting and crochet books. for jumpers, dresses, 'and costumes for the adult, and books of all garments for the baby, girl, boy or man. Send in for lists. ; Raper Baking cases, 100 in box, assorted colours for lOd, at B. Dixon’s; Tainui Street. —Advt.

The Minister of Agriculture, Mr Nosworthy, has advised Mr Holland that the preparation of the necessary plans and specifications for buildings to be erected at the Experimental Farm has been completed by. the Public Works Department, and tender's will be called before the end of the current month.

Useful lines you may want. Rub; ber stamp printing outfits for /printing tickets, cards, etc, 1/-, 1/3, 1/6, 2/6, 4/6, 6/6 a set. Stamping Ink pads m all colours, 1/6, 2/6, 4/- 'each. Rubber stamps for dating, 1/6, 2/6.'Letter clips, 3d, sd, 6d. Letter files, 1/-, 1/6, 2/6, 3/3, 4/-, 5/-. Fountain Pen ink, 1/-, 1/3. Fountain pen clips,.6d, 9d. Marking inks for linen, 1/-. Ink bottles. 1/-, 1/3, 1/6, 2/-. Ink stands B/6. The best values are at B. Dixon’s, Tainui Street. —Advt.

Probably not within the history of Wellington has the aspect of ,a city street changed so rapidly as that of Cambridge Terrace. Within the last two years this thoroughfare, or. at least tlie northern half of it, has changed from a residential to a business area. Where there were three years ago, a row or more or less unbeautiful houses, is now a of bright, modern shops, each putting forth its claim to public patronage.

New books for the artisan and mechanic. “Armature Winding,” by Moreton, 8/6; 1 ‘Armature and Magnet Winding,” by Horstman, 7/-.; “A Practical Course in Roof Framing,” by Gajasbeck, 6/6; “Modern Blacksmithing,” by Ilolstrom, 5/6; “Air Brakes,” by Ludy, 7/-; “Building Superintendence for Frame, Brick and Stone Structure,”'’ by Nichols, 8/6; “Carpentry,’.’ by Townsend,'6/6; “Sewers and Drains,” by Gray Ball. 6/6; “Hodgson’s Practical Bungalows and Cottages,” 4/6; “Modern 1 American Homes,” by Holst, 8/6. Cash with order, postage free, from B. Dixon’s, Tainui Street.—Advt.

The Nelson Cathedral, an old wooden building, was condemned about three year's ago, as unsafe for use. The reason given was the fear of the collapse of the roof, but after repairs costing £l6O were carried out, permission for the use of the structure, not exceeding two years, was granted. Last year the permit was extended by 12 months, after a further £3O had been .spent on repairs. A deputation from the vestry again waited on trie. City Council last week with'a request that the period be again extended. The council’s engineer stated that the building as repaired was safe for some time to come, and the permit was renewed for 12 months, by which time it is hoped that the building of the new cathedral will be in hand.

“A straw shows which way the wind blows, ’ ’ and so it. is that the constantly increasing sales of “Witton and Witton” pianos indicate - the wonderful quality and character of this piano.' The beauty of its tone, its responsiveness of touch and its artistic appearance combine in making an instant appeal. Make a point of getting full particulars of the “Witton and Witton” before you buy your new piano. It is the best piano proposition in the Dominion at i the price £95. Full iron frame, overstrung under damper. Sold on easy terms, and fully guaranteed. A-, E. Kilgour,, Westland Agent for Chas. Begg and Co. Ltd. —Advt.

The story of a bull in. a china shop is time-honoured,, but it is not often that such incidents occur in real life. On a recent afternoon, however (relates the “Daily Times”), a resident of Columbia Road, Masterton, had a rather exciting experience with one of the bovine family. A drover was taking some cattle along the road when a Hereford bullock became excited, rushed through a vacant section and jumped a fence. The animal made straight for the residence and entered the back door. Tlie surprise of the lady of the house can be easily imagined when she went to the kitchen to prepare a cup of tea, and found the room occupied by a long-homed bullock, frothing at the iliouth with excitement. The lady immediately summoned her husband, who handled the bullock and got it to leave quietly. The drover and the occupants of the house consider themselves lucky that no damage was done.

Select your Gramophone needs at A. E. Kilgour’s.-x. Comparison of value and costs brings every music lover to the conclusion that A. E. Kilgour’s is the place where to purchase, and in inviting you to compare quality and prices we have no fear as to your decision. Sold on easy terms. The “Grippa” portable machine £5; the “Camp Table” design £4 15s; “The Climax” £6 10s; “His Master’s Voice,” £6 10s, £9 ss, £lO 10s, £l2 10s. For those requiring a high grade phonograph the celebrated “Brunswick” £26 ss, £46, £57. The splendid “Cheney” Cabinet model, £3B. The latest records “Zonophone,” “His Master’s Voice,” “Brunswick.” Call and hear them played over. A. E. Kilgour, Piano, Gramophone and Music Dealer. — Advt.

Although New Zealand leads the, world in the matter of the people’s thrift —that is, in the amount per head standing at credit in the savings Bank which is. £3B—there are periods , of anxiety which come and go (says trie Wellington “Dominion”). One of these period's hajs just passed, for, during the last financial year, the pendulum swung from an excess of -withdrawals of a little over a million sterling, to an excess of deposits of just inidej* .a hundred thousand pounds. The statistics show that the amoiint .in the Savings Banks closely resembles tlie amount of the value of the Dominion’s exports. For example the credit of depositors is now close to fifty piilIjons, while the export values have just passed that mark. Which ,js. the thriftiest district in New Zealand? If the statement may be answered from the state of the Savings Bank accounts at the moment, then holds supremacy. Compared by rhe average amount, standing at the credit of each, open account at the end of March last, the order of merit runs thus: — Oamaru, £BO/7/-: Timaru, £79/11/-:' Christchurch, £6B/19/-; Hamilton. £6B 18/-; New Plymouth £6B/14/-; Invercargill,... (£6B/3/-; ; Dunedin, £67/18./-; Wellington, £65/4/-: Greymouth . + "o4 10/-: Napier, £63/12/-; Blenheim £6l 10/-; Nelson, £6l/6/-; Westport, £59 16/-; Auckland,

The nature of the roof of the Dobson Mine' should show a saving of at least 6d per ton on the working cost. Other production costs correspondingly low. Get prospectus. —3.

“Had you any drink that day ? asltod counsel for the defendant in ain accident case in the Blenheim Magistrate’s Court. “Yes, jihad a drink with you!” was the witness sun expect, ea re'ply. “Yori may have, but I ciod u recall it,” quickly res’pdnded the lawyer, as smiles ran round the Court.

Just arrived.—New season’s cotton goods, new Ginghams at 1/- and 1/6 yard, 30jn. stripe Crepeline 1/6 yard, 36in Floral Crepones, 1/11 yard, Tapestry Cushion Squares 1/6 each. "View our window display 2>f new goods. C. Smith Ltd.—Advt. *

The sub-Committee .appointed to attend to tlie scheme for draining the Technical College grounds met last night. Plans were' submitted and approved. It was decided to proceed at once with the .work employing day labour. The necessary pipes will be provided by the College. Mr J, Higgins has undertaken supervision of the work.

A shipment of the famous easy running Triumph Bicycles' has just arrived. These are looked upon as the thoroughbred in the Cycling world, being built of the very finest, materials by a company with a reputation. A special feature is the Oilbath Chain Case. The equipment js of the best and includes Eadie Coaster, English Dunlop Tyres, Brooks Saddle, pump, tools' etc.. Call and inspect them at F. C. Wade nnd Co.—Advt. , - ■

A little comedy in police proceedings was enacted at the Qtorohanga Police Court when two litigants claimed., and counter-claimed for exactly the same amount. Tire claim being adinitted, the defendant secured judgment on his counter-claim, and tire account was exactly squared, but through a difference in costs, plaintiff collected 1 the sum of 4/- from. defendant as a result of several hours’ work by the Court and counsel.

To Tennis players. Everything for the game just opened direct from the factory a parcel of Bussey’s Tennis Rackets, proclaimed to be, absolutely the best racket made true to weight.We carry a large and comprehensive range of Tennis. Rackets. Call arid see for yourself. Prices 25/-, 30/-, 32/6, 50/-. A.. E. Kilgour, for Tennis rackets.—Advt.

The Acting-Engineer at last night’s meeting of the Borough Council, explained the benefits which would accrue from the distilling of tar for the asphalting of the streets. He stated that tlie distilled article made a surface which would withstand much' more wear* and tear than the tar* used at present. That tfie statement is true is borne out by the fact that a length of read outside Wanganui city was constructed several years ago of distilled tar. The road carries very heavy traffic and maintains .its regular surface with little attention. Tlie laying down of such asphalt is fully, justified in Wa'nganui, and it will prove as successful in Greymouth. It is to be hoped the Borough will decide to instal the necessaly plant for distilling the tar, without delay.

In all the leading hotels is now procurable McGavin .and Coy-’s Oatmalt Stout. This excellent, article is how commanding a great sale, and l°y of a good healthy .beverage find it wholesome and invigorating. Griffen -' and Smith, Ltd., are the local agents. —Advt.

A large, seven-searer motor car, which recently stood damaged in. a. Palmerston North garage, is a silent witness to the wonderful escape from death which the occupants experienced one evening. The party had been proceeding from Wellington, and when Within sight of their journey’s end,, met with a startling accident- (states the ‘Manawatu Evening Standard’). In attempting.,,to negotiate a sharp bepu on the Palmerston North side of Linton, the back wheels skidded, and riie rear portion of. the car swung qypr the baiik, causing the car to capsizeThe momentum forced 1 the vehicle, to turn completely over twice, when, the car came to a stop, upside dowii. with the front wheels bqlpw the top of the bank, and tlie rear hanging perilously below, and on the slope of a deep gully. The flattened hood and shield, dented .bonnet and .mudguards, indicate the serious hature of the mishap, -yet miraculously enough/ the occupants escaped injury. Despite' its outwardly battered appearance the car was brought into town under its own power.

Latest washing fabric.-— Jaquard Morocain, 40-in wide, in self shades of rose, saxe, pale blue, gold, pink, mauve—a reliable dress material; price 2/11 yard.—McGruer’s, Greymouth, Reef ton and Hokitika. —Advt.

Good news for gramophone owners. On and after this date practically all His Master’s Voice Celebrity gramophone records will be double-sided and sold at almost the same cost as the previous single-sided records. For instance, “Ave Maria” (Percy Kahn) and “Elegie” (Massenet) sung by Enrico Caruso, violin obligatos by Mlscha Elman are on the same record, and the price is only fifteen shillings (15/-). The price for these two items separately was twenty-seven shillings (27/-). This is a sample of th© wonderful value which we as accredited agents of the Gramophone Company, are now offering ' lyou. Or.r system for handling records is the most complete in existence. It enables us to supply your requirements in the shortest possible space, of time. Please call and investigate. The Bristol Piano Company, Ltd., Tainui Street, Greymouth,, agents for “His Master’s Voice” gramophones and “Metrohola” gramophones.—Advt.

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Greymouth Evening Star, 12 September 1924, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL Greymouth Evening Star, 12 September 1924, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL Greymouth Evening Star, 12 September 1924, Page 4