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Will correspondents please not* U;*t items intended for Wednesday s ' Star ’ must bo in the office by Tuesday afternoon, and those intended for insertion o* Saturday by Thursday afternoon, or at the latest Friday morning. In tha Uttar caea thev must be brief. Mrs F. M. Donaldson loft yesterday for Christchurch, whore she intends to reside. Miss Doreen [light, of Christchurch, is tlie guest of Mrs IV. J. Morrell, St. Clair. The Misses Hill-Jack have sailed from London on their return to New Zealand. Sir Percy and Lady Sargood returned yesterday afternoon from a visit to the North Island. Mr and Mrs W. R. Christie, of Te Houka, will be the guests of Mrs W. A. Saunders, St. Clair, for the Winter Show. Miss Joyce Boot, who is visiting Wellington, is the guest of Miss Lorna Thomson, Wadestqwn. Bishop Baddeloy of Melanesia, and Mrs Baddeley were the guests of Bishop and Miss Fitehctt while in Dunedin for the week-end. Miss Betty Scandrett, from Invercargill, is the guest of Miss Nancy Reid, Eglinton road, while in town for the Archerfield ball. The Misses Joan and Betty Rayner will arrive in Dunedin towards the week-end to make arrangements for four entertainments to be given in the Little Theatre. Air and Mr? 11. C. Juriss have been on a visit to Wellington to bid lion voyage to Captain M. Juriss, 0.8. E., M.E., and Airs Juriss, who sailed by the Kemuera for London. Aliss AlacGibbon, president of the Gore Women’s Club, who was in town for the birthday party of the Otago Women's Club, was the guest of Airs 11. Noble. Burwood avenue.

Members of tiio Old Braemar House Girls’ Association arc reminded . that the third annual reunion will take place in the Somerset Lounge on Friday evening next, commencing at 7.45 p.m. The programme, which will be an unusual one, will take the form of an old term break-up. It is with great regret that St. Hilda's says 1 goodbye +o Miss Peake and -U:ss Macdonald, who have between them given 19 years’ loyal service to the school. The Board of Governors has appointed Miss Fay Cowper, diploma of pnysical training, and Miss Winifred M’Qnilkan, L.T.C.L.. M.A., Dip. Hons., to fill these vacancies Dr Marjorie Barclay, radiologist at the Dunedin Hospital, lias returned after Id months abroad, in which she travelled to Greece, thence overland to Britain, where she visited loading hospitals and conferred with eminent radiologists. She thou spent some months in the United States, and returned to the Dominion from San Francisco by the Mariposa. A popular Macaitdrcw Bay brideelect—Miss Helen Niven—who is to be married to Mr W. Waugb on Tuesday. June 50, has been lately tendered many parties by her friends. One last week took the form of a “ kitchen ” evening, given by Mrs S. M’Dougall, A most enjoyable time was spent by all in games and community singing, while items were given by Mrs and Mr Niven (duet) and Mrs Barkman (piano solo). Members of the Ladies’ National 'Reserve were entertained at the borne of Airs Edmond, in Duke street, on Saturday evening, when a very happy time was spent in games and competitions. Birring the evening Aliss D. Boyle, on behalf of the club, made a presentation, accompanied by a bouquet, to Airs J. Bradley in recognition of her many services to the club. Aliss Alys Edmond also paid tribute to the splendid work done by Airs Bradley. All present then joined in singing ‘ For She’s a Jolly Good Fellow.’ Mrs Bradley, in a happy speech, thanked the members for their gilts and good wishes. The committee of the Watea Croquet Club gave a very delightful afternoon tea party in the Tudor Hall in honour i of the captain (Airs O'Donnell), Hie secretary (Airs J. Wilson), and the treasurer (Airs James). The guests were welcomed by the president (Airs W. Gibson), and at the conclusion of the afternoon Airs James, in a happy little speech, thanked the committee for their hospitality. Others present were Mesdames F. P. Christopher, T. AI. Ball, Al’Clatchy. Knox, Gillandors, Robertson, H. Holliday, and N. Anderson.

Mr A. I'cls, president of the Dunedin Choral Society, and Mrs Fobs gave a very enjoyable supper party on Saturday evening in the Vedic Loungo in honour of Mr Victor C. Peters, conductor of the Christchurch Harmonic society, and some members of the visiting society, together with those who had assisted locally in arranging the visit. The party, which made, a lilting conclusion to tbo concert in the Town Hall, was a very enjoyable one. After supper Dr V. K. Galway, in a very happy speech of congratulation to Mr V ictor Peters and to the visiting musicians, voiced the opinions of all present. He also thanked Mr and Mrs Fels for their hospitality. Mr F. H. Christian returned thanks on behalf of the choir, and Mr Peters also spoko a few words.

The warden and students of St. Margaret’s College held their annual dance in Allen Hull on Friday evening last. The decorations wore very effective, and consisted of greenery, hanging fern baskets, coloured lights, and dozens of brightly-coloured birds. The guests were received bv the warden. Miss V. M. Barron, and the president of the College _ Students’ Association, Mias Alice Miller. Miss Barron wore a cicl blue frock and carried a bouquet of pink chrysanthemums and Christmas roses; M iss Miller chose a black velvet frock, and carried a bouquet of lemon chrysanthemums. Among those present were Dr and Mrs Borrie, Dr anil Mrs Jack, Mr and Mrs Noble, Mrs Keith Ramsay. Miss Anderson, Misses Turnbull, Blackie. Stevenson, Goodall, M. Cotton. J. Thomson, M. O’Meara. G. Stanley. X. Bragg, X. Riddell, J. Sandcl, M. Armstrong. and J. Hunter, and the presidents of the residential colleges and members of Ihc Home Science F.'.ecntivu

The following Indies will visit Dunedin during the week to he present at the Old Bracmar House Girls’ Reunion Mrs Lindsay Inglis, Tiinaru, will ho the guest of Mrs A. M. Begg, Royal Terraco; Mrs Cyril Gray, Christchurch, will bo the guest of Mrs Cl. C. Thomson, 39 Highgate, Roslyn ; Airs H. Drees, Invercargill, will be the guest ot Mrs Arnott Shallerass, 161 Victoria road, St. Clair. Visitors from Oamaru will include Mcsdainos Ted Aubrey, Arthur Gardiner, Cuthbortson, and Miss Elsie La Roche. On Saturday evening Miss Vera Blair-Mason was hostess at a most enjoyable >l flag ” bridge drive at the Somerset Lounge, given in honour of her many Dunedin friends. Prizes for play were won by .Mrs Clive Evans, Miss V. Logan, and .Miss G. Fynmore. The guests included Air and Mrs A. Clillman, Mr and Mrs F. H. Hansen, Mr and Airs W. Stevenson, Air and Mrs J. Black, Air and Airs ,1. Bodgerson. Air and Airs J. Stevenson, Mr and Airs S. N. Brown, Alesdames Clive Evans, R. Stokes, Chisholm, A. Noil (Auckland), F. Fish, and the Aliases R, Scott, A'. Logan, Alolly Scott, .1. Irvine, A. Lilly, AlaeGibbon, A. Sparrow, G. Fynmore, E. Sparrow, Winnie Stokes, and Vera O’Keefe.

A large number of Ihe residents of Inch Valley assembled in the- school to bid farewell to Miss Helen Clark, teacher of the school, prior to her departure to take mi the position of teacher of Kanrn Hill School. During the evening, which was given np to games, interspersed with musical items. Miss Clark was presented with a clock and a piece of crystal. .Miss Jean Clark, who resided with her •sister, was also given a gift. Mr .Burgess, who for many years was chairman of the School Committee, made the presentation, and, on behalf of all present, expressed regret at Miss Clark’s departure, and wished her every success. After supper the evening was brought to a close with the singing of ‘ Ankl Lang Sync.’

The sixtli birthday of the Roxburgh Women’s Institute was celebrated on Wednesday, Mrs Graham presiding. The meeting took the form of a Hospital Day.’ each person bringing a gift for the hospital. The motto was “ Love is the soul of our movement and service is the expression of it.” Visitors were present from Miller’s Flat and Ettrick Women’s Divisions, also Guides, Brownies, and high school girls from Roxburgh. Hanging on the stage was the beautiful banner painted by Airs Donnelly. The following items were contributed during tho social part of the afternoon : Pianoforte solo, Miss Winslow; song, 4 Comrades and Friends.’ Miss S. Keys, with the audience joining in the last two verses: folk dance, Guidos; piayette, members of the Miller's Flat Women’s Division, those taking part being Mc-danies Wingfield, Alndge, Stockdill, M‘Gonigal. and Misses D. M'Gonigal and G. Mosley; ami a playette entitled ‘ Aunt Jane’s Emancipation,’ with Mcsdanies’ M'Lennan, Sandes, Rae. Waters, Eraser, and Misses Blanchard and M‘Mahon taking part.- Sister Reilly returned thanks to all those who had brought gifts for the hospital, and also gave a short talk on ‘ Florence Nightingale.’ The birthday cake (beautifully iced by Mr J. Mercer) was brong lit in by Little Freda Newlands, the youngest Brownie. Mrs Stockdill, on behalf of the Miller’s Flat Women’s Division, lit the candles. Airs Hainsworth, _ from Ettrick Women’s Division, extinguished them, and Sister Reilly cut the cake. A delightful afternoon tea was supplied by members, the Girl Guides assisting in dispensing it.

On Monday evening, in llio Otago Women's Club lounge, the Ms-High School Girls’ Club bold its Juno meeting Miss F. .M. Allan presided, and, aider welcoming those presold, thanked all who bad actively helped in making the annua! ball of last week such an outstanding success. Four papers were then read on ‘ Women of Other Lands ’ — 1 Russia,’ by M ss Marion Robertson; ‘ Finland,’ by Miss Margaret Mathcson; ‘ Turkey,’ by Mrs T. D. 13. Paterson; and ‘Canada,” by Miss Moana Green; all being very instructive and showing unusual and educational aspects of the countries concerned. Invitations have been issued for an “ at home.” to bo held on Monday afternoon in the Concert Chamber, when guests will have the pleasure of meeting Miss Bina Addy, the mezzocontralto singer from Bengal, India, who is already well-known over the air. Artists assisting will bo Miss Mary Fraser, L.R.A.M., solo pianist. Misses Muriel Ironside, and Julia Holmes. Miss Adcly’s selections will include Indian songs by Tagore, negro spirituals, and English and Scottish ballads. The following have consented to act ns hostesses for the afternoon:—Lady Ferguson, Lady Hutchison, Lady Allen, Lady Sidey. Mesdames Sutherland Ross, Richard Hudson. IT. C. Campbell, A. C. M'Georgc. and Misses F. .1. Ross and Irene Barth. The proceeds are in aid of the world fellowship funds of the Y.W.C.A. Tbo St. Clair Women’s Club Choir spent a very happy hour at the Savoy on Friday afternoon, the occasion being a tea party to bid farewell to Mrs H. Grant, who is leaving Dunedin to live in Wellington. During a few minutes’ chat in the lounge, the leader of the choir (Mrs D. Barton) wished Mrs Grant every success and happiness in her now homo, and asked her to accept a small gift with the best wishes of the choir. A delightful afternoon tea was then served, and a happy time passed all too quickly. Those present were Mesdames U. Grant, D. Barton, C. Thomson, J. Brooks, L. Lawrence. Pritchard, J. Davidson. W. Turnbull, J. Strachan, Starr. M'Lachlan, Rendell, J. Bode, L. Withers, W. Prince, G. Johnstone, D. Paine, G. H. Greene, and Miss May Brooke. Inglis’s Staff Dance. The staff of Messrs A. and T. Tnglis Ltd. held a-most enjoyable dance in the Moonshine Winter Garden on Monday evening last. The winners of the Monte Carlo were Mr and Mrs F. Grimman, and the lucky spot winners were Miss E. Marshall and Air S. Gonsik. Among those present were: —Mesdames C. Thomson, wearing burgundy lacquered lace; J. Skinner, wine lace and georgette; J. Reynolds, red windswept satin; J. C, Brooks, brown lace; T. J. Smith, pink magnolia satin; S. Robinson, blackfrock, silver bodice; F. Grimman, blue marocain, gold lame; T'. Jefferson, brown and gold chiffon; M. Spence, white lace and tulle; M'Pherson, black velvet, gold lame; J. Calvorley, sase blue lace; T. Davie, blue lace; M‘Kenzio. J. Steel, R. Steel; and Misses TV. Johnston, Marina matalasse, silver lame; J. Himbnrg. white spotted organdie; R. Corke, shot pink taffeta; N. Corke, Marina taffeta; D. Armit, nile

grer satin ; R. Kavanagh, black silk velvet; D. Nash, jubilee .blue taffeta; P. Anderson, Marina satin; K. Hannan, powder blue .diagonal satin; D. Palmer, rose vieux taffeta; R. Moody, white organdie; J. Malcolmson, turquoise blue satin; P. Duncan, white phantom armnre; J. Burnett, green floral organdie; C. Jacobs, lemon deque; E. Burnard, yellow organdie; R. Cropp, salmon pink matalasse; 0. M‘Mastcrs, black spotted taffeta; M. Bott, green and silver lame; M. Armit, black beaded frock: R. Turnbull, parchment taffeta, rod (lowers; P. Eckhoff, flame crepe de chine; E. Johnston, pink taffeta; W. Robinson, brown lace, silver stars; Churchill, Nile ‘green lace; E. Coupar, pink marocain, silver lame; K. Eckhoff. flame crepe de chine; K. Bonnets, pink lace; Lois Clarke, yellow floral taffeta; K. Wilson, floral crepe de chine; N. Wahrlick. red silk crepe; J. Wilson, black and white satin; 'J'. Thomson, green lace; E. Brock, black and green tunic frock; E. Hankey. black velvet, gold lame; D. Coupar, lemon crepe; N. Harroway, Marina Marocain; A. Lockhart, Pinkcrepe; E. Calverley. A. Sutton. H. Ogg, I), Kcllan, E. Thomson, J. Hamilton, E. M'Dougall. B. Pilling. J. Fergus. E. Marshall, Vorratli. and Messrs C. Thomson, J. Skinner, J. Reynolds, F. J. Cook, L. G. Smith, E. W. Gross, J. Fergus. S. Newman. E Lind, L. Garland, H. Andrew, T. Smyth, J. Boucher, S. Gcnsik, P. Hannah, C. Garland. K. Holley, W. Caulcett, .1. Paget, N. Thomson, J. C. Brooks, E. Willoughby, N. Kean, T. Smith, G. McDonald, R. Stokes, J. Weitzel, R. Bremner, H. Helean, H. Brock, J. Marshall, T. Berghan, B. Munro, L. Reynolds, J. Calverley, 'J'. Glenn, S. Robinson, J. Turkington, J. Steel, A. Thomson, L. Ogg, F. Grimman, E. Grimman, P. Fraser, J, Middlemass, J. Clark, G. Pel (owe. S. Jefferson, M. Spence, W. Milne, B. Bennets, MT’herson, W. Galloway, J. Galloway, E. Smith, J. Gare. R. Noil, .1. Shepherd, J. Moniham, R. Steel. L. Paine, D. Manson, T. Cope, G. Hughes. J. Pringle. T. Davie, A. Adams, H. Henclrick. G. Miller, T, Reddiugton, and A. Campbell,

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Evening Star, Issue 22367, 17 June 1936, Page 16

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SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Evening Star, Issue 22367, 17 June 1936, Page 16

SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Evening Star, Issue 22367, 17 June 1936, Page 16