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SERVICE OVERSEAS MEN FOR THE ARMED FORCES THOSE FROM FRANKLIN. The following names of men from Franklin are included in the ballot, for the Auckland district for service overseas with the Armed Forces. The list includes the names of men who volunteered for overseas service and who were rejected as medically unlit, men who have been accepted for service in the Royal New Zealand Air Force and also men who have been in training for some months with a view to. going overseas. A ' Alexander, Ernest Kenyon, farmer, Tttakau; Allcock, Russell Barnes, farm hand, Karaka; Allison, Joseph, taxi driver, Pukekohe; Amies, Leslie Ernest, butter-packer, Waiuku; Annan, Andrew Neville. Kaiaua; Appleby, Colin Frederick, dairy farmer, Runciman; Appleby, William Row, soldier, Papa-

kura; Armitage, Edmund Francis, Tuakau; Armstrong, .Jack, dairy farmer, Ramarama; Atkin, Edward Roger, motor mechanic, Pukekohe: Attewell, Rexford Athol. Pukekohe.

Baker, Harry Torode, dairy farm worker, Papakura; Baker, Leonard, farm hand, Mangatawhiri: Baldersten, Dennis, porter, Waiuku; Barthow, Harold Christian Valdeman. farmer, Pollok, Waiuku; Bartle, William, Thomas, jockey, Papakura; Bartz, Maurice Arthur, farmer, Tuakau; Baston. Arthur Herbert, drover, Clevedon: Beams, Douglas Arthur, P. and T. employee, Papakura; Bell, Andrew Edgar, farm assistant. Clevedon; Bell, Frederick George, farm han'l, Papakura: Best, Leonard Ernest, farm Jhand, Bombay; Bingham, Charlie Harrison, carpenter, Pukekohe: Bischoff, Charles Robert, farm manager, 'Waiuku; Black, Edward Woolsey, farm band, Bombay; Black. Gordon Stuart, farm hand, Pukekawa; Blake, Desmond Williamson, electrical wirer, PukekoheV Blake, Frank, Mercer; Blake, Selwyn Ronald, telegraphist, Pukekohe: Blake, Trevor George, accountant, Pukekohe: Blanchard, Cyril Francis, barrister and solicitor, Pukekohe; Bolton, Thomas Moran, trailer driver, Tuakau: Bourke, Gerald Murphy, labourer, Waiuku; Bovill. James Stuart, farmer, Tuakau: Bower, Philip Louis Rena, attendant. Kingseat; Bowman, Jack Raymond, fireman, Waiuku; Boyd. George Gilbert, cheesemaker Aka Aka: Bradley, Harold, greaser, Pukekohe: Breeze, Frederick William, farm hand, Ramarama: Brew, James, quarry blacksmith, Waiuku: Bright, Leonard William, Otaua: Broderick, James Patrick, farmer, Puni: Brosnahan, Patrick Francis, Tuakau; Brown, John Eustace, farm hand, Buckland: Brownlee, Harold James, carrier, Pukekohe; Brunt, William, farmer, Karaka; Bull, Percy Henry Norman, Karaka; Burgess, Mervyn Thomas James, apprentice hairdresser, Pukekohe; Butterworth, David Henry, soldier, Papakura: Buttery, Walter, farm hand, Pukekohe.

Caie, Norman Roller!. fanner. Bombay; Caie, William Arthur, dairy farmer, Mangatawhiri; Campbell, Brian Douglas, civil servant, Tuakau; Carter, Samuel Harold, dairy farmer. Patumahoe; Chapman, Harold Howard, farmer, Tuakau; Cheeseman. Henry Frank, cook, Papakura; Chipman, Alan Lyndon, farmer, Pokeno; Chipman, George Boswell, farmer. Pokeno: Christmas, Herbert James, porter. Tuakau: Civil, Mervyn Henry, farmer, Papakura: Clark, George Harry, exchange clerk, Papakura: Glarlte, Cyril Benjamin, plumber, Papakura; Oockranc, William John, greenkeeper, Paerata; Cole, Peter Edward, farmer. Pokeno: Coop, Harold David, motor engineer, Pokeno; Gossey, Herberi David, farmer. Drury; Cowan, Sydney diaries, dairy farmer. Hunua; Craig, David McNeil, dairy farmer, Hunua; Craig, Trevor Joseph Harry, dairy farm assistant, Waipipi; Craig, William Wallace, sharemilker, .Waiuku; Crickett, William Robert, farm labourer. Pukekohe East; Crosby, Lawrence Victor, farm labourer, Waiuku; Cuming. Peter, civil servant, Papakura; Cuthbert, Douglas Thomas, farm hand, Buckland: Cuthbertson, George Cameron, farmer. Hunua.

Davies, Frederick Desmond, dairy farmer, Pukekohe; Dazeley, Percy Henry, farmer, Pukekohe; Dean. John David, farm hand, Pokeno; Deane, Harold Franklin, electrical tester, Pukekohe; Deed, John Aubrey, dairy farm manager Waiuku.; Deed. Warren Hawes, motor mechanic, Papakura; Deery, Clifford Henry, farm hand, Clevedon: De Jongh, Joshua Robson, truck driver, Pokeno; Dickey, Gordon Henry, dairy farmer, Awhitu; Dickie, Robert Hugh, farmer, Clevedon; Dickson, Fredric Ernest, farm hand, Waiuku; Dingle, Stanley, farm hand, Runciman; Dodd, Cyril Bowen, blacksmith’s apprentice, Pukekohe; Doherty, George James, grocer, Waiuku; Donovan, Leo Joseph, dairy farmer, Bombay; Douglas, John Irwin, dairy farm hand, Waiuku; Durbin. Leonard McClintock, clerk, Drury.

Eastwood, Harold George, attendant, Kingseat; Eyre, Philip Sydney, farmer, Tuakau.

Fausett, Graham Stanley, marketgardener, Pukekohe; Fell, Reginald Edward, police officer, Auckland; Finch, Thomas George, farm labourer, Ardmore; Findlay, Kenneth Alexander, farmer, Pokeno; Fitzgerald, Alan William, farmer, Ramarama; Fleming, Eric Samuel Douglas, factor employee, Paerata; Foote, Leslie David, secondary ichoc 1 teacher, Paerata: Fowlie, Albert Edward, dairy farm hand, Karaka; Fralder, Frank Thomas Rossmore, motor driver, Whnngarata ; Franklin, Aroher, service station attendant, Pukekohe; Franklin. John Arthur, dairy farm hand, Mauku; Fraser, Clifford, baker, Waiuku; Fraser, Eric George, labourer, Paerata: Furniss, John Coop-

er, salesman, BuclHand. > G Norman Cyril, farm hand, Waiuku; George. Gordon Lewis, farmmer, Pokeno; Giles, Ernest, Cecil, farmer’ Tuakau Giilanders, George Dultan.’Pur.f; Gillard, Allan Thomas, farm

labourer. Pukekohe: oillanl, Victor Arnold, messenger. Papakura; Glasgow. David John, I ruck driver, Runcimaii; Goldsworthy, Oliver Claude. Pa turn ah oe ; Goodare, Harold Roderick, l'armer, Waiuku; Goosman, Alan George, farm hand. Mauku; Govan. Alherl Norman Kenneth, driver, Pukekohe lias I : Govan. Alan Edrie; Pukckoho East: Govan, Claud, dairy farmer; Pukekohe. East: Gray. Frederick Duncan. farmer. Mercer: Green, Lawrence Charles, Papakura: , Griffiths. Holly, chemist s assistant, Papakura. Gully, John Slade, soldier, Karaka: Grove, Clifford Sehvyn. farmer. Jlunua: Hahgood..James William, farm hand. Patumahoe: lladdon, Eric onriloii. post splitter. Ararimu; lfannnon. Percy John, farm hand. Pukekohe West; Hancock, Reginald, farm hand. Clevedon: Harper, Lawrence Michael, cheese factory assistant. Aka Aka: Harris, Cecil Masters, soldier, Papakura: Harrison. Robert Cecil, farm hand. Clevcdon; Harrison, Roland, farmer, Manga tan gi : Harvey, Henry Haul James, farm hand, Waiuku: Harvey, Kenneth Campbell, farm hand. Waiuku; Hat-rick, James llobcrl Ellison, farmer. Papakura: Haynes, Colin, butcher, Papakura: Hayward, Hector George, farm hand. Pokeno: Hayward, Leslie Hoyden, farmer, Tuakau: Heap, Desmond Ernest Abbott, testing officer, Tuakau; Herrold, Anlliony Charles John, farmer. Waiuku: Hewilt, William Brome, butter factory worker, Paerata: Hicklord. Leslie Henry, Papakura: Higgins, Clement John, Mercer; Higgins, Francis, butcher. Pukekohe: Hill, Walter Early, labourer. Drury: Hill, William Albert Isaac, apprentice carpenter, Pukekolie: Ililliery, Vernon Francis, sharemilker. Waiuku: Hirst, Cameron George, farmer, Pokeno: Hiscock, Reuben Clive, carpenter, Puni: llohneck, Hubert Alexander, share milker, Kaiaua: Holley. John Charles. driver. Glevedon: Holmes. Andrew James, farm tiand, Ramarama; Holmes, Arthur Waller, farm hand, Waiuku: Holmes, Colin Allenby, soldier, Bombay; Homer, Leslie Bernard, clerk, Pukekohe: Homewood, Sylvin George. Runciman; Hood, John Henry, farmer, Otaua Hope, John David, Pukekohe; Hopkins. Claranee Renwick, farmer, Buckland; Hoult. Thomas Douglas Moiling, Runciman: Howard, Godfrey Allan, slaughterman, Patumahoe: Hunniford, Wesley Benjamin, student, Pukekohe; Hunter. Alexander John Steen, builder, Waiuku: Hunter, Kenneth Roy, farm labourer, Waiuku: Huston. Frank, kitchen hand, Papakura.

Irvine. Frederick Andrew, baker. Papakura : Irving. Frederick Charles, civil servant, King-seal: Irwin, Alister Stewart, dairy farmer, Waiuku: Irwin. Hugh King, farmer, Patumahoe. J Jack, Charles, dairyman. Paerata; Jamieson, Howard Leslie, farmer. Buckland”: Joblin, Bussell Emanuel, taxi-driver, Pukekohe: Jolley. Neville Perry, farm hand, Pokeno: Jones, George Fergusson. sharemilker. Waipipi.

Kars ten. Raymond. cheesemaker, Papakura; Kell, Thomas Henry, dairy farmer, Waiuku; Kelly, William Francis, platelayer. Pukekohe; Kemp, Frederick Charles, dairy farmer, Pollok: Kerr, Lionel Charles, sharemilker, Otaua; Kewish, Perciva! Janies, Tuakau: Killen, Dennis, farmhand. Papakura: Killen, Roger, joiner, Papakura: King, George Stanley, motor driver, Paerata: Knight, Robert Baines, farm labourer, Waiuku.

Laing. Alhol John, farm hand. Tuakau: Laker. Curl is Bayne, farm hand. Papakura: Lambarl. Charles Albert George Julian, farm manager, Tuakau: Lapwood, Alva Jellieoe. farm manager. Mangalawhiri: Larsen. William Frank, dairy farmer. Pokeno: Laskey. John Edward, farm hand. Karaka-: Lauder. Harry Boyce, farm hand. Pukekawa; Laurie. Malcolm David, serviceman, Pukekohe: Dimmer, Harry Roy, farmer. Waiuku; Little. Stanley Gordon, farm hand, Pukeoware: I Jo vie 1 1 . Clifford, labourer. Pa pa rim u: Low. Jack, clerk. Papakura: Lubbock. George William, carpenter. Pukekohe: Luks. Bernard Edward Leslie, male nurse. Papakura. rw, McCarthy. Louis, farm hand. Runciman: McCoughlan. Robert, attendant. Kingseal : McDonald, Angus John, farmer. Pokeno; McDonald. Henry Russell. labourer. Karaka: McDowell, Alexandria bushman. Pukekohe: Mace. Howard Bernard, butcher, “ukekohe: McEwan. Robert Lloyd, farm hand. Waiuku: McFarlane. Duncan John, bulchcr, Patumahoe: Molnnes. Vernon Campbell, dairy farmer. Waiau Pa: Mctnlosli, Kim. farm hand. Aka Aka: McKinney. George Alexander, farm hand, Bombay: McLean. Douglas Cooper, labourer. Paerata: McLeod. William Roscoe. grocer. Waiuku: McMurray. William, farmer., llunua; McMurlri'e. Leslie William, shop assistant. Pa'mnahoe: McNaughton, Harry Arthur, grocer’s assistant, Waiuku; McPike. Angus Vincent, dairy farmer. Pollok: McPorlland, Trevor Hylton, farmer, Papakura; McSkimming. William shop assistant, Papakura. m Mahon. Douglas Mcrvyn Walter, farm hand, Waiau Pa; Main, Clyde Ludlow, tiler, Papakura; Maloolmson, Eric Charles, farmer, Pukekohe East: Mansell Stanley David, farm hand, Runciman: Markwiek, Alan Gordon, grocery manager, Papakura; Marshall, Frederick Jack, herd tester, Papakura; Marshall, Joseph, butcher, Pukekohe; Marshall. Thomas Scott, plumber, Pukekohe: Mason, Logan Fred, labourer, Glevedon: Mason, William Douglas, motor mechanic, Pukekohe; Mayhend, John Warwick, medical student, Waiuku: Mcmbery. George William.’ farm hand, Patumahoe; Miller, Archibald Anderson, Papakura; Miller, David Charles Ernest, Buckland: Miller, George Eric, Mercer; Miller, Joseph Vincent, market gardener, Pukekohe; Mllliken, Harold Maurice, bar-man-porter, Papakura; Mills, James, farm hand, Waiau Pa: Mitchell. John Alexander. surfaceman, Papakura; Moore. Roland Frederick, dairy farmer, Patumahoe; Moore. Victor Verden, fnpn labourer, Waiuku: Moore. Vincent Thomas, farm hand, Glenbrook; Morris. Jonathan Holland. sharemßkor, Fiovednn: Morrsnn. Leonard Ed\v>n, band, Tuakau; Movie, Arthur rT ' , ioodo”e. electrical Rrmsman. Pukekohe; Muir, John Geoffrey, Waiuku;

Mumford, Eric George Leslie, ladies’ hairdresser, Waiuku; Munro, Kenneth Robert, farmer, Pokeno.

Nelson. Wilfred Horbury, grocers assistant, Waiuku; Newlyn, Francis Laurence Sidney, farmer, Awhitu, Newton, Douglas Hamilton, farm hand, Awhitu: Nicoll. William Allan, farmer, Waiuku.

O’Donnell. Michael, Kingseal; O’Hara, Gordon Cameron, civil engineering assistant. Pukekohe; O’Rourke, Herman John Michael, excavator-driv-er Runciman: Orr, Noel Allen, Papakura; Orum, Christopher Roy, Clevedon; Orum, Norman Bertram, Glovedon: Osborne, Robin Ray wood. linesman, Pukekohe.

Parsons, John George Lash, farm hand, R.D., Tuakau; Patou, James Edward'. Glevedon; Paul, Lynnard Kelson, farmer, Ramarama; Pendegrast, Robert p'ercival, farmhand, Mangatawhiri; Perry, Claude Robert,, farm hand. Otaua; Piggott, Lionel Sharpe,, farmer, Buckland;' Piggott, Reuben Claude, sawmiller, Pukekohe; Piggott, Ronald Lloyd, sawmiller. Buckland; Pollard. Frederick John, student, Mercer; Potter, Alvin James William, farm hand, Puni; Poutney, Walter Donald, tarm hand Glevedon; Powell, John Edmund, farm’ hand, Waipipi; Pratt, Norman George, grocer. °apakura: Prince, Ernest George, seaman, Papakura; Prince, Frederick William. Papakura: Pye. John, Awhitu.

Rankin, Robert, painter, Pukekohe. Reid, John Trevor, dairy farmer, Runciman; Reynolds, Eric John, plumhei, Pukekohe: Rhodes, Herbert Victor, labourer, Pukekohe; Richardson, Stewart William Keith, farm hand. Waipipi: Rich dale, Kenneth Allan, school teacher, Pukekohe: Ritchie, Robert Louis, farmer. Glevedon: Roberts. Stanley Jack, dairy farmer. Pa pa rata: Roberts. Wallis Alfred. farm band. Paparata: Robertson. Hector David, labourer, Papakura; Robinson. Robert James, Runciman: Rodgers, Douglas Gordon, truck drive", Pukekohe: Rook, Victor .John, farm band, Otaua: Roulslon. James Duncan, farmer. Pukekohe: Ryburn, Douglas Frank, farmer. Glevedon.

Saddleton, John Charles, dairy farmer, Glenbrook: Sager. Thomas Maxwell, market gardener. Pukekohe: St. Paul, Ernest, farmer. Glevedon; Salter, George Alexander, painter. Papakura: Sanders. Alan Broughton, farm hand, Waiau Pa: Sandhi, Neville. painter and- sign writer, Pukekohe: Sanford, Arthur Mcrvyn, dairy farmer. Tuakau: Seal, Harry, farm hand, Pukekohe: Seeley, Frederick, onion grower, Buckland: Sexton. Eric Astley. farm labourer, Jlunua: Sexlon. lan Munro. farm labourer, llunua: Sharplin, Reginald Sidney, farm hand. Papakura; Short, Donald Sylvester, farm hand. Waiuku: Short. Francis Adrian, farm hand. Waiuku: Shotboll, Stanley, grocer, Pukekohe: Shuker. Arthur, farm hand, Otaua: Silva. Manuel Lawrence, farm hand, Puni: Sinclair, Colin David, farm hand. Aka Aka: Sinclair. Douglas William, farm hand, Aka Aka; Skillon. Robert John, linesman. Bomboy: Smith, Alan Vincent, sharemilker, Waiuku; Smith. Ivan Charles, (ruck driver, Pukekohe; Smith. John Andrew, linesman driver, Pukekohe: Smith. Lyall Joseph William, carpenter, Glevedon: Simth, Sidney, hoot repairer. Papakura: Smytlie. Gordon, truck driver. Papakura: Sommcrvilic, William, farm assistant. Mauku: Sowry, Laurie Joseph, farmer. Wa ! uku: Span. Alfred Eric, farmer. Drury: Spilman, John George, ship’s officer. Tuakau: Spragg. Mei'vyn James, Ardmore: Stacey. John Bennett, gardener. Papakura: Sieger. Raymond Lawrence, farm tiand. Palumahoe: Sieger. Robert Edward. Waiau Pa: Stephens', Britton, farmer, Awhitu: Stephens, George Newton, farm hand. Glenbrook: Stewart. William, dairy farmer, Pokeno: Stokes. Charles Edward Athol, farm hand. Papakura: Sutlon. Leslie Gordon, boilermaker. Drury.

Tapsell. Charles Edward lluberl. Drury: Taylor, Edward Reginald, farmer. Patumahoe: Taylor. George Lancelot, driver. Pokeno: Thompson. Daniel McLaren, farm labourer. Waiuku: Thompson. John Rankin, farm

labourer, Waiuku; Tucker, Kelvin Rex, farm hand, Pokeno. W Wade, Arthur Richard, fellmonger, Drury: Wakelihg, Gordon Stanley, bicycle mechanic, Papakura; Wakeling, Sidney Albert, clerk, Papakura; Waite, jack William, civil servant, Papakura; Walker, Charles Leslie, ■ farm hand, Papakura; Walker, Robert William, dairy farmer. Waiuku; Walker, Sydney, farmer, Awliitu; Wallace, William, farm hand, Awhiiu: Walters, Gordon Arthur, labourer, Waipipi; Walters, Henry, dairy farmer, Waiuku; Watson, George, porter, Papakura; Waugh, Douglas Henry, farm .labourer, Kanaka: Welson. Allan Arthur, gardener, Papakura: Westhead, Francis James, farm hand, Koliekohe; Wharf, Frederick Mervyn, plumber, Pukekohe; White, Douglas Joffre, farmer, Hunua; White, Liston Alexander George, farmer, Ilunua: Williams, Addison Charles, grocer's assistant, Papakura; Whiting, Norman, henchman, Papakura: Williams. Edward Henry Leonard. labourer,' Papakura: Williams, Ernest Wilfred, farm hand, Clevedon; Williams. Wesley, barman-porter, Waiuku; Wilson. Bert Edward. Bombay: Wilson. Janies Walker Gordon, picture-theatre worker, Papakura; Wing, Norman Barclay, grocer’s assistailt, Waiuku: Wood. Herbert Blair, farm hand, Mauku: Worrall. Clyde Owen, mechanic, Mercer:' Wright. Charles McLennon. farm hand, Waiuku: Wymer, Henry James Simpson, farmer’s carter, Glenbrook: Wymer, Walter George, farm hand, Pukeoware; Yeo, Alan Francis, butter factory employee, Waiuku.

THE HAMILTON LIST The following names appear in the. Hamilton district list: — i A I Aubry, Robert Traylor), farm assist- ‘ an I, Pukekawa. I c ! Clayton, .lolin Joseph, farm manager, Onewhero: Codlin, Ronald Arthur, shepherd. Onewhero. G Greer. John, dairy farmer. Pukekawa. H ! Harper. Kenneth Johm . farm hand, ! Pukekawa: Hunter. Robert Leslie, far- : mer. Pukekawa. ! j i Jones, Lawrence Stanley, dairy farI mer. To Kohanga. j P ! Pearce. Arthur Stanley, farm hand, j Tuakau: Pollock, Oswald, dairy farrri- ' or. Pukekawa. S j Smith, Oswald Edward.- farmer. Onei where; Spraggon, Charles Harvey. lairy - farmei'. Onewhero. T Thomas. Thomas Johnson, farm hand. Tuakau. W i Walker, Claude Ronald, farm hand, j Tuakau: Ward, Edgar, dairy farm hand, Maramarua; Welch. Benjamin 1 James. Farm labourer. Pukekawa. I L ! Lee. John Robert, bee-farmer. Tuai kau. iVIc ! McGuire. Laurence Francis, farmer, Pukekawa. i m \ Miller. Nelson, farmer, Maramarua; Morris. John, farmer, Maramarua; „ Murphy. Thomas, farm hand. Pukekawa. O l Orr. Bryan Oilmour. farm hand, Pukekawa. P 1 Parsons, Norman Athelston, tencer, Onewhero: Parsons, Robert Noel, dairy farm assistant. Onewhero: Paulsen, Ernest Reginald, farmer. Glen Murray, Tuakau.

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Franklin Times, Volume XXX, Issue 86, 6 August 1941, Page 3

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THE BALLOT Franklin Times, Volume XXX, Issue 86, 6 August 1941, Page 3

THE BALLOT Franklin Times, Volume XXX, Issue 86, 6 August 1941, Page 3