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RACING. t .. WINNING OWNERS. E. H. Aubrey £l9O, E. Acton-Adams £4O. K and R. Butel £1,160, P. J. Boyle £720, J. A. Brown £3OO, Brown and M’Mullan £7BO, J. F. Butler £165, Butler and Withell £lls, F. J. Boyle £SO, A. Burnett £45, A. J. Brown £4O, Bayliss and Findlay £25. O. Connolly £230, A. Cundall £225, B. R. Curtis £215, J. T. Christie £llO, Costello and Dalzell £llO, Cunningham and Macdonald £7O, Corkery and Neylon £45, M. Corkery £35. E. N. Didhara £432. F. W. Ellis £l,llO. A. Ferguson £205, G. A. Fielding £IBO, A. H. Fisher £l4O, T. H. Fraser £ls, J. W. Falska £5. E. C. Goran £560, J. Graham' £l3O, J. Geoffrey £IOO, E. C. B. Greenslade £5. J, S. and W. E. Hazlett £1,792, W. P. Hogan £350, G. H. Humphries £3OO, M. Hanley £2BO, B. L. Hammond £llO, HHarris £llO, G. Hall £3O, L. C. Hazlett £2O, A. Hillis £ls, H. Hunter £lO. H. W. Insall £125. L. Kane £205, C. M. O. Kirby £3O, T. M. Kelly £l3. S. Lynch £275, F. Langford £3B. J. Morrison £775, G. H. Murdoch £678, F. Moore £330, W. L. Milne £l2O, A. C. Mills 1670, T. C. Muir £6O, Mrs W. Mackenzie £ls, P. Malcolm £lO, W. Maloney £3. D. J. M’Donald £385, T. and W. B. M’Cone £235, W. D. M’Leod £l5O, A. M, M‘Kay £135, K. M‘Kenzie £95, R. E. M’Lellan £BS. ' P. H. Nicholson £465J. J. A. O’Meara £9O. Price Bros. £480, - J. A. Pears £155, F. C. Pratt £3O, T. G. Pollock £ls. J. B. Rogers £822, W. Robertson £320, J. A. Rowland £195. W. Swale £1,375, A. ! F. Speight £290, J. W. Shirtcliff £IOO, G. F. Scott £9O, Miss O. Stewart £ls. - / D. M. Tweedie £65. D. P. Wilson £325, G. H. Whyte £2OO, Walker and Wilson £BO, Con. White £3O, J, A. White £ls. Total, £18,9685. WINNING HORSES. Araboa £585, Aravane £575, Anglo-Irish £225, Aspire £195, Attire : Airdrie £155, Atua Rere £l2O, Astral Flame £67, Ackemma £25, Anglo-French £lO. Boaform £330, Ballybrit £2BO, Boloyna £215, Bantus £lls, Blissful Lady £7O, Bow Street £SO, Big Joe £ls. Craiglea £SOO, Colonel Rouge £350, Combat £305, Colonel French £215, Corban £145, Cherokee £llO, Central Star £IOO, Coy £IOO, Confidant £45, Chirp £l3. Doubleack £535, Dark Olga £230, Oolita £3O. Erinview £llO, Eire’s Ruin £BS. Filibeg £l9O, Fleet Street £BS, Flagman £BO, Feather Boa £45, Ferriby £3O, Foxette £25. Gnohill £2OO, Green Boa £IBO, Gay Lancer £l4O, Great Swoop £lls, Gold Flight £65, Gold Robe £6O, Gay Boa £3B, Georgie £ls. Heidelberg £4355, Hanlon £305. Irish Queen £95, ■ Irish Lass £2O. King Gustavo £350, Knight of Old £9O, Kohara £4O, Kippen £35, King Willow £lO. Lord Nuffield £3OO, Lucky Feather £225, Lady Adin £llO, La Boca £BO, Lady Sincere £3O, Lake Mist £ls. Mona’s Song £BOS, Music Hall £lls, Mosgiel £72, Midgard £3O. Nightoalm £205, Noko £IBO, Night Scout £4O, Night Pal £ls, Nightglass £3,Ortyx £3O. Peony Rose £320, Pride o’ Central £295, Phalanx £275, Palo Alto £llO, Philibun £llO, Panara £lO, Prince Ruenalf £5. Royal Lancer £1,230, Royal Money £l5O, Roval Chorus £l3O, Red Owl £95, Rosaleen Dhu £2O. Royal Style £ls. Secret Flight £678, Spendthrift £530, Southern Sail £345, Surcoat £330, Sea Lady £325, Schoolgirl £3OO, Strip £260, Sir, Hugh £235, Superex £205, Silver Streak £l9O, Sailing Lady £152, Shantyman £l3O, Southern Light £125, Sparkle £lO5, Sir Denis £2O, Stromboli £2O, Susie £lO. Taxpayer £BO, Triple Cone £3O, Trisox £25, Top Spin £ls, Top Row £5. Valcron £275. Wild Career £4BO, Waitoru £2lO, Wild Coon £ls. Total, £18,9685. WINNING SIRES. Balboa £3,215, Irish Lancer £1,655, Paper -Mo Night Raid £1,398, Lord Warden £1,0625, Weatbervane £935, Philamor £9lO Colonel Oygnus £847, Iliad £845, Songbird £835, Valkyrian £585, Nightmarch £553, Nigger Minstrel £525, Paladin £520, Gustavo £450, Sir Simper £415, Eosenor £355, Robespierre £320, Garnish £305, Straightcourse £3OO, Full Feather £273, Silk Garter £IBO, Te, Monanui £l2O, Colossus £lls, Magnus £lls, Nightcall £lls, Lord Quex £llO, Hunting Song £IOO, Rabbi £IOO, Royden £IOO, Woodend £45, Panmure £35, Honour £3O, Foxbridge £25, Darien £ls. Total, £18,9685. JOTTINGS Reminder. Owners and trainers arc reminded that handicaps for Monday’s races will be declared at the Dunedin Jockey Club s board room this evening at 7 o’clock, and acceptances close at 8. South Canterbury Meeting. Acceptances for the first day of the South Canterbury meeting, to be held on Thursday and Saturday of next week, close on Monday, at 9 p.m.

[By St. Glair.]

TROTTING. WINNING OWNERS. Mrs G. Abernethy £lO5, S. G. Allison £BS, T. A. Agnew £65. Mrs G. T. Baldwin £360, H. Bates £IBO, J. J.. Burke £l7O, R. G, Bishop £l2O, ,S. Bennett £3O, Mrs L. E. Blackman £2O, H. H. Booth £lO. T. Cosgrove £IBO, Cross Bros. £145, R. Crutckshank £BS, J. G. Cruickshanks £35, P. R. H. Clarke £2O, G. W. Cameron £ls. A. Dawson £433, J. Dempster £420, R. Donaldson £l9O, M. Deegan £llO, A. Drummond £B3. E. Frame £7O, J. J. Flynn £lO. Mrs E. A. Gilman £35, Mrs M. Gardner £ls, George Bros. £lO. H. Halliday £275, Mrs C. C. Herbert £245, J. Hunter £lls, J. P. Hamilton £IOO, A. Henderson £IOO, W. R. Hamilton £7O, Miss M. Hamilton £2O, Miss K. Henderson £lO. J, Ibbotson £2O. , Jameson Bros. £225, F. Johnson £l4O, Jopp’s Estate £3O. Kerr and Davidson £265, J. Kemp £135, W. and W. G. Kennedy £lO, D. Kerr £lO. N. S. Lawlor £BS, H. Law £3O, J. Looney £5. B. Mitchell £315, W. Millner £270, R. Martin £2OO, J. M. Maconnell £lB5, M. Macgregor £l6O, Mrs L. E, Martin £145, W. G. Mills £l2B, D. Macdonald £BO. A. M’Lellan £595, W. D. M’Leod £415, Mrs W. M’Kenzie £355, J. M’Gettigan £255, J. R. M‘Murray £245, W. M’Donald £155, MTntyre Bros. £155, M’Grath and Richardson £IOO, W. L. M’Kenzie £SO, R. W. M’Kinnell £4O, M.‘Lellan and M’Leod £35, R. M’Leod £35, A. F, M’Gregor £2O, A. MTntyre £lO. W. M. Norman £197. Prendevill and Taylor £l2O, J. Prendeville £l2O, Parker and Gillies £ls. B. Rushton £458, A. D. Robertson £35, J. H. Reed £25, J. Richardson £25. R. J. Smith £BS, C. Smaill £lO. R. Townley £470, Mrs A. H. Todd £lls, W. A. Thomas £IOO, Mrs E. Tilbury £25, H. and A. L. Thomas £ls, D. Todd £7. G. Vivian £135. J. Welfare £225, F. J. Ward £125. Total, £11,143. WINNING HORSES. April Direct £360, Aspirant £l5O, Aidus £3O. Betty-Drusus v£l9o, Bonnie Sandy £153, Bankstbck £l4si Brown' Cloud £125, Burnham 125, Ben Wyvis £SO, Black Label £35, Bellond £ls, Bright Lass £lO. Crown Peak £2OO, Capri £l3O, Comeaway £BS, Cathay £lO, Certainty £lO, Coleen Travis £lO Dewey’s Last £255, Direct Bell £IBO, Drumoak £l3O, Drummer Boy £l2O, Debtor £lO, Deeside £7. , _ . , _i ‘ Embargo £220, Erinack £145, Erin s CounJunior £225, Fenella £BS, Fransol £7O, Fervent £6O, Flash Guy £lO. Gold Pot £275, Guinea G°ld £220, Gayola £l7O, Geelong £125, Gold Streak £l2O, Gelert £35, Gleam £25, Gold Logan £ls. Happy King £125, Halesia £loo', Helen’s Tower £lO. Indian Wrack £2BO, Irish Guy £7O. Indianola £4O. Jorrocks £245) Jack Bond £225, Jock M’Grath £IOO, Jackie Coogan £BS, June Tide £BS, Jimmy Drusus £BO. Koesian £ls. Lochiel’s Pride £l6O, Lunch Hour £l2O, Late Harvest £llO, Lichfield £loo,' Lisette £IOO, Lustrous £35, Lord Ernleigh £3O, Loyalist £25. ' Mahoe £25, Marque £2O, Monaco £lO. Nancy Guy £l3. Oregon £255. Pleasant Guy £470, Parrish Gqisy £315, Punctual £lB5, Passing By £155, Play Safe £135, Pontoon £7O, Peter Young £55, Prince Charles £35, Parole £lO. Quite Good £2O. , „ ~ „,, r r. Royal Grattan £270, Real Gold £145, Rosr6Sleive Donard £3lO, Star Voyage £255, Scarlett O’Hara £197,' Special Bond £lls, Sinbad £lO5, Seamax £IOO, Sister Polly £IOO, Shanghai Peggy £35, Southern Wrack £3O, Scatterbrain £25, Stanza £2O, Sun Worshipper £ls, Seaborn £lO, Skipaway £lO, Sunny Dell £lO, Slieve View £3. Turco £420, Tomoro £135, Trevathan £l3O, Toceetie £3O, Traveltone £2O. Vorena £l2O. Worthy Cross £135, Wraquill £lls. Total, £11,143. ' WINNING SIRES. Wrack £1,260, Rey de Oro £1,235, Worthy Bond £1,202, Adioo Guy £1,123, Wellington Direct £9OO, Erin’s King £6OB, Guy Parrish £465 Frank Dewey £450, Jack Potts £385, Haonv Voyage £3BO, Sonoma Harvester £355, Grattan Loyal £325, Sungod £285, Quite Sure £275, Drusus £270, Logan Sun £225 Real Gold £220, Llewellyn £l5O, Travis Axworthv £l3O, Great Bingen £l2O, Anon Axworthy £l2O, Gallant Knight £llO, Harold Guy £llO, Lea Norris £IOO, Maxegin £IOO, Peter Mofco £9O, Gold Bell £SO, Man o’ War £35, Peter Chenault £3O, Four Chimes £2O, Frank Worthy £ls. Total, £11,143. On Seriously 111 List. It was reported this morning that the well-known trainer and driver, Maurice Holmes, who met with a gunshot accident early in the week, is on the seriously ill list. Dunedin Jockey Club’s Meeting. Nominations for the Dunedin Jockey Club’s Winter Meeting close on Monday, May 19, at 5 p.m. Combined Meeting. The committees of the Otautau and Wairio Clubs are considering holding a combined meeting next season, and, if the proposal is carried out, the dates are likely to be January 17 and 19, the latter date being a close holiday in Invercargill for the Retailers’ Association’s annual picnic. A Good Contribution. Six gold cups won by horses raced by the chairman of the West Australian Turf Club, Mr Ernest Lee Steere, were recently smelted at the Royal Mint and gold worth about £I,OOO will be sold and the proceeds put free of interest into the Commonwealth war loan. A Kincardine Winner in Sydney. There are not many of Kincardine’s stock about. One of them recently won at Ascot (Sydney), when the four-year-old gelding Lord Balmore won over a mile. He was got by Kincardine from Blue Jay, by Autumn — Blue Sea, by Athenic—Blue River, by Merriwee —Blue Water, by St. Leger. j

The Leading Winners. Zincali £2,164, Marlene £2,100, Gold Bar £1,785, Dusky Sound £1,725, Peter Smith £1,645, Gold Chief £1,625, Nelson Eddy £1,264, Molly Direct £1,610, and Great Divide £1,605 were on top of the pacers’ list for the first nine montns of the current season. Gold Chief has won most among the three-year-olds. Jack Potts’s Progeny. Fifty-seven horses by Jack Potts have won 108 races to date this season, and 24 others have earned place money. Their aggregate winnings since August 1 amount to £26,051. Last season the progeny of the American horse won 122 races and £31,467 in prize money. Royal Chief. .Royal Chief, winner of 23 races and £18,772 10s in stakes, has been leased by Mr John Faulks, of Pembroke, and is already at his new home. Royal Chief will take Paper Money’s place in Mr Faulks’s stud, and breeders in Otagc are extremely lucky to have the-'scrvices of such a well-bred and proved race horse at their disposal. Oamaru Winter Meeting, The programme for the Oamaru winter meeting to be held on June 28 has been issued, and £960 will be given in stakes for seven events. The Grange Handicap, to be run over a mile and a-quarter, carries £175, and is the principal event on the programme. A steeplechase for hacks and hunters has been included. Survey. Survey has been engaged in the hurdle race to be run at Washdyke next Thursday, and also in the steeplechase at Wai- ! kato to do run the same day. He has 11.5 in the hurdle race and 41b less in the Te Rapa Steeplechase. When Survey raced on the flat a( the South Canterbury meeting a fortnight ago he looked as if he would require some racing to be ready to run three miles or further over big country, and the chances are that he will be seen at Washdyke next week. Fast Track. To-day’s programme was not framed to attract the fast pacers and trotters, and the class of horses engaged could not be expected to establish any new time records, but they were racing on one of the fastest tracks ever prepared at Forbury Park at this season of the year. The records for the distances raced over to-day are: — Mile and a-quarter—Supertax, 2min 38 4-ssec. Mile and three furlongs—Gold Bar, 2min 56 4-ssec. Mile and a-half —Fremont and Quest, 3min 14 l-ssec. Mile and five furlongs—Self, 3min 34 4-ssec. Two miles—Parisienhe, 4min 15 3-ssec.

SOUTHLAND RACING AND TROTTING STATISTICS. h i SEASON 194041. The Southland Racine Club’s meeting last Saturday concluded the racing and trotting season in the Southland district. and the following are the usual lists: — RACING MEETINGS. Totalisator. 193940. 194041. 193940. 194041. £ £ £ £ Gore, Spring Southland, Spring ... Wyndham Southland, Summer Wairio ... Winton Gore, Summer ... ... Birchwood Otautau ... Riverton Southland, Winter ... 2,715 1,135 1,550 3,255 950 2,100 2,250 1,146 774 6,157 1,265 • 2,715 1,145 1,550 3,255 850 2,125$ 2,250 1,193 630 6,183 1,265 40,447 15,817 . 15,999 33,3834 6,191 18,509 23,589 12,977 10,780 84,310 11,820* 41,296 20.T95 20,946 43,713* 6,296* 22,341 24,2044 14,858 4,133 92,6084 16,052 £23,297 £23,161$ £288,823 £306,644 Less trots .. 4,195 4,193 Racing stakes £23,297 £18,968$ TROTTING MEETINGS. Invercargill, Spring Gore Winton Invercargill, Autumn Wyndham = 1,200 1,600 1,295 1,335 1,345 1,200 1,600 ' 1345 1,335 1,450 15,401 18,215 13,297 16,054* 15,252* 17,934 19,371* 14,727 • 19,304* 22,828 Racing Clubs 4,195 £10,970 £11,143 £78,220 ■ . £94,165 Grand totals (Racing and Trotting) £30,072 £30,111$ £367,043 £400,809

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Evening Star, Issue 23881, 10 May 1941, Page 7

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RACING NOTES Evening Star, Issue 23881, 10 May 1941, Page 7

RACING NOTES Evening Star, Issue 23881, 10 May 1941, Page 7