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Stevenson’s Hotel, Reefton, superior accommodation, and booking office for Newman Bros.’ motor services to Westport, Nelson and Blenheim'. — Advt.

North Island passengers and a large mail (including English) connected with the Midland express at. Christchurch this morning.

The Cobden Hockey Team to play Hokitika to-morrow at Hokitika: —

Mrs Peck, E. Harrison, K. Gordon, D. Dewar, O. McMillan, L. Harrison, 1. Quigley, T. Anderson, M. Williams, A. Ross, M. Quigley ; emergencies: AV. Thompson and G. Cressy.

The wants of the Brunnerton riding in the Grey County during the ?b--sence of Mr J. Irvine, member, will be attended to by Mr H. Carter, Kaimata, or Mr J. Hannan, County Chairman. Correspondence forwarded to either representative will be promptly attended to.

Record business on Saturday, cashsales exceed £lOOO. There is a reason fur business of such large dimensions. The insurance underwriters are. tlie losers. The low prices are possible only because we bought all salvage stocks from Mayfair Building at our own prices. Great record-breaking tire salvage sale now proceeding. Call again. Two shops. McGruer’s (Westland) Ltd., Greymouth. —Advt.

A Gazette Extraordinary, issued today, states that the Dobson Coal Company having gone into voluntary liquidation, it is the intention of tlie King, through the Minister of Mines, to enforce compliance with the. provisions of the Mining Act, 1908, and amendments, by entering into possession of the mines, machinery, working plant and appliances of the company, and selling or disposing of, or managing them.—Press Assn.

No cold is NazoLproof. And no cough and cold remedy is so economical as “Nazol.” Eighteen pence buys 60 doses—more than three a penny. — Advt.

Messrs Wade and Learmont have just completed the purchase of a highly bred registered Friesian Bull. This animal is from pure imported stock and is a double grandson of Pietje 22nd, the highest priced and hightest producing cow that ever left Holland for America. The dam of this bull has given over SOOlbs and the sire’s dam over SOOlbs of butter-fat in the year. The progeny of this bull from their purebred cows should be a great acquisition to the Coast.

Among those present yesterday m the reception held by Lady Seal, were Lady Seal Musquash, Lady Nutria, Lady Squirrel, Mrs Coney Seal, Mrs Electric Seal, Mrs Marmot and many others, all of whom were represented in coats of the very latest cut ai«. style imported by Madame Aleneve, the Fashion Furrier, Corner ol Columbo ami Cashel Streets, Christchurch. Orders taken by mail. Your money back it vou’re nut satisfied. Advt.

Fresh bargains arrive at our store each week. 28 inch Colonial Flannel in pink, grey, Shetland and nacuial shades, usually 2/6 yard, sale price 1/11 yard. 16 inch coloured Roller Toweling at 1/11 yard; 80 meh white heavy twill Sheeting, sale price 6/5 yard; 72 inch white heavy twill sheeting at 2/11 yard ; 80 inch Unbleached H°B. Sheeting, good quality, at o/6 yard. Three pieces only 28 inch dark all-wool flannel shirting to clear at. 2/11 yard. 36 inch Longcloth 1/6 yard to clear at 10/6 dozen. C. Smith, Ltd., Genuine Sale. —Advt.

Considerable discussion took place at the Canterbury Education Board meeting on I'riday over the intended amendment in representation. Mr Banks who is also a member of the Council or Eduoatiorr, explained that the intended alteration was brought about largely through the' unfair representation'of'the West Coast which had two members while North Canterbury had none. It was ultimately resolved to approve of the Dcpartnieut s pr»posal provided one member was given Timaru ami Levels County, and one member to the West Coast. Au amendment moved by Mr Mild ami seconded by Air Bignell, that owing to the large' ami scattered district two members be given to the West Coast, being one representative for each district formerly controlled by a board, failed, only the. mover and seconder so pporting. Ladies’ Hand Bags at. lieduced Prices! 'those in scar'd) of bargains should call at. B. Dixon’s, Panini Street, and see the marked down prices’ in I hese lines. Strong Hide Dags, dainty morocco and suede Dags in all shape's and sizes. < »nr stocks are 100 large in these lines so all bags are marked down, in some cases to hall |!rn usual prices, to clear. iu■l„ , tern is invited. Advl.

The hotel to stay at when in Greymouth is the Royal, close to the Railway Station. First-class dining-room, with every attention. Booking office for Newman’s Motor Service. —Advt.

The Government is spending £250 this year in the collection and establishment of historical matter relating co the Maori race and the early history of New Zealand.

In New Zealand it is estimated that, there is one motor-car for* exactly 45 inhabitants. This is a higher ratio than in almost any country of the world except the United States and Canada.

Newcomers to Greymouth arc cordially invited to join the “No-Rub-bing ’ Laundry Help Club. (Full particulars from your grocer.)—Advt. B 7

New York has a new kind of one-man tramcar. Passengers enter at either eni without paying, but on leaving at the centre doors they have to pass a turn-stile that will not open until a coin is inserted.

Airs Lena Jefi’cote was fined £1 at Nuneaton for damaging a wreath in Nuneaton Cemetery. A man named Rollason placed thq wreath on liis wife’s grave, and before, the funeral party left the cemetery she had damaged it and torn off the card. Defendant said the inscription, “From a loving husband,” arouse.d her indign.ittion and she did it in a fit of passion.

It is seldom New Zealanders charter special trains for travelling about the country recently, on the. arrival at Frankton ,of tlie Auckland express, a male passenger • hurried across the platform to a special train in waiting, which immediately steamed swiftly on the journey to Rotorua. This little luxury would cost the passenger in the vicinity of £5O.

A baby, apparently bom dead, lias been brought to life by the use of adrenalin at Baylor Hospital, at Dallas, Texas, Drs. Warren, E. Massey, and J. B. Smoot announced recently. “The child was dead when born,” Dr. Smoot said. “Heart sound was extinct) and there was no evidence of respiration. Dr. Massey prepared and injected the dtug into the heart muscles. After the injection we continued other means of producing respiration, and in a short time the child began to breathe.”

If tired and disinclined for a proper meal, M’Gavin’s Oatmalt Stout is what you need. Contains all the strengthening qualities of everything that is pure. A glass of this wholesome stout brings ‘the blood back to the digestive organs and the appetite revives. All hotels stock. Bottled by Griffen and Smith, wine and spirit merchants. Greymouth.—Advt.

The necessity foi’ the consolidation of the Mining Acts, stated the Hon. G. J. Anderson, in the House of Representatives is fully recognised by the Government, and the work will be undertaken during next session. He pointed out that the provisions of the Coal Mines and Mining Acts are highly technical and most complicated and the work of consolidation would be. one of considerable magnitude, and could not be satisfactorily completed in lime for introduction this session. Divorces have doubled in France since the war, according to figures made public recently. A general divorce law was first passed in France in 1884, and in that year there were 1657 divorces. In 1915 the number of divorces was 15,372. In 1919, when the armies were being disbanded and people were free to put their houses in order, this number reached 19,465. In 1920 it reached 31,465, in 1921 the number was 30,498, and the last year 30,753. The causes of this increase of divorces are not tabulated, due to the secrecy of court proceedings. Good News for the Boys. The balance of our Meccano Engineering Sets are to go at half price. 2,3, 4, 5, 6 are in stock. A limited supply only. We. also have a few Primus Engineering Sets, Nos. 1 and 2, at half price. Remember this offer only holds for one week at B. Dixon’s, Tainui Street, and cannot be repeated. ■—Advt. The “Nelson Mail” in a recent number reports that a 15oz gold nugget was secured by Mr. David Dwan from, his claim at Howard goldfields. This is the record one so far obtained on that field the previous largest being oz in weight. Howard goldfield is about seventy miles out of Nelson, and has been worked since 1913. It is about 3000 ft above sea level, and if only a water supply was brought in to permit oi sluicing operations to be carried out on a large scale, it is considered there would be room for 500 miners on the area. Salvage operations on the derelict Wiltshire have been attended by many difficulties, chiefly owing to the unsettled weather conditions and the rugged nature of the Coast at Rosalie Bay. A telegram received at Auckland during the week-end contains particulars of the latest misfortune. It states that the forty-five foot launch se-i Queen, which has been used for working the divers broke her moorings on Saturday and was driven on the shore by a hard easterly gale. The prospects of saving the launch aro not hopeful, as it is already reported that she is very badly damaged by the rocks. If her condition proves to be as bad as anticipated the loss will no doubt seriously interfere with tho salvage work. The Cheney! A revolution of tonal production is achieved in the new Cheney Phonographs just to hand. This is made possible by a series of unique acoustic inventions found only in the Cheney. Price £4O am! £44. Enjoy the full glorious mellow music of the Cheney in your home now. Remember that the Cheney costs less than other phonographs. Other makes stocked, prices 130 s, 150 s, 200 s, £l5, £25. Easy terms if desired. A. EKilgour. ' Piano, Gramophone and Music, W;i rehouse. —Advt. Mr. William Forrest Owen, of Penryhn Du, Aberflaw Anglesey, Wales, has been left a legacy of £4500 by Lady Draser, at the request of her late husband, who wished to remember the boy wlio had been kind to him in France.” Mr. Owen is a young farmer, and Penryhn Du is the name of his farm of some 60 acres, and the bank of a little sand-fringed inlet of Carnarvon Bay, says tho “Liverpool Daily Post and Mercury.” Mr. Owen, who is a. single man of 27 years of age, saw service in the Army Service Corps at Ypres and on the Somme. Ho served General Draser, of the Ist Australian Corps R.G.A., as a chauffeur, his duty being to drive the General to and from the guns. Neither tho General nor himself had been wounded. The General, who came, from Melbourne, was 61 years of age. Asked what particular kindness he had shown , the General, Mr. Owen could not recall any. He had done his work 1 cheerfully and as well as he could, . and, as far as ho could tell, that was all. ! For Bronchial Coughs, take I Woods’ Great Peppermint CiHVb 1

An unenviable experience befel Consable E. A. Erwin at Lyttelton last Thursday night. While on night duty he received information that aman was sleeping in a railway truck between Nos 2 and 3 wharves. The constable was walking along a line of trucks looking for the man when he overbalanced and fell into the harbour. Fortunately, he was able to swim, but he was hampered by his heavy overcoat. It was some time before it was possible to get him out of the water, and he received a thorough chilling. Otherwise however, he suffered no ill effects.

Do flies avoid blue? The interesting suggestion that they do is made in a letter to the “Daily Mail” by a correspondent. «sMr. Duckham had his attention drawn to the subject first by observing the immunity from flies of blue-painted cow sheds and the blue-painted interiors of native barracks lin Trinidad. He asked a labour superintendent in Trinidad to make further observations and his report, which Mr. Duckham has just received, states that no flies have been seen in an experimental room since it was painted blue, and that mosquitoes are many fewer than formerly.

A few of the latest snips at our Genuine Sale:—Three full size writing pads for 1/3 ; six cakes of Hotel Soap for 1/-; 42 inch Gabardine at 1/3 and 1/6 a yard ; six good pillow slips for 7/ll; good 80 inch White Twill Sheeting at 3/6 yard; 15 inch coloured Roller Towelling at 1/1 yard. C. Smith, Ltd., , “The House for Value.”—Advt.

By nine votes to seven the council of the royal and ancient borough of Rutherglen, Lanarkshire, have refused to allow a girls’ football match to take place in the public park in aid of the funds of the local “Lest We Forget” Association. Councillor Hill said it was.nothing short of disgraceful to have an exhibition of 22 women playing football, and Councillor May agreed that it was wrong to encourage girls to take up the game — wrong physically and morally, and wrong for the community to look at it.” It was a disgraceful sight, he added.

The police at Birmingham, Alabama, have been baffled by a series of murders committed with an axe, which have resulted in death or serious injury to thirty-six people. The latest victim is a shopkeeper, who was discovered with his skull crushed by a blow from an axe. This brings the death total to nineteen. An axe with shortened handle was found behind the door. Most of the injured persons have, up to the present refused to prosecute or to co-operate in obtaining convictions. On account of the similarity in the crimes the theory is held that one person or group, possibly drug addicts is responsible for the atrocities.

On his way to America, Mr Kortlang called at Papeete and enthused Messrs Bainbridge Dexter and Co., regarding Q-tol and Fluenzol. This big firm has now taken over the agency for these lines for the French Establishment of Oceania. They have placed an opening order for prompt shipment from Wellington. Advt. 1 A travelling conjurer in the village oi Kopczynce, near Lemberg, Galicia, used his art to punish a woman who had sold him three eggs above maricet rates. While arguing with her ho dropped an egg, and to the amazement of the woman, picked a gold coin from the wreckage. The woman demanded the coin, but the man re-, fused to give it up. He then broke' the other two eggs and each yielded a gold coin. The conjurer offered to buy all the eggs in the woman’s basket, but she hurried to a shed and quickly broke open one egg after another. She was deeply disappointed to find that not one of the eighty eggs she broke contained any gold. Pianos! The world’s best on easy ; terms. A visit to our spacious show room will prove of great interest to ■ you, but should distance prevent you ; paying us a visit we will gladly for- , ward you all information on request. 'We have on show five new models Wilton and Wilton, £9B; Wilton and . Wilton, £115; Chappell, £125; C. Begg and Co., £125; Foster and Co. Piano Player, £175. Inspection invited. Call in and our expert will explain our easy terms. A. E. Kilgour, Piano, Gramophone and Music Warehouse. —Advt. “During the late war the Judges of this Court were constantly engaged in considering and determining how far letters and memoranda, and even unsigned documents were intended to be testamentary,” said Mr. Justice Chapman in the course of a judgment at tho Supreme Court in Wellington. “They often found an undoubtedly testamentary passage in a letter devoted to all sorts of subjects. Apart from such exceptional conditions, however, it is true that a document may have to be admitted to probate only part of which is, and part of which is not, testamentary, while it is proper to include the whole in the probate, so that the testamentary portion shall not be misunderstood. In construing such, a document, the Court can only give effect to such part as the author intended to operate as a testamentary instrument.” Winter-time is book-timO. With a few well-selected volumes you may become intellectually rich for life. ‘‘The Poisoned Paradise,” by R. W. Service, price 6/-; “The. Great Moment,” by Elenor Glyn, price 6/-; ‘‘Neighbours,-’ by Robert Stead, price 6/-; ‘ ‘Pon Iola,” by Cynthia Stockley, price 6/-; ‘‘Tell England” and “Rossenal,” by E. Raymond, price 6/-; “Wanderer oi the Wasteland,” by Zane Grey, price 6/-; “The Tramping Methodist,” by S. Kay Smith, price 6/-; “At the Earth’s Core,” by E. R. Burroughs, price 6/-; “The Clue of the New Pen,” by E. Wallace, price 6/-; “Simon Called Peter,” by Keable, price 4/9. A. E. Kilgour, Up-to-date Bookseller and Stationer.—Advt. The action brought to have it declared that the playing of golf on the links of the Royal Portrush Club on Sundays was illegal, was dismissed recently in the Chancery Court at Belfast. Mr. Justice Wilson said the plaintiffs’ rights and privileges not having been interfered with as members of the club, and no injury being alleged against the club or its property, the action was not maintainable by the plaintiffs. It was contended the playing of golf on Sunday was a crime, there were in existence the Criminal Courts to try that issue. He had merely to ascertain the law, so far as his jurisdiction, went, .and in his opinion the action was not maintainable. In his opinion the rules of the club, as passed at the meeting in July 1922, were legal and valid, and were now binding on the members of the club. The result was that the action would be dismissed with costs. Post Card Albums at Half Price. This offer is for one week only to enable us to clear off surplus stocks. All goods new and in good order. Usual prices, 2s, 3s, 4s 6d, 5s 6d, 6s 6d, 7s 6d, 9s 6d ; now Is, Is 6d, 2s 3d, 2s 9d, 3s 3d, 3s 9d, 4s 9d. Secure these bargains now at B. Dixon’s, Tainui Street. —Advt.

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Greymouth Evening Star, 24 July 1923, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL Greymouth Evening Star, 24 July 1923, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL Greymouth Evening Star, 24 July 1923, Page 4