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FINE DISPLAY OF STOCK SPLENDID HORSES COMPETE “One ol’ 1 lie best shows Clevedon has seen.” This was the opinion expressed on Saturday by several of the oldest members of the Clevedon Agricultural and Pastoral Association when the society held its 32nd annual show. Ideal weather conditions prevailed and there was the largest attendance for over seven years, the gate receipts amounting to £sl. Entries were also the highest for seven years totalling 613 as against 541 last year. They were made- up as follows with last year's figures in parentheses: Horses, 232 (195); .cattle, 212 (200); sheep, 125 (124); pigs, 44 (16).

A feature of the show was of course the horse exhibits, competition in this section being strong, with the result that several newcomers wrested the laurels from past, champions, two fresh ones being found in both the hacks and hunter sections. The award for the hack went to A. A. Swaffield’s Sonny Boy, and the hunter to 11. C. Sutherland’s Mack, both splendid types of show animals. Fine Show of Ayrshires The display of Ayrshires was the best ever seen at Clevedon and some of the animals should be able to hold their own anywhere in the province. This year the Ayrshires led the grand parade of stock. Jerseys, as usual, were very strong with quality predominating. several well-known breeders being among the exhibitors. The classes for young stock were particularly well filled.

In the pig section the two classes for baconers and porkers attracted no fewer than 30 entries. While strong numerically, quality was also outstanding. Speaking of these classes the judge, Mr .T. M. McNicol, of Hamilton, said they were a credit to the district and warranted further awards. The porker and baconer classes were as good as he had seen, both being particularly strong. The success of the 1941 show was due to the efforts of an energetic committee ably directed by tlie president, Mr R. Quinn, and the secretary. Mr D. M. Bryan.

Championships Championship awards were : Horses.—Hack, Mr A. A. Swaftield’s Sonny Boy; hunter, Mr It. C. Sutherland’s Mack; pony, Y. Muir and Fulton Bros.’ Snowy; draught entire, Mr J. T. McFadden's Repetition; draught mare, Mr W. J. Guy’s Bonnie. Cattle. —Jerseys: Cow, Madame de Guise-Roussel’s Rosevale Lucy; bull, Air H. S. Fleming’s Dreaming Joker. Shorthorns: Cow, Mr E. M. Wilsons Marie; reserve, Atessrs A. D. Bell and Sons; bull, Air H. AY. Driver’s Coldstream Wairoa. Friesians : Cow, Air W. S. Duder’s Wescoll M. Dutch Belle; bull, Air C. F. lender's Oakview Keyes Dutchland. Ayrshires: Cow, Mr R. Slack’s Ollerset .toy: bull, Mr P. A. Insley's Bonny Glen Royal Fame. Calf club: Charles Inlseys Range-more felicity. Sheep. —Romneys: Ram and ewe. Atessrs A. D. Bell and Sons. English Leicesters: Ram. Air I>. Ryburn; ewe. Mr E. AI. Wilson. Soutlulowns: Ram and ewe, Mr 0. R. Self. Pigs. —Berksbires: Boar, Air W . G. AlcAnulty’s Belmont Rambler: sow, Mr j. C. Armstrong’s West own Peggy Ist. Class awards were :

Horses Hacks (led). —Mare willi I'oal at foot: F. S. Atchison's Kink 1. Miss M. McNicol’s Lady 2. Foal: .Miss M. McNicol’s 1, F. S. Atchison's 2. Mare suitable for breeding hacks: Miss A. Fielding’s Silver Lily 1. Miss D. Weston’s Firefly 2. Yearling: A. Ahhiss’ ■Centennial 1. Hacks (ridden). —Maiden : Miss t». Weston's Brutus I. A. M. Irvine’s Boh 2. Miss P. Goults' Wildfire 3. lost, hack: Miss Snowball’s Riponui 1. Miss D. Weston’s Brutus 2. Mrs E. A. LTquhart’s Te Wera 3. J3sl. hack: A. A. Swaffield’s Sonny Boy J. Miss l>. Weston’s Brutus 2. H. C. Sutherland s Mack 3. list, hack: Mrs P. H. Smith’s Over She Goes I. Miss D. Weston’s Firefly 2. Miss P. Coutts Wildfire 3. Horse, suitable for mounted riffes: F. S. Atchison’s Lord Pikau 1, Miss Shirley Watkins' Lady 3ettv 2, A. A. Swaffield’s Sonny Bov 3. "Lady's hack: Miss D. Weston’s Firefly 1, Mrs P. IT. Smith's Over She Goes 2, Miss P. Coutts’ Wildfire 3. Best paced hack: A. A. Svvaliield’s Sonny Boy 1, F. S. Atchisons Lord Pikau 2, Miss V. Bandoll-Smith's Mikado 3. .... Champion hack. —A. A. Swaltield s Sonny Boy. The Hunters

Hunters. —Maiden hunter: Miss P. Coutts’ Wildfire 1, Miss P. Robson's Lady Ruth 2, F. S. Atchison’s Lord Pikau 3. Heavy-weight hunter: Miss Snowball's Riponui 1, 11. C. Sutherland’s Mack 2, Mrs .T. Appleby's Silver King 3. Light weight hunter: 11. C. Sutherland’s Mack 1. Mrs P. Robson’s Lady Ruth 2, Mrs J. Appleby’s Silver King 3. Pony hunter: W. A. Stevenson’s De Witt 1, Fulton Bros.’ Tim 2, T. Lawson’s Rona Bay 3. Lady’s hunter: Miss D. Weston’s Brutus 1, Miss Snowball’s Riponui 2, .T. Nash and Son’s Dandy 3. Champion hunter: H. C. Sutherland’s Mack 1, Miss D. Weston’s Brutus 2, A. A. Swaffield’s Sonny Boy 3. Wire jump: H. G Sutherland’s Mack 1, Miss P. Coutts’ Wildfire 2, W. A. Stevenson’s Mayfair 3. Cleverest hunter: Mrs P. H. Smith’s Over She Goes 1, F. S. Atchison’s Lord Pikau 2. Miss P. Coutts’ Wildfire 3. Consolation hunter: A. A. Swaffield’s Sonny Boy 1, C. Fenwick’s Ramona 2. .T. N. Soper’s Storm Trooper 3. Ponies. —Best groomed, not exceeding 14.2 hands: W. A. Stevenson’s Grey Peter 1, Mrs A. W. Sutton’s Delys 2, Perry Kennan’s Midge 3. Cob, mare or gelding, not exceeding 14.2 hands: Fulton Bros.’ Lonely 1, Miss S. MacKenzie’s Darkie 2, W. A. Stevenson’s De Witt 3. Not exceeding 13

hands: W 7. A. Stevenson’s De Witt 1 and Frisco 2. Not exceeding 12 hands: V. Muir and Fulton Bros.’ Snowy 1, W. A. Stevenson’s Nigger Boy 2, Mrs A. W. Sutton's Delys’3. Not exceeding 11 hands: Airs A. W. Sutton’s My Treasure i, Perry Kennan’s Midge 2.

Riding. —Boy rider, under .14 years: Alawson- Fulton 1, BoJ) Fulton 2, Bill Stevenson 3. Girl under 14 years: Joan Pleydell I, Muriel Marnier 2, S. MacKenzie 3. Special class, children under 7: Jewel Kennan 1, Peter Harrison 2, Perry Kennan 3. Gentleman rider: F. Clark 1, F. S.-Atchison 2, C. Fenwick 3.

Draughts.—Entire, three years: J. T. AlcFadden’s Repetition 1 and oh. Yearling: R. K. Baird’s Burn Brae Princess .1. Mare, any age, dry: W. J. Guy’s Bonnie I, A. D. Bell and Son’s Princess Dunsandei 2 and Lucy Dunkeld 3. Draught, up to .15 cwt: W. J. Guy’s Dolly 1, R. K. Baird’s Tui 2, and Prince 3. Suitable ride, drive and plough: A. S. Bell’s Sicii Barrani 1, R. Booth’s Bonnie 2. Pair heavy draughts: W. J. Guy’s Bonnie and Belle Drew i, A. D. Bell and Son’s Lucy Dunkeld and Princess Dunsandei 2. Pair medium draughts: A. D. Bell and Son’s Bess and Princess Dunsandei 1. A. S. Bell’s Sidi Barrani and Tobruk 2. Team of three draughts: W. .1. Guv I. A. D. Bell and Son’s 2.

Cattle Pedigree Jerseys. —Cow, four years or over, in milk: Madame de GuiseRoussel’s Rosevale Lucy, Y.H.C., l and champion, R. Waterhouse s Collision Queen’s Beauty 2, J. L. Dunn 3. Cow, three years, in milk: R. Waterhouse’s Conislon Coy Flower 1. Heifer, two years, in milk: 11. S. Fleming’s Reshure Miro 1. Flapper 2 and Silk 3. Heifer, yearling: Madame de Guise-Roussel’s Abbeville Golden Sunray 1, Petite Lucille 2, F. A. Luke 3. Heifer call: Madame de Guise-Roussel’s Abbeville Pretty Patches 1, J. Luke 2, R. Waterhouse 3. Bull, three years or over: H. S. Fleming's Dreaming Joker i and champion. C. S. Leggett 2, R. Waterhouse 3. Bull, two years: Madame de Guise-Roussel’s Raeburn Blue Peter I. Bull, yearling: C. S. Leggett’s Rrookdell Twinsome 1, Madame de Guise-Roussel 2, R. Waterhouse 3. Bull calf: R. Waterhouse 1, J. L. Dunn 9 F. A. Luke 3. Group, bull and three females: H. S. Fleming 1, Madame de Guise-Roussel 2. Grade Jerseys. —Cow, three years or over, in milk: F. A. Luke 1. G. T. Ross 2. Heifer, two years, in milk: G. T. Ross 1, K. L. B. Smith 2. Two yearling heifers: G. T. Ross 1, P. C. M Waters 2. Heifer, yearling: G. T. Boss l and 2, P. C. AL Waters 3. Heifer call': J. Luke 1, Enid Graham 2. Pedigree Alilking Shorthorns. — Group, hull and three females: E. AI. Wilson l. Cow, four years or over, in milk: A. D. Bell and Sons 1 and reserve champion, and 3, E. M. AVilson 2. Cow, three years, in milk: E. AL Wilson's Lilac Time 1. and Rita 2, A. D. Bell and Son’s 3. Heifer, two vears, in milk: E. At. Wilson’s Alarie I-h. and 1. Penny 2, A. D. BeR and Sons 3. Heifer, yearling: E. M. Wilson 1 and 3. ii. w. Driver 2. Heifer calf: A. D. Bell and Son’s 1 and 3, E. AI. Wilson 2. Bull, three years or over: 11. W. Driver’s Coldstream Wairoa 1 and eh.. Atahora Bobby Breen 2. E. At. Wilson 3. Bull, two years: A. S. Bell 1. Bull, yearling: 11. W. Driver's Lonsdale Park Ronnie I. Bull calf: A. D. Bell and Sons’ 1 and 2. Grade Alilking Shorthorns. —Cow, 3 vears or over, in milk: A. D. Bell and Soil's I and 2. Heifer, two years: P. C. M. Waters 1.. G. Dow 2, A. S. Bell b. Heifer, yearling: A. E. Blundell I. E. AL Wilson 2. G. K. McKenzie 3. Heifer calf: E. At. Wilson 1, G. C. AlcIdierson 2. A. S. Bell 3,.

Pedigree Friesians. —Group, bull iind I Dree females: 0. F. Duder I. Cow. four years or over, in milk: W. S. I Rider's Wescoll M Dutch/Belle. J mid champion. Cow, three years, in milk: C. F. Cuder's Bakura Buttercup Drill shy I. Heifer, yearling: C. F. finder's W'ailiro Dulcliland Lass 1, Beautiful 2 and Ormsby Fobes 3. Heifer calf: C. F. Glider’s Waitiro Dutchland Maude 1. Bull, three years or over: C. V. Gudcr’s Oakview Keyes Gulchland l and champion. Bull calf: C. F. Glider's Waitiro Dulcliland Lad 1. Hep 2, W. S. Duder 3. Best Friesian in I lie show: AY. S. Duder’s Wescoll M. Dutch Belle. Grade Friesians.- —Heifer, yearling: 0. F. Duder I. AAA S. Duder 2. Heifer calf: At. Waters 1.

The Ayrshires

Pedigree Ayrshires.—Croup, bull and three females: R. Slack 1, P. A. Insley 2. Cow, four years or over, in milk: P. A. Insley’s Rangemorc Rest Star 1 and Silver Thread 2. Cow, three years, in milk: R. Slack’s Ollersel Joy .1 and champion, P. A. Insley 2 and 3. Heifer, two years, in milk: R. Slack’s Ollerset Diana 1, C. Insley 2. Miss E. Insley 3. Heifer, yearling: P. A. Insley’s Rangemore Victoria 1, G. Slack 2, R. Slack 3. Heifer calf: Aliss E. Insley’s Rangemore Clemenline I, A. Insley 2, P. A: Insley 3. Bull, 3 years or over: P. A. Insley’s Bonny Glen Royal Fame 1 and champion. R, Slack’s Ardgowan Ambassador 2. Bull, yearling: H. B. Tennant’s Taka puna Tangata 1, R. Slack 2. Bull calf: P. A. Insley’s Rangemore Warspite 1, R. Slack 2 and 3.

Calf club section. —Heifer, two years, in milk: Chas. Insley’s Rangemore Felicity 1 and ch., Elsie Insley 2, Gladwyn McPherson 3. Heifer, yearling: Andrew McPherson 1, Graham Slack 2, Elsie Insley 3. Heifer calf: Ken Alexander’s Pixie 1, Alex Insley 2, Alice Graham 3. Heifer, yearling (Clevedon school calf club): Andrew McPherson 1, Elsie Insley 2, Chas. Insley 3. Heifer calf (Clevedon school) : Ken Alexander’s Pixie 1, Enid Graham 2, Mervyn Waters 3. Calf club cup for the calf calculated to make the best dairy cow: Elsie Insley’s Rangemore Clementine. Fat cattle. —Bullock, most money value: ,T. McNicol 1 and 2. Bullock, suitable for chilling: C. C. Munro 1, J. McNicol 2 and 3. Steer, two years: W. T. Duder 1 and 2. Steer, yearling: G. K. McKenzie 1. Cow, most money value: C. C. Munro 1 and 2. Heifer, two years: W. T. Duder 1, A. S. Bell 2. Heifer, yearling: G. K. McKenzie i.

(Further results will be published on Wednesday).

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Franklin Times, Volume XXX, Issue 12, 3 February 1941, Page 3

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CLEVEDON SHOW Franklin Times, Volume XXX, Issue 12, 3 February 1941, Page 3

CLEVEDON SHOW Franklin Times, Volume XXX, Issue 12, 3 February 1941, Page 3