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As we. are overstocked in Collarettes wo have reduced over 100 to 6d each or three for Is. Oilier Collarettes we have reduced in proportion—l/11 lines now Is, 2/6 now 19, and 3/6 lines 2/6. At Walker's, Boundary Street.—Advt, Babies, growing children, and invalids who suffer from stomach troubles will find relief in Sharland'a Fluid Magnesia, Large bottle one shilling.—Advt.

Large hauls of fish have been madeK the Wostpoit roadstead during the ;||j For Bargains in Ladies' Wea , the (lil plane is C- Smith's, Ltd., if you want gMg goodd at low (iliees wlii.-l) Hl'« ItUahlißß It is understood that the -MillerM; not to resitrict the output, thus eonh'ißß Against 20-1, for 115; majority against Ms strietion. bU. -U Denniston and StockHp bing Laundry Help." Kettle I'.ro-Mj The readjustment of representation W the Grey County Council, together w ßf the question of an alteration in the nifll Council till Thursday, .March 29th, w}H a special meeting of the Council will I \ he:d to go into the question of represJH taiion and a superannuation scheme I <

the ('ounce's staff, | * School Bugs, in cloth and leather, stn serviceable lines, at Is 3d, 2s, 3s # 5s i 6s 6d each, are procurable at B. Dixoi Tainui Street.—Advt. Proposals in regard to a suoeranm tion scheme for Use Grey County Co' cii's employees were before yesterda meeting of the Council. Six employ (offiro stuff and roadmen) signified th desire to come under the scheme, in whi ii was proposed that the', employees c< tribute two-fifths, the Council two-htt and the Government Provident. Fund ot fifth of the piemiums. The Counci quota, it was said by the Chairma would be approximately £IOO per ann,na Once the fund is established, the Counfl can m ike it a condition of employniel that all persons receiving appointments I the future come under the scheme. Al'tl

discussion, it was resolved tiiat the pi jiosals bo again considered at a epeei meeting of the Council to be held o'n t 29th hist. Greyniouth thinkers! Kindly note, \ -stock '"The Thinkers' Favourite" Writii Tablets and Thinkers' Penny Note 800 l Splendid for schools and everybody. E, Kiigour.—Advt. The County rate collector (Mr E. Louij reported to yesterday's meeting the Council that a number of properti in Blackball arc not included in tt County valuation list, in consequence i wlii.-h rates had not been levied thereoi i'\- Irvine, who brought this fact undt the notice of Councillors some time ag< estimated t more than twenty ne houses had been erected in the minin township since the last valuation, rats ~.„.,. ~t,:..i, ~..., i „..ii„..#„i.i.. tu

upon which were not collectable. Tl Chairman (Cr Hannan) explained the din" culty was that if the Department wei now asked to make a valuation of the pr< peitic; under note, the request would nC be granted. What was really wanted w; a fiesh valuation of the whole of th County. The matter of the Blackball rm pertit's was referred to the County Ciei t,i consult with the rate collector, Special Mrn'a Wear now showing at VS McKay and Son's. It will pay you t have a look at our special window displa of men's All-Wool Flannel Unders, winte Shirts and Pyjamas. And these are aoin of the prices: Flannel Unders, 4,6 to 7/ each; Winter Shirts, 4/6 to 12/6; Pyja mas, 6/6 to 30/-. New Ze-aland'a lowfei prices s!wa»a. \V. McKay and Son, tu Leading Drapers, Greymouth, Hokitikf and Mefs.-.n Arivt. I "The Grey County Council s,aw thj

Minister and got a very strong hint no to brag about thing.--,'' explained th> County Chairman yesterday, in referring to newspaper continents on the apathy o' local bodies to place the requirements o the 'district before the Hon. Mr Fraser Alinister of Public Works, during the hit ter's visit to Creymonth early this month From the Chairman's remarks it wa; »ues.«od that something transpired at tin interview that the deputation, or Minis ter, desired should not be known to every Tom. Dick- and Hurry. Cr Ryder said he took up the side of the paper; he hac rot known, at the time, that the Ministei was in the,Grey district; there were some urgent works in his riding he would like to have brought the Minister's notice particularly mentioning a bridge at Cape Terrace. The Chairman further explained that the Minister arrived in Grey, mouth in the evening, and the wire announcing hj,-< coming had been received on the afternoon of the tame day. Continuing, the Chairman explained matters brought under the notice of the Minister were the transference of unexpended bal-

ances, grants appearing on the Estimates for which authorities had not been issued, Rosj Cseek bridge, the Grey-Omoto road, Deep Creek bridge, and the main Grey Vallev rb::d. In regard to the last-men-tioned road, the Chairman said he had pointed out to the .Minister that the Grey County Council was the only County on the West Coast that had to wholly maintain its main roads. The other counties got special assistance from the Government. The Minister promised to look into the requests and would endeavour to meet the wishes of the deputation. From the Chairman's verbal report it did not strike the press representatives at the table that the deputation had .been favoured in any special way or that it had succeeded in obtaining from the admittedly empty public exchequer all the loaves and fishes they claimed to be entitled to. The de-

> putation, after its somewhat clandestine | iuti'rview, verjly hud little to "brag about." N«'\v !>;>.!:-; by Authors. — "Rainbow"* Fad" (by Rex Beach), "Mal« vin:i of Miittany" (Jerome K. Jerome), 1 "Cinders" (Win. Le Qiieux). "Sea War- ; ii,ue" (Uudyard Kipling), "Thev of the ' High Trail''" (H. Garland), "The Castaways" (W. W. Jacobs). '".Mary Gusta" , (Joseph Lincoln), "Rack's Brat'"' (A. lan Madeod), "Men, Women, and Guns" (Sapper), "The Valley of Gold" (J. 0. Cunvood), "iiis One'Talent" (R. Bind/ loss), "Her Father's .Daughter" (A. and 0. Aske.v). "Sylvia of the Hilltop" (M. EL Piper), "Dear Enemy" (Jean Webster), '•The Leopard Woman"' (S. E. White), "The Curtain of Fire" (Joseph Hocking), "The LV.util'ul Alien" (Silas Hocking), "Solium- Battle Stories" (Captain Dawcon). "The Lightning Conductress" (C. M. Williamson). Price 4z, postage 5d extra. Obtainable from A. E, Kijgour, Bookseller and Stationer, .Vawhera Quay, —Advt. "The weak I will make strong."- Wilcox. Such is the message, of Baxter's Lung Preserver to those who suffer from coughs ;uiti wilds, .sure throat, or weak lunga. its unique medicinal properties have proved of the utmost value in buildiiii» health and strength. Quickly overcomes coughs ami colds, heals throat soreness, promotes the health of the lungs, vitalises the whole .system. Popular for fifty years—a sure guarantee of its efficacy. 1/10 could not be better invested than in procuring a big bottle of Baxter's Lung Preserver. Sold everywhere.—Advt. We have a' very fine range of Ladies' and Children's Tweed Coals just to hand: also new Waterproofs, belted and foil skirt shape in Brawns, Fawns', Greys and Blade, a'l the latest styles and marvellous value considering the advance in material. J. N Walker, who has just returned from Wellington, was fortunate in secnr-' iiicj some real bargains well worth your attention in the above. Come in and inspect. Xote address: Walker's, Boundary Street.—Advt. Rheumo enables sufferers from gout, rheumatism, sciatica, and lumbago to en« jov health and happiness. / 2/6 and 4/o. Advt.

In two divorce cases heard at Welling ton last week evidence was given that the husbands had suddenly disappeared without giving any reason.

Pears' Encyclopaedia (the latest edition) can be procured from-A. E. Ivilgour... Price Is l Jd, postage 5d extra.- Advt.

For the latest .Music call and inspect A E. Kilgour's stock. Any sheet nms.e noi in stock will be proemed at the shortest notice. —Advt. Books, Periodicals, Magazines, an* Fancy Goods are obtainable at W. Raid'Book and Fancy Goods Depot, Maw her* jyuay.—Advt. The total amount of the proceeds from the sale by auction of sledges and other gear and stores of Sir Ernest bhuekletou s expedition is approximately *,<.UU. "Worth five times its pnea," ia **** everyone says who tries Nazol loj colds, Lttarb, .ore throat, »d hay fever. N»*ul quickly tfivea relief- 60 Uoaeo cost 1/o. Advt.

It is understood (says the West port Times) that the gross periodic pay sheet of one of the coal companies operating in the Westport district has recently been reduced by £2OOO.

For Gramophones and Double-sided Zonophone Records call and inspect A. K. Kihrour's stock. Catalogues oi and"records poked tree to any addvoss.— Advt.

"The hand that rocks the cradle. '—At a Tasmanian race meeting recently, when the officials raised the. minimum t-otahsa-tor investment from 5s to 10s in the women's reserve, the women went on strike and refused to bet. The offiein.s "t once returned to the old conditions. All School Books and Requisites are now procurable at B. Dixon's, Tainm Street. Owing to the increased charges and freights, these lines will be sold for cash only Will parents kindly note that fad 7 —Advt.

Judgment hv .default wos gnen m r,'»»< of plaintiffs ot the Magistrate's louit, Greymouth, this morning, in each ot the following undefended, debt cases, Mr 1. Hutchison, S.M., occupying the Hriien : P. Beck and Co. v. Edward l.i.nrUt*. claim for £7. costs IBs 6d : and K Williams v. John Srfctletou, ckuni h>r .U ss, costs 10s. A hearty laugh is a good tonic. "Winter Pie for 1917" is the book that will make you laugh, and that right heartily. It is worth more than the price asked, viz., Is 9d, posted 2s. Procurable from B. Dixon, Tainai Street. —Advt. The farewell to the supplementary draft of the 27th Reinforcements took place at the Town Hall this afternoon. The wet weather caused a slight tailing off in the attendance which usually marks there send-offs. Speeches we're delivered by hi 4 Worship the .Mayor and Rev. E. D. fatchett, and musical items by Misses Chtirni and Hopkins. . You will not feel languid even "in the hot weather if you get the habit of taking STEVENS' HEALTH SALTS every 'morning. 2s; grocers and chemists Advt. The Canterbury Education Board has accepted the tender of Mr T. Sotheran Lithe erection of a new school at Par. a. When completed the building will be commodious and up to date in every respect, and will have the distinction ~J being the first school erected in tin- old C.iey edit cation district under the new regime. The finest Fluid Magnesia is Sharland's. More freshly made than imported kinds. Guaranteed highest otrength and purest quality. Larger bottle— lowei' price. Una shilling.—Advt. Five young ladies who left ihc.'r clothes in the Greymouth Ladies' Suit Club shed at the South Tip yesterday, and for a time sported themselves in the briny, were shocked on returning to the .-died tu tied that some" sneak thief has carried away several of their garments. Bather;; '.\hn frequent the heach are warned lo he on the look out against su< h despicable ;u tions. Quality is not sacrificed for pricey ut McKay's. The new goods brought oui by their London buyer, Mr John Foden, are now allowing. New Millinery, new Costumes, new Jackets, and new Furs, etc., and the prices are the lowest in New Zealand. Heal value is always the dominant feature at W. McKay and Son's, Lieading Drapers, Greymouth, Hokitika, «*ud Nelson.—Advt. The usual weekly euchre social and dance ,will he held in the Druids' Hall this (Thursday) evening. These socials are becoming very popular, and those who attend are assured of a good evenings enjoyment. In connection with the euchre tournament, the Citizens Band wish it stated that Mr C. Nissen, hairdresser, is giving a useful and valuable special prize for the gentleman who secures the most points during the .season, and Mi's L Williams (Cobdeu) is giving a valuable piece of furniture fur the ladies' special prize, The competition for these prizes will begin during next month, and further particulars will be advertised in the Star later.

"Experience teaches." —Tennyson. Benefit by the experience of others, and -ret a bottle of that highly-praised remedy, Baxter's Lung Preserver. Every year thousands of people rind it a splendid cure for colds, coughs and sore throats. It preserves the health of the lungs, and thus prevents the distressing complaints that are so common during changeable weather. Pleasant to take. Good tor old and young. Yon can put your trust id the tried and proved remedy, "Baxter's." Big bottles, W, all chemists aud stores — Advt.

A meeting of the Chairmen of tin l van', our, bodies with which Mr Moiris has been associated during his long residence in this district was held at the Town Hall this morning. His Worship the Mayor (Mr 0. K. Perkins) was in Ihe chair, and representatives of the Bo rough Council, Harbor Hoard School Committee and Saw-millers' Association were present. It was unanimously decided to mark the occasion of Mr Morns' departure by a public presentation. Canvassers for the various ward-; were appointed, and will call on the residents on Tuesday next. In the meantime friends of Mr'Morris who are desirous of sub scribing may send their donations direct, to the Town Clerk.

We are making onr first show of new Millinery at Walker's, Boundary Street. Smart Hats in Bottle Green, Nigger Brown, Saxe, Navy, Black, Mole shade, etc., in all the latest design:; and colourings. We make up to customers' own orders at moderate charges, having a competent milliner on the premises. Note address : Walker's, Boundary Street, Greymouth. —Advt. ,

Advance styles in Ladies' Ready-to-wear Hats for ihe autumn and winter season are now open for inspection. A grand array, featuring all that is newest and best in the millinery world. "Simplicity" will bo the watchw >rd at 0. Smith's, Ltd., the Wholesale Drapers, Clothiers, Boot Importer* and House furnishers, Greymoufch and Wellington. — Advt.

"Wo know not till we try."-—Shelley. You cannot tell what benefits yon might obtain from Baxter's Lung Preserver until you try it for yourself. Why not let it cure your cold, build up your lungs, vitalise your system? ''BaxterV has been doing that for thousands of people during the last.fifty years. It will do the same for you if you procure a bottle from your chemist or store, and use it as required. 1/10 buys a laru-e bottle, and a better investment is- impossible. Obtain a bottle to-day and kep it handy.— Advt.

Flatulence or bad breath are easily removed bv the regular use of STEVENS' HEALTH SALT—the pleasant fruit saline. Obtainable everywhere. 2a bottle containing 64 doses.—Advt,

What English statesmen could not, owing to I'Jngusli selnshness, put tinongli, the German Government is now setting to work to do, namely, applying in practice ttiQ principle that m times oi war tne individual is notning and the State everything (says the Cologne Gazette), The manufacture of munitions has assumed such size that a disproportionately large number of men capable of hearing arms will be lost to the army if substitutes are not produced. The aiso •continually inereasmg organisation for the provision of food demands a growing army of helper.;. Hard necessity,' therefore, forces the undeniable tipral right to be turned into a literal one, and the placing in the service of the State the laboring forces of civilians. We greet- general conscription as a symbol of a pecp>e I hat ha.s been welded together. Women -as is suggested in some, legal quarters-- might, nowadays, well serve as jurors (ren<arks a London paper): but there was a lime when jury service would have severely taxed their physical powers. Until the passing of an Act of Parliament in 1870. jurors were prohibited from haviinr "meat, drink, or lire" while considertheir verdict. In a ease tried by Lord Keiiyon, the jury sat for thirteen hours without refreshment of any kind. Then in some courts the injunction "Lay your heads together" had to be followed literally. When the jury dived beneath the level or their box an usher armed with a long wand drew near, and-if any. jnryn (in presumed to conic to t,he surface before the twelve mini!.-; wire one. down came. the wai.d on the head of the offender. "You ask me," writes a soldier who is in the midst of the fighting on the Sonnne "if we ever hear any of the theatrical or conceit parties who come out from England. Well, hardly in this part of the line--its far too hot for them—hut we have same very decent impi on ,'>tn eon-' cert-. One. a lew days ago, which we helil in an old village hall, was very interestinir. Half-way through i lie second sung the floor gave way and dropped all the audience about 12ft into the .cellar The platfcrm remained intact. No one was hurt, and when we wen- certain we cuuld i.'.o no lower ii was funny i i look up lit the artists' faces. The fi-llnWs who were near the wall had giabbed ga;i I,rackets and were still hanging ihere like mi many picture.;. Ves. we have 'some' i oncel'is on the Somnfe." Tneor. lically, ami if no other consid eiatiou.s came in. t-lie be.-i guarantee, lor .s,.,niit\ in the future obtainable Would l>e our e njion the. detnui i ati.-atiou of the German system of government, and of the system Unit prevail in tho.e portions oi the Austrian' Kiuruie which snail not have been L -ut ".'I to form independent Slav States (rem.n Its the London Spectator, discussing the terms upon which peace i.- to be in.tdei. While, h.e.vev.r. ui theory a Libeial Constitution would lathe be.-ll ';u.ilalltee for I lie I'litlirc. expel i ence snows that the miwi enligliu-ned of Constitutions when loivt d upon ;i nation from outside d.«-:; not sucived. But though when peace is made, our enemjea must be allowed to settle I heir own sys leui of government, we can do and ought to do what Bismarck did at the close of the French War. lie Would not make peace with Gambetta and the Provisional Government, but insisied upon making it with the French people. \\'e must insist that tile ultimate terms shall be made. not with tiie Holien/ollerns and flapsburgs destineo. for all we know, to uU'r as dynasts hut with the mass of ike German people. Therefore a popular Assembly .should be called and assrd to choose negotiators who will ptoperly repHreni the German Coufederatiuii. At tin p.-ai e r ; made the Get mails must, be allowed, ii i.ln-y lik.-, to p| ;t , e'tbeir necks l.u.v mole illid'er the heel ol the lb,lieu Zolleii, ami the Junker,

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Greymouth Evening Star, 15 March 1917, Page 4

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Untitled Greymouth Evening Star, 15 March 1917, Page 4

Untitled Greymouth Evening Star, 15 March 1917, Page 4