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GRAND Will Mahoney and Will Fylf'e are tho two new comedy stars leatured in ‘ Said O’Reilly to M‘Nab,’ which with ‘ Big Business ’ will be screened this evening at tho Grand. Malcolm M'Nab, retired Scottish business man, refuses to allow: his daughter to marry Terry O’Beilly. Terry’s father, Timothy,"a genial Irish “ share-pusher,” decides to visit his son in order to avoid tho attentions of tho G-men in New York. Mrs M'Nab invites OTleilly to stay with them, and ho gets round her by producing some caramels, lilched from M'Nab’s youngest son, and telling her that they will reduce her weight by 51b in 24 hours. M'Nab’s scepticism results in a bet, which is followed by a golf challenge, the stakes being £I,OOO against ids consent to the engagement of his daughter to O’Reilly’s son. Both wagers are lost, hut M'Nab’s business inti nets are aroused by tho success of the caramels, and lie and O’Reilly go into partnership and float the Mac-O’Rye Slimming Pills Company. This brings O’Reilly’s name to the "G-men’s notice, and on the day that the young people announce their engagement he is arrested. M'Nab discovers his partner has been running a swindling company—the Miracle Mine of Montana —the only bad investment he ever made, but he buys up all tho shares, withdraws the charge against O’Reilly, and stops the money out of O’Reilly’s share of their own business. Anyone who ever bought bogus oil stock will know just how the Jones family feels in ‘ Big Business.’ the Twentieth Century-Fox picture, which is the second attraction. AVith tho familiar players again in their familiar roles in the Jones menage, ‘ Big Business ’ is a typical story of a typical middle-class American family. STRAND Smith Ballew plays the leading role in ‘ Hawaiian Buckaroo.’ which is being shown at the Strand. He appears as an unemployed cowboy, who with a companion pools Ids' savings and buys a pineapplo farm at Hawaii, only to discover on arrival at that romantic spot that the property is nothing mot© than waste land. How the pair manage to win success in the end makes an entertaining story. ‘ Start Cheering,’ in which Jimmy Durante, Joan Perry, Walter Connolly, Charles Starrett, and the Three Stooges are featured, is an amusing production. \The story hinges on the ambition of a screen star to acquire a higher education. Tiring of the crowds and the publicity inseparable from his calling, he determines to bring a boyhood ambition to fulfilment, and goes to college. His manager, however, is not in favour of the proposition, and he enlists the support of the dean of the college, with amusing results. A largo proportion of the humour is provided by the Three Stooges, whose farcical antics are particularly diverting. UNUSUAL MYSTERY. ‘ White Lilac,’- tho exciting film coming to the Strand next Friday, was made by Fox at tho Wembley studios. It was directed by Albert Parker, who is responsible for numerous Hollywood successes, and has an outstanding cast. It was adapted from the well-inown Viennese .play by Ladislaus Fodor. Following upon the great success of ‘ The'Riverside Murder,’ Basil Sydney and Judy Gunn are again appearing together. The supporting cast includes such well-known players as Claude Dampier, Percy Marmont, Leslie Perrins, Edward Dignon, Constance Travers, and Gwen Gill, who was chosen as the Scottish representative in the “ search for beauty ” contest a year or so ago. ‘ White Lilac ’ is an unusual mystery story with big human interest appeal, romance, and comedy. Murder l under the “ big top,” witnessed by thousands of eyes, yet tho murderer escapes, forms tho plot nucleus of Columbia’s ‘ Tho Shadow,’ exciting story of tho circus which, with Charles Quigley and Rita Hayworth in tho leading roles, will be the second attraction. Charles C. Coleman directed the picture from a screen play by Arthur T. Herman.

REGENT Sandy Powell's latest picture, * It’s a Grand "Old World,’ is the current Regent feature. Those who saw and liked his first screen performance, ‘ Can You Hear Me, Mother?’ will be pleased to know that his latest effort is even better. The standard of British screen comedies has been steadily rising for some years, but seldom has it achieved tho heights of humour to which Sandy Pow'ell has lifted it. ‘ It’s a Grand Old World ’ is a crazy-quilt of situations, each succeeding one funnier than the last, through which the genial Sandy makes his way to fame and fortune. As Sandy’s actress sweetheart, who is just an English country girl trying to keep the family mansion in the family’s possession, Gina Malo gives a very pleasing performance. Cyril Ritchard plays tho part of a nimble-footed villain, most of whoso villainy is happily confined to the footlights. ‘WHIRLWIND OF MIRTH.' Described as a merry, mad whirlwind of mirth, ‘ Merry-Go-Round of 1938,' most recent of the comedy musicals, comes to the ' Regent on Friday. Hollywood reached to Broadway and" tlie radio for first-class talent with which to make ‘ Merry-Go-Round of 1938.’ In the principal featured roles of the production are rotund Billy House, star of New York production, ‘ White Horse Inn ’; world-famous clown and pantomimist Jimmie Savo, fresh from triumphs in London, Berlin, Rome, and New York ; Bert Lahr, without whom Broadway could not be Broadway; and Joy Hodges, star of 1 I’d Rather be Right,’ current Broadway hit, and popular singer on the radio. From Hollywood the producers took Mischa Auer, Alice Brady, Louise Fazenda, and John King for the other big name roles of tho production ; from the vaudeville stage it secured Dave Apollon _ and his orchestra. For novelty it injected Beverly Ann Welch, sensational four-year-old drummer girl. Dance numbers staged by Carl Randall, six musical_ selections by Harold Adamson and Jimmie M'Hugh; and gorgeous settings designed by Harknder and side-splitting comedy directed by Irving Cummings complete ‘ Merry-Go-Round of 1938.’ In ‘ Merry-Go-Round of 1938 ’ four of the comedians are vaudevillians who have undertaken the up-bringing and of a baby left an orphan by tho death of her mother, who was an aerial performer in the show. Their efforts to assist this human legacy, Joy Hodges (grown to 19 years of age and outstanding pulchritude), in her love affair with John King, form the excruciating details of this story. 1 ’ STATE For a musical comedy the State’s attraction, ‘ Fifty-second Street,’ has a rather surprisingly substantial and interesting idea behind it. There are really two themes developed in the picture. One depicts the changing fortunes of Now York’s Fifty-second street between the years 1912 and 1933, as it declines from one of the city’s most exclusive, residential quarters to the centre of rowdy modern night life. Running parallel at first with the story of the street is the more intimate drama of some of the characters connected with its history over the twenty.year period. Interest centres on Rufus Eondell ' (lan Hunter), scion of a socially prominent family, who tramples on convention by marrying an actress. A child is born and the mother soon dies. The years of war and depression follow, and the respectability of Fiftysecond street crumbles. lan‘Hunter is consistently charming and sympathetic as Rondell, Pat P.aterson makes the role of his daughter one to believe in, and there is some very enjoyable comedy from Zasu Pitts, Sid Silvers, Ella Logan, and Jack White. ‘THE HURRICANE.' Samuel Goldwyn knew that he had a truly great picture in ‘ The Hurricane,’ which comes to the Sthte on Friday, with Dorothy Lamour and Jon Hall heading a great cast, -which includes Mary Astor, C. Aubrey Smith, Thomas Mitchell, Raymond Massey, John Carradine, and Jerome Cowan. In this dramatic saga of the South Seas, written by Charles Nordhoff and James Norman Hall, authors of ‘ Mutiny on the Bounty,’ he was confident he had a story rich in every element of cinema entertainment. ‘ The Hurricane,’ with its tender romance, its powerful drama, its picturesque setting, and its amazing, spectacular climax, is a story readycut for the screen. On the low island of Manukura, 600 miles from Tahiti, two native sweethearts, Terangi and Marama, are wed. Their brief happiness is shattered when Terangi, returning to Tahiti on the trading schooner of which he is first mate, is imprisoned for striking a white man who insultshim. After five years of unsuccessful attempts the boy escapes from Tahiti and makes his way to his native island. Because of the implacable sense of duty of the French Administration, however, he is forced to hide on a neighbouring island. The search for him is at its height when a great hurricane begins to blow. Unmindful of his own safety, the youth goes to Manukura to warn the inhabitants. In the fury that follows he plays an heroic part, and the hurricane scenes provide one of the most thrilling and powerful climaxes the screen has ever shown. OCTAGON One of the most amusing musical comedies screened in Dunedin for some time is now being shown at the Octagon. Entitled ‘ You Can’t Have Everything,’ the tale is that of an enterprising young playwright (Alice Faye), who despises musical comedy, but who is finally persuaded by a young and famous writer of this type of entertainment (Don Amechc) to take the leading part in one of his shows. The young couple fall in love, hut when she hears that ho is already married she disappears and cannot he found. Amecho and his producer-friend decide to bring out her serious dramatic masterpiece as a musical comedy, and with the help of the Rita Brothers they do this very successfully. As they predicted, the young lady is furious, and again appears on the scene to demand an explanation. Despite tho efforts of Louise Hovick, who is scheming to get the young man for herself, matters are finally straightened out. Tony Martin is also prominent in the cast, as is Louis Prima’s band. There is an entertaining programme of short films. “ UNPARALLELED DRAMA.” ‘ His Affair,’ which comes to the Octagon on Friday, is heralded as a dramatic triumph. An overseas critic wrote of the film as follows:: —“ ‘His Affair ’ storms to a climax that is drama unparalleled, when all the forces of justice are ranged against an innocent man who has done his tremendous duty only to be trapped by the most fateful happening for generations—so unexpected, undreamed-of, unthinkable as to create a situation of blood-chilling irony, danger, and terror. A thrilling story conception—the deliberate destruction of a man’s whole identity, tho purposeful wrecking of his brilliant career for reasons of highest State, involving the groat names and great places of a nation. Then the triumph of that man through a love greater than life or honour—such is the central theme of

‘ His Affair.’ Because on one daring man’s ingenuity and courage tho safety and integrity of a nation depend in the turbulent, violent, colourful days at tho turn of tne century; because this man achieves success through a supremely courageous love; because the lovers are Robert Taylor and Barbara Stanwyck —all these comprise a convincing argument for tho choice of ‘ His Affair ’ as one of the finest films of its type ever screened.” The story of ‘ His Affair,’ which is based very largely on fact, tells how the stability of America was threatened by an unprecedented series of sensational bank robberies in the Middle West. In a desperate move President William M'Kinley calls upon a young lieutenant. Robert. Taylor ,who has had a brilliant record under Admiral Dewey. Sworn to secrecy, Lieutenant Perry is instructed to disgrace himself in the navy, to bo discharged, and eventually to find his way to the bank robbers. Information turned up is to be forwarded to the President in a speciallymarked envelope which will immediately be brought to him unopened. No one, not even Admiral Dewey or the head of the Secret Service! is told of the plan. The strong supporting cast is headed by Victor M'Laglen. ST. JAMES It was only to be expected that the outstanding success should attend the personal appearances of that remarkably intelligent police dog Csesar at the St. James during this week’s screening of 4 Trailing the Killer.’ The response of the public to the appearance of this superbly-built and wonderfully sagacious animal has been truly enthusiastic. ‘ Trailing the Killer ’ is a story of the American timber lands, where life is primitive and danger never far away. Thrills follow in rapid succession, working up to a climax that for stark realism has seldom been equalled. In this is shown the final phase of a desperate feud, when dog and puma settle their differences with fang and claw. The supporting programme is headed by 4 One Mile From Heaven,’ starring Bill Robinson, but the feature of the evening’s entertainment is the 20-minute stage appearance of Csesar. NEW TARZAN FILM. 4 The New Adventures of Tarzan.’ which will be shown at the St. James on Friday, blazes new trails in bringing to the screen further exploits of this world-famous fiction character created by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Unlike its predecessors, this new Tarzan takes the audience on an adventure into the wilds of Guatemala, where the story is laid. Here, against a mysterious and fascinating background of scenic grandeur, colourful fiestas, native music, and strange rites, the new Tarzan, Herman Brix, battles to tho death with a ferocious lion, subdues a wild bull, rescues the heroine from hordes of savage Indians, and performs other Herculean feats of amazing strength and courage. Tho story starts with Tarzan boarding the s.s. Wingai to help a friend, where he accidentally meets Major Martling, an archaeologist leading an expedition to the. Guatemalan jungles in the hope of locating a priceless Mayan relic containing a fortune in gems. Tarzan joins the expedition, and immediately the party is beset with perils that keep the action and suspense at a high x>itch. EMPIRE One of the most remarkable features of film production to-day is the way the Australian product improves with every picture. ‘Lovers and Luggers,’ now showing at the Empire,' with Lloyd Hughes, Shirley Ann Richards, and Elaine Hamill in the cast, is the latest example of this. Based on life on Thursday Island, where luggers manned by white men, Japanese, and natives haunt the pearl fisheries, the picture is one of the most colourful yet to be seen here. It lacks the “ stagy ” air so apparent in some films where the harbour and, sea scenes have been carefully fabricated in the studio. Much of the work was done “ on location ■” on the waters surrounding this romantic island. There are some'splendid scenes of luggers under full sail, racing to and from the pearling grounds. The underwater scenes of divers searching for pearl-shell, and of rivals fighting it out for the possession of a pearl on the floor of the ocean 30 fathoms deep, are very fine indeed. NAVAL ACADEMY LIFE. ‘Navy Blue and Gold,’ a colourful and spirited story of life at the United States Naval Academy, commences at the Empire on Friday. The cast is headed by Robert Young, James Stewart, Lionel Barrymore, Florence Rice, Billie Burke, and Tom Brown, with Samuel S. Hinds, Paul Kelly, and Barnett Parker in important supporting roles. Sam Wood, one of Hollywood’s most accomplished directors, achieved enviable results with the original novel by George Bruce. Robert Young, as a cynical young midshipman, unquestionably gives one of his finest performances. James Stewart, in the role of a navy oiler from a battleship present to gain his stripes at the academy, adds to his stature as an artist of the screen. Barrymore, of course, is Barrymore always, which is to say that his characterisation of the veteran coach _is superb. Miss Rice, in the leading feminine role, is adorable. The story presents three midshipmen from different stations in life, who are drawn together at the academy. Young is a cynic with no intention of remaining in the service. Stewart is trying for a commission. Brown is a scion cf wealth, with a pretty sister, played by Miss Rice. Stewart is involved in a scandal when it is learned that he enrolled under an assumed name, owifig to the fact that his father, a navy officer, had been cashiered out of the service. He clears his father’s name in a dramatic scene and is reinstated. ‘ Navy Blue and Gold ’ is splendid entertainment for all tastes. A specially selected supporting programme will include the Laurel and Hardy comedy, ‘A Country Hospital.’ MAYFAIR Paramount’s ‘ I Met Him in Paris,’ which stars Claudette Colbert in the type of role which she made famous in her two previous smash comedy hits, * It Happened One Night ’ and ‘ Tho Bride Comes Home ’ will be commenced at the Mayfair this evening. ‘ I Met Him in Paris ’ also features Melvyn Douglas and Robert Young. In ‘ I Mot Him in Paris ’ Miss Colbert, a young American girl on a vacation in the French capital, meets two handsome, romantic fellow-countrymen, Douglas and Young. Both fall in love with the lovely brunette, and each stages his own idea of a whirlwind courtship, which he is so certain will sweep her off her feet. Miss Colbert is attracted by both, but cannot make np her mind which style of courtship she prefers—Douglas’s cool, matter-of-fact, never-speak-of-love technique, or Young’s impetuous affection. Columbia's 4 Counsel for Crime,’ featuring Otto Kruger, Douglas Montgomery, and Jacqueline Wells, is the second film. Tho production tells a dramatic story of a brilliant and melodramatic criminal lawyer whose activities as the “ mouthpiece ” for the underworld puts him just barely beyond the pale of crime* " ‘ '

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Evening Star, Issue 22954, 11 May 1938, Page 2

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PICTURE THEATRES Evening Star, Issue 22954, 11 May 1938, Page 2

PICTURE THEATRES Evening Star, Issue 22954, 11 May 1938, Page 2