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20 and 30, 101!)

Messrs Levin and Co., ltd., report having held a most successsful salu ol stud Hcrofords ou account of Mr C.A. J. _ Level t, of "Ratanui," Kiwitea, Feilding, when they disposed of the whole of Jus well-known herd. There wa.s a large attendance of buyers from all parts of the Dominion, and the sale went with a swing from "lind to finish,'' and bidding was animated throughout. General regret was expressed that wo .successful a breeder had decided to give, up breeding. President Wilson, the champion imported bull, was knocked down after a .spirited duel between Mr Haziet. of Dunedin, nod Mr F. Moore, of Kai [wi, the latter staying longer ■■md expressing himself as thoroughly -.satisfied with his purchase. Tlie price (2220g5.) is an Australasian record, and very great satisfaction was freely expressed that so great a aire is to remain in the Dominion. Persimmon, a recently imported bull of great promise, was much admired, and after spirited competition, was knocked down at £1018 10s to Mr Hugh Caphell, of lliihko'k B.v«\ A bull calf, by President Wilson ex Bella 7Slh, was purchased by Mr A. S. Holms, of ltivercargill. nt*2Bogn. The whole herd of 205 hulls, cows, heifers, and calves averaged just on £70 per head. The following is a complete list ol the stock sold, buyers, and prices re nlisod: — President Wilson, Frank Moore,

Ivai Iwi, C 2331; Persimmon, Hugl Campbell. Poukawa, H. 8.. £1018 10s Ratanui Baronet, F. L. Jackson Rauinai. -lOgs.; Ratanui Controller .1. J. Bryce, Hinnu. Ratanu Chevalier! Watt Bros.. Kimbolton 30gs.; Ratanui Compositor, A. Liv in gs tone, Hunterville. logns.; Rata nut Commandant, A. Lvingstone Hunterville, 21gns; Ratanui Commissioner. Walt Bros.. Kimbolton, 20gs; Ratanui Contractor.. Grcgor McGronor, Waitotara, lo^s; Ratanui Col lector, H. Loye. Mangaweka. 15 gs: Ratanui Candidate. B. Smith. Dannevirke Gours; Ratanui Challenger. G. and.R. Coats. Matakoi. 50gs; Ratanui Courtier, A. Livingstone. Hunferville, 31gs; Ratanui Craftsman. M. A. Conway, Cheltenham. lOgs; Ratanui Conquerer. R. E. Jefferson. Wairon. 13gs; Ratanui Coxswain, F. L. Jackson, Eaumai, sgs; Ratanui Compatriot, W. Barron, Gisborne, 20gs; Ratanui Cavalier, Homes Warren, Featherston, 140gs; Ratanui .Comcralde, Bruce Estate, Cheltenham, 31gs; Ratanui Chum, W. K. Morton, Silverhope, 30gs; Ratanui Chieftain, Annedale Station, Mastcrton, 320gs; Ratanui Cashier, R. 1 Sherratt, Gisborne, loOgs; Ratanu) Carbine, J. Rice, Weber, 35gs; Ratanui Councellor, J. H. McLean.. Marlon, 35gs; Ratanui Consul, R. K. lelferson, AVairoa, 36gs; Ratanui Centurion, R. King, Te Puke, 210gs; Ratanui Chorister, J. H. McLean. Marlon, 32gs; Ratanui Almond, .A. K. Sandilands?. Kiwitea, 2Ggs; Riita--uii Dragoon, John Wells, View Hill. -Ogs; Comfit ,30th. W. J. Frcith. Waitara, 21gs; Ratanui Dan. G. .McGregor, Waitotara, 14gs ; Ratal.anui Princess 1-llh, AY. J. Frcith. Waitara, 27g«; Comfit 26th (3144), J. T. Bryce, Hinau, 36gs; Ratanui Lady Graceful 16th, L. Hazlctt, Dunedin. 70gs; Comfit 30th A., J. J. Bryce, Hinau, 21gs; Rosamond 16th. J. J. Bryce. Hiiiatt, 40gs; Ratanui Dot; Quixote, A. Drummond, Nelson, 42 ~s; Bella 79th. A. E. Sandilands, Kiwitea, 17gs; Ratanui Ainethvst 12th (3148), Geo. Wheeler, Taihape, 53gs: Ratanui Domino, Holmes Warren, Featherston. Gigs; Bella 8-1 th. Holniw Warren, Featherston, 42gs; Ratanu doctor, John Wells. View Hill OxTurd, 08gs; Cyclamen 18th (3145), W. 's. Morton, Silverhope, 25gs ; Ratanu Dhjfjo, W. K. Morton, Silverhope 7 g.s; Bella 26th (1620). H. A. Niveits. Mastcrton, 28gs; Bella 109 th, 11. A. \ivons, Mastcrton, 18gs; Bella 4911 ■3041), W .J. Frcith, Waitara, 20g.s Bella 104 th. W. J. Frcith, Waitara I'Jgs; Rosamond 9th (2195), .7. II Kjbblewhite. H.atunta. J7gs; Ratanu Dervish, John Wells, View Hill, 20g» 'tosamond 15th, L. Hazlctt, Dunedin. 'lOgs; Rosamond 2Lst. If. Bunn, A'icw Till, Oxford, 21gs; Ratanui Princes! il.h (2435), R.-E. Jefferson, Wairoa I lc;s; Ratanui Demosthenes, F. W Blatchford, Pahiatua, 23gs; Bella 56H 2427), J. King, Invercargill, 35r~ / Bella 105 th, A. Livingstone, Hun' --,-■ villc, 17gfi; Ratanui Dioiiiodes, J !\irin, Invarciirgill, 24gs; Comfit 23n '2871), AY. J. Frcith, Waitara. 28gs '"omfit 42nd, 11. Bunn, View Hill Oxford. 20gs; Comfit 21st (2129). II Bunn. View Hill, Oxford, 42gs; Ratajui Domoivat, If. Bunn, View Hill Oxford, Ratanui Lady Grace ful 5th.(264i). W. B. White, Tnka pau. OGgs; Bella 63rd (2868), Holme. Wa'Teii, Featherston, 60gs; Belli 106 th, Holmes Warren, Featherston 29gs; Leonora 59th (1994), W. J Freitli, Waitara. 36gs; Ratanui Leo ■'ora 2nd, G. McGregor, Waitotara I.Ogs; Daffodil 14th. T. F. Walker. Wairoa, 22gs; Ratanui Daniel, W. I\ Morton, Hunterville, lOgs; Bell: 74th, J. C. Field, Gisborne, 7Ogs Ratanui Discovery. J. C. Field, Gis ':orn.e, 80gs; Ratanui Lady Graeefii I.4th, J. King, Invercargill, 53gs Ratanui Designer, J. J. Bryce, Hinau I6gs; Duchess of Wiutercott 21s (2641), Bayly Bros., Kai .Iwi, 76gs Ratanui Depositor, W. K. Morton Silverhope, 14gs; Comfit 31th., J. .1 Bryce, Hinau, 40gs; Ratanui Demos T. Maisfield, Akaroa, 17gn; Leonor; 75th (3146), W. B. White, Takapau 50gs; Ratanui Demonstrator, A. E Sandilands, Kiwitea, 16gs; Rosainom' 12th, G. McGregor, Waitotara, 39gs Rosamond 23rd, G. McGregor, 21gs Bella olfch (2426), J. C. Field, Gisborne, lOOgs; Bella 110 th, John Brice Marton, 42gs; Bella 78th, L. Hazlel t Dunedin, 76gs; Ratanui Dragon, A S. Holmes, Waimahaka, Invercargill 280gs; Bella 83rd, Holme* Warren Featherston, 45gs; Ratanui Debater A E. Sandilands, Kiwitea, 20gs; Comfit 24th (2639), J. C. Field, Gis borne, 95gs; Ratanui Dofondant. J. C. Fiold, 150gs\; Mavflowor 37tl (3147), J. J. Bryce, Hinau, 50gs; May flower 47th, J. J. Bryce, Hinau, 23gs Mayflower 39th, J.J. Bryce, 7()gs Ratanui Mayflower 46th, J. Brice. Marton, 46ge; Ratanui Princess ,13th (3150), G. McGregor, Waitotara, 38gs , Ratanui Princess 27th, W. J. Frcith. Waitara, 32gs; Ratanui Amethyst Bth. G. McGregor, Waitotara, 60gs; Ratanui. Amethyst 15th, L. Hazlctt. Dunedin, 42gs; Bella 48th (2425), J. S. Nelson, Woodville, 46gs; Ratanui Delight, T. li. Spence, Whakututu, Gisborne, 56gs; Daldia 6th (2640), R. CDalzicll, Hunterville, 28gs; Dahlia 11th, T .F. Walker, Wairoa, 17gs, Comfit 14th (1970), J. J. Bryce, Hi-' nan, 40gs; Ratanui Demagogue, T. 15. Spence, Whakatutu, Gisborne, oOgs; Ratanui Lady Graceful 2nd (2432). Holmes Warren, Featherston, 3lgs; Ratanui Lady Graceful 24th, J. M.i James, Mastcrton, 58k«; Mavlluwer 35th (2G43), W. K. Morton, 'Silverhope, 1 35gs; Ratanui Deacon, J. H, McLean, Marton, 20gs; Caprice 9tit, J 11. McLean, Marton, 34gs; Ratanui Day Star, J. 11. McLean, 28gs; Caprice 7th' (1969), T. Cain, AVairou, 37----gs; Ratanui Daybreak, T. Cam. 30gs; Vivaeity.-22iid, J. S. Nelson, Woodville, 58gS; Ratanui Dauntless, F. W. Blatchford, Pahiatua, 21gs; Corona 11th (2431), AY. B. AVhite, Taknpau. 30g«; Ratanui Dart-ford, J. H. 3kLean, Marton, 28_s; Ratanui Almond

2nd (2644), AY. K. Morton, Silverhope, ' 40gs; Ratanui Almond 4th, W. K. Morton, 46gs; Ratanui Lady Graceful Ist (1785). J. 11. McLean, Marton, Jigs; Brilliant 24th (2038), (J. McGregor, Morekau, 40gs ; Ratanui Brilliant 3rd, Holmes Warren Feathcrston, lOgs; Bella 65th (2869), \\ . K. Morion, Silverhope, 50 guineas; Bella 107 th, Holmes Warren, Featherston, 52« us; Ratamu I niicess IClh R. E. Jefferson, Wairoa, -ißgns; Ratanui Princess 26th, Donald Ale : Konzio Mastcrton, UOgns; Ratanui Amethyst 11th, J. J. Bryce. Hinau. 78Kn.s;' Ratanui Dandy, A. E. Sandilands, Kiwitea. ligs; Ratautn Lady Graceful 17th, T. F. AValkor, AVanoa , 30gns; Ratanui Dauber, 1. B. Spenco, Gisborne, 38gns Ratnnnf Lady Graceful 8 (2610). AY. K. Morton, Silverhope, 32gms ; Ratanui Dealer, T. Mnisfield, Akaroa. 4'Ggns; Ratanui Princess 7tli (2874).. J. M. James, Ma.torton, 82gns ; Ratanui Deemster, McLennan Bros.. Halcombe, 20gns; Bella 37th (1966), J. J. Bryce, Hinau. 75gns; Bella 103, J. J. Bryce, Hinau, 30gs; Ratanui Lady Graceful 7th (3149), W. K. Morton, Silverhope, 46gs; Ratanui Darnley. F. P. Nelson, Pahiatua, 22fis Hatanui Lady Graceful 19th, Petch Bros., To Kuiti, lOOgs; Dahlia 9th, Botch Bros. Ti> Kuiti, DOgs; Ratanui Lady Graceful 21st, Frank .Moore Kai Iwi 130gs; Ratanui Princes* Bth, Petch Bros., 'IV Kuiti, 70gs; Bella Slst, R. King, To Puke, lOOgs; Ratanui Brilliant Ist, .1. J. Bryce, Hinau, OOgs; Mayflowor 40th, Holmes Warren, Feathorslon, I OOgs; Ratanui Princitss 19th, AY. B. White, Takapatii 80gs; Ratanui. Leonora Ist, Hutchinson Bros., Gisborne, OOgs; Ratanui Lady Graceful 18th, W: B. Whitw, Takapau, uOgnn'; Bella ;)sth, R. King, To Puke, 50gn; Rata, oui Princess 17th, Homos Warren, Featherston, llOgs; Comfit 38lh, ft. G. DalziVll, Hunterville, 37gs; Priii•ess 18th, Bayly Bros., Kai Iwi 100«s ; Vivacity 28th, Hutchinson Bros., Gisborne, 00g»>; Corona 16th, Holmes Warren, Featherston. 50gs; Bella J2nd, W. Laidlaw. Tapanui, Otago, I2ogs; Ratanui Princess 21st J. M. James. Mostorton, '50gs; Bella 93rd, Grcgor- McGregor, Waitotara, 42gs ; \'ivacity 33rd. F. AY. Blatchford, Pa-

tiatua, JOgs; Bella 87th, Holmes Warren, Featherston, Gogs; Com fit 31st, Petch Bros., To Kuiti, IlOgs; Kosamohd 17th, T. Cam, Wairoa, jogs; Comfit 35th, Hutchinson Bros., j'isborne, 80gs; Ratanui Lady Graccut 20th, Leahy Bros., Waitotara,

wg.s; Mayflower 12nd, T. F. Walker, Wairoa, 40gs ; Ratanui Duchess of Wintoreott Ist, Frank Moore, GOgs; Bella 90th, Hutchinson Bros., Gislortio, I3ogs; Mayflower list, Hutch-

nson Bros., Gisborne, "Ogs; Viracitv -i)th, J. S. Nelson, Woodvillo, 54gs' ; Vivacity 30th, G. R. Coatos. Mata-

voi, -logs; Comfit 32ud, Hutchinson Ui'os., Gisborne, oOgs; Comfit .'l3rd, W. Laidlaw, Tapanui, Otago, 90gs; Bella 88th, J. C. Field. Gisborne; 'Oogs; Daffodil 17th, A. Livingstone, Hutttervillo, 20gs ; Ratanui Dartnouth, R. E. Jefferson,- Wairoa, 70gs; Vivacity 32nd, H. Bunn, View Hill, Oxford, 31gs; Ratanui Princess 20th, Hutchinson Bros.. Gisborne, *3gs; Mayflower 12nd. llidnms Waren, Featherston. 29gs; Cyclamen 19th, J. Rico, Weber, 3Sgs;' Comfit IGth, Hutchinson Bros., Gisborne, logs Vivacity 34th. A. G. Riches,

raumarunui, 31gs; Bella 91st, Hutchison Bros., Gisborne. DOgs; Bella 14th, Homes Warren, -Featherston, >ogs; Bella 96th. L. Hazlctt, Dtntelin, lOOgs; "Ratanui Amothyst 14th, W. J. Frcith, Waitara, 26m Rataini Brilliant 2nd, John Wells, View Hill, Oxford, 30gs; Corona 17th. H. A. Nivens, Mastcrton, 30gs; Bella '.OOtli, J. Brico, Marton, olgs; Mn'lower 43th. R. King, To Puke, 29gs; .''yclamen 22nd, R. King, To Puke, t6gs : Ratanui Lady Graceful 22nd, Holmes Warren, Featherston 42gs; 'latanni Princess 24th, Leahy Bros. Waitotara. 2Sgs; Bella 99th, R. K. rolTerson, Wairoa. 52gs; Rosamond -'oth, T. V. Walker, Wairoa, 20gs; 'outfit 40th, A. G. Riches, Taumartinn. 26gs Ratanui Princess 23rd, F. Moore, Kai Iwi, 72gs Rosamond 19th, P. F. Walker, Wairoa, 20gs; Ratanui r <ad Graceful 21st, Holmes Warren featherston. 92gs: Bella. 97th, J Hrice, Marton, 52gs; Bella 101 st, Homes Warren, Featherston, 02gs ; latanni Princess 23th. Frank Moore \ai Iwi, 82gs; Bolla 102 nd. L. Ha*'»tt, Dunedin, 120gs; Bella 98th. R. '3. Jefferson, Wairoa, 30gs; Dahlia 'Oth, J. Brice, Marton. 29gs ; Caprice 'lth, F. W. Arbon, Koniako, 000-s; Mayflower 44th, A. O. Rich™, Tauuartiniii. 20gs; Rosamond 18th. L. lazlett, Dunedin. 133.

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Feilding Star, Volume XV, Issue 3778, 3 May 1919, Page 4

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STUD HEREFORDS Feilding Star, Volume XV, Issue 3778, 3 May 1919, Page 4

STUD HEREFORDS Feilding Star, Volume XV, Issue 3778, 3 May 1919, Page 4