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lx ;iii article headed “Apathetic i Greymouth,’’ which appeared on 1 Aland) drd, we referred to I of Mr _ 11. W. Dalton, IDs Majesty's Trade Commissioner, 'and we called attention to the fact | that none of our local bodies had | taken advantage of his presence, |and that as the representative of tins Majesty (he King he had been j treated with scant courtesy, which was in ill-keeping with the West Coast’s reputation for hospitality. We made no special reference to any local body, and we bad our

iacl.s iron) Iho best of all sources —Mr D.illoti himself. That g'oullemau railed at tlio “Star” Office, and, in conversation with liio Miuiao'er, expressed the wish tnat an interview should he arranged as he desired to brino' the objects of his mission before the people of the district. When it was surestcd Must a public lecture would perhaps he better he said that no wish had been expressed hy any local body to have a lecture, and under the circumstances he thought t!sat an interview would meet the difficulty. 1. he fact that Mr Dalton was not met hy any of the heads of our local bodies is not denied. Wo believe that Mr .royalty, the Secretary (if the almost moribund Chamber of (‘ommeroe, did meet tim Commissioner, but that did not absolve the other local heads Doni their manifest duty towards a representative of such an important body as the Dritisk board of Trade. The excuse has been made thai the Dorouqli Council, tor instance, did not receive any omcia] mdice that .Mr Dalton was cominy. ’] lie, fact that the Commissioner was arriving- was announced 1 1 1 the local papers. We have heard of football tennis, prominent pedestrians, and even pugilists who have been mot at vhe station and welcomed by the -Mayors, Deputy Mayors, to say nothiny of the deputy-deputy mayors of even larger and more important cities than (troymouth. Mb' are quite sure that these Mayors, Deputy-Mayors, and Deputy-deputy Mayors did not wail to receive a special wire. Meal, live, up-to-date Mayors, Deputy-Mayors, and Deputydeputy Mayors would always keep hi touch with the movements of ail distinguished visitors to Xew /e-aland, and be ready to welcome them on their arrival a.l tin' particular place where these live, up-to-date ‘Mi ivms, !)epu ty-Mayors, and Deputy deputy Mayors presided. /sow Cr Creensladc has evidently been nursing a grievance, and so great was the os lremity of Ins pain that he did not only si;ih lint roar. To some extent ins roaring; lias been of some bench' to Cr (treensiade, tor until now the public of (Jreymouth were unaware timt for twenty-four hours or more Cr -)■ W. (free us lade held the exalted honour of Deputy-deputy Mayor of breymouth. Their amazement at their mit-perceivinw the great man that dwelt unknown in tlieir midst is now dying away, and people arc beginning to ask themselves how Cr breenslade obtained tin' title, l.i has been the custom in tin' past tor the Councillor who obtained the most votes at 'the municipal elections to be appoint-

ed Deputy .Mayor in tin* absence oi the Mayor. That position was occupied hy (V !i. C. parley, hut that gentleman with, characterisin' modesty declined to act on this occasion. A smuj-o!! to one of the drafts was about to lake jrlace am I Cr lh >ogan wa.s asked to act as chairman. Owing to a business

(T Doogan was uuahit' if) preside, and 1 ins duty of chairman had to he undertake'!! by Mr .)esse Steer, the (’hairman of the Harbour Board, if Cr (ireousiado was .Deputy .Mayor, as he claimed, why did he not take the chair at the scnd-oiV to the troopsh It Mr P. C- Webb was not present all kinds of insinuations would be made. Are members of local bodies not liable to the same criticism as the member lor C’roy h Did not the members of the G.reymouth Borough Council do what Creymouth local bodies genera lly do—lot hing f Where, then, is the unjust criticism with which we are charged 'i It would :jp;H-ar tltai Cr (Ireensltule hid his light under a bushel when there was a send-off to the

;-()]«iit‘is, bn! assumed tils* ir-spon-sibiliiios of the position when there was a chance of attacking tin* “Star-" The most a musingj»art of <_*r uroenslade's harangue on Thursday nio-hl was when he atiempted to introduce iho i’rnssian .lack hoot, and tried to persuade the Council to eject tin; “Siar" reporter because the editor had criticised the (ircyinoutli local bodies! From :i councillor wiio !io 1< 1 the position of Deputy-deputy Mayor for twentyfour hours or more we should have expected a knowledge that the {•Teatest tyro in municipal life is supposed to possess, viz-, that the meetings of a ])ublie body in open

council lire always open to (he press, and not even such a puissant indi\idual as a Deputydeputy Mayor can order tlie exclusion of (he brass representativos. (’r Uooo'an was “annoyed when !m read Ike leader-'’ The Mdilor sliouid have rung’ up the Town Hal!, ('rCDoogai! also took I'Neoju ion in the pari of tiie leader, which said: “What do the

i : x'll 1 Miniins I.r Grcymoutb poiumnil\ tin." Hi* nmsidom! it uti11os (""Sni - s In pass tim resolution in t'jtM'l Ihr »rtci'- The only communl that wu have In mako is Hint ini'll who outer public liic must he prepared In accept criticism- (T Doopan let (T Gro«mshni(> down very lightly when lie iold him that his motion was uanecessarv- 'At* hope that tor v. r

Grccmshuic s benefit lie told him (dm truth outside- It would not do if the Sydney “Bulletin” pot hold of the met Hint on the wild West Coast of God's Own Country n Deputy-deputy Mayor wanted to eject a pressman because the Kditor had hurt the DeputyDeputy Mayor’s lender feelinps. Cr Harley was tjuiio iti his best fort 11. ! (i’ll Sir Oracle.

And when t ope my lips, let no dog bark, lie gave a very learned discourse ou the duties of editors, but be drew out the thread of bis verbosity liner than the staple of his argument- Cr Harley is, to tpiorc Shakespeare, ’ “a gentleman, nurse, who loves to bear himself talk, ami will speak more in a minute than he will stand to j.i a month-” Cr Harley attempts to take us to task for unfair eritimsm ou a local body. We challenge

Cr Harley to show where we singled out any local body n particular. We criticised the whole of the local bodies, and they can allot the share of blame as time think fit. Cr Harley*s discourse on the duties of an editor refu nds us very much or a book entitled “How to run, a nowspapev’ which contained in the introdmv lion these words. “Tor editors only—everybody else knows bow to run a newspaper.” He Shat hath knowledge spare th his words. in connection with the harvest festival at the Salvation Army tomorrow a service of song, entitled “Leah of-'the Lumber Camp,” wilj be bold at 3 o’clock, “Wonb five iuae» us price," as wirftt everyoim says who trios hiazol foi colds, cittarh, cars thrust, sad hay lover. Nuaul quickly givsa relief. fcO doses cost I /fa.— art vt.

Two reservists, Joseph Hughes ami Francis McHugh Hamby, both of whom wore anostod at * Westport uii charges of 1 ailing to proceed to camp, were taken

overland to Christchurch by police escort to-day ami will lie handed over to tlio military authorities at Wellington,

Look Week at A. 12. Kilgour’s.—Spr-. rial Reductions ju Hooks are now being offerer} to the public for one week only, v iew Lis window display, for seeing is believing.—Advi. An unprecedented sensation (says the West Coast Times) was experienced yesterday by tlie holders of ordinary shares in the West port • Stockton Con] Company, when they received a dividend of 5 per cent, on tlieir holdings —the first since tho formation of the Company. bur heartburn, acidity aim pain after eating, take Shariand's Fluid Magnesia, it both relieves and prevents. But be sure A & ShailamTs. Notuing else is “just as good.” One shilling.—Advt. It is freely stated in Greymontli that one or- two small parties of Reservists, drawn in recent ballots, have proceeded to isolated portions of the Grey district, there to iiide with a view of evading service!; the New Zealand Expeditionary Force. For Bargains in Ladies’ Wea ', the only place is C- Smith's, Ltd., if you want good goods a>. io-.v prices which are {(liable.—. Advt. Tlie inxfpriot-TK, of three Wellington newspapers have announced Unit on and after April L‘ud {lie price of their journals will be increased to twopence per copy, ■ .wlno to the. greatly increased cost of pro'lii'ti.ji!, paper alone havine noarlv treble. i in price since the out break of war.— I'ieas wire. Hhounio enables sufferers from gout, rheumatism, sciatica, and lumbago to enjoy health and happiness. 2/6 and 4/6. Advt. The Instructor in Agriculture of the Canterbury Education Board, Mr Martin, arrived at Hokitika from Cbristciuireli yesterday, for tlie purpose of bolding a class in agriculture for teachers in the Westland district, commencing on Monday, ami continuing during the week. There will bo a class at Greymoulh the following weak.

For Gramophones and Double-sided /Cnoplume Records cal! and inspect A. E. K rigour's slock. Catalogues of machines and records posted free to anv address. — Advt. The Inangalipa Times says, in regard to the lion. Sjr Francis Bell's neist* to Red Uni on Thursday ;■ “A peculiarity idiom {lie .Minister's visit was that no one was aware at about what time be would arrive, consequently there was no one to meet him. Doubtless, in those days of stringent expenditure, the Minister was averse to meeting deputations and requests for assistance; hut we think the district- has a right to be informed of it .Minister of the Crown's movements

through a district such as this, where oppori unities are so seldom afforded residents of bringings under their notice the grievance* -ami other disabilities hum which they are suffering." "No Rubbing" Laundry Help is our special favourite for washing silks, muslins, prints, woollens and mechanics' overalls spotlessly clean without rubbing or injury to the hands or fabric. We give the famous Thinker Notebook free with every Is packet ox “No Rubbing.” W. Holder and Sons, —Advt. Work af the new ' schcclilo mine at Pokeraugi is progressing favourably, and the mine continues to open up well. Machinery for the treatment of ore is now arming on the property, and it is anticipated that the mine will be producing scheelitc in large quantities in about a month's lime. Further prospecting on tin* lode goes to prove that the previous estimate of this property being cue of the richest discoveries of sc hoe Hie yet made in New Zealand will ho correct. At \V. Reid’s Rook Arcade, Postcard Albums (usual price 6s 6d) are now being

sold at 2s f'd each. This is wonderful value, and the only reason for selling is being overstocked. View the window and step insidt l . —Advt. The annua! harvest thanksgiving services will he held at St. Paul’s Methodist Church on Sunday, when'the Church will lie decorated with the flowers and fruits of the season. Hymns and anthems suitaide to tin; occasion will bo sung at botii services. The Rev, K. R. Patchett will preach on ‘‘The Overflowing Cup” at the morning service, and '“Christ amongst Inc Corn" at the evening one. Miss Chunn will sing a sacred solo at the evening service. (Iroymonth merchants wish to impress

upon all thrifty wives the desirahilitv of always carrying the famous Thinker Notebook, especially as it is given away free with every Is packet of that wonderful labor saver. “Xo Rubbing” Laifndrv Help.—Advt, In regain (o the (lazetted list of “missing ballot men'’ Mr ]'.. jTojikin;-:, ijiiartz miner, of Waiuta, whose name ap-

neared ia xin* list, railed at tin* Star olßce to <!ay and pointed out that Ids name must have been inadvertently iiieluded. Mu produced a certificate issued by the dial rid at testing ofheer (f.'apkiiii I*',. P. Osmond Saiilli) granting him permissh n to absent himself hum ramp as hum February 24tli. last until further notice. Mr Leal ha m, commissioned by the Government to examine X-Ray plants at the hospitals in the Dominion, visited the. Westland Hospital on Wednesday and inspected the plant at that institution, lie expressed himself as delighted At finding such a 'complete plant, than which, he said, there is nothing better in New Zca-

land, not even excepting the largo centres sut 'h as Auckland and Dunedin. He made a very complete examination of it in conjoin;! ion with the surgeon-superintendent, to whom be made suggestions for its still further improvement. Flut.ulence or bad breath are easily removed by {.lie regular use of STEVENS’ HEALTH SALT—tlie pleasant fruit saline. Obtainable everywhere. 2s bottle containing 64 doses.—Advt.

At the -Magistrate's Court, Hokitika, yesterday, Janies O'Neill, of Rewanui, whs charged with publishing a seditious utterance and pleaded not guilty. Inspector CTuickshauk appeared for flic police, and stated that the information was laid under the War Regulations. The case, was not of a very serious nature; piobably the man being under the influence of drink it loosened Ids tongue. The occasion was the State mine picinc . to Hokitika, just before the train left, for Oreyniouth at 9.15 After hearing the evidence, the Magistrate (Mr T. Hutchison) convicted and fined the defendant i!5 with costs 13s and witnesses 245. X

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Greymouth Evening Star, 17 March 1917, Page 3

Word Count

Greymouth Evening Star. AND BRUNNERTON ADVOCATE. SATURDAY, MARCH 17th, 1917. THE EDITOR AND HIS CRITICS. Greymouth Evening Star, 17 March 1917, Page 3

Greymouth Evening Star. AND BRUNNERTON ADVOCATE. SATURDAY, MARCH 17th, 1917. THE EDITOR AND HIS CRITICS. Greymouth Evening Star, 17 March 1917, Page 3