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MEETINGS OF HOUSEHOLDERS. . GREYMOUTH. About two hundred and fifty householders attended the annual meeting j held at the Greymouth State school last I evening. Mr. W. 11. Kettle (chairman jot the Grey Education Board) presided. j Mr. John Jackson (chairman of the old committee) read the annual report (as published in last night's Star), J which was. adopted without, discussion. The balance-sheet, showing a credit balance of £4 (not including £2O since received from, the Board, was read and adopted. Tho nomination of committeemen for the ensuing year was then taken, after which an election was conducted by four scrutineers, viz., Messrs David Tennent, Dennis Shannahan, John Walton and F. W. Shallcrass. The result of the polling was as follows: — Russell, A. C. 92 Jackson, John ... ... 91 Morie.e, Dr. 76 Bignell, 11. J, 70 Johnston, W. 70 Forsyth, R. C. t>9 ; .Morris, W. 66 I Williams. R. 62 Keddell, F. W. 60 ;

Tennent, John 55 Lord, E. I. (Junior) 43 Willis, W. 35 Smithers, T. 33 Voyce, W. E. 24 Hodgkinson. A. 21 Smith, A. 20 Several of the candidates briefly thanked their supporters. The usual votes of thanks were passed. A similar compliment to the chair terminated proceedings. At a subsequent meeting of the newly elected committee, Mr. John Jackson was re-elected chairman and Mr. F. W. Keddell secretarv.

COBDEN. The annual meeting of householders was held last night in the Condon sch,»,l loom, at which there were about one hundred and fifty voters. The report, as already published, was received and adopted. Mr. W. Williams (ex-commit Iceman) was selected chairman, and after the qualifications of voters had been stated Ivy him. nominations were received and the election proceeded with. Of seventeen nominations the following were successful in being returned :—W. Williams 71 votes, L. I>. Williams (re-elected) 58, A. Scalmar 42. J Mead (re-elected) 41, J. Robertson (re-elected) 41, W. Petherbridgo (re-elected) 39. H. Wisdom (re-elected) 38. Members of the committee returned thanks for the honor thus conferred upon them, and promised the householders thai they would Jo (heir best to conserve and advance the interests of the school and education generally. A meeting of the new committee was consequently held, when by ballot Mr. W. Williams was elected chairman and Mr. J. RohertsoT) secretary and treasurer.

The nitrht of meeting was fixed for the last Monday in every month. TU*N~ANT!A. The annua] mooting of householders of the Runanga school district was held in the State school, Runanga, last evening, and judging by the very large attendance a deal of interest was centred in it. Mr. J. Southward occupied the chair ami (lie secretary read the outgoing committee's report as follows :-- \

"AVi hoa to submit tn vim the report df th.' Seddon-Puinaiiua State school for the year ending March 31st, 1910. And in so dning beg to place on record our high appreciation of the good work done during the past year by the head teacher and Ins stall. The inspection report, shows the school to be in a highly satisfactory stale, notwithstanding the fact that the stall was short handed for .1 good portion of the year. "The average attendance having 111 creased sufficiently to warrant the appointment of a second assistant, your committee appointed .Miss Duncan to I that position and we believe she is giving every satisfaction. Some six months ago your committee sent in an application in the Government through the Grey Board, for an addition to the school buildings. The buildings are supposed to hold 210, and there are on the 1011 at present about 240. But for some reason or other our parsimonious Government refused the application; although another application in the district, not more needed than ours, was granted. The new committee will need to take ibis question in hand at an early dare. Your committee also beg to call your attention to the manner in which the Government is treatio;: education in general and school ! committes in particular. Their fad, ■the retrenchment scheme, has been put lin force with a vengeance. And the I capitation grant hitherto allowed to j (jfiiinnitiees has this year been disallowed. In other Qjiyjitries the cost of I education is increasing by leaps and bounds and rightly so. In the perfectness of the education of the rising generation rests the future of every country. And we, as a young country, can ill-afford to allow education to be neglected in any way whatever. months ago the head teachers placed before your committee the necessity of a musical instrument for school use. This they were perfectly in accord with and decided to purchase an organ straigh away, which Ihev did at ii cost, of £22.

"A school concert was woflkod up for tlio purpose of rawing fuiMfc, wliicli resulted in a net, profit of'£|w 16s. "The annual school picnic* was hold at. Lake Mahinipua and was, as usual, largely patronised. "The annual prize distribution took place prior to the 'Xiuas holidays in the Miners' Hall, kindly lent for the occasion when there was a large attendance of patents and friends, when your committee was represented by Mr Foster and the secretary. The finances are in a fairly healthy condition. The general fund shows a debit balance of £6 16s lid; but this is owing to the fact that £lO is owing to the committee by the Grey Board and the stopping of the capitation grant. The prize fund also shows a debit, balance of £1 8s 4d. The new committee will need to raise funds for this prior to next prize distribution. The picnic fund shows a credit balance of £l3 4s Id, so that we have a net balance on all funds of £5. "In conclusion your committee beg to thank you for the hearty support accorded them during their year of office Also Mr. Guiintess for attendance prizes, and to the Miners' Union for the use of hall on several occasions."

The report and balance-sheet having been adopted, the nomination and election took place, the first seven being olected in the following order: —IT. Coppersmith 36, J. Southward 35, J. Glover 34, J. Rimner 28, J. Foster 26, 0. Rogers 23, J. Ward 22, W. Wick 19. J. Gain ford 18, Medlin 17, Currie 17, F. Thiggan 16, H. Boynes 15, J. Elliott 15, D. McMahon 13. At the first meeting of the newly elected committee Messrs Southward (chairpsan), and Glover (secretary and treasurer) were re-elected. KUMAR A. The annual meeting of householders of the Kumara school district was held at the school room last evening. There were eighteen present. Mr. R. Rouse was voted to die chair. Mr. A, Aitlcen, secretary of the old committee, rend the annual report. This showed a reduction of three on the roll as compared with last year. The staff of the school Was congratulated on tte result of the annual examination as shown in the inspector's report. The balance-sheet showed receipts for the year to hnvo been £65 9s. including a balance, of £2 Os id, and expenditure £SB 6s lid, leaving a credit balance of £7 2s Id at the end of the year. Mri Gilbert moved, and Mr Richards

! seconded, the adoption of the report and balance-sheet. On the motion of Mr. Rouse, seconded by .Mr. Eggleton, a hearty vote of thanks was passed to the retiring committee for whom Mr. Forster (chairman) returned thanks. A hearty vote of thanks to Mr. Seebeck (headmaster) and his staff was passed on the motion of -Mr. Aitken seconded by Mr. Thorn.

The following were nominated for the new committee :—Messrs Aitken, 11. B. Forster, Jas. Murdoch, G. Harris. V Walters, S. Thorn, T. T. Jones, Rev. -Mr. McFnrlane and Tlios. Morgan. A ballot (Messrs Gilbert and Richards acting as scrutineers) resulted as follows (the old committee being elected):—Rev. McFarlane 18, Messrs A Aitken 18, T. T. Jones 17, 11. Forster 16. A. Walters 15. J. Murdoch 14, S. Thon, 11, G. Harris 10. T. Morgan 5. A hearty vote of thanks was unanimously passed to Messrs Rouse and Jones (members of the Education Board. Mr. Rouse returned thanks on behalf of himself and Mr. Jones. A vole of Thanks to the chair closed the meeting. A meeting of (he new committee was held immediafelv after, when Mr. 11. Forster was elected chairman and Mr. Thorn secretarv and Mr. Jones treasurer. The first Monday of each month at 8 p.m. was appointed for committee meetings.

STA FFORD. The annual meeting of householders was held at Stafford last evening. Mr B. Lyons was voted to the chair, and the election of a ~e\v committee resulted as follows:—!}. Turner 29 I! \n'T ?J' W - ™'-<'l"'ll 19. J. Rout ban 19. F. Martini 18. Mr. B. Lyons was re-elected chairman, and Mr. W. Mitchell secretary and treasurer. It was resolved by the new committee to fix the first Friday of each month as (he day of meeting. UEFITOX. " Ihe animal meeting uf householders was held last evening in tho I'ublic School, Rwfton, about 120 being present. .Mr 11. Cooper was voted to the Chair.

Ihe Secretary (Mr E| J. Scanflobury) read the report ami balance sheet whijiJi was received and adopted 011 the motion of Mr Mutin, seconded by Mr Blackdoro. it. was as follows ;—-

"in presenting oar annual report wo beg i" state that during the pa*! year the Committee have held 12 meeting's, the attendance ot each member being as follows :—Cooper 11, Castle 11, Rank* 11, Calder 11, I'anckhurst 11, Noble 10, and Seantlebury 10.

"We arc pleased to again be able to report satisfactory examination (results, as will bo st'Oll iit.m the reports of ihe Inspectors, viz: rm dish satisfactory; arithmetic, fair; other compulsory subject*, satisfactory; additional subjects, good; general result, satisfactory to good, the ellicieucy of the Cadet Corps has been maintained, and the school also deserves credit for the effective treatment of such additional subjects as science, handwork and needlework.

"Secondary Department. Examined October 11th ami 12th. 1900. Roll No. 19. Present at examination 18. We are pleased to record a substantial increase in the roll number of this class since last year's examination. A change of teachers has taken place during the year. the present secondary assistant, Miss Ironside, having taken no her duties towards the end of April. Tho department has been divided into three classes, the work of the two highest aiming at the Civil Service Junior and Matriculation Examination Standards. The appended li-'t gives a summary of the examination in the various subjects:—English 48 per

cent, fair to satisfactory- spelling and dictation. 49 per cent, fair to satisfactory ; Latin, 44 per cent, tail": geography, 34 per cent, moderate; arithmetic, 60 per cent, good; algebra, 57 nor cent, satisfactory to good; geometry, !i l J per cent, moderate; physiology, 40 oer cent, fair; general results, fair to satisfactory, (!cometry and geography are the two subjects sowing most pronounced weakness. In the former subject the work of some of the pupils indicated advancement without sufficient strength in the more elementary groundwork. In geography the syllabus submitted appeared to cover more than could reasonably be ovcitaken in the time since tin's subject has been taken up. Knglish, spelling and tdeebra all show improvement, while the arithmetic was again good. 'Hie usual handwork • lasses in cookery and woodwork have again been carried out. It has been suggested that a course of elementary chemistry and mineralogy might be conducted for this department at the local School of Mines. With the inclusion of nupils from Stan daids V and VI who could enter upon such 11 course with mu.h advantage, the classes might be made sufficiently remunerative to pay for tho-rervicec if an outride in -trie tor. "The attendance for the year 1909 showed a marked improvement on that for 1008, the percentage being 88.8 as against 85. but the followhia fitrures t.M:'-n from

the headmaster's report pre-ciled it the last monthly meeting of the Cunmittee show that the attendance for the current vcar has fallen off, viz.. first quarter 1909, percentage 89.9; first quarter, 1910, percentage 85.3. This is much to he regretted, its until the average attendance can be brought to 201. or about 93 per cent of the present roll, the school will not lie entitled to an advance in grade, and consequently to an additional tea- . her. As this point was reached during at least one month of the past year, it will lih seen thai the remedy lies in the hands of the parents. "The attendance at the secondary school during the year lias been fairly satisfactory, the »01l number for March last being' 23 as against 22 in March of the previous vear. "In June last Mr YV. S. Austin was appointed headmaster ill place 'if Mr .1. 11. Ilarkncss, 8.A., and has given every satisfaction. Mr Austin is an old Reefton school hoy, having received his primary education' at this school. Indeed, as a pupil he had been on the roll of every elass. and as a teacher here for 17 years had occupied every subordinate position on its staff. "At the same time Miss Janet McLeod, U.A., was appointed to the position of first assistant rendered vacant by the transference of Mr J. I'". Wilson to another school. In January last Miss Mcleod, having received a superior appointment in another district, tendered her resignation, which was accepted with regret. The vacant position was filled by the temporary appointment of Miss Maggie Scarlett,'who had already served for a period as probationer, ami in the ordinary course of routine the Board has called for anlications and consulted the Committee, with the result that Miss S. B. Williams, also an old Reefton scholar, has been recommended for the position. "It is extremely satisfactory to note that the following scholarships were gained by pupils of" this school during the vear,' viz.. penior scholarship by James W. Morris aud the Junior National Scholarship bv William H. Morris, who headed the list, for. the whole dominion. John Ellery, Irene Hindmarsh and sla Conway also passed the latter examination and two of tbese have been granted bursaries by the Nebm Education Board. Both pupilg and teachers are to be congratulated on these excelelnt results. "The establishment of school classes in swimming and Kfe-saviner under the tuition of the headmaster has given general satisfaction. Two classes of boys and one of girls have gone through a course in accordance with the provisions of the manual and technical regulations, and Mr Austin reports that the excellent, results obtained by the pupils more than compensated for his efforts as instructor. Next season the more advanced pupils will be trained to compete for the awards grant-! ed bv the Royal Life-Ravine Society. "The classes at the Technical School are being carried on in an efficient manner, Standards IV, V, VI and High School pupils receiving instruction, the boys jn woodwork under Mr Tudehope, and the girls in cookerv under Miss J. Loulsley. The cadets, under Major Austin, continue to maintain their state of efficiency. As you are no doubt aware, their name has neon chanced from "School Cadets" to "Junior Cadets," they having been incorporated in the new schomo of universal military training. All boys over eleven years of age must now serve in the Junior Cadets until they leave school, thence passing on in succession to the senior cadets, Territorials and Refer ve. "In November last the Committee. dis"cussed the question of. erecting a. miniature cartridge range, hut Owing to lack of funds available for such a purpose, could not see their way clear to incur the liability," .

j "The idea, however, is a very worthy I one, and, if it could be carried oiit, would ; prove of great advantage to the boys in training them for practical purpose's. To make the matter clear we append a letter from the headmaster bearing on the subject. Major Austin informs us that he hoped to bo able to use for this purpose the cadet funds in hand, some £B, together with the capitation due, but he has received notice that under the new Defence Regulations these funds are to be paid into the Public Account. He has. however, communicated with the Commandant of Cadets, requesting permission to use the funds as sutrfested. "The headmaster lias also pointed nut the lack of scientific apparatus, and suggests that, in accordance with the terms of an offer from the Education Board,

an effort be made to obtain voluntary subscriptions amounting to £3, thus enaiding the school to secure an outfit costing .€6. "Repairs to a considerable extent have been carried out during the year, including a new chimney, renovation of hearths, downpipes and floors, and the gravelling of the playgrounds, the whole involving an expenditure of £SB. We hoped to include Ihe ere.'lion of a new feme between the grounds and the teacher - '; Icuie. but the grant van insufficient. In the last annual <cport of the Committee iltention was called to the urgent need of painting-the interior of the building*. This has become more anparoni since the 1 leansing of the walls and ceilings. In some of the rooms the calcimine has been completely washed off, leaving the hlae-

kened unsightly lining; exposed to view. Application was made to the Board lo have the painting dime- hut, owing to kid; of funds, the Board has l>een unable (o accede to the request. We have been assured, however, thai (he matter woidd tie kept in view. We would impress upon our successors the necessity for this work lining done, if passible, dining the ensuing year. Our thanks are due to the Education Baud and its officials for their courtesy and promptitude in dealing with upplications from :hc Committee. "It is to be regretted that the Govern-

ment could not see their way to nuke the usual supplementary grant to committees. as has been done during the past five years this amount would have been of great assistance to the Committee in meeting the 1111 rent expenses. "We learn that under the Education Act provision is made whereby High School Committees may obtain a subsidy of £ for £ on all voluntary contributions received during the year. The Committee have, in accordance, made an application for a subsidy of £ for £ on the amount received last year from that source, viz . 623 13s. * "The annual excursion in connection with the school took place in January last to Greymouth. The weather was fine, and consequently a most enjoyable day was spent by the children at the seaside. The following, nominations were a\ readv in the hands of the Chairman, viz..'Messrs' Ranks. Calder. Castle. Cooper, Noble. Paukhursf and Scantleburv. Mr Gooigo Uurha.ii _ was nominated at the meeting. Votiig a nets were handed out, Messrs I.awry and Patterson were appointed scrutineers, when the result of the ballot was as follows:-Banks 83. Calder £5, Castle 88. Cooper 92, Noble 76. Pankhurst 82. Scantlebury 74, Buchan 53. The Chairman declared Messrs Banks, Castle. Cooper, Noble, Pankhurst. scantlebury and Buchan duly elecfe.l. A vote of thanks was moved to ihe Teaching Staff for the excellent results obtained at the late examination lespile the changes in the teachers. Mr \V S. Ausiin. Headmaster, briefly replied. The newly elected Committee met afterwards ami appointed_ Mr H. Cooper Chairman and Mr E. J. Scantlebury srivtary.

BLACKBALL. A fair number of householders attended the annual meeting hold on Monday night. Mr. C. Mori was appointed chairman, and on behalf of the outgoing committee read the following report and balance-sheet : ■'ln presenting their annual report. your committee have much pleasure in stating, that a very successful year of office lias just closed. '■The roll number of the school has increased from 199 at the beginning of the year to 214, while the average attendance has risen from 162 to 184. "The increase in the attendance rendered it necessary to obtain further adto the school building. The committee made an application to the Kducation Board for a grant, and were successful in obtaining £4OO for the erection of a new room. This amount is now available, and tenders will be called for the work. The best thanks of the district are due to the chairman (Mr. W. U. Kettle), and members of the Education Board for the manner in which they successfully advocated the requirements of the school. 'A portion of the newly acquired sections have been cleared, and arc now used as a playground for the boys. An effort was made to obtain a grant for fencing the ground; but, owing to the Board's shortness c\ funds, the work could not be taken 111 hand It will, therefore, be necessary for the incoming committee to apply For a grant for this work, as it is urgently required. In accordance with the resolution passed at the last meeting of householders, an organ was obtained for the use of the school out of the balance of the prize fund. As there was only £l2 3s available for this purpose, there is still a balance of £5 17s to be paid. The organ is now school property, and the committee has appointed the Chairman of the school committee and the head master as trustees, and to have sole control of the instrument.

"The teaching staff has worked hard during the year to keep up the efficiency of the school, the over-crowded state of the rooms making their taskby no means an easy one. But, in spite of t.he drawback, they have succeded in obtaining very good results, and deserve every praise for the able manner in which they have carried out their duties.

"The school funds show a credit balance of £5 5s 3d. "The caretaker's contract expires on May 21st, and as the usual capitation grant of 9d a head on the average attendance is to be discontinued, it will be necessary for the new committee U try and obtain an extra grant for caretaking, as the present allowance is far too small for the amount of work to be done. "In conclusion, the committee tenders their sincere thanks to all those who have so generously as sist'ed in giving them a pleasant and prosperous year of office, and trust that the same support will be given to the new committee." The report and balance-sheet were received and adopted, and a heart? vote of thanks was accorded to the headmaster and his assistants. Mr. Wickes, who was present, suitably acknowledged the compliment, and impressed upon the parents to make every effort to raise the school to the 201 grade (a matter of 16 more pupils), so as to further increase the efficiency of the staff. The election of a new Committee was then proceeded with. Nine were nominated for a seven Committee, and the ballot resulted in the following being elected :--Messrs Ohas P. Mori, I,ewis Morgan, Thomas Sneddon, Alfred Smith, Br Hagan, William Neilsoh, and Harry Clifton.

A hearty vote of thanks to the outgoing Committee was carried by acclimatisation and the gathering dispersed. At the first meeting of the new Committee Mr Mori was appointed chairman, Mr Sneddon Treasurer, and Mr Chilton secretary. BARRYTOWN. Mr John Ryall (member of the Cobden riding, Grey County Council) presided over a largely attended meeting which elected the following committee:— Messrs J. Ryall (Chairman) Eeveldt (secretary), G. Gibson, (treasurer), H. Landridge and J. Wafer.' DOBSON. Extraordinary interest was taken in Dobson School election. Tho following were elected : —Messrs J. Teasdale, J. Temply, W. Griffiths, J. Bevnon, J>. Swallow, F. Kells, J. Wick.'

AHAURA. Very keen: interest was taken in tho election of the School Committee last night at Abaura, a large gathering taking place. On counting heads there were 50 persons in the room and 011 counting the ballot papers there were only 33. Although eight persons were nominated one subsequently withdrew which relieved the position. TOTARA FLAT. At the animal meeting of the householders the foil owing were elected as a committee for the ensuing vear :—P Kennedy, M. Meara, D. Baird, W. Duncan. H. Gilmer, T. Doolan and D. Bay butt. At a subsequent meeting of the committee Mr. D. Baybutt was reelected chairman. TAYLORVILLE. About fifty householders attended the annual meeting at the Taylorville school last evening, when the following committee were elected unopposed:—James Heard, J. Watson G New-lands, F. Jacobs, J. Walker T H Boustridge ami R. Taylor. At'a subsequent meeting Mr. Heard was selected chairman, Mr. Walker secretarv and Mr. Boustridge treasurer. '

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Greymouth Evening Star, 26 April 1910, Page 1

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SCHOOL COMMITTEES. Greymouth Evening Star, 26 April 1910, Page 1

SCHOOL COMMITTEES. Greymouth Evening Star, 26 April 1910, Page 1