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HIGH WATER. —To-morrow.— SI. Clair: 5.41 a.m.. 6.5 p.m. Taiaroa Head: 5.51, 015 p.m. Port Chalmors; 6.31 6.55 p.m. Dunedin; 7.1 7.25 p.m. THE SUN. . Sets to-day -1.52 p.m,. rises to-morrow 7.33 n.m, PHASES OF THE MOON.

10.26 p.m. WEATHER REPORT. The Government Meteorologist Hlr F. Kidson) supplied the following at 9 a.m. to-day: Bar. Ther. W.

Weather—B, Bim- sky; hr. Mile sky and dctached clouds: c, cloudy; o, overcast; y, gloomy; u. ugly; r, rain; s, snow; d, drizzle; >i; passing showers; h, hail: .|, sijually; I, lightning; t, thunder, f, fog; ni. mist; haze. Wind—o. calm; 1. light air; slight breeze; 3, gentle -hieeze; 4, moderate breeze: a, fresh breeze; (>, stiong hieeze; 7, high wind; 8. gale: !1. strong gale; iU. whole* gale; 11, storm; 12; hurricane. IN PORT AT NOON TO-DAY. Vessel. Berth. Southland Laid up, Omana Port Chalmers. Tit ok i li avensbounip. Cornwall Victoria wharf. G. S. Walden... Oil berth. MOVEMENTS. —Coastal.— Titoki left Westport on July 21 for Dunedin. She arrived here yesterday morning, and will proceed to Bavensbourne and Nelson this evening. Holmlea is due on Saturday from Wellington du-cct to sail the same day for Wellington, New Plymouth, and Waikato. Waiana is to leave Auckland to-mor-row .evening for Bluff direct. She is expected here on Tuesday next, to sail the same day for Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington, and Auckland. Poolta, from Westport, is to leave Lyttelton to-morrow for Timaru, Dunedin, and Wellington. She is expected here on Thursday, and will sail on Saturday for Wellington. Omana arrived at Port Chalmers on •lulv 20 to dock for survey. She is expected to sail to-morrow for Bluff on completion. Waipahi is duo lure on Saturday from Wellington direct, to load and sail on Monday for Wellington, Nelson, and New Plymouth. Gale is expected here to-morrow morning from Bluff to load and sail the same day for Wellington and Wanganui via ports. Port Waikato left Auckland on July 23 for Dunedin via northern ports, and is due here on Thursday. She will sail the same day for Timaru, Lyttelton, and Auckland. Breeze is expected here on Thursday from Wellington, to sail the same day for Wellington, Pieton, and Wanganui via i>orts, Holmdale is due on Saturday from Wellington to load and sail for Oamaru. Timaru, Lyttelton. AVelliugtou. Pieton. Blenheim, and .Wanganui. Waimnrino is to leave Auckland on Friday for Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin. and Bluff, and is due here on Wednesday, August 4. —Overseas.— Cornwall, from West, Coast of England via northern .ports, arrived hero on Sunday, and is to sail to-morrow for Now Plymouth She arrived at Auckland on June 28. , Hauraki is due here ou Thursday morning from Los Angeles via northern ports. She will sail on Saturday for Melbourne, Sydney, Suva. Lautoka, Papeete, San Pedro, and Vancouver. Waimaua. from London via Panama and northern ports, is due at Port Chalmers on August 6 to discharge her Home cargo and commence outward loading. City of Glasgow, which sailed from Montreal on June 23, is due at Auckland on August 4. and at Dunedin about August 15, when she will continue loading for New York and Montreal. Northumberland, from Newport (England), is expected at Port Chalmers via northern ports ou August 5. She arrived at Auckland on Julv 21. Anhalt left New Orleans on June 30 for Auckland, Wellington, New Plymouth. Lyttelton, and Dunedin. She is due at Auckland on August 3, and at Dunedin on August 21. Kozau Marti cleared Kobe on July 1 for Auckland, AVolliugton, Lyttelton, and Dunedin. She arrived at Auckland on July 19, and is expected here about July 29, sailing finally from Lyttelton on August 4. Essex is due at Port Chalmers from West Coast of England .ports via northern ports on August 24. Alataroa. from London, cleared Southampton ou July 9 for Auckland. Dunedin.. and Bluff. She is due at Auckland on August 12, and at Port Chalmors on August 23. G. S. Walden arrived at Auckland on July 18 from San Francisco. She has 4,500.000 gallons of petrol for discharge at Auckland. Wellington, and Dunedin, and arrived here yesterday afternoon. She sails to-morrow ingEmpire Star is due at Port Chalmers on August 17 from Australia and Bluff to load, sailing the following day for Timaru. City of Shanghai is duo at Auckland about ’August 4 from Now York, and is to discharge also at Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin. Cambridge sailed from Philadelphia on July 2, from New York on July 9, and from Newport Nows ou July 11. for Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton. and Dunedin. She is duo at

Auckland about August 11. and at I’ort Chalmers on August 26. Larchbank is to leave Nauru Island about July 29 tor Lyttelton with a cargo of phosphate. She is due at Lyttelton about August 9, and at Ravensbourne about August 11. INTERISLAND EXPRESS. 'the inlcrislancl express steamer Raugatira arrived at Lyttelton Iroiu Wellington at G. 40 this morning. Passengers and mails for the south connected with the express. AUSTRALIA-NEW ZEALAND. Wangtuiclla arrived at Sydney oji July 12 and at Melbourne on July 15, and left Sydney again on July 17 tor Auckland, where she arrived on July 21. She left on July 23 for Sydney and Melbourne, where she was due today and July 29 respectively. Mauuganui sailed from Auckland on July 8 for- Sydney, -where she arrived on - July 12. She left again on July 1G for Wellington, where she arrived on July 20. She left there again on July 23. and was expected at Sydney to-day. Karetu cleared Sydney on July .19 for Lyttelton, Timarn, Dunedin.’ and Bluff. She is duo here about August 1. Waikouaiti loft Bluff on July 20 lor Newcastle, whore she was to commence loading to-day. She will complete at Sydney and Port KembJa for Lyttelton. Timavu, Dunedin, and Bluff. TRANSPACIFIC MAIL SERVICES. —Northbound, — Niag;pa 'oft Sydney on July 8 lor Auckland, where she arrived on July 12, and sailed on July 14 for Vancouver via Suva (July 16). Honolulu (July 231. and Victoria. (July 29). She is expected at Vancouver on July 30. Mariposa left Sydney on July 23 for Auckland, Suva, Pago Pago, Honolulu, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. She arrived at Auckland on July 2G. and is expected at San Francisco on August 10. Aorangi is to leave Sydney on August 5 for Auckland, where she is exnected to arrive on August 9. to leave tiny following day for Vancouver via. Suva. (August 13), Honolulu (Ausust_ 201. and Victoria (August 2G). She is expected at Vancouver the following day. Monterey is to leave Melbourne on August 16 and Sydney on_ August 20 for Auckland, where she is expected on August 23. to sail the same day for San Francisco via Suva (August 2G). Pago Pago (August 271. Honolulu (Sentemher 11. and Los Angeles (September 01. She is due at San I 1 rancisco on September 7. —Southbound. — Niagara is to leave Vancouver on August 3 for Sydney via _ Honolulu. Suva, and Auckland. She is expected at Honolulu on August 11, at Suva on August 20, and Auckland on August 23. She is to sail the next day. and is expected to arrive at Sydney on August 28. Monterey left San Francisco on July 20 for Sydney via Honolulu. Suva, and Auckland. She is expected to arrive at Suva on August 3, -at Auckland on August C. at Sydney on August 9, and at Melbourne on August 12. Monowai left Vancouver on .lulv 8 for Sydney via Victoria, Honolulu (July 141, Suva (July 23), and arrived at Auckland on July 26. She was to leave Auckland to-day, and is expected at Svdnoy on July 31. Mariposa is to leave San Francisco on August 17, and Los Angeles on August 18. for Auckland, and Sydney via Honolulu (August 23), Pago Pago (August 281. and Suva (August 311. She is expected at Auckland on September 3, leaves the same day, and is expected at Sydney on September 0 and at Melbourne on September 9. AGAIN THEY MEET. STEAMER AND SAILER. AVhen, last September, the Waimana, was inward hound for London she passed a small sailing vessel outward bound on a world cruise. Tho sailer was carrying mails for Tristan da Cunha, in(, the South Atlantic Ocean, and tho crew of the Waimana listened in to an account of her departure by radio. The small sailing vessel was the harquentine Cap Pilar, and she was being towed by a tug off Sbeeruoss. Later those aboard the Waimana were delighted to see the tug’s hawsers bhing cast off and full sail being sheeted on the barquentine. ■ Since that time the Waimana lias not seen or been within hundreds of miles of the Cap Pilar. To-day she sailed into the Auckland Harbour, whet© the barqnentine has been berthed for a week (states the Auckland ‘ Star ’ of July 20). The coincidence of meeting tho barquentine again after the greater part of a year, and on the other side of the world, was commented on by one of the AYaimana’s officers. CONSTRUCTION DELAYED. Because of the shortage of steel in Great Britain caused by rearmament there has been some delay in the construction of the now P. and O. liner Stratballan. She will make her maiden voyage to Australia in March, instead of in February. RUSSIAN GABLE SHIP. The world’s largest cable steamer, the former British ship Dominia, is nowowned in Soviet (Russia, She was sold recently and is registered in Vladivostock under the name of Nikolai Ejof. She is of 9,180 tons gross. NARBADA FROM CALCUTTA. - The ITnion Company’s chartered steamer Narbada is now to leave Calcutta about August 10 for Penang, Singapore, and Java to complete loading for Auckland, ‘Wellington. Lyttelton, Timaru, Dunedin, and Bluff. PENANG TO LOAD GUANO. Tho Finnish barque Penang, 2.019 tons, owned by Captain G. Erikson, of Mariebamu. lias been chartered to load phosphates at the Seychelles Islands, in the Indian Ocean, for New Zealand. The Penang arrived at Falmouth for orders on July 11 with a cargo of wheat after a long passage of 143 days from Port Germoin. South Australia. Affei discharging her cargo the Penang will go out in ballast to the Seychelles. Built as Broinerhavcu in 1905 as tho fuil-rigged ship Albert Rickmers. the vessel was purchased a few years later by F. Laicsz. of Hamburg, and renamed Penang. As one of the numerous “Flying P. M Line, she was.employed in the Chilean nitrate trade until the outbreak of the Great War. The survivors of the Laiesz' fleet wore dispersed after the war. and the Penang in 1922 was acquired by Captain Erikson. With her rig cut down to that of a barque the Penang has since been employed in the Australian grain trade. RANGITATA DELAYED. Tho New Zealand Shinping Company advises that the Bangitata has been delayed by a heavy gale, and is now expected lo arrive at Wellington at -I p in. tu-morrow.

RANGITI KI’S DEPARTURE POSTPONED. The New Zealand Shipping Company advises that because of delays at South Island ports its motor liner Rangitiki will not now'clear Wellington finally until 3 p.m. on. Tuesday, August 3, for London via Panama. PORT DUNEDIN FOR WELLINGTON. The Port Dunedin, which is scheduled to leave London on July 29. will now ‘•all at Wellington as well as Lyttelton. Dunedin, and Timarn. She will call at Suva, and should arrive in Wellington about September 10. MATAKANA’S SCHEDULE. The Alutakanu .which left Townsville on Wednesday night last, lias had her itinerary altered, and her now as follow;—Auckland July Waikokopu August 2-3. Wanganui August 5-7. Wellington August 8-11. and Lyttelton August 12-14. She will clear Lyttelton on August 14 for Southampton. London. Avonmouth. Liverpool. and Glasgow via Montevideo and Teneriffe. NEW ZEALAND STAR EN ROUTE. The New Zealand Star, which left London on July 8 for A\ ellington (due August 8) and Lyttelton, cleared Balboa on Wednesday last. PAKEHA AT MONTEVIDEO. Th© Pakeha. which left Lyttelton on July I for the United Kingdom, arrived at Montevideo on W ednesday afternoon last. ■ 9 PERSONAL. Captain AY. A. Gray is now in command of the AA'aiana. Cautain Evan Davies is now in command of the Shaw, Savill steamer Matakana. IN RADIO RANGE. The following vessels are expected to be within range of th© undermentioned wireless stations to-night:— Auckland.—Matai. H.M.S. Endeavour. Matua, Maui Pomare, Monowai, City of Glasgow, City of Shanghai, Essex, Mariposa, Matakana, Pontypridd. Waimana. . Wellington,—Maori. Raugatira. AA aitaki, Tamahine, Brisbane Marti, Fordsdalc, Huntingdon. James Stove, Kozan Maru, Kent, Mataroa, Monterey, Mvrtlehank, Rangitane, Rangitatu, AVaimaiia. Awarua. —H.M.S. Achilles. H.M.S. Learnlcr, H.M.S. Lbith, H.M.S. Wellington, Kauri. Oniana, Wanganella. Recorder, Triaster. Australia. Star, New Zealand Star. Maetsnycker, Maloja, Narkmida. Niouw Holland, Grama, South Africa. Strathaird. Strathnaver. Chatham Islands.—South Sea. , AT OTHER PORTS. AUCKLAND.' July 2C. Arrived: Waiinarino (5.10 0.m.), from AAellington. Sailed: Mariposa (5.30 p.m.), lor ■Los Angeles; Canopus (8 p.m.), for AYestport. ' - WELLINGTON. July 2G.— Arrived; Port AVaikato (5.30 p.m.), from Auckland. Sailed: Rangatira (7.50 p.m.), for Lyttelton; Wainui (10 p.m.). for Napier; Holmdale (11 p.m.), for Tarakohe.

LYTTELTON, July 20.. Arrived: Karetu (4.30 p.m.), from Port Kemb’a. Sailed; Waitaki (12.10 p.m.), for Wellington: Storm (4.20 p.m.), for Wellington; Maori (3.25 p;m.). for Wellington; Kent (10 p.m.), for "Wellington.

Last quarter July G.16 a.m. New moon August 7 12.7 a.m. First quarter August 11 1.58 p.m. Full moon August 22 12.17 p.m. Set to-day 8 oo a,m. ( rise s to-murrow

Wellington—S. . . 0 29.78 41) OPQ Greymouth— K. 4 '29.80 30 B Cli'ch—W.S.W. 3 29.8-1 37 B Timaru —W. . 1 29.80 35 B Oamavu —W. .. 0 29.84 35 B Dunedin—S.W. . . 2 29.83 30 B Nugget s—S. W. 5 29.83 34 BCZ Bluff—N.W. . 3 29.83 38 BCT

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Evening Star, Issue 22711, 27 July 1937, Page 3

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SHIPPING Evening Star, Issue 22711, 27 July 1937, Page 3

SHIPPING Evening Star, Issue 22711, 27 July 1937, Page 3