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Davolo Wins Jockey Club Handicap James Hazlett Cup to Wild Chase

The Dunedin Jockey Club’s, luck was right out with its Cup Meeting, for after postponing the first day’s racing to Friday a fine day on Saturday would have pulled the meeting; through to a successful result financially, but un- ' fortunately the weather was still against it. Heavy showers which commenced overnight continued throughout the morning, preventing many townsfolk from attending, and also fell at intervals throughout the afternoon. Visitors were again much in evidence, and those present were treated to an interesting afternoon’s racing. Considering the amount of ram which fell from Wednesday afternoon the course was much better than and left no . doubt regarding the splendid effect of the recently-improved drainage system. Times, . naturally, we re slow, but the heavy going did not affect the standard of the sport. Great interest was taken in the race for the Janies Hazlett Gold Cup, and the success of Sir Chas. Clifford’s colours was very popular. He started both of his three-year-old colts, and considering their first day’s form they were allowed to return a remarkably good price. In his absence his trainer, H. Cutts, again received the-handsome gold cup, donated by the members of the late Mr James Hdrlett’s family; each, year. During the afteriioon there were three races with only five starters., and in one of them only a-win dividend, the place machine, not rbeing opened, and £19.531 10s was invested, £9,525 on .the win and £10,006 10s on the pjace. as compared .with £19.547 10s on the second day last year, making the total for the meeting £36.322 10s, as against £36.808last year, £36,790 in 1935; and £32,426 in 1934. After the Abbotsford Handicap an investigation was made ,by "the stipend- ' iary .steward into the cause of Natty falling' alpout two and a-half fwritings from home. He found that Natty slipped on. to the heels of Final 8011,, thus causing "the fall, and there was no interference, the -happening, being accidental; ‘ When Natty fell in the Abobtsford v Handicap on Saturday afternoon, her rider, W. Cooper, appeared to get a. nasty spill, but beyond facial abrasions escaped injury, and was able to ride again during the afternoon. After the Waihola Handicap the ' Judicial Committee, met to consider the running of Willie Win as ctimpared with his effort in the President’s Handicap the previous day. After hearing the evidence of Mr I. L. M. Coop (owner IvlMys anchjJ. Campbell: (trainers,"''A. 13.'’Ellis (fider),‘ and W. Ctioper, A. G. Parsons, and A. Messervy, tho committee decided that the evidence did not disclose on the part of any connections of the horse to do other than win the President’s Handicap, and that the judge’s placing in the Waihola Handicap should stand. . On the evidence ihe Judicial Committee accepted the explanation of A. E. Ellis as to the handling of the horse in the race. This inquiry did not finish until 7.30. p.m. After waiting outside the totalisator house for their dividends, the backers of the placed horses were informed about 6.30 that the inquiry was likely to continue for some time and that the dividends would be paid in town to-day. Mr Giesel'er despatched the fields on Saturday from flat-footed starts, and with the exception of the two-year-old race, made good starts. The despatch in the two-year-old. race was a particularly unfortunate one, and appeared to rob Happy Night of a certain win. s The last race was just on 40 minutes late in starting, but otherwise the fixture was excellently managed, and the only regret was that bad weather robbed the club of a good financial result. Concluding results:— FLYING HANDICAP, £250; second 37. third 13. 7f., 8-8-GOLDEN DART, Mr A. M. Cameron’s b g, by Arrowsmith—Finora, aged, 7.7 (H. Hibberd) ... 1 6-6—Silk Paper, Mr M. J. Forde’s br m, 6yrs, 7.11 car. 7.8 (P. Spratt) ... 2 ' 1-I—Knockfin, Mr W. Scott’s b m, 6yrs, 8.12 (A. Russell) ... ... 3 Also started: 4-4 Epris, 8.12 (A. E. Ellis), 3-3 Locblaggan 8.0 (J. Dooley), 2-2 Half Note 7.13 car. 7.8 (H. J. Powell), 5-5 Rebel Chief 7.11 (car. 7.13 (G. Humphries), 7-7 Invoice 7.7 (A. Messervy), 9-9 Fairway 7.7 car. 7.8 (A. G. Parsons), 10-10 Song Boy 7.7 car. 7.2 (M. Caddy). Viking; Silver Sail, and Enwood were withdrawn, and Knockfin (501-612), Half Note (390-552), Lochlaggan (340436), and Epris (287-422) were the best backed. From a standing start Epris and Half Note were the smartest to jump out, but at the end of a furlong Half Note had run to the front and led Epris, Invoice, and Lochlaggan. Half Note was three-quarters of a length in front of Lochlaggan, with Silver Paper next. After rounding the far turn Silk Paper ran up to Half Note, and the pair led Lochlaggan and Invoice to the approach to the home turn. Silk Paper was first

into the straight from Rebel Chief, Half Note, Lochlaggan, and Golden Dart. At the distance Silk Paper was well clear, but opposite the members’ stand was first challenged by Knockfin, and in the last few strides Golden Dart joined in. In a splendid finish the lastnamed just got his head in front ol Silk Paper, and Knockfin was another head off third. Epris was two lengths further back fourth, with Rebel .Chief, Song Boy, and Half Note next. Time, Imin 1 32 4-ssec.

DUNEDIN JOCKEY CLUB HANDICAP, £400; second 60, third 20. Minimum weight 7.7. 1m 2sf. 1- DAVOLO, Mr P. F. Campbell’s b g by Pombal—lmprudence, 6yrs, 8.9 (R. J. Mackie) ... 1 3-3—Rebel Lad, Mr D. Grant’s 1 br g, syrs, 7.8 (A. Messervy) 2 2- —Tunneller, Mr D. M'Farlane’s bg, syrs, 8.3 (G. Humphries) 3

Also started: 7-6 M'Heath 7.12 (J. Dooley), 6-5 Amy Johnson 7.7 (H. J. Powell), 4-4 Top Notch 7.7 (A. C. Messervy), 9-9 Last Link 7.7 (W. Cooper), 5-7 Last Refrain 7.7 (G. Barclay, 8-8 Toreador 7.7 (P. Spratt). Argentic, Gay Circle, and Trivet were scratched, and Davolo (855-783), Tunneller (574-672), Rebel Lad (539670), Top Notch (379-557), and Last Refrain (149-238) were the best backed. When the field settled down Amy Johnson led MMleath, Tunneller, Rebel Lad, and Top Notch out of the straight,. Davolo ■ last, ; Passing the mile post the order was the same, and entering the; back straight Amy Johnson was just in front of M'Heath, with a gap pf dwoi lengths to Tunneller, Rebel Lad, and Top Notch. The last-named got interfered with going to the next furlong,. and ‘ then Davolo ran up into second place and followed Amy Johnson'round, the far turn, with Tunneller ■next. Davolo was first into the straight from Amy Johnson, Last Refrain, Tunneller, and Rehel Lad. In the run hoirie' Davolo drew' well clear, but over the last 50yds had to be kicked out to beat Rebel Lad by half a length: Tunneller was two lengths away third, with Last Refrain, Toreador, Top Notch, and M‘Heath next. Time, 2min--20 4-sseo. • i

PREVIOUS WINNERS. 1663—H.‘ Stafford's Ultima! aged, 6.12, 1864—Weston’s Henwiclt Lad, syr», 8.12. 4mliv 1833—Brown's Hatter, aged, 8.7 1866 J. Ulassloid’s Rambler, aged, 8.0, 3nnn 64i. 1867 J, Glasstord's Allandcr, 4yrs, 7.13, 3min BIJi 1868— J. Glasslord’s Schoolboy, aged, 8.7, 3min 665. 1803— E Devine > Captain Scott, 4yrs, 7.0. 1870— R Morton s Southern Chief,' 4yrs, 7.12 1871— R Walters’s Vatterlna, 6yrs, 9.3 .872—E Pritchard’s Gazelle, 6yrs, 7.12, 3 mm SlscC. 1873 R Uerritt’s lambourinl, 4yrs, 9;7, Imin OJsec. 1874 H. Redwood s Lurline, 4yr», 9.12, Uniin SUsec 1873—F, Oelamain’s Templeton, 4yrs, 8.13, 3mtn 18s 1870—A Buckland’s Ariel, Syrs, 0.12, SmmSOJsec 1877 H. Redwood’s Guy Fawkes, Syrs, 9.13, Smin 23Jsec 1878— R. Kay’s lempleton, aged, .10.0,' Smin 174 sec. 1873—P. Ncilson’s Fishhook, Uyrs, 9.0, Smin ISjsec 1880— Hon. W. Robinson’s Foulplay, 6yrs, 6.10, w.o. 1881— Hon. W Robinson’s Natator, Syrs, 8.4, Smin SOJsec. 1883—Sir H. Robinson’s Lady Emma, Syrs, 8.4, Smin UJsec. 1883— S. Horsfall's King Quail, aged, 7.5, Smin 8s 1884— Hon. G. M‘Lean's Lady Emma, 6yrs, 6.3, 3min lOJsec. 1885— D. O’Brien s Tasman, aged, 9.8, Smin lOjset 1886— J. Marshall s Necklace, syrs, 8.8, Smin UJsec 1887— Hon. G M‘Lean’s St. Clair, Syrs, 0.5, Smin 43Jsec. 1888— G. G. Stead s Gipsy King, Syrs, 9.2, Smin 41s 1889— E Cutis s Dudu, 4yrs, 8.11, Smin 42}sec. IBSO—H Goodman's Blizzard, Syrs, 6.2, 2min 41Js 1691—T Morrin's Hilda, 4yrs, 8.8, Smin iljsec. 1892 G. 11 Cliflord’s Crtichfield, aged, 8.0, 2mtn 42sec. 1893 H. Lunn's Clanranatd, 4yrs, 8.11, 2mm'42sec 1894 J. Stephenson’s Hippomenes, Syrs, 8.9, 2min 4lsec. 1895 J. Stephenson's Outpost, 4yrs, 7.5, Smin 401 s 1896 K Allan's Saracen, 6yrs, 8.12, Smin 48sec. 1897 Hon. G. M’Lean’s Lord Rosslyn, Syrs, 8.2, Smin 41Jsec. 1898— R Reay’s Starshot. 4yrs, 8.3, Smin 40 l-ssec 1899 F. Webb's Boreas, aged, 8.13, Smin 12 2-ssei 1900— Ellis Brothers Jupiter, 6yrs, 8.5, Smin 17 Ml 1901— Hon G M’Lean's Pampero, Syrs, 8.3, Smir 13 Msec. 1902 Sir G. Cliflord’a Cannie Chiel, 4yrs, 8.9, Imlt’ 44sec 1903 C. Machell’a Pallas, 4yrs, 8.13, Imin 46 S-ssec. 1904 Ellis Brothers Red Gauntlet, Syrs, 9.3, Smin 11 4-Ssec. 1905 J. R. Mackenzie’s Pallas, 6yrs, 8.11, Smin ISsec. 1906 J. A. Holmes’s Terrapin, aged, 8.3, Smin 14 2-ssec. 1907 H J. Searle'a Scrapiron Jack, 6yra, 7.0, Smin Usee. 1908— Nat Green’s Speculate, aged, 7.4, Smin 11 4-ssec. 1909 F. H Pyne’t Rosa Noble, 4yrs, 7.9, Smin 9 4-Ssec. / 1910— F. Hall’s Iranui, Syrs, 8.7, Smin 10 4-Ssec. 1911— F. H. Pyne’s Rose Noble, 6yrs, 8.3, Smin 8 Msec , 1912 E. Renshaw’s Routine, 6yrs, 6.8, Smin 16scc. 1913 Sir G Clifford's Brown Owl, Syrs, 7.3, Smia 19 2-ssec. 1914 J. H Prosser's Spedalform, 4yrs, 8.4, Smin 8 4-ssec. 1913—J. Grigg's First Glance, Syrs, 9.3, Smin Bsec. 1916 F. A. and V N. Price’s Rorke’s Drift, 4yrs, 8.11. Smin 8 3-ssec. 1917 Sir G. Cliflord’s Adjutant, 4yrs, 8.11, Smin 7 2-ssec 1918— J. B. Reid’s Killard, 4yrs, 7.0, Smin 7 Msec 1919 H. Whitney’s Rose Pink, Syrs, 7.13, Smin Bs 1920 A. M'Donald’s Rose Wreath, Syrs, 7.9, Smin 7 l-ssec 1921 A. G. Hill’s Unden, aged, 7.0, Smin Bsec. 1922 R. Acton-Adams’s General Advance, 6yrs, 8.0, Smin 6 Msec. 1923 Sir G. Clifford’s Scrimmage, Syrs, 8.3, Imin 8 Msec. 1924 G. Clifford’s Winning Hit. Byrs, 8.4. Smin 6 4-Ssec. 1925 R. Graham’s Deucalion, aged, 8.6, Smin Bsec. 1020—Mrs R B Stiven’s Baldowa, 6yrs, 9.0, Smin llsec. 1927 J. Lindsay’s John Bradbury, 4yrs, 7.12, Smin 6 Msec. 1928 J. Graham’s Queen Balboa, aged, 8.0 Smin 9 Msec 1983—J. A Ainge a Pink Note, 6yrs, 9.0, Imin 10 2-Sscl 1930 J. W Lowes Glare, 4yrs, 8.8, Smin b Msec. 1931 G. R. Hunter s Topere, Syrs, 7.21, 2mln 1933 J. L. Hannon's Red Sea, 6yrs, 8.6, Smin 7 Msec 193 J-H. A. Knight’s Shatter, Syrs, 8.0, Smin 6 2-S ec. . , 1934 F. C. Price’s The Signaller, aged, 8.5. Smin d 3-osec. 1035—A. Bebnn Silver Sight, syrs, 7.4, 2min 6sec. 1936—A. H. Fisher’s Tizzy, Syrs, 7.6, Smin 6 4-ssec. ABBOTSFORD HANDICAP. . £l5O ; second 22, third 8. Hack conditions. 7f. 3-4—ROBANT, Mr J. T. Beard’s hr in, by Robespierre—Antagonist mare, aged, 7.11 (G. Barclay) ... 1 1-I—Barley Almond, Mr J. Richards’s b m, 4yrs, 9.0 (A. E. Ellis) , 2 8-s—New Note, Mr A. S. M'Kay’s blk g, syrs, 8.4, car. 8.1 (P. Spratt) 3 Also started: 5-6 Superex 8.11 (J. W. Jennings). 4-3 Golden Vision 8.6 car. 8-1 (M. Caddvl 7-7 Alma 8.6 (A. E. Didham), 12-12 Final Bell 8.2 (J. Jenkins), 11-11 Violenta 7.13 (G. Tumphries), 2-2 hiatus 7.11 (A. G. ’arsons), 10-10 Trumpet Blast 7.10 (J. looley), 6-9 Roseman 7.9 car. 7.7-j (H. ■J Powell), 9-8 Natty 7.7 (W. Cooper). Palmyra and Jericho Jane wore withdrawn, and Barley Almond (967-708),

Mutus (407-600), Robant (250-434), Golden Vision (245-439), and Superex (140-208) were the best backed. Violenta gave a lot of trouble at the start, and was left several lengths when the barrier rose. Golden Vision and New Note were the first to show out, but after going a furlong Final Bell just showed his nose in front of Roseman, with Half Note next. At the far turn. New Note was. just in front of Roseman and Golden Vision, and Mutus was at the head of the others. Halfway across tho top New Note was half a length in front of Roseman, with Roban't and Barley Almond next. New Note was first into the straight from Robant, Roseman, and Barley Almond. Then Robant took charge, and ran home a comfortable winner by a length from Barley Almond, who beat New Note three lengths. Golden Vision, Superex, Mutus, and Roseman were next. Time, Imin 34 2-ssec. ,

JAMES HAZLETT GOLD CUP, £450 (including cup valued at £100); second 67, third 23. For three-year-olds. Weight-for age. Im. I—WILD CHASE. Sir Charles Clifford’s hr c, by Paper Money— Wild Hind, 3yrs, 9.1 (G. Humphries) 1 I—Paper Slipper, Sir Charles Clifford’s br c, bv Paper Monev— Shuffle. 3yrs. 9.1 (A. E. Ellis) 2 3—Queen of Song. Mr P. T. Hogan’s b m, by Songbird—Differential. syrs, 9.3 (J. W. Jennings) . 3 Also started: 2 Gold Boa 9.7 (R. J. Mackie), 4 Osculate 9.1 (W. M'Ewen). All started, and tho Clifford bracket (2,179) was sent out a hot odds-on chance, with Gold Boa the best fancied of the others. From a perfect start Gold Boa led out from Paper Slipper; and they quickly drew out four lengths in front of Wild Chase. Gold Boa continued to lead Paper Slipper until half a mile had been covered. With three furlongs to go Paper Slipper took charge, and a little further on Wild Chase ran into second pi ace._ Paper Slipper was first into the straight from Wild Chase, but at the distance the latter was on terms with his stablemate and beat him home three lengths. Queen of Song was five lengths away third, with Osculate seven lengths off fourth. Time, Imin 45sec. PREVIOUS WINNERS. 1914 L. C. Hazlett’* Sister Radius. Imin 28 I*ssec 1915 C. G. Dalgety’s Warstep, Imin 82 l-sscc. 191(5—Mr Highden’s Panmure, Imin 31 2-ssec 1917 G. L. Stead’s Koesian, Imin 28sec1918— D.H Roberts’s Fiery Gross. Imin 89 i*se«c 1919 I B Reid’s Punka. Imin 42 t-ssec. 1920 F. S Easton's Amvtha.s Imin 40l*5see. 1921 F. Johnston and R. Rutherford’s Cashmere, Imin 41sec I^2— Sin G Clifford's'Winning Hit. Imin 89 I-Sscc [92^— W A Nicholfs’s Manny Kittle, Imin 42 26» ;«24-F D Jones’s Murihaupo, Imin 88 4’s«ec 1925 Clarkson and Pearson’s Red Wink, Imla 40 l»ssec. 1926 Chisholm and Macdonald’s Glentruin, Imin 43sec. 1927 R. M Greenslade’s Countersign, Imin 46 2-ssec. 1928 H A ‘Knight’s Limerick, Imin 44 1-Ssce. .1929—George Paul’s Aussie, Imin 44sec 1930 A LouissonV Nightmarch, limn 40 8-ssec. 1931 R. R. McDonald's Compensation, Imin Msec. 1933 Sir Chas. Clifford’s Cricket Bat, Imin 18 4-ssec. ’■l93B—K,.T. Cush’s Silver Scorn. Imin 28 2-ss«c. 1934 Est. D [Fraser’s Silver Ring, Imin 41 3-sec. 1935 J. A. M’Dougal s Nightly, Imin 41 2»sscc. 1936 A. H. Walton’s Silver Ring, Imin 38 2-ssec. .. (track record).' From 1914 to 1917, and in 1931 and 1933 ths distance was seven furlongs.

WAIHOLA. HANDICAP, £250; second 37. third 13. Hack conditions. 1m 2if. 3-3-WILLIE WIN, Mr I. L. M. Coop’s br g by Polazel—Miss Florence, syrs. '9.1 (A. E. Ellis) 1 2-2—Galleon, Mr A. Clark’s ch g, syrs, 8.13 (J. W. Jennings) 2 1-1: —High Glee, Mr J. A, White’s br, f g, Cyrs, 9.0 (R. J. Mackie) 3

Also started: 4-4 Cerno Abbas 8.8. (A. Russell), 5-5 Recollection 8.0 (A. G. Parsons), 6-6 Latitude 7.11 car. 7.8 (P Spratt), 8-8 Fireguard 7.8 (G. Barclay), 9- Hanlon 7.7 car. 7.2 (M. Caddy). 10- Green Boa 7.7 (W. Cooper), 7-7 Waltham 7.7 (H. Hibberd). Barley Almond, Trebleack, and Ardchoille were scratched, and High Glee (1,057-885), Galleon (776-786), Willie Win (721-653), and Cerne Abbas (612571) were the best fancied. From a good line Willie Win was the, first to show, but gave way to. Fireguard, Hanlon, and Latitude going out of the straight, and this trio led Recollection and Galleon into the back stretch. Passing the six-furlong post Latitude was racing a length clear from Fireguard and Hanlon, with Recollect tion, Galleon, and Willie Win handy. This was also the order racing round the far turn; then the favourite began to move up, but just opposite the water jump he appeared to get on to another horse’s heels' and had to be checked, losing several lengths. Willie Win was in charge across the top from Fireguard. Galleon, and Recollection, and first into the straight, followed by Recollection, Hanlon, Galleon, and Fireguard, with Cerne Abbas and High Glee next. At the distance Willie Win drew right away and won easily by four lengths from Galleon, with High Glee two lengths further back third. Cerne Abbas was. close up fourth, followed by Recollection. Fireguard, and Hanlon. Time, 2min 23sec. CANTERBURY PARK TROTS WAR BUOY WINS BIG HANDICAP The Canterbury Park Trotting Club’s Autumn Meeting was held in showery weather. The attendance was poor. The course was heavy. The totalisator investments amounted to £18,746, compared with £19,289 10s last year. PROGRESSIVE HANDICAP, £l5O. Ijm. 6- KIPPAGH, 12yds (W. Shcllock) 1 1-I—Sonoma King, 12 (J. Pringle) 2 7- Indolen, 24 (S. O. Wright) ... 3 Also started; 5-6 Gaynor It, 7-12 Harvest Dillon It, 9-5 Renegade 12yds, 4- Bosun 12, 10-10 Walter Wrack 12, 10-11 Calm Queen 24, 2-2 Guy Hugo 24, 3-3 San Michele 48, 10-8 Sister Mary 48. . . Won by a length, with eight lengths between second and third. San Michele was fourth. Times: 3min 48 2-ssec, 3min 48 3-ssec, 3min 53 3-ssec. TELEGRAPH HANDICAP. £175. Im. 3- HAPPY KNIGHT, 12yds. , (H. Marshall) 1 1- Worthy King, 24 (G. Caddy) 2 5- —Golden Cross It (G. Mouritz) 3 Also started: 4-4 Craganour 36yds, 6- Wilbur White It, 3-1 Royal Comrade 24 bracketed with Happy Knight, 2- Subsidy 24. Won by three lengths. Wilbur White was fourth. Time's: 2min 17 "4-ssec, 2min 17sec, 2min 19 4-ssec. PAPARUA'HANDICAP, £450. 2m. 1— WAR BUOY, 36yds (M. Stewart) 1’ 2 Gunfire, It (R. Townly, jun.) ... 2 4 Recess, It (J. Brice, jun.) ... 3 Also started: 3 Queen Author It. Queen Author was followed past the stands by War Buoy, Gunfire, and Recess. With another round covered the

order wns the same, but War Buoy took charge at the half-mile to record an easy°win by 10 lengths from Gunfire, with Recess 100yds away. Times: smin 4sec, smin llsec, smin 20sec. PIONEER HANDICAP, £173. IJm, 3-4—RED FLYER, It (J. Lattimore) 1 I.2—Ma Waro, It (D. C. Watts 1 ... 2 s.s_Mystery Yet, 48yds (Jr Pringle) 3 Also started:' 4-3 Monty Chimes It, 2-1 Navy Blue 48yds. . Won by ‘ three lengths, with two lengths between second and third. Monty Chimes was fourth. Times: 3roin 8 4-ssec, 3min 9 l-ssec, 3min 5 4-ssec. ADVANCE HANDICAP, £2OO. 1m 5f 1-2—VILLAGE GUY, 12yds (O. E. Hooper) 1 5_5 —Chancellor, 12 (J. Fraser, jun.) 2 6-6—Aristotle, It (R. Motz) 3 Also started: 2-1 Happy Knight It and Young Frank 24yds bracketed, 4-4 Mocast It, 3-3 Isabel Derby 24yds. Won by two lengths each way. Mocast was fourth. Times: 4min 4sec, 4min 4 2-ssec, 4min 5 4-ssec.

STROWAN HANDICAP, £175. 2m. 1-I—GREAT ADMIRAL, 24yds (J. Fraser, jun.) 1 4- —Amonos, 12 (W. Barron) ... 2 7-6 —Sandy N., 36 (R. Motz) ... 3 Also started: 6-7 Don Chenault It, 5- Kirig’s Guard It, 2-2 Canton 24yds, 3-4 Garner 36, 8-8 Koro Peter 48. Won by two lengths each way; King’s Guard was fourth. Times: smin 15scc, smin 16 2-ssec, smin 14 4-ssec.

HAREWOOD HANDICAP, £175. Urn 1-D--U SCOTT, it (R. Townley, jun.) 4-4 —Play On, 12yds (M. C. M‘Tigue) 8-B—Raider, It (J. Bell, jun.) ... t

Also started: 7-9 Brigadier It, 5-5 Irish Peach It, 9-7 Monty Chimes It, 3-3 Sage King It and Harlequin It (bracketed!, b-6 Sky Wink It, Credit Funds 12yds. Won by ■ three lengths; with eight lengths between second and third. Credit Funds was fourth. Times: 3mm 43sec, 3mia 43sec, Smin 46sec.

AU REVOIR HANDICAP £3OO. lira. 3- LLEWELLYN’S PRIDE, It (G. M'Kendry) ... J 2-3—War Buoy, It (M. Stewart) ... 2 4- —Guy Junior, 12yds (S. A. Edwards) 3

Also started: 7-8 Gunfire It, 1-1 Bonny Azure It, 8-7 Grace JlLhvyn 12yds, 10-11 Queen Author 12, 9-9 Gold Country 12, 6-5 Bingen Palm 24, 11-10 Gold Tinge 24, 12-12 George Key 24, 5- Reporter 24. Passing the stands Llewellyn’s Pride had charge from Gunfire, Grace M'Elwyn, Queen Author, Gold Country, and Guy Junior. Llewellyn’s Pride and Gunfire were the leaders going down the back for Llewellyn’s Pride to lead into the straight from Gunfire, Gold Country, War Buoy, and Guy Junior. Llewellyn’s Pride stayed on to win by two lengths from War 'Buoy, with Guy Junior three lengths away and Gold Country fourth. Times : 2min 59 3-sseo, 2min 59 l-ssec, 2min 59 3-ssec. ROTORUA CUP ARMACmi'S EASY WIH The Rotorua Racing Club’s Annual Meeting was opened in fair weather, although passing showers made conditions at times unpleasant. . The tis<& was slightly holding There was a good attendance, and the totalisator handled £25,058 10s, against £19,174 10s on the first day last year, an increase of £5,884. POHUTU HIGH-WEIGHT HANOI- , CAP, £l5O. 1m and 130yds. 1- CALCUTTA, 10.2 (Day) ... ... 1 7-7—English Night, 9.0 (Baker) ... 2 6- —Diacquecloon, 9.1 (Gilmer) ... 3 Also started: 8-10 Keith Lu 10.9, 5-5 Valpai 10.9, 4-4 Lilbert 10.2, 10-8 Master Musk 9.12, 3-3 Modern Maid 9.9, 2- Bon Star 9.7, 11-11 Miss Musketoon 9.0, 9-9 Swift Spear 9.0. Won by three length, with a neck between second and third. Time, Imin 51 2-ssec. WAIMANGU STAKES, £l3O. About 6f. M_JACK TAR, 8.7 (Wiggins) ... 1 4.4 —Haiile Boy, 8.7 (M'Laughlm) 2 7- —Lady Meath, 8.7 (Goldsbro) ... 3 Also started; 8-8 Aces Up 8.7, 5-5 Ureklaw 8.7, 3-3 Very Glad 8.7, 6-6 Trako Rose 8.7, 2-X Raepata 8.7, Won by half a length each way. Time, Imin 17sec. MOKOIA HACK HANDICAP, £l4O. 6f and 30yds. 2- LADY DIANA, 8.6 (Goldsbro) 1 7- —Valrent, 8.6 (M'lnally) ... 2 5- Prince Rangi, 7.8 (Horne) ... 3 Also started: 4-5 Palustro 9.2, 6-6 Professional 8.12, 3-3 Racemosus 8.4, 8- Killadar 8.5, 9-9 Ford Acre 7.9, 1- Glen Abb 7.9, 10-10 British Isles 7.7. Won by a length and a-quarter, with a neck between second and third. Time, Imin 17 l-ssec. ROTORUA CUP, £340. IJm. 4.4_ARMACOURT, 8.0 (Cameron) 1 3- Lagoon, 8.11 (Preston) ... ... 2 6- Miss Lu, 8.7 (Horne) ... .... 3 Also started: 2-2 Dark Shadow' 9.0, 5-5 Sinking Fund 8.11, 1-1 Tybalt 8.11, 8- Gay Broney 8.4, 9-9 Kilberis 7.8, 7- Sergia 7.7. Won by a length and a-quarter, with a head betw’een second and third. Time, 2min 8 l-ssec. Sinking Fund was fourth. HOT SPRINGS HANDICAP, £l3O. 6f and 30yds. 2- STRATHIRE. 9.2 (Goldfinch) 1 3- Tidewater, 7.9 (Wiggins) ... 2 5- —Racing Lady, 7.7 (Darrick) ... 3 Also started: 1-1 Raepata 8.7, 6-6 Shining Spear 8.5, 10-10 Queen Lu 7.8, 9- Erlick 7.7, 7-9 Inquisitor 7.7, 8-7 Maungakow'hai 7.7, 4-4 Ngakuru 7.7, 12-12 Spear Lassie 7.7, 11-11 Smiling Thru 7.7. Won by a neck, with a head between second and third. Time, Imin 18 l-ssec. GEYSER HACK HANDICAP, £l4O. 1m and 130yds. 2-2—SURVOY, 8.6 (C. G. Goldsbro) .1 4- —Racemosus, 8.4 (Winder) ... 2 6- —Valpai, 8.9 (Horne) 3 Also started: 1-1 Respectful 9.2, 5-4 Poker Face 7.7, 5-5 Lady Siegfried 7.7, 8- Erination 7.7, 7-8 Lady England 7.7. Won by half a head, with half a length between second and third. Time, Imin 51see. ARAWA PARK STAKES, £l3O. sf. 2-I—TRILLIARCH, 8.6 (M'Konzie) 1 7- —Miss Te Koura, 8.5 (C. L. Goldsbro) ... 2 5- —May Song, 9.4 (M'Laughlin) ... 3 Also started: 3-3 Airam 8.13, 1-2 I Tavern Song 8.8, S-8 Lone Flier 8.5, I 4-4 Ron of the Soil 8.2. 0-5 Raccline 7.8. 9-9 Town Section 7.7.

Won by a head, with half a length between second and third. Time, Imin 2 3-ssec. TOURIST HANDICAP, £2OO. 6f and 130yds. 6- CROONING, 8.1 (Murray) ... 1 8-S—Mungacre, 7.13 (Tremain) ... 2 5-3—Solaria, 7.12 (Fearn) 3 Also started: 2-6 Triune 9.2, 1-1 Bouriial 8.5, 10-10 Pukeko 8.1, 4-5 Bellkyrian 7.11, 12-12 King Ford 7.7, 11-11 Tin Lap 7.7, 3-2 King Neptune 7- 9-9 Lady Ruler 7.7, 7-7 Rulette 7 7 Won by a neck. Time, Imin 16 3-5 sec.

POVERTY BAY T.C. DE FRIEND WINS THE STAKES The most successful race meeting held in Poverty Bay for many years eventuated when the Poverty Bay Turf Club concluded its summer fixture. The weather was fine until the last race, when a shower fell. The going was good. The totalisator investments for the day more than doubled the amount on the corresponding day last year, be--in<r £8,728 10s, against £4,326 10s, an increase of £4,402. The total for the meeting was £14,113, against £7,121 last year, an increase of £6,992. After an inquiry by the stewards, J. Walsh, the rider of Tycoon, was suspended for one month for interference to (Blygaiu in the Harbour Hack Handicap on the first day. SECOND HURDLES, £9O. IJm. 2 JAZZ KING, 11.0 (Lord) ... 1 I—Royal Mimic, 9.0 (Kowhai) ... 2 3 Summerhill, 10.3 (Mr H. Dodds) 3 The only starters. Won by a length, with eight lengths between second and third.. Time, 3min 15 4-ssec. COOK HACK HANDICAP, £BS. 6f. 1— HUNTETTE, 8.9 (Atkins) ... 1 4 Blygain, 8.10 (Marsh) ... ... 2 6—Tycoon, 8.13 (Walsh) 3 Also started: 3 Gay Hunter 9.10, 7 Collision 8.12, 5 Brown Lap 8.7, 2 Royal Minstrel 8.7., _ Won by a neck, with a neck between second and third. Gay Hunter was fourth. Time, Imin Msec. TRIAL HANDICAP, £75. 6f. 2 HINEPIT, 7.7. (Marsh) 1 B—Jog Louis, 7.7 (Forsyth) 2 3 Jaybird, 7.10 (Anderson) 3 Also started; 1 Hunting Step 8.4, 4 Shani 7,7, 9 Miss Dawn 7.7, 5 Ihu 7.7, 10 Huntnig Crop 7.7, 7 Mailman 7.7, 6 Mahala 7.7. Won by two lengths and a-half, with u neqk between second and third. Hunting Crop was fourth. Time, Imin 13 4-ssee. TURANGA STAKES, £l4O, IJm. SDE FRIEND, 8.4 (Callahan) ... 1 s—Gasman, 7.2 (Dornan) 2 1— Big Dook 10.1 (Atkins) 3 Also started: Pennycomequick 8.7, 5 Lordly Knight 7.12, C. Bothwell 7.7, 7 Wasteland 7.7. Won by a length, with half a length between second and . third. Lordly Knight was fourth. Time, 2min Bsec. HACK CUP, £lO5. Im. 5 QUAINT, 8.1 (Callahan) 1 2 Lucullus Lad, 9.0 (Marsh) ... 2 6 Happy Hunting, 8.3 (Dornan) 3 Also started: 1 Skywink 8.10, 8 Tractile 8.3, 7 Minnow 8.2, 4 Silver River 7.11- 3 Wananga 7.10, 9 Uaia 7.7. Won by half a length, with a head between second and third. Wananga was fourth. Time, Imin 41 2-ssec. G. B. OMAN MEMORIAL STAKES, £BS. 6f. . 2 GAY HUNTER, 9.4 (Anderson) 1 I—Golden Blonde, 8.6 (Atkins) ... 2 3 Perfect Lady, 8.11 (Forsyth) ... 3 Also started; 4 Peter Piper 8.4. Won by a head, with two lengths between second and third. Time, Imin 14 l-ssec. FAREWELL HANDICAP, £9O. 6f. 3 BLACK THREAD, 7.5 (Dornan) 1 4 Blygain, 7.7 (Marsh) • 2 I—Hunting Mars, 8.13 (Shields) ... 3 Also started; 2 Legatee 9.6, 5 Gasman 7.7. Won by one length and a-quarter, with a neck between second and third. Legatee was fourth. Time, Imin 13 1-5 sec. E6MOKT R.C. , STAKES TD FRIESLAND For th© concluding day of the Egmont Racing Club’s Summer Meeting' the course was holding. The totalisator handled £20,720, compared with £12,266 on the second day last year, making the total for the meeting £27,350, compared with £25,395. OKAIAWA HURDLES, £l3O. l}m. 1- RUAFORM, 10.10 (C. Thompson) \1 2- —Don Erma, 10.6 (A. Jenkins) 2 3- —Bazaine, 9.13 (C. M'Govern) ... 3 Also started: 5-5 Beau Star 9.13, 4-4 Forest Glow 9.12 (fell), 6-6 King Pluto car, 9.9 (fell). Won by two lengths, with four lengths between second and third. Time, 2niin 50 2-ssec. WAIMATE HANDICAP, £l6O. 6f. 3—GOLD MISSION, 7.11 (R. J. Flower) 1 1— Clessamor, 8.3 (L. Clifford) ... 2 2 Notium, car. 8.3 (C. Cole) ... 3 Also started: 4 Symcony 7.10. Won by a length and a-half, with three-quarters of a length between second and third. Time, Imin 16 4-ssec. MEREMERE HACK HANDICAP. £l3O. 6f. 1- HOPE, 8.9 (B. H. Morris) 1 3 —Maestro, 8.7 (P. Burgess) ... 2 2- —Export, car. 8.8 (P. Williams) 3 Also started: 4-4 Airing 9.0, 5-5 Imposture 7.13, 6-6 Etiquette car. 7.10. Won by a neck, with four lengths between second and third. Time. Imin 16 l-ssec. TONKS STAKES, £275. 9f. 2-2—FRIESLAND, car. 7.9 (L. Mould ey) 1 3_3 —One Whetu, 8.7 (L. Clifford) 2 7 —Spiral, 8.8 (E. Peck) 3 Also started: 1-1 Dungarvan 9.0, 6-5 Hazoor 8.6, 4-4 Grateful 7.13, 5-7 Master Cyklon 7.7, 9-8 Tout le Monde car. 7.2. 8-9 Windscreen car. 7.9}. Won by three-quarters of a length, with half a head between second and third. Time, Imin 57sec. ELECTRIC HANDICAP, £l2O. sf. 1- WILDFLOWER, 8.4 (Norris) 1 2- —Seaham, car. 7.9 (Savage) ... 2 6-6—-Trim, car. 7.8 (Broughton) ... 3 Also started: 3-3 Ripple 7.11, 5-5 Licken 7.9, 4-4 Pantoon 7.7. 9-9 Vadanoo 7.7, 7-7 Fairv Dale 7,7, 8 8 Gay Maiioucito cat'. 7.9.

Won by five lengths, with a length between second and third. Time, Imin 3sec.

NORMANBY HANDICAP, £l5O. B}f. 1- BRAZEN KING, 8.6 (Clifford) 1 2- Le Grand, 8.3 (Burgess) ... ... 2 5- Black Friar, 8.0 (Broughton) 3 Also started: 3-3 Bantry 8.2, 4-4 Corow a 8.0, , ~ Won by two lengths, with one length between second and third. Timo, Imm 50 2-ssec. TRIAL HACK HANDICAP, £l2O. sf. 2-3—COLLEEN GAIN, 8.9 (Green) 1 1- —Kentucky Song, 8.11 (Savage) 2 4-4—Kia Ora, 9.0 (Morris) 3 Also started: 3-2 Gay Step 8.7, 9-9 Valroy 8.7 7-8 Serviette 8.7, o-6 Ohanga car. 8.2, 8-7 Royal Fire car. 8.8, 6-5 Nugget car. 8.2, 10-10 Koura Rua 8.7. , . , Won by a neck, with a short bead between second and third. Time, Imin 3 4-ssec. INAHA HACK HANDICAP, £l3O. 7f. 2- EARL COLOSSUS, car. 7.12 (Williams) \ 7-7—Bonny Glow, 7.10 (H. Savage) 2 9- —Autumn Leaf, 7.11 (C. Tattersail) ... 3 Also started; 3-1 Convivial 9.2, 4-4 Calshot 8.9, 1-2 Sanhedrim 8.8, 6-6 Student Prince car. 8.3, 5-5 International 7.13, 8-9 Arahura car. 7.8}, 10- Naughty Marietta 7.7. Won by a head, with a head between second and third. Time, Imin 30 3AUCKLAND TROTS STAR PRONTO WINS CHIEF EVENT DEAD HEAT IN MEMORIAL The Auckland Trotting Club’s February Meeting was opened at Epsom in showery weather, and the attendance was 7,000. The track was in good order. The totalisator handled £21,971, compared with £19,194 last year. TRIAL HANDICAP, £l4O. l}m. l-I—LISTOWEL, It (Mackle) ... 1 o.g—Pink Lady, It (Paton) ... ... 2 6- All Special, 12yds (G. 1. Mitchell 3 Also started: 13-15 Dick Redmond It, 5-8 Golden Maid It, 12-13 Go Nap It 17-17‘Heather Glow It, 2-2 Lady Bunker It, 11-11 Nelson Carbine It, 3-3 Querids It, 8-10 Real Red It, 13-11 Rita’s Triumph It, 15-8 Baby Triumph 36yds, 4-6 Colleen Murphy 48, 7-4 Waskasu 48, 16-14 Win Huon 84, 18-18 Great Sonoma 103, 10-5 Vain Lad 108. Won by half a length, with six lengths between second and third. Times: 3mip 36seo, 3min 36 l-ssec, 3min 39 3-ssec. WAIHEKE HANDICAP, £l4O. l*m 1-1 —OUR PEGGY, It , (R. B, s,4—Handicapper, 12yds (A. Bryce) ••• .••• * 11- Forest Jewel, It (L. Mit* obeli) ... ... 3 Also started: 3-2 Accel It, 10-12 Bronze King It, 2-3 Eyrie It, 12-6 Gloster it, 16-15 Gold Pointer It, 9-9 Hori Bingen It, 14-13 John’s Last - It, 15-15 Joyce Worthy It, 8-8 Roman Chief It, 4-5 Scrap Iron’lt, 6-10 Sequoia R, 7-7 Worthy Bong It, 13-14 Hearsay 36yds. . 1 , Won by a length, w;ith ha.f a length between second and’ third, 'limesj 2min 55sec, 2mia 54 2-ssec, 2mm 60 3- ‘ (’ OTAHUHU HANDICAP, £3OO. 2m. 4- STAR PRONTO, It (Dyer) ... 1 1-I—Lucky Jack, 12yds (Berry) ... 2 5- Lady Fame, 12 (W. A. Brough-, ton) 3 Also started: 3-3 Frisco Lady It, 2-2 King’s Guide 12yds, 6-5 Our M‘Kinney 12, 7-7 Willie Derby 60. Won by a long neck, with a length and a-quarter between second and third. Times: 4min 36 3-ssec, 4min 35 4-ssec, 4min 36 l-6sec. Star Pronto held the field in check until the last half-mile,_ when the pace was increased, with Frisco Lady, Our M'Kinney, and King's Guide following, fhe order was una.tered as they entered the straight the last time, Star Pronto staying on to win by a long neck. Lady Fame was a fair third, one length and*a-quarter back. Our M‘Kinney was fourth, well in the rear. B. Dyer, the driver of Star Pronto, was fined £lO for interference. RAILWAY HANDICAP, £l5O. l}m. 3-2—FRANK BEST, ' 12yds (F. J. Smith) 1 1-4—King Country, It (Broughton) 2 6- —Kenworthy, 36 (Cutts) 3 Also started: 13-13 Great Fame It, 7- Kewpie’s Crest It, 5-3 Lucky Love It, 4-5 Munga Tangi It, 9-8 Sir Frank It, 12-11 Whakahini It, 8-9 Compass 12yds, 2-1 Happi 12, 14-14 Lady Amanda 24, 11-ll Spessiva 24, 10-10 Luminate 36. Won by half a length, with a neck between second and third. Times : 3rain 25 3-ssec, 3miu 26 4-ssec, Smin 24sec. FEBRUARY HANDICAP, £l6O. 2m. 7- MOUNTAIN SUN, 12yds (Fleming) _ ... 1 8- —Great Sonoma, It (Morrison) 2 10- —Mute, It (Robertson). ,3 Also started: 9-9 Impostor It, 6-6 Ando Patch 12yds, 2-3 Debutante 12, 1-1 Swordsman It, 3-2 Te Kahu 12, 11- Roi Grande 24, 4-4 Gala Day S 3, 6-5 Meadow King 120. Won by three lengths, with a head between second and third. Times: 4min 41 3-ssec, 4min 44sec, 4min 44 1MOUNT ALBERT HANDICAP, £145. l}m. 3- ROYAL JEWEL, It (Robertson) 1 6-B—Bedford, It (Herring, jun.) ... ; 2 2- —Claudelands, It (Wood) 3 Also started; 12-12 Dainty Lady It, 8-7 Ranfurly Lass It, 1-1 Musketeer 12yds (bracketed with Mountain Flight), 5-4 Superfine 12, 7-5 True Trust 12. 11-11 King’s Knight 24, 10-10 Norrie Rock 24, 9-9 Our Summer 24, 4- Bismuth 36. Won by three-quarters of a length, with a length and a-half between second and third. Times: 3m>n 39 2-ssec, 3min 30 4-ssec, 3min 31 2-ssec. PAPAKURA HANDICAP, £l6O. l}m. 2-2 KEWPIE’S KING, 12yds (Goodall) , 1 5- —Guid Hairst, It (Clifton) ..; ... 2 6- —lronside, 48 (Robertson) 3 Also started: 4-4 General Sarsfield It, 1-1 Great Jewel It, 8-8 Luminate It, 3-3 Tollgate It, 9-9 Gumdigger 12yds, 7-7 Silver Watch 12. . . , Won by two lengths, with-six lengths between second and third. Times: Smin 22 l-ssec. Smin 24sec, Smin 23 4-ssee. C. H. Goodall, the driver of Kewpie’s King, wns fined £2 for unnecessarily flourishing his whip.

MOSS DAVIS HANDICAP, £2OO. l}m. 2-2—. GOLD DREDGE, scr (Clifton) t. 1-I—NERVIE’S LAST, 24yds (F. J. Smith) t 4-3—Our M‘Kinney, 12 (Vemall) ... 3 Also started: 3-4 Ringtrue It, 6-6 Pukemiro 12yds, 5-5 Jackie Thorpe 24, 7-7 Auto Machine 36. A dead heat, with the third horse two lengths and a-half away. Times: 2min 48sec, 2min 46sec, 2min 48 3-ssec. Gold Dredge essayed to win all the way, but had to snare honours with Nervie’s Last, who broke at the start and came up on the rails three' furlongs from home. Our M‘Kinney was two lengths and a-half away third, and Ringtrue fourth. REHANOICAPS WINTON Following are the rehandicaps for the Winton meeting:— Winton Cup.—Golden Dart 8.5. Tradesmen’s Handicap.—Linguist 8.8, Golden Dart 8.7. WOODVILLE Following are the Woodvillo rehandicaps : President’s Handicap.—Sansfoy 9.6, Royal Minstrel 7.13. County Hack Handicap.—Sansfoy 9.7, Colleen Gaia 7.10. AURIE’S STAR BREAKS RECORD V.A.T.C. MEETING CUDDLE UNPLACED Press Association—By Telegraph —Copyright MELBOURNE, February 14. Aurie’s Star won the Oakleigh Plate at the Victoria Amateur Turf Club’s meeting at Caulfield by five lengths, and broke the Australasian record by a ,quarter of a second. Aurie’s Star demoralised the field, and is described as one of the fastest horses ever seen on a Melbourne course. Golden Promise, who has gained his best form, won the Bond Handicap, making amends for his failures in important. races in the spring and summer. Viceroy was close third. Upoko Ariki, who was much could do no better than fourth. Cuddle was beaten out of a place in the St, George Stakes. _ In this event nothing had a chance with Young. Idea in the run home, and he won easily by five lengths from Hostile, who was disqualified owing to losing a lead bag. The principal events resulted:— FEDERAL STAKES, £750. sf. AJAX, 8.5 (M'Carten) 1 Sweet Memories, 9.0 (Dewhurst) ... 2 Lochlee, 9.8 (Badger) ■ ... 3 Twenty started. Won by a length and a-quarter, with half a head between second and third. Time, 49Jsec, a course record. BOND HANDICAP,. £I,OOO. lm, 3f. GOLDEN PROMISE, 9.5 (Skidmore) 1 Benthos, 7.7 (Simmonds) 2 Viceroy, 7.8 (W. Cook) ... ... A.. 3 started, including Upoko Ariki. Time, 2min 17|sec. OAKLEIGH PLATE, £1,500. sif. AURIE’S STAR, 8.4 (Elliott) ... 1 Beechwood, 8.11 (Badger) ... ... 2 Phenomenon, 8.2 (Bastion) ... ... 3 All 14 started, Hadrian set the pace for the first furlong, when Aurio’s Star took command, cleared right away when heads were turned for home, and won by five lengths, with a neck between second and third. Master Motley was fourth, and Regular Bachelor fifth ._ Then came Great Legend. Time, Imin 4Jsec, an Australasian record.

ST. GEORGE STAKES, £750. Ira If. YOUNG IDEA, 9.10 (Munro) 1 Plymouth Souv d, 9.12 (Webster) ... 2 Prince Quex, 8.13 (O’Brien) 3 The others were Cuddle, Hostile. Prince Scion, Conandale, Peerage, and Humorist. Cuddle was in the lead at the homo turn, where Young Idea took charge, closely followed by Plymouth Sound and Hostile. Young Idea won by half a length from Hostile, who was disqualified for losing a lead bag a few yards from the winning post. Plymouth Sound, who was 'a head away, was placed second and Prince Quex third. Time. Imin SOJsec. Cuddle was ridden by M'Carten, owing to L. J. Ellis’S eye injury. Cheque was unplaced in the Salisbury Welter Handicap, and Barnum w|s unplaced in the Warrein Hurdle Race. The unbeaten two-year-old Lynch Law may have to be thrown out of work owing to a severe jar to one of his fore joints, where there is a considerable swelling, for which a rest will be essential. His trainer, Jamieson, is much perturbed, and is taking no risks with the champion. < _ Differences of opinion whethlf Country . Party is a maiden and entitled to allowances, reducing his weight from 7.10 to 7.0 in the Futurity Stakes next Saturday, were settled yesterday, when the committee of the Victorian Amateur Turf Club decided that the horse was eligible to start with 7.0. Should Country Party win an owner is entitled to appeal or protest to the Victorian Racing Club, but the objection will not be sustained. CANTERBURY PARK MEETING Press Association—By Telegraph-Copyright SYDNEY, February 14. At the Canterbury Park races Sturdee was third in the first division of the Maiden Handicap, Fantan was unplaced in the second division, Odilion was fourth in the Maiden Handicap, Silver Coat was unplaced in the High-weight Handicap, and Limoux wag unplaced in the Ashbury Handicap.


Trotters. 3min 43sec. IJm. Cracksman It Harvest Esther ItDillou 36 Royal Sphinx 36 Parrish It Billy Sundy 48 Sagamore ... It Bosun 48 Thor ... ... It Renegade ... 48 Violet Wrack It Triangle 48 Gay Crusader 12 Golden Eagle 60 Gerfalcon ... 12 Indolent 60 Royal Prince 60 Romance 12 Harvester Sir Kit 12 Sonoma King 60 Gaynor 24 Kippagh - ... 64 Mother’s Boy 24 San Michele 84 BELFAST HANDICAP, £150. 3mia 39sec. IJm. Biff Nelson ... Colonel It Tarn ... ... True It Grattan ... It Reflection It Cruiser It Ace High ... 12 Garment It Black Marble 12 Heather Boltaire 12 Queen It Intrigue 12 King Author It Lord 12 Loyal Direct It Axworthy Native Son It Olive King 12 Our Fay ... It War Path ... 12 Post Haste It Windsor Lass 12 Purina ... It Fine Art ... 24 Sans Peur ... It Moerewa 24 Savoldi It Dundee ... 36 Stanvyn It DENTON MEMORIAL, £400. 4mia 30sec. 2m. Big Author It Gold Tinge ... 12 Craganour It Gunfire 12 Grace Queen 13 M’EIwyn ... It Author ... Guy Junior It Recess 12 Isabel Derby it Gold 24 Raydus ... Village Guy It Country Llewellyn’s It Young Frank It Pride 24 Gallant Tempest 43 Knight ... 12 STEWARDS' HANDICAP, £200. 4min 40sec. 2m. 1 Credit Funds It Valdor 24 Play. On Renown’s It Giro ... ... 36 Real Burton 36 Best On Parade It 12 Mystery Yet Navy Blue 43 48 Red Flyer 12 Happy 72 Airflow (T.) 24 Knight ... Kibo ... ... 24 ECLIPSE HANDICAP, £175. 8mm. IJm. Apline Prince It Shrewdie ... It Ann Pointer It Silk Bonny ... It Cam Dillon ... It Agility 12 Chateah It Dundee 12 Colleen Wrack It Little- Derby 12 De la Pais ... It Peter Silk ... 12 Envious ItPurveyor ... 12 Fine Art It Toorak ... 12 Floodlight ... It Aircraft . ... 24 Glen Travis It Carageen ... 24 Heather Civic * 24 Queen It Bideawee ... 24 Icevus ... ... It Elite Rey ... 24 Linfclight It Llewellyn’s 24 Lucess ... ’... It Pet ... ... Molly Direct It Rustle (T.) 24 Moerewa It Rewai ... ... 36 Olive King ... It Decoy Bird 48 Prince de Oro It Hidden Charm 43 Red Ranger It AUTUMN HANDICAP. £225. Ui* hoppled. 4min 50sec. 2m. Captain Bolt Enigma it Sister Mary ... li it Sonoma . King H Golden Eagle it Bittersweet 12 Guy VHuga .V. itHelen’s Bay 24 Indolent ... it Header 39 Kuini ... ... it Waikato' 48 Prince Prince 'Harvester it Little Beta 60 Sah Michelle it FLYING HANDICAP, £300. Smin 22sec. lim. Aristotle it Isabel Derby 12 Big Author ... it Pot Luck ... 12 Chancellor ... it Village Guy 12 Double, Great it Young Frank, 12 Happy Knight it George, Rey 24 Iraq • it Grace 24 Mocast it M'EIwya Morello it Raydus 24 Royal Comrade It Recess ... ... 24 Subsidy' it Reporter . ... 24 Craganour ... i 12 FINAL HANDICAP, £200. Saddle* 2min 16sec. 1m. , Admiral Sky Wink ... 11 Wrack ... It giro ... ... 12 Ohenaway It Golden Cross its Irish Peach ItTreasure Bond 12 Lone Derby ... -It Wilbur White 12 Matchmaker ■ It Happy Knight 33 On Parade ... Plutus ... ... It It Royal Comrade 39 Racketeer ... It Worthy King Sf

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Evening Star, Issue 22573, 15 February 1937, Page 4

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DUNEDIN CUP MEETING Evening Star, Issue 22573, 15 February 1937, Page 4

DUNEDIN CUP MEETING Evening Star, Issue 22573, 15 February 1937, Page 4