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FEILDING JOCKEY CLUE GOLD CLP GOES TO BLENHEIM. WON BY RABBI CIAI.ABUE WINS STAKES SUCCESS OF THE RAIDER / / Though it, was inconvenient and might have been costly for the Feilding Jockey Club that the weather was showery and windy for the opening day of the Jubilee race meeting on.

Saturday, perhaps it may be conceded it was typical weather for Feilding at this time of the year, and more or less characteristic of our spring race

meetings. Those old members who had attended so many meetings could remember other days when the conditions were far worse, though there were many better. However, tlie

crowd was not seared off by the outlook in th e morning, for the gate receipts tvere up £-50 on thy corresponding (lay last year. The weather improved during the day and finished in sunny conditions.

Under Hie thorough and far-sighted Presidency of Mr. A. E. Sandford, with a competent and enthusiastic team of officials, stipendiary and honorary, the meeting was an unblemished success. Each steward and officer wore a gold badge, and carried his race hook in a special

cover with his name stamped on in gilt lettering. Thy official luncheon was quite a feature, the officers, members and guests having their lady folk with them, tin's graceful addition certainly increasing thy interest and charm of the reunion. There

were many distinguished guests, including the Vice-President of the N.Z, Racing Conference, thy President of the Manawatu Racing Club, representatives of other Clubs, and outside patrons. All owners, trainers, jockeys and visitors were courteously looked after, the officials leaving nothing to chance. The sporting writers who came from a distance and tliosy who were at home - each found a pleasant surprisy awaiting them. For each writer was presented with a book cover with Feilding Jockey Club’s. initials, the jubilee years figures and thy sporting scribe's name stamped on in gilt lettering. The press gang were grateful for this special favour.

At the official luncheon, the President made a crisp and characteristic speech. Air. Sandford said all that wa s necessary and no more. Tie welcomed the Vice-President of the Racing Conference, the representa-

tives of other Clubs, and was par-

tlcul'arly pleased to have the life members of the Club present jand all guests. He asked tin; gathering to drink eontimied success to the Feilding Jockey Club, which had enjoyed 50 years of unbroken progress. The toast was) honoured with enthusiasm.

Details of the racing show that there were good fields and interesting finishes. The gold cup presented by Mr, C. F. Johnston for the winner of thy Jubilee Cun goes to Blenheim, All* ,T. J. Curry's horse Rabbi, trained by R. Alexander and rubier by L. J. Ellis getting home by a clear length. The cup was presented by Mrs. Sandford, Air. Corry’ receiving the warmest; congratulations. Mr. .7. M. Dune's victory, in the Flying Handicap with The Raider was a very popular one, and Mr. C. F. Johnston’s win in I lie last race of the day with Juggle brought to the liberal owner rounds of cheers. The racing was carried through without a hitch, the services of the ambulance being not

required. The Feilding Brass Band was in

attendance, and in addition to providing a spirited programme during

thy afternoon, played in Rabbi to the strains of “See the Conquering Hero Comes," as J. Wahiin led that handsome chestnut colt to the bird cage after the big ; race.

TIIE OFFICERS. The following officers had charge of the arrangements:— President: A. E, Sandford. VicePresident. L. T. McLean. Stewards: E. Burrell, J. I>. Bradley, IT. S. Cornfoot, W. G. Fry, J. Graham. L. Gorton, R. J. Harper, T. O’Neill, J. S. Parsons, E. 10. Short, A. 11. Sutton, E. A. Twigg. Hon. Treasurer: TV. J. Shannon. Hon. Timekeeper: A. McCorkiudale. Handicapper: 7. E. Henrys. Starter: W. C. Price. Judge: J. A. Cameron. Clerk of Scales: A. 11. Maguire. Surgeon: G. Phillips, AI.R.C.S., L.E.C.P. lion. Vet. Surgeon: It. 11. Aleade, M.R.C.V.S. Secretary, E. G. Goodbeliere.

RESULTS. WAIT UNA. HURDLES HANDICAP, of 200 sovs.; lit miles. 2- -V. Edhouse's br.g. Elysiaiior (W. 7. Bowden) 1 1 R. .Johnson’s cb.m. Iloromea (It. Symes) 10.5 - 4- -J. R. Nortlieott's br.f Hard Gold (A. Skipper) 10.2 1* Also started: 0 Novar 10.5, 2 Beaumont; 10.5, 8 Atareria 10.3, 5 Red Bank 10.1, 7 Delude fi.O. Won by a head, four lengths. Time 3.21.2-5. AORANGI TRIAL PLATE, of 150 sovs,; G furlongs. All 8.0. 7—TV. IT. Gaisford's br.g. Statuary. 3yrs (J. Barry) ... .. 1 3- If. Collinsou’s eh.f. Leisure (B. 11. Morris) 2 2—F. Flipp's ch.c. l’arl (It. P. Alaekie) 3 Also started: 5 Pedestal, 1 False Scent, 10 Itioghiel, T Lady Gen 11 *

Spearforin, 4 Black Acre, Four Aces, 1) Crancl Marinin. Woi by u neck, two lengths. Time 1.18 25. ‘ ■ FEi LDINU, JUBILEE CUP, of 005 bovs.; H miles. I —J. J. Curry's cii.c Rabbi, Jyrs 8.8 (L. J. Ellis) 1 7A. Byrnes’ ch.g. Shrewd, s,y r.s 7.5 (Wiggins) 2 4W. McA. Duncan's br.g Ruanui 7.7 (Farrell) 3 Also ran: II Star Stranger, 2 Vcrligcrn, 2 'J’ulisker, 0 Bright Glow, 3 l’untlier, 1G Teri, 10 Merry Damon, 12 Pint hair, 8 Spearmiss, 5 Merry Mint, 14 Keddar, 15 Joy Bird, 9 Blimp, 4 7 Courageous, 18 Kawliakina Winner trained by R. Alexander, Blenheim. , Won by a clear length, half a length between second and third. Time 2.10 15. 24th FEILDING STAKES, of 500 sovs.; 5 furlongs. 8— If. Murphy’s br.g. Cimabue syrs. 9.1. (L. G. Morris) 1 5 i*. F. 'Wall's br.m. Kailiorn, Jyrs, 8.0 (L. J. Ellis) 2 1— Crawford anl Roberts’ br.g.. Paganelli, (R. S. Bagby) 8 Also ran: 2 Ceremony, G Arrow Zone 7.0, 7 Arisus, Princess Betty. ’Won by one and a half legnths two lengths between second and third. Time, 1.8 2-5. KOWHAI HACK HANDICAP, 200 sovs.; 1 mile and a distance. 2 ,). J. Corry’s b.g. Make Up 4yrs. (L. J. Ellis) 1

G—W. J. Woods’ b.g. Chopin Jyrs 2 7.18 (W. Broughton) 10—W. If. Gaisford’s b.g. Democratic, aged (J. Barry) 7.10 8

Also started—o Limosa, 1 Slasher, Kkyrider 8 My Own, 5 Singer 10 Balloon, If Fine Acre, 11 Metellus, 2 r i'iie Mug. 7 Goldlike, I Latakia, 15 Don Quixote, 18 Kilorell, 17 llatteras

FLYING HANDICAP, of 300 sovs.; G furlongs.

2—J. M. Durie’s b.g. The Raider Gy r.s. 8.5 (J. Barry) 1 5 —C. F. Johnston’s hk.g. Gold Cure, syrs 7.8 (A. Fratus) 2 O—A. Alexander’s br.m. Llanore Jyrs., 7.0 (K. Voitre) 8

Also started: 1 Silver Paper, 1 Aspiring 8 Arrow Lad, 7 Goshawk, 4 First Money, 10 Banket, 8 Moa Bird, ft Gold Dawn, 1:1 Second Thought. Won by length and length between second and third. Time 1.15 8-5. FITZROY HACK HANDICAP of 200 sovs.; G furlongs. 4j. Donald’s bk.f. Clever Byrs. 8.2 (B. 11. Morris). 1 1, —W. Green’s br.g. Limosin, Jyrs. (W Broughton) 2 11 —J. A. Meacfarlane’s b.f. Cuticle, 3yrs 7.12 ,T. Wiggns) 8 Also started: 2 Knightlike, 5 Clarendon, 0 Sylvan Itell, 7 Green Acre, 3 M'arica 10 Warzone, 12 Werata, 9 Rule Britannia, 8 Piako. KIWJTEA HANDICAP,.of 250 sovs.; 7 furlongs. B—G.8 —G. F. Johnston’s lun. Juggle Jyrs, 7.11 (K. Voitre) 1 .I—K. Me A. Duncan’s b.f. Otari syrs '9.4 (It. ltecd) 2 SA. Barlow's b.m. Melissa, syrs. 7.11 (C. Eastwood) 3 Also ran: King Midas, 2 High Falutin', 0 Manly, 7 Borsalene. Won by a head, half a length between second and ‘ third. Time 1.28 J-5. HOW THEY RAN Elysianor was always handy in the hurdles, and won by a comfortable margin. Over thy iii*st fence Hard Gold and Delude went to the front and following were Red Bank Elysianor ami Iloromea. At the last .fence Iloromea and Elysianor singled ihemselves out, and with a hundred yards Ip go, the former came up to heal iloromea by a head. Hard Gold was four lengths hack. The favourite in the Maiden Race Leisure made the pace for the iirst furlong, followed by Pedestal, Raise Scent and Statuary. Entering the straight Pari was leading, followed py Staular.v and Leisure. In llie run home Statuary maintained the lead and won by a head with Pari about three lengths away. Rahht was well placed, all the way In the Cup and leading into the straight scored handsomely from Shrewd. Panther showed the way past the post for ih e iirst round and his southern supporters were jubilant. At: the five furlong post Panther. Terl. Taliskor anil Yertigcrn on the rails. At the four furlong peg, Merry Damon, Ruanui and were in a good position with Rabbi

fHELTENHAM-KIWITEA athletic SPORTS To be held at CHELTENHAM WEDNESDAY, JANUARY Ist, 1930. To Commence at 11 a.m. OFFICERS: Patron, Air. C. E. Johnston; President, Mr. W. G. Clapliam; VicePresidents, Messrs W. G. Booth, T. E. Craine, S. 11. Lodge, Rd. Taylor; Director of Sports, Mr. E. Sinclair; Timekeeper, Mr. A. M. McCorkin--1 dale; Foot Events. Mr. T. Gibson; Horse Events Judge, Mr. L. T. McLean; Judge’s Assistant, Mr. D. James; Steward, Mr. S. 11. Lodge; Highland Events Judge, Mr T. 11. Glen; Stewards, Messrs. H. O. McEwen, M. A. McLeod; D. H. McLean: Motor Events, Messrs. W. Sinclair, It. P. Ivilgour; Sheepguessing, Mr. D. H. Ivilgour; Chain Stepping, Mr. J. Batchelar; Gate , Steward, Mr. 11. Jaggard. PROGRAMME (All Events Post Entry With SECRETARY). ' 1. MAIDEN PONY JUMP, for ponies that have never won a jumping competition. .14.2 and under. Catch weights. Ist £2; 2nd £l. Entry 3/-. Time 11 a.m. 2. BOYS’ RACE, 100 yards, 12 years and under. Ist 5/-; 2nd 2/G. Trophies. Entry free. 11 a.m. 3]—GIRLS’ RACE, 100 yards. Conditions as in No. 2. 11 a.m. 4. PONY JUMP, 14.2 and , under. Catch weights. Over such course as stewards decide. Ist £2 10/-: 2nd, £1 10/-. Entry 5/-. A Challenge Cup presented by J. Blunden, Esq., to he presented to the owner of winning horse. , To be won twice in succession or three times at intervals. Present holder, Mrs. H. Marsh (Rajah). 11.25 a.m. 5. BOYS’ RACE, 100 yards, 15 year s {U1( 1 under. Ist 7/G; 2nd 2/G. Trophies. Entry Gd. 11.25 a.m. G.—GIRLS’ RACE, 100 yards. Conditions as in No. 5. 11.25 a.m. 7. —MUSICAL CHAIRS for Horses. Ist £1; 2nd 10/-. Entry 1/-. 11.40 a.m. 8. MOTOR TYRE RACE, for hoys under 15. Ist 5/-; 2nd 2/G. Tro- . pliies. Entry Gd. 11.50 a.m. 9—MAIDEN HUNTERS, for horses that have never woii a jumping competition, steeplechase or hurdle race. Catch weights. Over such course as stewards decide. Ist, £4 . 2nd, £2. Entry 7/-. 12 noon. 10. TO READ-TIIE-NEEDLE RACE on hors-'hack. Ist, £1 10/-; 2nd 10/-. Entry 2/G. 12.30 p.m. 5 11. TUG OF WAR. Teams of 5. Catch weights. Ist £2 10/-; 2nd, £l. Entry 5/- team. Four entries or no second prize.] 12.45 p.m. 12 -MOTOR CAR COMPETITION (Potato Race), 1 JO'yards. Time limits, 5-seater 20 seconds: 2-seater 38 seconds. £2 2/-. Trophy. Entry 2/G. 1 13. MOTOR CAR TILTING AT THE RING. Trophy, £2 2/-. Eutrv 2/G. Time announced. 14. —EGG AND SPOON RACE, for , Ladies. £1 1/-. Trophy. Entry . 1/-. 3 15. —EGG RACE, Gents. Trophy, £1 l/-. Entry 3/-. 3.15 p.m. 1 IG.—OPEN HUNTERS. Once round the Course. Catch weights. Ist. \ £7: 2nd £2: 3rd £l. Winner to i take Gomez Cup. Present holder, < Mr. F. C. Pearson’s Padmore. To : lie won three times. Entry 10/-. I. p.m. ( 17. —WIRE JUMP. Open. Ist £2; ] 2nd £l. Entry 4/-. 1.35 p.m. ' 1 3.8. —DOG TRIAL EXHIBITION, I three winning dogs. 2 p.m. j 19. OPEN JUMP (Steeplechase Style). Once round the course. , Catch weights. Ist. £5; 2nd £2. j Entry 7/-. 2.20 p.m. 20. —TUG OF WAR on horseback. Four aside. Ist £2; 2nd £l. Entry 4/- team. Four entries or no second prize. 2.45 p.m. [ i 21. —DUAL JUMPING COMPETE \ i TION. Once round course. Catch j i

weights. Entry 8/- a couple. Ist £4; 2nd £2. 3.10 p.m.

Rule 7.—ln liorse events there shall be four entries or no second prize, live or no third. Three entries or no competition. HIGHLAND EVENTS Rule. —Three entries or no second prize and winner take second prize, in piping and dancing. (a) PIPING, Amateur. For Pipers in Manawatu or Oroua Electoral Districts. 1. —Marches. 2. —Strathspeys and: Reels. Prizes: Ist value £1 30/-- 2nd value 35/- in each class. Entry 2/- for both.

(b) DANCING. To start at 11 a.m. Ist, value £1 1/-; 2nd, value 7/6. Entries 1/- each event. In events 1, 2? 4,5, 8, 11 competitors to be 16 years and under. 1. —Sword Dance. 2. Highland Fling. ' 3. —Highland Fling, 10 years and under j ) , 4. —Seann Truibhas. 5. Reel o’ Tullocli. 0— Highland Fling, 15 years and under.- Boys only. 7. —Highland Fling. 12 years and under. 8. —Highland lieeJ. 9.—Sword Dance, 12 years and under.

10. —lrish/Jig, 12 years and under. 11. —Hornpipe, y

DOG TRIALS. (To start at 9 a.m.)

L—SHORT HEAD DRIVE AND YARD. Open. Ist £4; 2nd £2; 3rd £l. Also 4tli, Dtli, and Otli prizes of £l, 15/- and 10/- respectively will be given. to local competitors. (Local Competitors to live within a 10-mile radius of Iviwitea or Cheltenham). 2.—The Ist, 2nd and 3rd dogs in the above to compete on Sports Ground for Gold Medal. Entry 5/-. Secretary—W. H. BURRELL Sheep Guessing and Chain Stepping for Ladies and .GentlemenRaces for Children under ten. Hot Water and'Milk provided free. H. W. WOOD, Hon. Sec. Cheltenham.

WhroAvfl were bunched, Rabbi following oil tlic mils. A good piece of horsemanship on Ibo purl of E. «f. Mills followed, for seeing Piutlmr go for the rails, lie. cut through and went on th,» outer and lending inlo the straight; staljed off challenges from Shewd and.. Uuntmi and won very decisively. Panther and Merry Mint had good positions, and, Iho Tali slier and Yortigoni bracket were also promi-

nent, Iml nothing had any chance with the winner. I

Paganelli—• certainly ! But the luck of racing was brought home to the hackers of the favourite. Slow at Itie start, which Is unusual. Kailiora taking th { . place. After a furlong Kaihoro had o'big lead from Arrow Zone, Ceremony and Paganelli. When they settled down to enter the straight Kailiora was still away in front and the public were shouting for Paganelli. Before 1 In* outside stand wa. s reached Paganelli tried to move on, but was shepherd-

ed by Ceremony oil the outer. One hundred ward s from the post. Ciniiilnio. who had been racing nicely on the outer, put In a run, and Morris dropped in his hand —and Paganelli had lo take third place.

Make Up won well. Trained in the same stable as Itahhi the public took the chance and came off a winner. The Foil ding owned and trained < 1 old like* jumped out in the lead, followed by Dox Quixote. Chopin and Metcllus. Oil entering the straight the Held bunched where Make up and Masher came away with Chopin following on tile rails. Democratic running behind. The race up the straight was a good one and Chopin was very unlucky to he beaten. My Own was fourth. A VERY POPULAR WIN The Raider, owned by Mr. Mason Dime, of Feilding, uml well looked after by Mr. .Uurvey Fulcher, was one of the local sports hopes in the Flying Handicap. The race is easily described. Banket jumped out. followed by Llanore, First Money, Gold Cure and Aspiring. Once in the straight Tile Raider drew away and Avon by a length from locality owned Gold Cure, who beat. Llanore by half a length. Tii e third horse put in a great run and . had he been handily placed must liiive made a great difference. Arrow Had was a moderate fourth.

The Fitzroy Handicap was all over from the start. . - Clever jumped away, followed by the favourite Liniosin. Knightlike,-. Limosin, and Cuticle all had alehanhe entering the straight hut the leader (Clever) was going very well and Avon easily. Before the start of the Fitzroy Hack Handicap, Just So got aA\:ay from his rider, doing two--rounds of the course. The stewards agreed Avitli the trainer that iii tlie unfortunate circumstances, the horse could not bo expected to perform after such a run and permission Avas given to scratch the horse, and the 20 odd early investors on the machine had their money refunded. Otairi Avas a good favourite in the concluding event, but he Avent under in a close tinsh to Mr. C. F. Johnston’s Juggle ((rained by H. Batten). Borsaleiie went to the front Avlien Ilie tapes were released, followed by Juggle. Melissa. King Midas, Avitli High Falutiii’ running Last. . Otairi put in a great run entering the straight, but li 0 failed to get to Juggle. Melissa putting in a good run to get third.

TOTE RECEIPTS. For the day (lie totalisator handled £27.258. This avus an increase of £7221 on the corresponding day of last year. Avhen the figure was £20.027. In 1027 Ibo total for the first day of the spring meeting was £23,777. TAIvAPUNA MEETING OPENS PRODICE WINS THE C UP PLATE GOES TO LEITRIM {Per Press Association) Auckland, Nov. 50. The Takapuna Jockey Club’s spring meetiug opened in line weather today, and there was a large attendance. The course avus in good order. Tiie totalisator receipts amounted to £-12,500, compared Avitli £27,943 10s last year, an increase of £14,550 10s. j

Melrose Maiden Staes, 7 furlongs—--2 Sea Song (Keesing) 1, 0 Nassau Lady 2, 11 Mon Star 3. Also started: 10 Carlaris, 9 Greenfield, 5 Neil, 3 Alloy, 8 Biddy Comet, l Clopton, 13 Cupola, 12 Dark Prince, 4 Loving Clip, 7 Tuku. Won bv four lengths; threeyuartel'.s. Time 1.31.

Tiri Higliweight Handicap, 1 Kiile 1 furlong—ll Ivaruri (E. Garrett) 1, 3 AVenday 2, 4 Glena Bay 3. Also^

started: 1 Sir Arche, 2 Golden "Wedding, G Quincoma, 5 Red Comet, 10 Bizarre, 8 Red Day, 9 Harbour View, 7 WaitaUnaha. Won by two lengths; one. Time 3.2 2-5.

Borough Handicap, 7 furlongs.—l Prince Val (C. France) 1, 4 Flying Prince 2, 3 Eager Rose 3. Also started : 5 Royal Doulton, 8 Hipo, G Macroom, 11. Thursby, 12 Gemliglit, 13 Cynthia N., 9 Respirator, 7 Liaison, 10 Mithra, 2 Refresher, 14 Tanagra. Won by five lengths; 1 3 lengths. Time 1.30.

Alison Cup, 1 mile three furlongs and 40 yards—l Prodice (Ellis) 1, 7 The Lover 2, 8 Lo Choucas 3. Also started: 2ln the Shade, 5 Corinax, 3 True Blood, 6 Transformer, 4 Flying Juliet. Won by four lengths; three-quarters. Time 2.29 3-5. Cambria Handicap, 5 furlongs —G Tremetus (McTavish) 1,2 Orapai 2, Wild Time 3. Also started: 4 Oil King, 1 Sight Draft, 8 King Ford, 3 Biddy’s Boy, 5 Full Measure, 6 Thespis, 9 Caviare, 11 Great Emblem, 1.0 Bells of Shandon. Won by a neck; two lengths, 'rime 1.4 2-5. Takapuna Plate, 7 furlongs—l Leitrim (11. Gray) 1, 3 Yali 2, 11 Tetraeliate 3. Also started: 10 Ai'ihana. O’ Good Bov, 12 Micrometer, 13 Prince of Orange, 7 Storm Fiend, 5 VoliTuond, 4 Crimestor, 2 Duel lona, 9 Lucky Alice, Bell Star (bracketed), 14 On Toh. Won by half a head; 21 lengths. Time 1.30 2-5. J Ponui Handicap, I mile 1 furlong—--5 Spring Abbey (Conquest) 1, 1 Taurua 2, 11 Cybcle 3. Also started: G Gay Cockade, 4 Bed Lion, 3 Bramp- | ton, 8 Diamond Queen, 9 Carmint,. 7 Orchus, 2 Sports King, 10 Tarapeen. Won by a short head; a neck. Time, 2.1 3-5. j Cheltenham Handicap, G furlongss •—1 Lady Quex (H. Gray) 1, 4 Lucy Hose 2, 7 Town Bird 3. Also started: 2 Va-lli, 3 Bidge mount, G Taku Tama, 5 Tea Time. Won by three lengths; two. Time 1.15 3-5, J

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Feilding Star, Volume 7, Issue 2377, 2 December 1929, Page 3

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JUBILEE MEETING Feilding Star, Volume 7, Issue 2377, 2 December 1929, Page 3

JUBILEE MEETING Feilding Star, Volume 7, Issue 2377, 2 December 1929, Page 3