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■ Fl a 4B F 7 [~j n MANCHESTER, dept. Special Winter Sale ®ffl . ’ Extra heavy Grey Flannel, Now 2/6. Commencing Thursday, June 15th, 1922 I Natural Plaiding usually 4/11, Now ————————■ ,— H11..111..1 !..■ i; i , 36inch Extra Good Reliable While Calico, sale price 1/- yard. J t W y <<? W W . Horrockses and Crewdson’g Calico 36- ' ' ."Let these ¥ aloes Help You t ““ prices, 1/11, 2/11, usually 2/11 and SHOWROOM SHOWROOM FANCY DEPARTMENT MERCERY. MANCHESTER DEPT. PlaiimLy an! Butcher Drills dearSmart Striped Blouses, usually 8/11, Colored Straws, all being cleared at Colgate's Dental Cream, usually 1/3, now .Men's Heavy Ribbed Pants,, usually 12/6, 1 only Satin Panels, usually 120/- Now Heavy B Crepes 7 White Brown ana Now 5/11. 2/11. thicc foi 2/6 now 9/6 89/6. . Heliotrope, usually 2/11, Now i/H Knitted Woollen. Junipers all colour's Girls’ Sealette Hats, usually 10/6 to Sponge bags, usually 2/, now 1/3 All Wool Fine Under Vests, now 10/6 10x4 Marcella Quilts; usually yard. 17/6, white'and black voile blouses 14/6; bale Price 5/-. Rubber Sponges, usually 3/6 and 4/, large All Wool Fine Underpants, now 11/6 32/6, 35/6, 45/-, 47,6. 49/6; now Pure Flax Forfar, usually 5/6, now clearing at 5/11. Gabardine Hats, ladies and girls, all sizes. Sale Price 3/ Natural Merino Pants and Shirts, usually 21/6, 27/6, 30/-, 32/6. . 2/11. 6 only Georgette Blouses, usually 45/- clearing at 1/6 each; usually 4/11 Cashmere Bouquet Soap, usually 1/6, 12/6, 13/6, now 10/6 Heavy Marcella Quilts; usually 36inch Flax Fol’far, usually 4/6, Now to 70/-, Now 7/11. to 11/6- tablet. Sale 1 rice three lor 2/9 Boys’ Tweed Suits, usually 59/6, now 45/- 65/-, 66/-, 90/-, Sale Prices 42 6, 2/11. White Jap Silk Jumpers, Now 13/6 AH Model Hats, reduced to 15/- and Floral Sachets for perfuming linen chests, Youth’s Petone and Kaiapoi Tweed Suits, 50/- ’ Gre T H V; Sh ’ ttmg 1 ,- E - Xtra Strong and 18/6. ’ 411 ? 5 /? , . llow V usually 59/6, now 49/6 1 each only Honeycomb Quilts 6x4 • n usuall y’ 3 / 6 > 1/11 1 only Navy Silk Oilskin Coat, usual- CmZroy Bonnets, 2/9 ? ° t 3 °“ ly ? 3 X’ Tweed Suits ’ USUally 39/6, S ’ 29 j 2 * 4 ’ S ° iled ’ U ’ SUaily ® sail 7 prico W 1/11. dSUa ly 90/-, Now 25/-. * cream; usualy 6/6, Sale Price 3 ; - T i «i + i • i/z H °" ° ° /6 ’ n ° W 29,6 ‘ Hoyle’s Best Prints, usually 2/6, Now Ladies’ Black Leather Coats, usually eac ] b Lavender Sachets, huge sizes, now 1/3 Men’s Kaiapoi Suits, usually 95/., now Colored Linen Bedspreads; usually 1/8. 59/6, Now 47/6. • Winceyettb Nightdresses, V neck; Colgate’s large Bath Soaps, three for 2/3, 85/ 55/6, Sale Price 29/6. . 63inch Tickings, usually 3/11, 7/6, 8/6, 1 only Girls’ 27inch Green Rain Coat usually 22/6 and 27/6, now 15/6 usually 4/6 3 only en - s Kaiapoi .Suits, usually £5 New Linoleums, splendid designs; . Sale, prices 2/6, 4/6, 4/11. and Hat to match, worth 45/-, and 17/6. Children’s Invisible Sock .Suspenders, 16/, now 90/ Sale Price 13/6 yard. Line finish Pillow Ticking 2/6, Now now 27/6 Pyrenees Pressing Gowns, all shades; usually 1/, now 6d per pair Very Special Dark Brown Suits, all sizes, Hearth Rims Sofa Square Slip Coloured Fleecy Scarves, Now 5/11. ' t.-" s^n yJ2/6 47/6 and 79/6, Sale Girls’ Scarlet Woollen Gloves, 2/6 and 3/6 ‘now 65/ - aMts, aH at Bargain Prii k. . 80incli Whitebait Netting, usually Gotourea x • Prices 37,6, 42/6 and 69/6. Sale Price 1/11 and 2/6 Bovs’ Oiercoats, usually 59/6, 63/, now th ~, r, ‘ 4/11, sal ° P rice I/ 11 - Furs.—2 only, Cream, usually. 50 , Silk-finished Moirette Underskirts, , .-,i ,i , 47/6 36inch Stuped Flannelettes, usually Check Glass Cloth, sale price 1/3. Now 10/6. usually 17/6 and 19/6, now 12,6. 11 p t ‘ l ‘ I " nei°l>ai?" ' ° Boys’ Tweed Overcoats, usual'y 39/6, 3/1, 4 Z II, Now 1/Jl, 2/5, Short Curtain Nets, usually 1/11, 2/11,. TMr Collars usually 21/-, Now 12/6. All Taffeta Underskirts reduced to " .’’ ‘ 45/6. Sale Price 30/, 39,6 2/11. 3/6, sale p l4ces 1/6, 2/3, 2/6. ah r - rrron+lv reduced half-prices. Guls White Suede and Knitted Gloves, Men’s Tweed Overcoats, tweed lined, good 3 Pieces only now lOd yard. 29inch Madras Short Curtaining, All furs greatly reduces Extra-long MW Mixture Chemise soiled, all sizes, bale Price 6d per pan- cut and style, usually 64/, now 77/6 Newest designs in Chintzs -ml Ore- usually 4/11, Now 3/11. Girls Navy and Cream F y Singlets; usually 10/6, now 7/b. Girls’ Cream Knitted Gloves, usually 2/6 3 only Good unown Overcoats, usually f p lain Casements, 30inch 1/8 50 inch. Bloomers, usually 5/11, Now 3/H. Long MMite Shaped Vests, open front; and 2/9. Sale Price 1/, 1/3 110/, now 95/ 2W2/11 P ’ ‘ ’ 2/6. Women’s Grey Fleecy-lined Bloomers, usually 7/6, now 4/11. Ladies’ Strong M 7 arm Fleecy-lined Cash- Men s Heavy Oilskins, usually 45/ and j/, y m n T 50yards only Cream Casement, InserNow 4/11 and 5/11. - Ladies’ White Princess Petticoats, mere Gloves, grey and fawn, usually now 30/ and 47/6 1 lan only M lute Canomar 1 Lace tion Inlet, sale price 4/6. Grey aid Fawn Bloamore, -.16/6 d , , 4/H, 2/U 25/6, now 54i„oh Unbloaehed Statics sale price sale price 4'll, usually 6/11. Ladies Camisoles, trimmed cmbroid- Ladies’ Brown and Grey Fleecy Knitted 13/6 21/6 ~ i > i , ->ow iuo. 2 /6. Wnmpn’q Naw all-wool Bloomers, ei 7 v i usually 5/11, now 2/11. Gloves, usually 6/71. Sale Price 4/11 Striped and White Neglige Shi.ts, sizes 13 Long Lace Curtamette, usually 7/6, 72inch Herringbone Heavy usuallv 14/6 sale price 10/11. en A DTM EMT Ladies’ White Knitted G .untleT Gloves, and 14, usually 16/6, now 7/11 Now 3/11 yard. . usually 4/11, Now 3/6. usually xH/u, h usually DREisS DEPARTMENT usuallv 5/11, Sale Price 3/1 1 These without exception are the best Beautiful patterns, Madras, usually 80mch Herringbone Heavy Sheeting, Larg^im 6 t nHee ‘ 1 Ladies’ Brown White and Grey Knitted shirts in the whole of N’ w Zdaland. 3/11,4/11, 5/6, Now 3/6, 3/il, 5/6, Now 3/11. w Sleeve'Spencers, Now Lovely Shades of Velveteen. The best Gloves, usually 4/11, now 3/6 Navy Doctor Under Flannels, extra 4/H. 50 inch Nurse’s Apron Cloth, usually M omen s Short b P quality only, twill backs; usually 7/xl, , Wnrim,, glava- heavy, now 8/11 1 Piece onlv Block Figured Madras, 5/11, Now 3/11 2/11, and 3/11. now 6/6 yd. ladies Llack Knitted Moollen Gloves, N a t ura l Flannel Unders, 8/11, now 6/11 usually B’6 sale price 5/6 40inch Linen usuallv 7/6 Now 5/11 Very Special 200 Traced Camiso , T riece onl Cream .Mercerised Pique, usually 4,1-, now 2/11 Extra gtron Working Shirts, usually ma k e g on ]’ j n Eiderdown Quilts 62inch Heavv White Twill Now 1/U. „ double width, usually 4/11, now 2/11 Ladies’ Long White Silk Gloves, usually 12/6, 74/6, now 6/11 and 7/11 umiallv 65 85/ 89/6 IH/ nqonllT7/11 New 3/ i She€ting ’ Traced Night Dresses usually 10/6, Extra Fine Double-v.idth Wuite Voile, 12/6, now 9/11 Extra Ileavv Black Italian Shirts, Sale sale price 7/6. usually 2/11, now 1/11 Latli J Lon „ Nil , gei . Brown Silk Gloves, Price 10/6 WhiM Twill Fln’nneWtl A ™ Sheeting UBUally ■Rovs’ Knitted Rompers, usually 12/6 Crepe-de-Chenes, all colours, being cleared usuallv 12/11, now 10/6 Naw Striped Drill Shirts, usually 12/6, n 5 n I 7 OA . 7 / 6 A^' OW J, 6 ’ , „ 5 y IA/t at 10/6 yd, usually 15/6 and 1./6 l Znrr UlmT Si!k Glovm now 4/11 and ‘now 8 6 M eight usually 2/6, Now 1/11 80meh Grass Bleach, usually 9/6, Now ow . l , , B v y2/ll now 9/6. Extra Heavy Georgettes, usually 14/6, J q-, n ’‘ v ‘ B ai .]< Grev Striped Crimean Shirts, Sale Nursery Flannelettes, usually 1/11, 5/11. B?rreL%ons in all Corsets every pair i5/6, now 7./il y<L Good Suede and Kid Gloves, Sale Price Price 15/6 . / 1/4, 1/2, sa e puces 1/6 1/m 1/-. 40inch Cream Winceyette, usually Big reductions in ai l nrices 1 1 iece 0,1 y Ll ght Navy Face Gioth, g/6 Bovs’ Grev Flannel Shirts, Salo Price 9/6 36inch extra heavy scarlet F' innel- -4/11, Now 3/6. marked to rock ?. 0^J U . • usually 15/6, bale Price 7/11 Dress Nets, 2 pieces, onlv Fine Black Men’s Navy Bushman Shirts, Sa'e Price ette, usually 3/11. Now 1/6 p,ig Reduction?'']!! Blankets and Rugs. 1 only, linsef a a • > Faum Gabardine, usually 7/11, now 3/11 Tucked’ Net, usually of'? now 1/ yd. 10/6 3 Bolts onlv. heav v Pink Mo Teton, Very Social Striped usually £lO 10s, now fco xus. 30 Yards only Navy Soit bilk hep., • Heather Alixture Over Shirts, now 8/11 usuallv 3'6 Now 2/6. nqmllv4/ll now 2/11 1 onlv, Wine Color Frock, trimmed usually 15/6, now 8/6 yd. Double-width M lute Spot Dress Net, usuany 00, nw usually 4/11, now silk stitching; usually 90/-, now | Piece only line Mole Colour Serge, usually 5/6, now 3/6 t , 55/-. usually 12/6, now 5/11 Plain Cream Fine Bretonne Nets, doubleBlack and Navy Taffeta Evening Bottle Green Cheviot Serge, 50-inch wide, width, usually 3/6, now 2/6 Frocks- usuallv £7 10s, Sale Price usually 21/6, now 7/11 yd. 30 vards onlv Grey Silk Dress Net, usually A -a Cqfi 50 Yards only Black and White All M’ool ‘ 5/11, now 1/6 vd. A << < J < < Cvpv Knitted Sports Coats, outsize; Check, 54-inch, usually 15/6. now 8/11 White, Clunv Lace, wide, now 1/3 yd. || TF @ iF B ‘'usuallv 27/6 Sale Price 21/6. Heavy Dark Grey Overcoating, usually Filet Lace, now lOd and 1/ per yd. O’® Ir\ ! All wnnl Snorts Coats; 20 /°> now 15 / & Camisole kmbroideries usually 2/6, now 1/6 3 Only, Gieei A - 1 2 Pieces only Grey All M’ool Tweed, sfin, Big Range of Dainty Voile Embroideries u.->ua v A’ ‘ a .] e nnr fc Coat- usually 21/6, now 5/11 from 3d per vard . , . 1 only Cream M oollen bpoits coat, 56 , inc)l Heather y]i xiure Overcoatings, Coloured Belie Velvets 12yds for 1/ There aP6 Certain gOOdS that yOU IMUSt bUV. SO bUV them usually 70/-, now 41/0. usually 21/6, now 10/6 Children’s Coloured Bordered Handker- . 1 only, Knife-pleated fine Navy beige j Bolt e ., ch on|y Navy the besfc dyes> clijers ( . !iarl , o Chaplin series, Sale where yOU Can get the OlggGSt return TOT yOUT mOOCy Skirt, trimmed cerise braid ; us- usually 29/6 and 35/6. Sale Price Brice 3 for 1/ . . . : ually 75/-, now 55/-. . 15/6 and 17/6 ' Ladies’ Hemstitched H andkerchiefs, very I and that is at this clearance, No approbation. / Camisoles, trimmed lace and inser- 1 Piece only Grey and Henna., small -pecial, Sale Prices 3 for 1/, 1/3, 1/6 tion, with sleeves ; usually 8/11, ' check, all wool, usually 19/6, new 10/6 and 1/11 9/11’ Sale Price 5/11 and 6/11- 1 Piece only 60-inch Fawn Gabardine, Hosiery. J.adies' Ilealther Mixture CaJi- KMWSW® /Ol Hand-made Camisoles, very dainty, usually 15/6, now 5/11 mere hose, usually 5/11 and 6/11, now M 0 trimmed with real lace; usually 1 on J- v , Navy Sllk > usually 8/6. 2/11 K® W®\ AIW JW® Wz MWtIH T JFcoZXd«n (ld .e rfcs;U , IWU, I W W,™ Al , „ IMP ALL REMNANTS OF LACES, W WHIIVIIW TUI H 45/-, 55/-, 65/-. All this season’s ALL REMNANTS BEING EjujRDn«nFOHPQ jmrl RIRRHNQ BWSz > latest and most up-to-date shapes. CLEARED REGARDLESS OF ’ MAWHERH CMAY GREYM©f]TH 1 only, Matron’s Stamped Sealette CQS . REGARDLESS OF COST W U Coat; usually £2l, now £7 10s. uuoa ..

Peerl 4X |i Fleur 111 m “Peerless” does not vary Hi —it is a uniform flour, L the result of the care H taken to properly blend j| the wheat from which it i is made. This is what I makes baking so easy, h when you use “Peerless” II Flour you are always t|j sure that it will bake uni- E formly. Order “Peerless” E Flour and give it a fair j trial. • McLean Ltd., |Wahtsbcti.[ Graymouth u /

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Greymouth Evening Star, 16 June 1922, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 Greymouth Evening Star, 16 June 1922, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 Greymouth Evening Star, 16 June 1922, Page 8