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The supply of water on the Rimu .goldfield has again run out. All sluicing on the field will he obliged to close clown today. A progress payment of £l5O has been authorised towards the construction of a road from Westland to the reefs at Browning's l'ass. As showing what can be done by growing early potatoes at recent prices (says an exchange) a suburban resident has cleared over £SO from half an acre o" tubers. About 21,000 white pine sleepers have Lieut received at the Woodville ciwisole works from Greytowu during the past three weeks. '* They arc intended for vari o\i>!fi of the Wellington province. The psport return.; from the Port •<'. Orcymouth during the month of December "included 18,920 tons of coal. 156 tour/

id coke, 7'J tons of bricks, l.'Jb'J.-Mi super ficial feet of liiubor, lio4 skvpers, and 11-. bales c! fix:.

A Urge shipment «f Kokatahi butte: was sent forward to London last week. The milk supply at the factory still keeps plentiful. The Kokatahi mid Arahura factories are now turning out over 10001 b of butter per day. In the ladies' riding competition Mrs Meharry's name was misplaced in our report of the A. and I*. Show yesterday. It should have been stated that Mrs Me harry was first in this contest, and Miss Karnbach second.

During the past week the demand on the Borough water supply has been very great, with the result that the Pumping Engineer has been compelled to work two sifts in order to keep a good depth of water in the reservoir. The Gore Standard says: "We understand on the best authority that a North Island M.H.11, intends to move when the House meets, in favour of an alteration in the licensing law, providing for the extension of the periods between the poll; from three to nine years." A further subsidy of £l5O has been authorised, on the recommendation of the

Westlnnd County Council, to enable Boyd and party to extend their tunnel at Arch Creek a further distance of 1000 ft, on condition that ventilation is provided to the satisfaction of the Inspector of Mines, on whose certificate payments will be made. One of the prospectors at the Wcstland reefs, who returned from the Wilberforce yesterday, reports that those propertie prospected are sowing excellent results. There are half a dozen men on the neld, representing 100 acres. On Monday last there was a heavy fall of snow, but it disappeared rapidly, the snow not lying lonp at this time of the year. The value of the gold exported from

New Zealand during the year 1905 exceeds that of any one year since 1871, and was only exceeded during the rich alluvial rushes to Otago in 1862 and 1863, and during the golden period of the West Coast from 1865 to 1871. The present year is not likely to show any diminution in the yield of the precious metal; a fur ther increase is more probable. In accordance with the recommendation of the manager of the Government water races at Kumara, the Aiinister has approved of water for sluicing purposes be ing granted for three months at half (he usual rates to Ah Young and party, Staf

,*' n °r\ c . ondltlon that a debit balance | of 18s Ed is paid off, and that the party pays up m full at each washing up. "Round the world in sixteen hours," represents how a Greymouth message tra veiled the other day. At four o'clock in the afternoon Mr A. P. Harper sent a message to Router of Christchurch to forward on to Loudon. Next morning when Mr Harper went into his office the reply was there waiting. Telegram to Christ church, from thence to London; - the replv back to Christchurch, and then on to Greymouth in sixteen hours is fairly smart work. '

In the matter of expansion, Greymouth continues to forgo solidly - ahead. On January 31st last, there were 1103 rate able buildings in the town; 918 inhabited dwellings, one empty house, 184 storeand warehouses, and seven dwellings in course of erection, one empty house. Cr Petrie (at last night's meeting of the Borough Council): I suppose it is only temporary. Mr Lord—Well, it is the Gilmer Hotel. Cr Petrie: But it_ is not empty. It was occupied till operations were commenced to. demolish it. Mr. Lord intimated that the advance was about the: same as the previous year. "t i i

teiaStoaiasakt'Eve- stock sale : will beheld ' at" Preston yards on 'Monday.-" ss■% i ■ v Mr H. Baigent, proprietor of the Masonic Hotel, Nelson, is at" present visitine MeßftCoast. • K : r -MfiSS'will be celeifejted in the Druids'.: i Hall, Dunoilie, at 8 aaa. on Sunday nest V? and 10 a.m. at Zrunnertoh.—Advt. <"~' • It isl'jjinticipated that the library winff of (He ilew Town Hall will be ready for : occupation about the end of March. y-Harky and Co. hold an important sale of.; sections to-morrow, full particulars of :; w,nieh are given in our advertising columns. . S'iQf"late, the danger of throwing fruit skins o'n the asphalt footpaths has become rather prevalent, with the result tha' Gome nasty falls have taken place. On Monday afternoon, at their yards, Macka'y street, Moss and Co. will hold a sale of horses. Full particulars appear in j our advertising columns.

Captain Edwin wired to-day to expect moderate to strong winds from between south and cast and north-east, glass fall, tides poor and sea moderate.

A rough estimate of the cost of cutting noxious weeds on native and Crown lands and unoccupied reserves in the Marlborough, Nelson and Westland districts for one season is £35,500.'

The fololwing team will represent the United Cricket Club against the Grey H. to-morrow:—Powell, Mcintosh, Wil (hams, MaJone, .Smith, CoulßOJtt, Casey OReilly, Knell, Ogilvie, Sullivan.

The centre of attraction to the ladies at the present, time is McKay and Son's drapery establishment" in Mawhera Quay, the huge summer sale is now in full swing. Some particulars of the grea* bargains to be obtained are given in our advertising columns. Messrs G. W. Moss and Co. report the sale of 54 acres of freehold property in the estate of the late Mr Pittman for the sum of £390, the purchaser being Mr John Fitzgerald. The stock, consisting of cattle, sheep and lambs, realised ruling rates.

Taking advantage of the fine weather, and high water being registered late in the evening, a large number of boating parties have this week visited Coal Creek. The creek, one of the pretty spots of Greymouth, can be navigated, for a considerable distance, nearly to the bridge on the Seven Mile road near Mr Nuttall'e residence.

Private advice received to-day records the death at Dunedin of Mr J. R. Anderson, father of Mrs Charles McQueen, of this town. The deceased gentleman, who had been ailing for some time, was one of the pioneers of Dunedin, and as head of the manufacturing firm of Andersor and Co., had been prominently connected with the progress of the Southern City. Much sympathy wil go forth to Mrs McQueen in the sad loss she has sustained. Yesterday was the hottest day so far experienced this year, the thermometer reaching 86 degrees. To-day is another "swelterer," and yesterday's record will apparcntlv be registered again. Full advantage is being. 4a'<en of the prevailing weather conditions by the farmers, who are busily engased in gathering in the harvest, which should be a fair one on the West Coast.

In volunteering matters, a paid day light parade of the Greymouth Rifle Corps was held on Wednesday night. when there was a large attendance of members, who were put through some useful drill by Adjutant Harper, ably assisted by Lieut. Sotheran. It is probable that Private MeEvedy will represent tho Corp at the annual meeting of the New Zenland Riffe Association at Trentharr in March next. . Lieut. Trask is expected to visit this part of the district in a fortnight's time.

Requests have been received from various parts of the colony for reports from the Director of the Geolog cal Survey.' The writers have been informed that the officers of the Geological Survey are at present fully engaged in general field/ work, and their services will not be available for some time to come for reporting on the mineral prospects of particular localities; but under any circumstances the officers of tho Department will not • be available for advising private persons or companies as to tho manner in which their properties should bo worked.

Cobden is rapidly gaining in favour as a residential suburb of Greymouth. Land values in consequence have risen consid erably—in some cases over 300 per cent in three years, while many large and commodious residences are in course of I construction. The roads, and drainage. 'I perhaps, are not as rood as could Go desired, but with the limited means "at their | disposal tho Grey' County Council has done real good work—in po int of fact, it / •ifcwing spent, more on improving the if township than revenue derived therefrom, j/ A striking illustration of the variable ' nature of the climate on the West Coast can be attested to by the inward passengers on the Mapourika, which arrived yesterday. On Wednesday, when the steamer was travelling between Nelsor and Westport, heavy and continuous showers of rain were met with the whole journey, while on arrival at Westport the residents there stated it had been "teeming" all day. On the other hand a beautifully fine day was experienced in Greymouth, but forty-eight miles from Westport.

The annual installation of the Pacific odge of Freemasons, Hokitika, was held at the lodge room on Tuesday evening. There was a full attendance of members, and a large number of visitors from sister lodges were also present. The installation ceremony was performed most impressively by the R.W.D.G.M. Bro. John Bevan, assisted by his officers. The officers installed for the year were Bro. J B. -Moore, W.M.; Bro. E. B. Mabin, S.W.; Bro. S. R. Evans, J.W.; Bro. J. J. Williams, P.M. Treasurer; Bro. H. Bock, P.M., Secretary; Bro. J. Montague, P.M., 1.G.; Bro. 11. Hyams, P.M., lylcr. After the "ceremony a banquet was held, when the customary toasts were honoured and an excellent musical programme given.

The dairy division of the Agricultural Department is this year making tests of the keeping qualities_of New Zealand butters on rather a larger scale than was -at-

tempted kit year. If a consignment of butte: C3:::::i» forward for grading attracts attention ;<, likely to deerioratc before reaching the Loudon market, a box is secured and kept in cool store under conditions resembling as closely as possible those of the voyage Home. It is then opened up and examined, and any change of condition is noted, the report acting both as a check on the grading, and as an indication to the factory as to the necessity for a remedy. Samples of butter, which show no defects, are also taken for similar testing, the factories in all cases sowing their willingness to meet the Denartment in the matter. It may bo mentioned that Denmark pays something like £2OOO a year on account of depreciation of samples taken for these tests.

The keynote of Imperialism has been struck by tho New Zealand Institute of Surveyors in one of its main objects towards the attainment of which it has - deI voted considerable attention during the past few years. This aim of the Institute to bring about a universal Imperial diploma for surveyors, which will be recognised in any part of tho British Empore, in the same way that within Australasia the Australian and New Zealand licenses are already of common value. These licenses will shortly be superseded by Australasian diplomas, their issue now only awaiting statutory authority from the Federal and New Zealand Govern raents. The survey authorities in the British South African colonies are also federating, with a view to the same enß mid a similar movement is contemplated in Canada. When all the colonies have thus been brought into line, it is in tended to apply for an Imperial Act, providing for a universal surveyors' dipioma common to all oversea possessions

In connection with the West Coast (South Island] Bands' Association contest to be held at Hokitika on May Bth and 9th, it is not compulsory for bands oft the West Coast, which .nay purpose competing at the contest, to be mS« .1 ? 1 ? Cal Ration, provided thev are already members of some other band association within the colony. The en n'rTl? w L^. al ' Ie by aU klnds on <ering or the Hokitika contest are :-Test selec t>on, prizes, £6O, £2O, £lO, entrance £1 Is; Quick-step competition, £25, £lO and £5, entrance £i Is; Quartette, first prize, four gold medals, second prize, four silver medals, entrance 10s 6d. The fee to accompany nominations, which close or 17th I'ebruary, thus total £2 12s 6d. Th< ■ test music for the contest will be promptly circulated by the Secretary of. the Uest Coast AFsoeiation so as to reach

competing bands eight weeks before the date of the contest. The rules of the Association for the conduct of tilt contest will be strictly enforced by an experienced and impartial committee of gentlemen. The names of several competent judges will bo submitted to the competing bands for the selection of a musical judge for the contest, as soon as the entries close

- There are some wonderful bargains at W. McKay and Son's building sale. Bors r straw hats 6d each, men's straw hats lg lid and 3s 6d each, men's ties four for Is, strong working shirts 2s 6V> each.— Advt. Give your son a pood Rotherham Emrhsh Lever watch. He will apprecVe it and it will last him a lifetime. A full range of Rotherhams in silver and oo'd S~Ad G vl! bert Bro ' 8hop '«" *

Mr E. 1 J. 'Aptod resumes teaching • oil hiuxUy oert. ;An excellent,five roomed house is Ed*, certified'tt'letffli bowser ateeet.. For iurther: information I apply . Phoenix Cham ber». - •"-'-"••■•;■"'. ' j \ lovers of the light fantastic,»»_*«' ljmKled,,o!^h ? dance to> n "d«f% leitfs mi tH>s evening. Good floor ancexcellent music. oi I A mistak^fhas'icrepb into ™ Tim. tab BfS,S£ lad » urn™ ««?»"E SS», "ten tight. Ttey «w!» S,SV ™<l «

were rescued. G lh (Cap . distance of 2ZW y ar ß| / The lads Bwam Masters Moss aid, Rmg. J- , • th 6 certificate giver leatherware. The.goodsi » ex

belt make, the ™ 6 - At a congregationel meeting held i.At a confc,r°» R ft on Monday evenV«t in the chair, rtWSK take steps to abtam « and unanimous in £«mng • sti . tension Ructions we Agent-General at Lo ncio "'. "' u th n ex ftfly Placed the order taw**. cept having to pay tor w Board have heard ariC •asfs. , stt , i2? , " m■work, ine tap «■» courso «>• SSSSS sacre'd'cdmce in any town on IhTweft Coast from Onehunga to Hom

tJ At the last meeting of the Borough Council last night Cr GoVenv snorted at Hok tika that the Uom.™ building a new By-u; Court there at a cost o ilO - 000 ,' »*" too that the Greymouth people were looking to their interests in this ajrei S R He did not want to taKe Hokit.ka . Supreme Court business away, but it wtZ that' sittings of the superior com w«e held at Greymouth. Nine-tenths » the business aroso in this district. The coal export from Greymouth dur ing the next few days will most like be a record. At the present . time the wharf is crowded with /hippng-th dangerous expedient of double-bank u having had to bo resorted to-and th< loading of coal is going on night and day. At No 2 crane he ss Hawea is being loaded, and will take away the largest cargo, 2000 tons that has vet left the port of Greymouth-in one bo. torn on a draft of 17 feet. ™o congestion has been so great that the old steam crane has had to be brought into use; but is not of much assistance, it being so slow, the unloading of a truck taking a constable time.

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Greymouth Evening Star, 9 February 1906, Page 2

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Untitled Greymouth Evening Star, 9 February 1906, Page 2

Untitled Greymouth Evening Star, 9 February 1906, Page 2