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LATEST ARRIVALS AT QUALITY HOUSE EXCLUSIVE STYLES IN FLORAL VOILES T*TE HAVE PLEASURE in announcing the arrival this day of over 50 PIECES of the FAMOUS FERGUSON VOILES' These Goods mark all that is Daintiest and Most Charming in Beauty of Design, Wealth of Colouring, and Charming Effect. The Colourings most in demand are here, namely, Fawns, Navy, Saxe, Green, Reseda, Wedgewood, Black, Royal, etc., etc. They aro 40 inches wide. THE PRICE a j a PER IS ONLY **/*> YARD .. SPECIAL DISPLAY OF THESE GOODS IS NOW IN VIEW IN OUR LARGE WINDOW We is-„a a Special Invitation to one and all to make a point of seeing these goods at tho earliest possible opportunity A.MOST CHARMING RACE SHOAVING IN ALL DEPARTMENTS YOURS FAITHFULLY, F°GRUER, THOMSON & CO. — '**'''* QUALITY HOUSE ' KXrS?;?" ~• 1 Mnk how many colds 4Af ■ : it cured in mmMk - 3mMwk ■ 50 years „ . tr~"~~*rT- ~ At? r?' * " ~sW—l s»s—sjsss_—_s—s—i -sssssssj—» Bji'vvi \ 7h . number of people whose coughs and cold, If » :HrtE;Er3Sric. have been cured by Bonnington's Irish Moss j | _ during the last fifty years would total hundreds ' | • ~hS w r^..«.-^i •' thousands. When our grand-parents were | 1 ri:rr young men and women Bonnington's Irish | ! Moss was the favourite household remedy for $ ', chest troubles —it has continued so down to, this H : ~ -.«;:« w -" day! |. t CEOPCE SOMNINoTOhI . , . 0 , C''<?istcmu'sCh I T?% • ea _ em I DonraijPtoTis. J Owen Junction,NolaoD, ■ '•_ _M _ _—-.___ >5 "Ihavesrreatplowrarelnreoommon*- I "T_|^e^ B ffl ■ %__fl! C? (■f ronr Iciah Moss, nnd can remember ■> ■ _fl ' _r™"®|_' ■ I H IS7 » 1 it Win? ti«ed l.y our family for 21 WsWm WSm *S«3 WBBflsV SSsV efis> ■«■ V g l year's or more. I ii!go find it invaluable ' Sg lor (Jror.p. to which soma of tho children yL have hrcn subject. 1 can say thatitnaver . . ~ tt , . i c *» 5/ fails to Rive relief. i advise all mother* Is just tha s*rne eiheaaous, speedy cure aa 50 yeaxa > tense it for young and old. I notice that ' '_, f» :_, _.-J_. {~~~- fL. ___-,_. .'-.<--_, JI.-u -«._,.--.«_,J # i» Nelson ti.ere are imitations bnt i *« 0 ' It« made from the same ingredients prepared fcg always see that we get Bonnington's;- by qualified chemists of fifty years experience— % , una. waltbr bboad. its cures are thorough. Hundreds testify that it % ' is the finest remedy they have tried for Colds, , s*Torai*trMt.Oa-aara. Coughs, Influenza, Bronchitis, Tightness of the 6 "It .Ires me pleasnre to testify to the Chest, Asthma, Chills and other Chest Ailments. yb Read the two testimonials published here. J|L remember it for 30 years. It -was used • v/s/x by mother for me as a child, and now I \%!j He it in my own home for my children <-, _ . .... Vsr I consider it the best remedy that can be . «-•» B*nntngton s Irish ******. V used .in any household when children . Moss from «ny chemist M<s& _, >a •alter from colds or ch< it complaints, as -f -«•«»•»_- &'/*_&»'■■ ■ _/ _r'** they take it readily—different frem or- •»" afar* — Sabstitatos „ jsf~% __B*T2r" *_»*_•*% 4*A alaaryatedlclae.." shsmU km flmtly tefijt&&.§> jfZJJT^ ku j. o. BuaurxL. ___ __. ■.■__.

ACCEPTANCES CLOSE ON SA- . TURDAY. NOVEMBER 16th, at 5.8 C p.m. for races as under: —. Waituna Hack Hurdles, 2 sovi. j Flying Stakes (Handicap), S sors,: Aorangi Trial Plate, 1 soy.; Apiti Hack Handicap, 2 sors.; Manchester Handicap, 5 so vs.; Cheltenham Hack Handicap. 2 soys.; Kiwitea Welter Handicap. 2 sors. HANDICAPS will be declared on or about TUESDAY, November 12th. The winner of any race after declaration of weights may be re-handicar ped. The Committee reserve the right to alter the date uf entry, acceptance, etc., prior to closing, also the dates on which handicaps are declared, should they deem fit bo to do. ' THIRTEENTH FEILDING STAKES. . Second Forreits due Ist NOVEMBER, IUIB. Final Payments due SATURDAY, 16th NOVEMBER, 1918, ai G. 30 p.m. Owners will please'note that NOMINATIONS and ACCEPTANCES close at 5.30 _>.ia. EDMtr. QOODBEHERE, Secretary, Box 45, Feilding. Approved m accordance with Urn Rules of Racing, this 7th d-y of September, iyiß.— Wm. Hall, Secretary, Wanganui Jockey Club:

i i i TjIEILDINO JOCKEY CLUB. i SPRING MEETING.: WEDNESDAT, DECEMBER 18. OFFICERS. President, L. A. J. Levett. VicePresident, W. G. Haybittle. Stewards, H. J. Booth, F. T. Haggitt, G. E. Haggitt, R. J. Harper, J. H. Perrett, W. J. Phillips, J. S. Parsons, H. Roberts, G. H. Saywell, E. Short, A. H. Sutton, H. F. Worsfold. Hon. Treasurer,. G. H. Waymouth. Hon. Timekeeper, A. McCorkindale. Starter, Angus Keith. Handicapper, j. E. Henrys. Judge, W. F Hartgill. Deputy Judge, J. H. Perrett. Clerk if Scales, W. Randell. Clerk of Jourse, D. Desmond. Secretary, Edmund. Goodbehere. •j.ii:l__\_ -_.- 1 t» .' ii i ». „ /&. o\ei_S«3i!__t_l_st__i^?_L.V

lIFEBUOY Royal OfJAP ** Disinfectant *5 BAVEB LIFE NOW, MORE THAN EVER, IS IT . NECESARY To DISINFECT and PURIFY the SICK ROOM and the HOME ___ USE LIFEBUOY SOAP Destroys all Germs in the Washtub. Makes Soiled Linen Sweet and Wholesome. Use Lifebuoy Soap In your Bath and defy Infection. Recommended by Medical Officers of Health and other Sanitary Authorities. A Nurse Certifies THAT DR. MORSE'B INDIAN -JOOT PILLS ABE UNEQUALLED FOR CONSTIPATION. i. : •*] can certify," writes Nurse A. aranlia Rutherford, of 406 Montreal Strait. Near Victoria Street, Chris*: c h v reh ' Now Zea-' land n d i a n i Root PUU • »r« ao ! excellent remedy x - -"'1 f~Pv,.¥ for Con- ! S*&:\- it't&l atlpation, i having i .„&>*? o*ed oth- i erao-call- I f lutei, I found nothins' Fr** B }'\oto. eQoal to j aifldness to your genuine laxative ! nedlclne. I am a qualified ladles' I jurse and have practised in Tasmania and New Zealand for a period if forty years. You have my full i oiißent to use this testimony for ' -üblicatlon tf desired." i To maintain » healthy system the J dowels should openatp at least once ', 9v*rr H hoar* Tb'.« le one ot Na- i f .ure'« wise provisions which is too ! >ften ignored, and the reßult is un- j told sufierir.g Woffisa and children ! are th** grenitxi affonders, but why »uch nfiould >>c the case Is & problem to be solvc-d. Nature often requires a little assistance, and It this assistance U siren at the first Indication much dSstr*** ~n.i suffering may ba averted ©A* » r»n-A:? remedyc/oj' Costlvenwss f'«? \ior*t>'« Indlaa m*ot v*Mt> ■*-•-.- t -*•*>** »-*"D*»iUs«. *. ' -" * - —— ' —*• •NIFF UP, GARGLE or BVVALUOVY FLUENZOL

[ FBOGKAMME: 1 WAITUNA HACK HURDLES, ot 200 soys, second horse to receive 40 soys, third horse 20 soys out of the stake. Nomination 1 soy, acceptance 2 soys. Over six flights of hurdles 3ft 6in in height. One mile and a half. 2. FLYING STAKES (Handicap), of 300 soys, second horse to receive 60 soys, third horse 30 soys out of the stake. Nomination 1 soy, acceptance 3 soys. Six furlongs. 3. AORANGI TRIAL PLATE, of 150 soys, second horse to receive 30 soys, third horse 15 sovn out of the stake. For horses-; that-have never won a stake exceeding 35 sovo. Nomination 1 soy, acceptance i soy. Weight 7st 71b. Five and a half furlongs. To be ridden by apprentices who have not yon more than 15 races. 4. TWELFTH FEILDING STAKES of 500 soys, second 1 rse to receive 100 soys, third horse 50 soys out of the stake. Weight-for-age, with penalties and allowances. Five furlongs. , 5. APITI HACK HANDICAP, of 175 soys, second horse to receive 35 soys, third horse 15 soys out of the '. at the earliest opportunity, other- . stake. Nomination 1 soy, accept- ) ance 2 soys. Seven furlongs. A MANCHESTER HANDICAP, of 500 soys, second horse to receive 100 soys, third horse 50 soys out of the stake. Nomination 1 soy, acceptance 5 soys. One mile and a I quarter. | 7 CHELTENHAM HACK HANDICAP, of 175 soys, second horse to receive 35 soys, third horse 15 soys out of the stake. Nomination 1 soy, acceptance 2 soys. Six furlongs. 8. KIWITEA WELTER (Handicap), of 200 soys, second horse to receive i 40 soys., third horse 20 so-s. out of' the stake. Nomination 1 soy, acceptance 2 soys. Minimum weight Sst. Seven furlongs. i Dates of NOMINATIONS and ACCEPTANCES, with amounts to be transmitted therewith. NOMINATIONS clo_e FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1918, nt 5.30 p.m. for all races, as under:— j Waituna Hack Hurdles, Flying Stakes, Aorangi Trial Plate, Apiti Hack Handicap, Manchester Handicap, Cheltenham Hack Handicap I Kiwitea Welter. ' j N.B.—Entries by telegram or teU,----teS,-HJ? 8T BE CONFIRMED IN WRITING and full particulars given wise a una of 2 soya. ill \, Inflicted ThJ« n_h» will fa* EfefcUx •#!<*•*!.

RULES AND «,EGUIiATIONS. 1. An entries to be addresßed to the Secretary, Feilding Jockey Club, entrance money enclosed, with the name, age at tune of entry, names of owner and trainer;' ; pedigree; colours of the rider, andj in case of handicaps where horses hate not ■ previously started 1 on the ' Feilding course, performances of the horse. Entrance moneys to go to the'funds of the Club. 2. Entries by "telegram must give full particulars *■ the horse and must . be contained m writing dt the earliest | possible opportunity, other rise'a one ul 2 sors. mil bo imposed. j 3. Owners -are responsible lor all : tenuities and allowances. ] 4. All persons intending to withi draw horses are required to give no* tice to that effect to the Secretary one half hour before the official time of starting the race." \ny person neglecting or refusing to comply with this shall pay a line, not' exceeding 20 so vs., to the Race i'rind. 5. AH races to be run' under the N.Z. Rules of Racing; as adopted by the Racing Conference of New' Zealand. 6. Prior to any race the Stewards may order a parade in front of the stand. Any horse absent from such parade at the time notified in the programme, without the permission of tne Stewards, will be fined 2 eovs. 7. The Committee reserve the right to revise Btake money prior to entries closing, and to alter the date or time for declaration of weights, nominations, or acceptances, as they may deem fit.

STOP CHILDREN COUGHING Stop the children coughing by giving them Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. A cough racks and weakens the entire system and quickly leads to serious bronchial trouble. Chamberlain's Cough' Remedy acts quickly in giving relief from coughs, colds, or bronchial troubles. It is ea»y to take M.d tastes good, and is Eafe for children for it contains no narcotic*

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Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 3647, 2 December 1918, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 3647, 2 December 1918, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 3647, 2 December 1918, Page 4