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One'of the most enjoyable social levellings ever held r in' Blackball was hold :n Mettrick’s Hall oil June 11th in aid of local wounded soldiers. The stag}} was. tastefully decorated with flowers and fever, greens, and tlie floor was -all that opmd be desired. Special thanks .are due to IVr and Mrs Metvrick for the free use of .ti n hall and lights': the Town Band for the r beautiful music; also Messrs Gear;- Ncilson and Brady. DuHng the evening sohgk were rendered by Messrs .Dali and Towliai (Grey), Missesi Moore: and Hawker. The music was • kinC|ly supplied, by Miss Watson (Brunner), Robinson and , Long. (Blackball), The not- proceeds were d,hp;. handsome ,sum of' £25 13s. The oommik tee were, Mfesdames Mcttriclr. Leitcli,. Dot' nan, Turk:.-,Oldham, jGoodall and Carterk The; rnripey- is dp I .bo. bpnked for tbe*.|>re.r rout. Me’Silames Donovan and Garter being th& trustee-!!. \ ■ For Donhlo-sided •' Records go 'do • Kijk gour’s, Pricks 2'fa and 3/6.~-'Adyt,

. conoert, i , w . )• ;mu> yof ; Mias• Tini--Ashton H Tot-lie mychel were/^oipljUv&ti'HH hot ’i of v.ljomi >!,uu-cd~ successfully,' -A/'lla connection ' irh tfie i'u;oy to bo hold in thjjJOpera; Hbtfe children takir g pait;ai-e. reqi)festd’iTto.Wid»‘J shmblc (not ;u full ; m<-ruing .it- IC3O. -j • . , The usual mooting oil-.the- H&awfwßgS Society w iH not be .-held lhi.« owing to the ( hikhen’.s Bazaar being iu-HHH 'Ah 0. K. Perkins,.. m< m < oi (HBH ■ ; hinness AlonuTiaf Emid, <lc~iros tm 9H| knowledge with thanks from >\l Vonng the sum of £1 Is. ;J|H S>Tb i Farmers.—Basic Slag : : AVe haia landed a few ions. Apply' .early to ,S»VO . disappointment. Griffon - and Smith, Brc- .-• ■] hive and Union Stores, Greymdbth;- — , • Advt. > ' -V- ' , The members of the Grey County :C%iueil yesterday decided; to ■■ into the funds of; th'e : County £16,125,-<ftU , jimoimt spent as the Gounril’s | in entertaining the Hon. Air Korriej bit a « J recent; visit, the sum Having been taken ’ exception to by the mpplies ~i the following lioofc are fl fo hand; “The .Chronicles, of I!V:Imp” fl (by J. Farnol) ; “Innocent’’ (by maiic-Co- jH rvili); “A Bride- of , the Plains ’ (by Baroness Orczy.” .-Obtainable fronfAb'-iS. Kilgour, Bookseller, price 3/6, portage.: extra. —Advt. * ...• (i' ( vTifs- ' At a meeting of the W.C.'P.U., "Ibeld at the Sailors’ Rest- on Tuesday after,norm, til ore was a. -very good attendance. 'Each member was urged to try and gasn ; 'Ofcb ■SH new member. A number of the K. b( Kit- Aaß pledges have been obtained, and ifcwgis H| hoped (bat members will do their get them signed, and do all .they get people ti> 'fellow our -ling’s “For tin's relief, nm< li thanks Jet’s words express the ■feelings'. of. the.; niany .thousands ■< who have,',;.tested^P?.:' zo!’.” All agree that “Na/ol” is .“the be<t cough and 'cold remedy''in minion.’’ Got a bottle ■ 1 .At a, public meeting at' Hol 'dika ' ; uyJM ni-.-bt it was res-.lved mat rd on behalf of Die Belgians tin migli th<> Government withqu£|m i A .-.•oimnittee .was appointed to fnrd throughout Westland for the of sick, and wounded soldiers returr|^||HH| • Homo defence requires ■ more - than battleships. -Every household .needs “Nn,- 9 zol!’, totprotect if against coughs arid. -CoWs influenza and bronchitis. ■ “Na-zol” ;■ is , a ;■/;■V boon to young and old,. 60 doses for-.1/6. ■ —Advt, \ I • ’ ■ At a combined meeting* mouth- sub-centro of the St. Joliu- . AmhulAt'/X® Sv»fMi»fv n.n/l T.n(Hpr’i

ance. .society • anti Jjaqjes i ing'. Committee, J eld on T«e^y,evening _j.,® preliminary airraugemnetsV(ere made, fat ~ I® the; holding of a “copper wy 1 * fl moptli and district for the pqrppseNjijt M A raising funds foi 'Red Cro»s work in corf*- *'H® nection with tho war. The dates ar- ® ranged for were from 10th to X7th .lust, 9 inclusive. It was dccidcl I* ehde;mhir- M® to secure the co-operation of ddldros''Md v® tending the local schools to each sell Hooks I ''- 'J® of penny tickets' and that '® bo . inade for the' placihg’Lpfr bokek ‘ire conspicuous’ places'inlthyMlikop;; S 1 rift, also a bevy of ladies do -canvqh sih.'lyt-g the streets on the first and last; dayy.pfvM, “copper week.” The favourite 'waiter game IhrdngMtjit New .Zealand at the present-time-is “The, Allien’ Race to Berlin.” Full iiisthicfctons-, r v are given with each game as to how it shall Ihe played. The game, is most toresting and will cause no end of aniuse- 's, • : ment to old. and young. ProctirableTuily on payment of 25.-postage.3d.'extra,/Itmop . ' W. Reid’s Book and Fancy" Stall, Mowhere Quay, Greymouth.—Advt, ■->. ' ,1, 1 The usual fortnightly meeting Yffptilie ■ V Star of the West Lodge of liquids> was A held <in dh e Lodge soom, Tai npi Street on 'Honday night,, when a large of menuicrs were prfc ent. '1 dates wee initiated into the OKlm'w®B9Bg four prejxisilions for The doctor’s report showed u her of members indisposed, <ld was ’ passed in side rdil- ®dM 1)y p•>; Ton (‘him; reference was made® ” - tluns who had iv <!■ ■ DanhmeTcs, and j||WSk weie nu •r cd to 'M t'vcs of t!io nienmy of ''ll Uro 1- -I. Zm* Vj as a me* y-rial I||n’s -’les 1 >y: eI I!j ; /.f>r 4/k -iffl'r; 1 W - ■nielli., 1. dev lll‘ '* f\ _ . ,1 1915 j V H yyy rniiitarV cut coat, "" , i London .\ ■ I®| lish and -P to date.jj| *'v. > ’/■, i loie.ethh r nobby. ’Bf- KjJi'tS' 'i‘ \ Prices .. low— 30 ® •* - rail t free pasta..® Zealarid. Win. jV Loading Mail OrdeHT': V-v'.V.,*;;'.'■ -i' and Hoi.itika. —Adv® • ' • *1 A wr;n<i consign u® | . id In equipping I J^V front -vi s forwarded ® - tho Audiura on Mem® , od tic nllowi"g oni»f -v ,i \ . / namc4; K. Vi i.U® ' pack* t;» ■ uti-'ip' d! SH-j-rTy J ; : .wLif-ypA-' M-v; ■i . ! »d ;' (I h oil iin , j. H. rotten ®- . *> v I nl'fhli g ih- . ■ IB ■ ‘’ l . _ 4 Shrives. 1 u . • . k in ale ; Mrs Schroder.jH ■ Holier.' I pair py.i'.nH knitted neks; M iss •k:i : ited ' <d' 9 ' deity, " .nMTtiih\ra.i^qHBHHBH|BHHHH| srarf, 1 pair bandage;; MrsJDrake, 2 connocti '.i u<ith -the^pbove.' of - further consignments to residents;' arc invited : to articles suitable and'' : reqnk>dt.e..,. (loss work to • Drake. Aleecandcr ' secrotarv of the Ladies’ neetion with the (•h'cyntoutjh’ 4 «nM®®H®| of St. doin’ Ambulance 1 Sec- tin- valno.Ave areJgi Tweed t. oats at our yj-Vie, lot in Lew. Ihowndyand ,11, 17s Ml'. 21s. an. i ■ 25s deepM,- ''nr Lenpajrl fc-ur .’ • '-JB ’ i 'on on..hLes, fortum 32s 6d, A-s, 45s and 50s, mice: also a few Wo;l 6<l. 12s 6cl. and 15s 6d. Nh>tn®®HH| Walker's. Bnundarv Street.—Ad^®®®H®

m auui n . 'wiiihuu y • J A sp-.v.ial iflialing of the' Komara^JEHSH pital C-uui.iiltco was held in ' the, J lull, Knmara, os*. Tuesday, when tinHHHj were; present: Messrs E. M nlvihill, McGlony, G. E. Evcnden, W. E.. ards. Air Muiviiiill ■ was voted t-p i. choir.-. A. • letter.- \va§ received from Board that Mr W. E. Richards Eg 'had hern appointed a- member of the Commibtee.!; Tenders fop supplies- were re- BH . .ceived .*.»s follows Bread : Keech .and aHj Malloy.-10d;.per 41b loaf ; only tender. — H| Recommended. to (he Board for accept- *Hi ance. ■ Firewood,ryJ., F. Kelly, rata 56s EH per cord, lurch, 25s : pijly tender. —Recom- ■■ mended'for acceptance. Milk: F. A.' BE 'Olden,.; 4£d per quart ; only tender. —Re- Uj commended for acceptance. Meat: J. Murphy, beef joints 7d per lb., gravy beef HH 41. d, corned beef 4£d, pork 4d, mutton , WM sides; sd, hindquartets s]d, lamb 3s f;d-'“‘EH per ,q.uMtdF:Jii Reason, chops, steak and per 11).; o-nly tender.—Recom- .'jH meii'deii fqrTacccptanco. Groceries: Ten- -H deiist wore received from Burger and Hur- . ■ J:onjinj.qd KeeclV and; Malloy. Tbp; former, * f-vl IJeiiig :M lowest., . was recmniinended for j 1 ) acceptance. i-J . Fruit /lrees, Flowferihg. SHrubs, j- Qf dnrs.jXre now being re cejSetT for Hedge

‘ The vitul statistic 'for Grey mouth for ■■• last mouth uTinie.) wore ■ ns follows ; — > '■.f ■ Births, 24: deaths. 16; fhairmgoa, 4, Customs revenue collected at Givyiltduth futvihr- month of Juno was as fni- ; low's :—Customs £13002 J •!* iOd ; ■ beer ’JSfr&atf I.s f ”£t)o L3s. The amount of gold 'ex&gWlaqiElfjd *waa 30010, valued at £11,763. 9&{WOThi> vital statistics loi Greyraonth tor gUgjKHUMi month (June), 0 o far as they concern nj of ’ births conlums the J ' »fll> repeated '-ass|ption ■■ that \ay greater proto J\hdjji;tii3ii of males to females outer this ■ time. The total births for ■ IHSiPM f "last month was 24, two8* j- 1 .) thirds ! dl. w}iiom wore of the “male per This''physiological fact is often on by doctors- .arid nurses,' but ■ just how v." tho roaring of cannon ami , hi.<lighter of men in war time should doJ f ~' terihiue in i?uch disproportion ‘the Hanys Harr ete is more* than the writer is a gramophone, call and i V.-'luiitr tho latest supplement of Columbia ■8 at Messrs Webley, Sons and 28 Maekay Street. —Ativt.

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Greymouth Evening Star, 1 July 1915, Page 4

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Untitled Greymouth Evening Star, 1 July 1915, Page 4

Untitled Greymouth Evening Star, 1 July 1915, Page 4