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Will correspondents please note that items intended for Wednesday’s 1 Star ’ must be in the office by Tuesday afternoon, and those intended for insertion on Saturday by Thursday afternoon, or at the latest Friday morning. In the latter case they must be brief.

Mr and Mrs J. Morton Troup aro the guests of Mrs R. Kennedy, “ Whitelee.”

Mesdames Norman M'Farlane and Arthur Chave are holidaying at Karitane.

Mrs F. J. Parson (Christchurch) arrived yesterday on a visit to her daughter, Mrs Holden Mirams, Anderson’s Bay.

Mrs J. Thorn, sen., of Port Chalmers, has returned homo after attending the wedding of her son, William Thorn, to Miss Pat Hadfield, of Palmerston North.

Mrs Arthur M. Reid, who has been staying with Lady Sidey at “ Corstorphine ” for several weeks, left to-day to sail hy the Awatea to Sydney, en route to her home in Melbourne.

Miss Joan Denny and Miss Doreen Pike, who have been visiting northern towns in the Port Hobart, are at present the guests of Mrs Walter Ensor, AVaiwhare Station, Napier.

Expected back in Dunedin to-day is Miss Joyce Clarke, who has been holidaying in Australia for four months. Part of the time she spent with her aunt, Mrs C. E. Dolling, of Adelaide, while other places visited included Tasmania, Melbourne, and Sydney.

The evening meeting of the bridge circle of the Otago Women’s Club took place on Wednesday, when there was a large attendance of members, Mrs Wallace Watson being in the chair. Prizes presented by Mrs J. Williams and Mrs W. Saunders were won by Mrs Lord (contract) and Mrs Mitchell (auction) .

The first meeting for 1937 of the Pacific branch, Home Economics, was held at the home of Mrs Timmins, 25 Normanby street, Musselburgh, last Tuesday. There was a full attendance of members, and two enrolments were made. Mrs AlTndoe gave a very interesting demonstration on cushion making, having samples partially made, as well as others completed. The meetings are to be held on the third Tuesday every month, v On Thursday evening Mr RussellWood gave a party for Mrs J. A. Allen and Mrs Leon Millar, of Auckland. The studio was gay, with bowls of vari-coloured hydrangeas, dahlias, and calendulas. During the evening Mrs Allen charmed her hearers with several sketches and monologues. Those present were Mr and Mrs John M'Pherson, Mrs Richard Hill, Mr and Mrs A. C. Stephens, Mrs Speight, Mr and Mrs W. H. Matthews, Misses Mary Martin, Duloie and Beth Hazelwood, Barbara luglis, and Messrs P. Vallange, Dennis Leigh, J. Tannock, P. Barling, Leo Manning, and B. Falck.

Mrs Seward was the guest of the executive of the National Council of Women at the Women’s Club last Monday afternoon. Mrs Seward had much to tell of the establishment of the Electrical Association of Women, London, whose main object was to secure cheaper electric power for the home and to bring electrical appliances more easily within the reach of town and country women alike. It was a great pleasure to hear from the visitor that she had been impressed both at Home and on her travels, with signs of progress in various directions. Of special interest was the splendid effort of the millions in South Africa to provide * education for the native race.

A delightful social was held by St. Clair and Caversham parishioners in the Sunday School Hall at St. Peter’s the Less, St. Clair, last Wednesday evening to bid farewell to Mr Neville Titchener, who is leaving Dunedin to take up church work in Wellington. During the evening competitions and dancing, interspersed with musical items, vocal and instrumental, were greatly enjoyed. After supper the vicar, the Rev. A. B. Pywell, spoke of the splendid service Mr Titchener had always given in the parish, and on behalf of St. Clair parishioners asked him to accept the gift of a travelling rug. Mr L. Deans Ritchie also spoke, endorsing the vicar’s remarks. A small gift was then handed to Mrs Titchener, who also intends leaving for Wellington shortly. Mr Titchener, in a few well-chosen words, thanked those present for their kindness, and hoped to see any of them who might be in Wellington,

Hostesses who have given farewell parties during the week for Mrs J. G. Johnston, prior to her leaving shortly for England and America, were Mrs D. Macpherson, who gave a dinner party, Mrs W. H. Taylor, who gave a 5 o’clock sherry party, and Mrs T. Reid, who gave an afternoon tea party at the Savoy.

An interesting talk and practical demonstration on ‘ Home Nursing ’ was given on Tuesday last by Mrs Fox to members of tho Craigleith branch of tho Homo Economics Association. Mrs Weir presided and welcomed the speaker. The roll call for tho month was “ favourite recipes.” A vote of thanks was passed by Mrs Weir to Mrs Fox and to Mrs Yallanco for acting as hostess.

Guests at the Larnach-Castle Cabaret last Saturday evening were Mr and Mrs H. S. Roes, Mr andi Air A. E. Al'Adam, Mr and Mrs S. R. Crimp, Mr and Mrs J. A. Templeton, Mr and Mrs A. B. Armour, Mr and Mrs C. Payne (Arthur’s Pass), Mr and Mrs Winston Brinsley, Air and Mrs J. B. Thomson, Mrs C. Prior, Airs F. Simpson, Misses B. and A. Hazelwood, A. Kerr, Alessrs Phil. Barling, R. Parkin (England), B. and E. Hollander, J. E. Alatherson (Invercargill), K. G. Good, G. J. Reed, J. H. Neville, C-. Bright, C. Wogishi (Tokio), and T. Kawarmura (Osaka). The St. Kilda Ladies’ Bowling Club brought the season to a close on Friday, April 16, progressive mixed doubles being played. Trophies donated by the president, Airs A. Jones, were won by Airs Adess and Alessrs Fish and Barclay. During the tea interval small presentations were made .to the greenkeeper, Air Tosh, and the green supervisor, Air Jacobsen. The prizewinners were: Club championship, Airs Higginson; runner-up, Airs E. Longworth; handicap singles, Mrs Belcher; runner-up, Airs Adess; handicap doubles, Mrs Irvine and Airs Atuir; and runners-up, Airs Gladding and Airs Pryde.

Amidst the pretty surroundings at the AVilford Tea Gardens, Anderson’s Bay, on Thursday last, an afternoon tea was given in honour of Airs D. Wilson, who is leaving St. Kilda to settle in Canterbury. Airs J. Dunn and Airs C. Hazard were hosteses, and after all had partaken of a dainty afternoon tea, reference was made to Airs Wilson’s popularity in the district. She had the best wishes of her friends for happiness and success in her new life and was asked to accept on behalf of all present and absent friends (Mrs Finlayson and Airs Essen), a crystal salad bowl and _ servers, in memory of happy hours in Solos by Airs R. Rout were much appreciated, Airs AlTntyro being an efficient accompanist. Those present wore Mrs D. Wilson, Airs Rennie, Alisses Law, Airs Al'Glashaii, Airs AlTntyre, Airs Cormack, Mrs Goodman, _ Airs Leonard, Airs AFClennan, Airs Pringle, Airs Ross, Airs Bremner, Airs Fairhurst. Airs Darricot, Airs Harrison, Airs Arnold, Airs Rout, Airs Painter, Airs J. Dunn, and Mrs C. Hazard.

The Dunedin Choral Society, Inc., held its annual social in the Embassy Salon on Tuesday, when a very enjoyable evening was spent by the large gathering of members and' friends. The competitions held created great mirth, and prizes were presented to the winners of competitions and lucky numbers, Air Walmsley proving a very popular winner of one competition. Airs R. K. Johnston was hostess for the evening, and Airs Clayton played for the dances. Air E. Fish was a very capable AI.C. Air C. AI. Barnett thanked Airs Johnston and) the ladies of the Auxiliary Committee for their untiring efforts that had made the evening so, enjoyable. The ladies of the Auxiliary Committee who ■ assisted were Alesdames R. K. Johnston (president), T. A. Tarrant (secretary), J. Hamer, C. AI. Barnett, G. T. Edgar, E. Clayton, E. Lough, J. Luscombe, C. Henderson, and J. C. Laing.

The play-reading circle of the Otago Women’s Club essayed an ambitious innovation on Tuesday evening, when, in honour of Shakespeare’s birthday— April 23—some of its members presented a reading of ‘ The Taming of the Shrew ’ in costume and with scenery. Aliss Farnie (chairwoman) and Airs E. Howard Alurray were responsible for the production of the play, which was well received by the audience, and upon which the producers and cast were congratulated by Airs Sutherland Ross at the close of the evening. The casting was particularly successful, and all on the stage seemed to enjoy their parts. The father, Baptista, was played by Airs Wakefield Holmes, and his daughters—Katherine the shrew and Bianca the gentle—by Alisses Patsy Stephens and Marjorie Alumford respectively. Petruchio, who tamed Katherine, was played by Airs A. A. Fairbairn, and Lueentio, who eventually won Bianca, by Airs R. G. C. Al'Nab. Airs Cowie and Aliss Service played the parts of Gremio and Hortensio, two of Bianca’s suitors; Alisses Betty Allen and Elsa Jacobs, those of Tranio and Biondello, servants to Lueentio; and Airs E. H. Murray and Miss Doris Wallace those of Grumio and Curtio, servants ■to Petruchio; Airs Eastgate was Vincentio, Lncentio’s father; Aliss Colena Falconer the widow whom Hortensio married, and Airs Cook a tailor and a haberdasher. This was the first time that the club had attempted a fulllength Shakespearean play, and tho results augur well for future productions.

Public Works Department Dance. At the Strand Salon on Wednesday evening the office staff of the Public Works Department held a most enjoyable dance. The cosy lounge proved to be a popular rendezvous for cardlovers. During the evening a delightful supper was served in the ballroom. Among those present were Mesdames C. S. APCallum, A. . O’Connell, W. B. M'Dowell, and H. Stephens, Misses Iris Armit, Brenda Quelch. June Gilbert, M. Barclay. L. Moulin, M. A. Barclay, L. Perry, D. Jarvis' M. Graham, M. APBride, .1. Beadle, L. APBride, M. Derek-Smith, M. Thomnson, B. N. Joel, F. Johnstone, R. Fraser, and L. Johnstone, Messrs C. S. APCallum, A. O’Connell, W. B. M‘Dowell, H. Stephens, A. G. Beadle, L. Higgins, J. R. King, J. M. Shanks, J. J. Craig, C. .1. Meade, R. Wilkins, L. Armstrong, B. A. Brown, K. F. Nicholson, G. Brown. B. Cook, L. Leask, S. Elliffe, P. Edgar, F. Austin, P. Jacques, J. Justice, G. APGrindle, and S. Swift.

The Provincial Committee of the League of Alothers met at the residence of Airs Charles North yesterday morning in order to give presidents and secretaries a further opportunity of discussing aspects of the work with Airs Charles White, o,f Wellington, Dominion president.

A delightful tea party was given m the Somerset Lounge on Tuesday afternoon by Airs Arthur AI. Reid, of Alelbourne. Her guests were Lady Sidey, Alesdames R. Kennedy, Troup (Wellington), Borrie, P. Cameron (Wellington), Angus Cameron, AFArthur, Vallange, O’Callaghan, L. Hobbs, T. K. S. Sidey, Isaac Jolly, A. AI. Sidey, D. Reid, Edgar Hazlett, Sandford, Cox, Burnside, Dickie, Priest, Skinner, Batham, Phillips, Hercus, and R. Ewing, and Alisses Hislop, Vallange, Alay Barron, M'Gregor (2. Wellington), and Glendinning.

The High School Ex-girls’ Club held) its first meeting for the year early in the week in the Otago AVomen’s Club. The evening was purely social, and very enjoyable. Aliss F. M. Allan presided. The ‘ first item was- an advertisement game, won by Miss Mavis Hale and Airs Knowles, and followed by a pianoforte solo by Miss Molly Rnnnerstrum, a recitation by Aliss Joy Knowles, a duet for pianoforte and violin by Alisses Elma and) Ruby White, and a recitation by Aliss Lexie Matheson. The annual ball will take place on June 3.

The Tainui Bowling Club’s pavilion was the scene of a happy gathering on the evening of Saturday last, when Air and Airs O. G. Hardwick, of Rawhiti street, entertained a number of guests, the occasion being the coming of age of Miss Jessie Leslie. The guests were received by Airs Hardwick, who wore a dress of black lacquered georgette and Frencji lace, and was assisted by Aliss Leslie, whose frock was of lacquered satin, white, emerald green, and black. At supper the birthday cake, given by Mr and Airs E. T. Sagor and decorated with 21 candles, was cut, and the toast of the guest of honour was proposed by Air Hardwick, who congratulated Aliss Leslie on attaining her majority and presented her with a bouquet and a golden key. In a happy little speech Aliss Leslj,o replied, thanking those present for their congratulations. During the evening dancing was indulged in, and an enjoyable time was spent by all. Among those present were: Air and Airs Don. Irvine, Airs J. Chambers (Wellington), Air and Airs T. E. Sagor, Mr and Airs E. Best, Air and Airs P. N. North, Air and Aire V. Perry, Air and Airs A. Rennie, Alisses Joyce Sagor, Noreen Sagor, Ngaire Clarke, Olive Darling, Evely Stevens, Agnes Beecroft, Lola Leslie, Patricia Lousier, Betty Al'Fanll, Kathleen Farrell, Nessio Aluirhead, Alessrs D. O. Hardwick (Tiraaru), D. H. Hardwick, R. Jones, T. H. Hardwick, Robson, B. Kerr (Timaru), Hunter, Al'Ewen,. B. Leslie, A. Alillar, B. Sagor, R. Gilchrist. Mount Cook Visitors. The following were recent guests at the Hermitage, Alount Cock Colonel E. W. Barrett, Aliss AI. A. Hood, Air and Airs J. Sydney-Jones, Aliss L. Trail, Airs G. Heather, Mrs E. Inman, Airs A. E. Brown, and Air R. Fielding (England), Sir John Lamb, Aliss AI. Smart, Air D. Lamb, and Air G. AI. Ure (Scotland), Air and Airs L. E. Aleyers (U.S.A.), Air and Airs Tollemacho (Alalay States), Airs J. AI. Wilson, Aliss G. Wilson, Airs R. G. Ranger, Dr and Airs A. Ping, Air and Mrs A. Steel, Airs E .Wilson, Airs A. Allen, Aliss L. Alillar, Aliss E. Perry, and. Air AI. Jukes (Auckland) Alessrs R. and J. G. Judd and Air 6. D. Gillanders (Darfield), Airs A. E. Osborne, Aliss B. Smith, Air C. B. Smith, Airs A. Miller, and Air R. B. Miller (Hamilton), Mr C. W. Anderson, Air and Airs R. G. Foreman, Alajor Huxtable, and Mr and Airs J. L. Bowman (Queensland), Mr N. C. Chesterfield and Air H, Howes (Adelaide), Air H. B. Burnside, Air Smibert, Air J. R. Stawell, and Air and Airs Luckie (Melbourne), Mr S. S. Smith, Aliss K. AlTlraith, Airs H. P. Solomon, Air and Airs J. AV. O’Brien, Air and Airs G. Alilligan, Aliss AI. L. Glasscock, and Airs E. AI. Towner (West Australia), Airs and Aliss Herrick (Hastings), Aliss D. E. Bray, Air and Mrs J. AV. Howes, Air 8. P. Wheeler, Air D. H. Hume, Air A. Buhrer, Air L. C. Brandt, Air J. Palmer, Air J. AV. Denton, Air E. Stace, and Air J. Gabities (Wellington), Aliss E. Evans, Air T. Hallen, Miss J'. B. Harris, Airs Dowling Smith, Airs AV. Foster, Airs W. Storey, Aliss Hampton, Mr and Airs R. Hampton, Air J. Graham, Aliss P. Bowring, Aliss J. Green, Airs J. lllingsworth, Air T. Hawkins, Air and Airs Dewhurst, Air and Airs S. AV. Hickmott (Christchurch), Aliss H. Alasters, Air and Airs J. T. Hobbs, Air J. Parr, Air and Airs B. Ribinson, Air and Airs J. Hanlon, and Airs D. AVilson (Timaru), Air D. APLean, Air AV. AVatson, and Air D. Green (Ashburton), Alajor and Airs S. Al'Gregor (AVaverley), Airs L. Bulloch and Air A. D. Healy (Dunedin), Air and Airs T. Alalcolm, Air and Airs AV. Kissell, Aliss N. S. Dick, Aliss AI. G. Bain, and Air I. Hutton-Potts (Invercargill), Aliss Briley (Pembroke), Air A. Grant (Fairlie)i.

Playbox Presentation. An impressive reading of Merton Hodge’s poignant play, ‘ Grief Goes Over,’ was given by Air Russell-Wood’s Playbox readers on Tuesday evening. Great interest was. taken in this play, written by a former resident of Dunedin and presented on the West End stage with Dame Sybil Thorndike in the leading role, and a large attendance greeted the performance enthusiastically. There were some striking individual interpretations, but as a team the cast was not always up to expectations, movement was often badly made, and a hesitancy on the part *of some readers to respond to their cues marred several otherwise good scenes. The best work of the evening came from Airs A. C. Stephens, Miss Alice Clarke, and Air Ken. Donaldson. Airs Stephens had a, thorough understanding of the part of the mother, and rose to considerable heights in the more emotional scenes, and gave a convincing reading of a very exacting part. As a weak drug addict, Mr Donaldson gave a sound performance, being suitably staccato in voice and movement, and investing bis lines with a moving sincerity. Aliss Clarke is blessed with an admirable voice, and her poise is unusual in an amateur. In the part of Joan she made a very good impression. Miss Betty Rhodes did good work, and Air Bruce Hav, although not up to his usual stan- ‘ oy

dard, gave an effective reading. Miss Sheila Macdonald, very well made up, did good work. Mr W. H. Matthews and Miss Freda Cubitt were natural and convincing. A good touch of comedy was provided by Miss Doris Nees, and Miss Marcia Morris lent competency to her part. Mr Ronald Forno appeared as a detective. The play was introduced by Mrs M. MacPhail. Hostesses were Mrs Cubitt. Miss F. Cubitt, and Miss Peggy Griffiths.

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Evening Star, Issue 22631, 24 April 1937, Page 24

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SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Evening Star, Issue 22631, 24 April 1937, Page 24

SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Evening Star, Issue 22631, 24 April 1937, Page 24