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Will correspondents please note that items intended for Wednesday’s ‘ Star ' must be in tlie olliee by 'J uesday afternoon, and those intended lor insertion on Saturday by Jhursday afternoon, or at the latest Friday morning. In the latter case they must be brief.

Lady Sidey returned on . Saturday from Wellington.

Mr and Mrs J. A. Jenkins returned to-day from an extensive tour abroad.

Mr and Mrs H. Mandono are passengers on tire Akaroa, arriving at Auckland this week from Kn"iaud. Mrs Mandeno will spend Christmas with friends in the Waikato district, arriving in Dunedin after New Year.

.Mrs A. Debenliam lias returned from a sis weeks’ visit to Christchurch.

Airs J. F. Page, of Christchurch, is the gnc-st of her mother, Mrs A. Deheuham, Keumure road, iioslyu.

Mrs EL. T. Goldie, of Auckland, who has been the guest of her daughter, Mrs Charles V. Smith, Musselburgh, returned yesterday to her home.

Miss Xgaio Marsh returned yesterday to Christchurch. She was accompanied by Mrs J. M‘G. Wilkie, who will be her guest for a week.

Airs D. C. Rose has left on a round of visits in Central Otago, before leaving early in the new year for London.

The engagement is announced of Kenneth Hilton, only son of Air and Aim A. hi. Guest, Devon street, Wellington, to Janet Irene, eldest daughter of Air and Airs R. Pryde, Alain road, Burkes.

Miss Jean Abraham, who is at present visiting Airs R. L. Wig.ey, Timaru, will arrive in Christchurch on Saturday to stay with her aunt. Miss Helen Dermiston, Fendalton, bctorc leaving for the Xorth Island.

Airs Forbes O’Rorke, who has been visiting, her parents, Dr and Airs E. H. Williams, returned on Saturday to her home in Hororata.

Airs L. Braham. who has been visiting relatives in Dunedin, will return to-morrow to her home in Auckland.

Aliss Kura Gibson. Wellington, who has been a guest at the City Hotel, has left for Invercargill, where she will he the guest of Airs Allan Highet, Avenai Flats.

Air and Airs L. G. Lilly, who hare been abroad, returned to New Zealand bv the Rangitata on November 16, and are expected back in Dunedin to-day. They will stay at Leith House on thenarrival.

Edwardian modes combine two lovelyfashions —ostrich feathers and carnations—to crown the latest Edwardian coiffure. Another Edwardian touch—a velvet neck ribbon, ..with a carnation tucked under the chin, is very becoming to most faces.

Air E. Penrose Fitzgerald, of London, has left for Khartum, where ho will manage one of the big commercial companies in the Soudan. Airs I'itzgerald. nee Isabel Wilford, and her small daughter will leave London on December J to join her husband in Africa. They will spend three months each year in London.

Miss Leadbelter, of Roxburghshire, Scotland, accompanied by her aunt. Mrs bead bettor, is staving at the Grand Hotel.

Miss Xgaio Marsh's latest boob, * Heath in a White Tie,’ has been translated into Italian and Swedish, so our New Zealand writer of detection stories is likely to have a wide field of readers.

Mrs W. D. Lambert was hostess at a dinner party on Tuesday evening in honour of Miss Ethyl Taylor and Mr Thomas Hoff, who arc to be married next month.

Mrs B. Emanuel was hostess at a delightful throe-tabic bridge party on Saturday evening in the Otago Women’s Club, flic guests of honour being Mrs L. Hraham. of Auckland, who is a visitor to Dunedin, and Mrs Manning, who is leaving shortly on a visit to America. Each of the guests received a little gift from the hostess. Yesterday Airs Emanuel gave a farewell luncheon party at the club for Mrs Braham.

Mrs Pocklington and Airs Ashmore were hostesses at a very pleasant “ gift ” evening in the Orange Hall, lioith street, in honour of Miss Barbara limes, who is to be a Christmas bride. The evening was spent in dancing and games. Miss limes was the recipient of many useful gifts for her new home and good wishes for her married life. Among those present were Mesdamos Pocklington, Ashmore, limes (Middlemarch), Pine, James, M‘Milhm, Ed-

wardson. C. Pocklington, Walker, and Myers, Misses Barbara Innes, Jessie Poeklington, Li! Copland, Edna Ward. Mavis Hoffman, Pat Kane, Phyllis Hopkins, Wynn Chisholm. Anna Ayson. Pearl Conry, Violet Alexander, and Jean M‘Millan, and Messrs Pooklington (4), M'Kiniay (’2), Ashmore. Spence. Gavagan, Duncan, (hitters. Kerr, Mason, Coding, Walker, Hayes, and Hoffman. Excellent music was supplied by Air Newlands, of Wooilhaugh, and the duties of M.C. were carried out efficiently by Mr George M'Kinlay. The evening was dosed with the singing of ‘Auld Lang f~yne,'

On the eve of the departure of Aliss Muriel Clarkson, L.T.C.L.. to take up the position of organist and choirmistress of St. Stephen's Anglican Church, Ashburton, the parishioners of Holy Cross Church, St. Kilda, held a farewell social in the schoolroom. There was a very largo attendance to do honour to Ihr guest of the evening. Miss Clarkson has held the position of organist of Holy Cross Church for 10 years, and has endeared herself to the people of the church for her faithful and efficient service in that capacity and for her ready assistance given in all musical matters. A lino musical programme was rendered by Air W. Finnic and Aliss X. Dick (songs), Mr Cecil Oaten (recitalions), Aliss Clarkson (piano solos), Alisses Irene Pringle and Yvonne Aloodie (dance duo), Air Graham ADKinlay and Air W. Finnic (duets). Airs A. Wabnsloy acted as accompanist. Dancing was indulged in to music supplied by- Mrs Allen. Gifts of a suit ease, hat case, dressing table sot, and bedroom clock were made by the vicar (Rev. P. C. Webb), and eulogistic references to the services of Aliss" Clarkson were also made by the churchwardens (Messrs P. Priest and W. Jacobsen). Gifts of a crystal powder howl wore made by the choir boys, a bouquet and badge by Airs Cummings on behalf of the Mothers' Union, of which body Aliss Clarkson was an associate member; and also a bouquet of roses by Airs Ombler. Aliss Clarkson, in a bappy speech, voiced her heartfelt appreciation and thanks

for the gifts and good wishes. On the Thursday preceding Miss Clarkson was entertained by the members of the Holy Cross choir at the residence of Mrs Fast, of Kew, when a gift ol a handbag was made, the vicar and Mr Grant (choirmaster) making complimentary references to Miss Clarkson’s services. A pleasant evening, interspersed with musical items, was spent.

Miss Betty Gilchrist, who left to-day to take up a relieving position on the statf of the massage department at Christchurch Hospital, was hostess at a small afternoon tea party at her home in Queen street. The guests included Mcsdames Stanley Wilson, J. E. VC. Mirams. W. N. Wood, 0. G. Cox, John Finch. E. G. Buddy, and Miss Pamela Miles.

As a farewell to some of her many friends. Miss Vida Barron, who left on Monday on a tour abroad, entertained at St. Margaret’s College at the weekend. Among those present were Mrs R. G. C. M‘.\ab and the Misses Glendining, E. Campbell. P. Lord, K. APLeod, 1. Nelson, AT. Anderson, J. Lindbunn, J. Patrick, 0. Keighran, P. Bardwell, A. Sutherland, and M. Barron.

Mrs R. Gilkison was hostess at a small luncheon party yesterday at the Otago Women’s Club, given for the cast of ‘ The Widow,’ her play, which was so successfully produced recently at the culh. 'The guests wore Alesdames Wakefield Holmes, E. L. Eastgate, V. F. Galway. Howard Murray, A. A. Fairbairn, and the Misses Edith M orrison and Amy Wood.

The president of the Victoria League (Mrs E. C. Tiernolds) and the committee gave an afternoon tea party to-day, at the Savoy, in honour ol Miss LcadboUer, of Scotland, who has been lecturing throughout New Zealand. Those present were Lady Sargood. Mesdaiuos F. E. Clapportou, Fden Bowler, A. G. Melville. J. P. APGowan, K. S. Ramsay, S. 0. Bat-

tcrsby, and the Misses M. Dowuie Stewart, Cutteu, Cooke, Anderson, 1. Burton, W. Johnstone, and M. Alacamlrew.

Miss Alollie Clery, of Milton, whose marriage will take place this week, was entertained recently at the residence of Mr J. B. Gray, and presented with an eiderdown quilt from the firm of Messrs Janies Gray and Sons Ltd., with which she has been associated during the past eight and a-half years. Alias Clery was also presented with a silver tray from her feilow-employees.

The retiring members of the executive of the Presbyterian Women's Missionary Union were entertained to tea yesterday afternoon in the Otago Women’s Club by Sister Jean Porteous, the retiring president. Those present included Mcsdames J. B. Brugh, G. Dunn, W. J. Porteous, J. Swann, W. K. Cameron, Gray Dickson, Patterson, Tait, Forbes, Herron, Tiplcr, Fairbairn, Gairuey, Chandler, J. N. Stewart, Graham, Evans, M'Gregor, Jupp, Merringtou. Todd, Dodds, Blackie, Davies, D. K. M‘Donald, Sister Elliott, and Misses Sutherland, Lindsay, Brown, Borric, and Pernmi.

Miss Katharine Begg and Air Fergus Begg organised a jolly treasure hunt on Monday evening in honour of Aliss Helen llees-Jones and Air A. Stewart, whoso engagement was announced recently, and Dr E. M. Elder, who is shortly leaving Dunedin. The other participants included Air and Mrs Lyndon Alacasscy, Mr and Mrs 0. T. Harris, Airs A. J’. Ewens (Adelaide), Misses Rosemary Ross, Cecil Bricked, jean Paterson, Dora Neville, Alargaret Dunlop, Heather APCulloch, Alargaret Elder, Helen Fenwick, Messrs J. and 1. Ross, N. Begg, J. APLean, A 1 Reeves, D. Bricked, J. Brenan, and Dr D. Stewart.

The Columba Ex-girls’ Choir held a most successful musical evening in Constance Hall last week. The hall was arranged as a drawing room and was gay with flowers. The choir has been formed this year, and has achieved excellent results under the instruction ol Miss Ida White. Pianoforte solos were given by Alisses Honor APKellar, Ohven APKenzie, and Alargaret Ewing. The choir sang a group of songs, and the main work of the evening was 1 Stabat Mater,’ by Pergolosi, the soloists being Misses Alargaret Elder, Ethelwyn APGeorge, Olwyn APKenzie, and Honor APKellar. An enjoyable evening concluded with the serving of supper.

The Sawyers Bay Women's Institute held the final meeting of the year on Thursday afternoon. Airs Nelson, who presided and welcomed visitors from Hawke’s Bay, Taieri, and Gore, gave a reading on grape growing in the early days. A competition (collection of biscuits) was won by Mrs R. Laing, Airs Hewitson being second. Mrs Pettigrew won the novelty competition. Airs Laing second. Airs Beghie gave an interesting account of the Otago Federation meeting. Mrs Nelson extended seasonal greetings to members and friends. Alesdames Paterson and MaeAlillau served a dainty afternoon tea. Christmas Fair. The St. John anibujance Association ladies’ sewing guild will hold a Christman Fair on December 2, from 2-10 p.m. at headquarters, York Place, Dunedin, when all kinds of novelties and work will be on sale. Coming-of-Age Party. On Friday evening last, Air and Airs Fogarty were “ at home ’’ to receive guests who gather teo celebrate the coming-of-age of Kathleen Elva, their third daughter. The supper tables were gaily decorated and proved a fitting setting for Air G. Lynn to present Aliss Fogarty with a gold k n y. After supper the guests were entertained with by Miss D. Sehmelz, W. and S. Fogarty (songs). A dancing exhibition was given by Aliss Cora Duff and Mr L. Sehmelz. . A tap dancing exhibition was given by Miss J. APFean. whilst Alesrss R. Brosnan and W. Donovan rendered popular airs on their piano accordions. Mr G. Lynn gave a humorous recitation. Dancing continued until a late hour, "when Aliss Fogarty thanked the guests tor the many useful presents she had received. Those present were Air and Airs Fogarty, Air and Mrs G. Lynn, Mr and Airs J. APLennan, Air and Mrs L. Lynn, Mr and Airs H. Nelson, Mrs Alulrooney, Alisses Doreen Fogarty, Doris Chave, Cora Duff, Jean Kerr, Frances Sutherland. Valda Moody, Margaret Fogarty, Kay ‘Wilson, Jessie M Fean, I. Wood. Alary Wallace. Beta Brown, Agnes Brown, Amy Cull, ‘Phyllis Chave, Dorothy Sehmelz, Veronica Kane. Pat Dysart, Phyllis Fogarty, Messrs J. W. Fogarty, W. Maynard. L. Sehmelz, 11. Kirby, W. Donovan, E. Marlow, N. O’Leary, K. Toomey, J. Still. P. Stewart, P. Cronin. D. Clark, A. Sehmelz. J. Stevens, F. Marlow, T. Fogarty, and R. Brosnan.

Twenty-first Birthday Party. The Strand Salon was a pleasant haven from the storm on Monday evening, November 21, when Mr and Mrs H? Colquhoun, of St. Clair, entertained some 40 guests to celebrate the coming-of-age of their daughter Thora. Dancing comprised the major portion of the evening’s programme, and the ‘ Palais Glide ’ was a merry innovation. A “ statue ” dance was won by Molly M'l’hail and John Brown, and a “ lucky spot ” dance by Marjorie Bell and Vivian Kempthorue. Supper provided a welcome respite, and a short toast list was honoured. Mr H. N. Colquhoun (Uncle Neil), in happy, humorous. and reminiscent vein, proposed the toast of “Thora,” and this was duly honoured. Thora fitting replied. Mr F. S. Hanger proposed the toast of the host and hostess, and Mr Colquhoun, in replying, presented Thora with the time-honoured key. During an interval Mr Archie Jackson pleasingly sung ‘ Sweet Mystery of Life.’ Dancing was resumed, and a highly enjoyable party ended with ‘ Aukl Lang Syne,’ sung among a profusion of streamers. Miss Thora Colquhoun wore a pretty frock of cerise velvet, and Mrs Colquhoun wore a frock of brocaded wine velvet. Guests included Mr and Mrs F. S. Hanger, Airs K. M. Kempthorue, Airs W. H. Colquhoun (Oamarn), Mr and Mrs Alt'. AVilliains. Alisses Jean Doig, Alolly ami Nancy M'Phail, Alvia Anderson, Ethel Pearson, Dorothy and Marjory Bell, Margaret Begg, Allison and Doris Turnbull, Ngaia Hanger, Lilian and June Colquhoun, Messrs Charlie Bowie. Vivian and Alan Kempthorne, Irwin Henry. George Lawrence. Jack M'Phail, Douglas Al‘Junes. John Begg. Archie Jackson. John Brown. Jack Doig, Dave Alason, Jack Taylor. Bill Kindley, Ted Ombler. Garth Sim, A lister and Her by Coiuuhouu.

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Evening Star, Issue 23128, 30 November 1938, Page 16

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SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Evening Star, Issue 23128, 30 November 1938, Page 16

SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Evening Star, Issue 23128, 30 November 1938, Page 16