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LEADS AND SECONDS TOURNAMENT MATHEWSON WINS FINAL The final of the Leads and Seconds tournament was played on the Caledonian green on Saturday, Mathewson (Port Chalmers) defeating Johnston (Leith) by 30 to 11. When play was concluded the pre- . vious Saturday three rinks were left in the competition. A semi-final was therefore played on Saturday, Mathewsou ' meeting M‘Gregor- (Tamm), Johnston drawing the bye. Mathewsou inacleno doubt about his superiority, winning the match by 19 to 7. The final was equally decisive, and Johnston withdrew "at the end of the nineteenth head, his opponent having a lead which there was no hope of overtaking. Detailed results:— SEMI-FINAL. W. Austin, D. M'Lean, J, Chettleburgh, T. Mathewson (Port Chalmers) 19 beat A. Young, N. Kettle, L. M'Lean, T. 'M'Gregor (Tainui) 7.. A. Brown, J. Watkins, C. Maguire, E. Johnston (Leith), a bye. M‘Gregor opened the scoring with a single, and on the next head Mathewson scored two. • M'Gregor gained a further single on the third head, but Mathewson went on to score nine in succession, leading by 11 to 2 at the end of the eighth head. After M'Gregor had obtained a single on the ninth Mathewson placed the match beyond doubt by scoring seven on the tenth, the game finishing on the fifteenth head with the score 19-7. FINAL. Mathewson 30 beat Johnston 1L Mathewson never looked like losing. He opened with a four, and at the end of . the third head had scored > eight points to his opponent’s nil. At the end of the eleventh head the score ■ was 16-6 in Mathewson's favour. Johnston secured four on the next head, but, apart from a one on the fifteenth, he failed to score again. Mathewson went on scoring steadily’, taking five on the eighteenth head. He was then leading 29-11, and after a one on the nineteenth the game was abandoned, Johnston being in a hopeless position. _ . , _ At the conclusion of play Mr W. Lloyd, on behalf of the Dunedin Centre, conveyed his congratulations to the winning rink. In the course of his ■ remarks the speaker said that he had visited most of the; greens during the competitiob, and it had been a pleasure to see the “ pure drawing play” of the, leads and seconds who comprised the rinks. SATURDAY'S MATCHES LEITH v, NORTH-EAST VALLEY (Leith names first). Wyse, Page, Butterfield, O’Connell 22, Hilgendorf, Thompson, Renwick, Colbert 16; Moffat, Sanderson, Ferguson, J. Watson 24, Rice, Fraser, Brandell, Kirkwood 21; Dryden. Morgan. Sherriffs, Rowley 17, Burtenshaw. Letts, Gemmell, Hope 21. Totals: Leith 63, Valley 58. Applegartfa, Lewishani, Applegarth, Strong 19, Butter, Maxwell, Baxter, Taylor 21; Hunter, Tait, Miles, Holmes 14," Watson, Boylan, M‘Donald, M‘Lean 22; Campbell, Moore, Patterson, O’Kane 13, Scholbach, Harris, Weir, Hopkins 30. Totals: Valley 73, Leith 46. . ' Keeley, Grimsdale, Mitchell, R. Wataon 22, Bruce, Thomson, Petitt, Dodd ■18; Ross, Newey, Peterson, Bringana 19, Adare, Cuthbertson, Symon, Mnir 19; Mackay, Turnbull, Every, Rawlinaon. 21, Perry, Thomson, Crawford, Coulter 21. Totals: Leith'62, Valley (58. LEITH v. GREEN ISLAND (Leith names first). Barr, Barrowman, Burrows, Knowles 87, James. Bulger, Watson, John Bulger; Sloan 12; Ponton, Hogg, Miller, Sissons 22, Purvis, Bulger, Thompson, Dryden 26; Johnstone, Fraser, Uxen, (W- Johnston 27, Nelson, M’Lean, Shlellie, Mehalski 16. Totals: Leith 7(i f Green Island 54. DUNEDIN v. TAINUI (Dunedin names first). Hodge, Whitelaw, Bardsley, A. Martin 17, Campbell, Runsey, M‘Natty, ’ M'FauU 20; Lawne, Simpson, Gregory, Rigby 31, Broadbent, Froudo, Clue, -9T Gregor 16; M‘lntyre, Rosevear, Beecroft, Anderson 26, M'Donald, Millar, Patterson, Jamieson 14. Totals: Dunedin 74, Tainui 50. T. M'Hugh, M'Kinlay, Doolan, W. M'Hugh' 19, Leenan, Williams, Jakeway; M'lnnes 15; Thorn, White, Grant. Nelson 25, Cowie, Auld, Pearson, Drain - 25; Walker, C. Campbell, A. Smith, , Hanning 25, M'Cullougb, Robinson. Annison, Rennie 13. Totals: Dunedin 69, Tainui 63. DUNEDIN v. BALMACEWEN (Dunedin names first). Rewcastle, Duthie, Durie, Bentley 28, ■Hart, Ritchie, Robertson, Buchan 9; ,W. Robertson, Siedeberg, Lawson, Mackin 20, Inder, Allan, M‘Arthur, Omand 10; Higgins, Frame, Rodger, Gibson 19, Bussell, Riach, A vent, Nisbet 21. To- . tats: Dunedin 67, Balmacewen 40. Murray, Briggs, Kitchen, Melville 16, Bradstdck, Rackley, Allen, Thomson 22; O.' Campbell, M'Crae, Eskrick. H. Gardiner 30, Walker, Fairmaid, Finlayson, Glover 12; Scurr, Murdoch, Hunter. Malcolm 23, Standage, Storer, Harrison, Adamson 13. Totals: Dunedin 69, Balmacewen 47. ' Williamson, Falconer, M'Callum, K. Morrison 26, Forbes, Moodie, Rolfe, Ferguson 8; J. Robertson, James, Porteous, H. L. Smith 27. Stables, Buckland, Melville, Wilson 10; D. Gardiner, J. Martin, _ M‘Naught, Adams 18, M'Avoy, Smith, Campbell, Leslie 14. Totals; Dunedin 71, Balmacewen 32. R. Gardiner, Cuff, Williams, Marshall 18, Jenkinson, Mahoney, Harraway, Macdonald 24; Naylor, M'Millan, J. Scott, Nicolson 27, Kinaston, Grater, Campbell, Morrison 16; Bean, Gray, Burk, Hogg 16, Wallace. Swann. Wilson, Bennie 13. Totals; Dunedin 61, Balmacewen 53. CAVERSHAM v. WEST HARBOUR (Caversliam names first). Milne, Ihbotson, Cranston. Forster 20, Barclay, Venn, Paterson. French 16; Turley, James. Sutherland, Brown 20, Robertson, Wills, Connor, Silver 22; Hollow, Scott, M'Dongall, Mackay 17; Hutton, Budge. M'Govern. Connor’ 17. Totals: Caversham 57, West Harbour 54. Saxton. Haub, Anderson. Will 21, Grant., M'Pherson, French. Veitch 16; M'Auliffe, Freeman, Conntell, Melville 30; Thomson, Skinner, Donaldson, French 22; Aitcheson, Thomson. Ballard, Thomson 9, Columbus. Asher, Kay. Portman 26. Totals: Caversham 60, West Harbour 64,

CAVERSHAM v. PORT CHALMERS. (Caversham names first). Crossan, Smyth, Stubbs, Lock 13, Fountain, Morgan. Middleton, Bell 28; Watson, Mason, Wilkinson, Paine 23, Lunn, Love, Wilmott, Lane 21; Muir, Twose, Glanville, Mitchell 23, Adams, Thompson, Lang, Osborn 17. Totals: Port Chalmers 66, Caversham 59. Treweru, Carter, Edlin, Todd 19, Fountain, Johnson, Da Costa, Millai 22; Gurr, Christie, Leyland, Porteous 21, Rallinshaw, Scollay, Wilson, M'Cowan 13; Yeoman, George, Todd, Love 13, Murray, Knewstubb, Smith, Leftwich 17. Totals: Caversham 53, Port Chalmers 52. ItAIKORAI v. LOGAN PARK. (Kaikorai names first). , J. Lees, Johnson, E. N. Stewart, M'Gregor 35, Coulter, Casey, Ayers, Thompson 17; Randall. Lothian, Clyde, Armit 18, (PConnor, , Cooper, Robb 24; Eames, Delahunty, Cubitt, Wilson 20, M'Laughlin, , Cocking, M'Lennan 11. Totals: Kaikorai 73, Logan Park 52. Fahey, Roberts. N. Ellis, Devereux 21, Parsons; Williamson, Wallace, Lee 19; Kellett, Dods, A. Ellis, Jackson 28, Davidson, Dodds, Watson, Foster 11. Totals: Kaikorai 49, Logan Park 30. Webster, Boardman, M'Connell, Ufton 26, Blackwell, Wheeler, Parsons Crawford 18; Anderson, Wilson, Hope, Hanna 19, WylHe, Scott, Oliver, Moore 17; Sunderland, Le Strange, Hope, Findlay 14, Marslin, jun., King, Marslin, Hutchison 17. Totals: Kaikorai 59, Logan Park 52. ROSLYN v. ST. KILDA (Roslyn names first), Gardiner, Demisj Wood, Owen 21, Scott, Barclay, Smith, Adess 18; Hutton, Rutherford, Morrison, Alcock 13, Nickels, Fish, M'Comish, O’Sullivan 26; Newman,, M'Nab,’ Matheson, Mul■lehger 15, Highet, Liddell, Cormack, Grant 17. Totals: St. Hilda-. 61, Roslyn 49. Campbell, Blackwood, Pearse, Alloo 19, Pryde, MacGregor, Brocklehurst, Harris 18; Sharpe, Robertson, Adamson, Todd 26, M'Ewan, Clarke, Cameron, Whitaker 14; Halstead, Sunderland, Lindsay, Campbell 25, Greig, Norwood, Spiers, Kellegher 21. Totals: Roslyn 70, St. Hilda 63. Findlay, Paterson, Richards. O’Connell 24, Lena, M'Curdy, Sherwood,_ Edwards 15; Watson, M'Narey, Phillipps, Thomas 26, , Duncan, Summerell, Buist 21; Allen, Moir, Dickson, Boyd 24, Whitton, Newman, Beecher, Dowland 15. Totals: Roslyn 74. St. Hilda 51. Lawn, M'Gregor, M‘Kay, Jones 26, Blyth, Jones, Skinner, Stark 18; G, Lindsay, Dixon, F. Anderson, Wilkinson 12, M‘Carten, Roche, Wilson, Stuart 19; Turnbull, Clark, A. Lindsay, MacGillivary 19, Webb, Wakelin, Jacobsen, Longworth 23. Totals: St. Hilda 60, Roslyn 57. KAITUNA v. ANDERSON’S RAY (Kaituna names first). Lambonrne, Fullartou, Carter, Davis 23, Monteith, Clark, Harvey, F. J. Campbell 11; H. W. Reid. M'Naughton Robertson, Cormack 15, Wilson, Willis, M'lntosh, Mooney 27; Mirams, G. Smith, Paterson, A. J. Cooper 11, Bennett, Lichner, Petrie, Ussher 24. Totals: Anderson’s Bay 62, Kaituna 49. A. M'Crorie, Lochbead, Smeaton, E. J. Smith 23. Stubley. Thomson, Pearce, Read 21; Kellan. Williamson, Napier, Webster 14, Miller, Perry, Daglisb, Marshall 18; Swann, J. Haig, Curtis, T. Sanders 16, Ross, Waddell. M. Campbell, Walker 24. Totals: Anderson’s Bay 63. Kaituna 53. KAITUNA v. TAlEßl(Kaituna names first!.

Oswin, Wilson, Miller, H. S. Reid 18. Wright, M'Leod, Howard, Cousins 15; Forrester. Grieve, Shepherd, Payne 14. Shand, Johnstone, W. Allan, Stevenson 27; Robinson, F. Taylor, Ripley, Ross 26, Wylie, Steven, Haigh, Thomson 13 Totals: Kaituna 58. Taieri 55. J. Sanders, Justice, Crawford, Hill 18, Cameron, Turnbull. Ruth, Carswell 21; Adam, Sise, Allan, Seelyc 16. Olliver, Bradley, Gibson. Allan 24Totas: Taieri 45, Kaituna 34. MORNINGTON v. OTAGO (Mornington names first). Turner, Butler, Brown, Smith 39 Kerr, Ironside, M'Lenuan, Best 10; Osborne, Taylor, Wood, Thomson 23, Duncan, Templeton, Payne, Smith 12: Davidson, Collins, Ireland, Walker 22 Hawkins, Mathewson, Scott, Telford 16. Totals: Mornington 84, Otago 38. Walmsley, Jack. Herrich, Watson 17. M'Adam, Edwards, Dalas, Huntley 15; Hamilton, Thomson. Foley, Perry 22, Olsen, C. W. Crawford, Cook, Hamilton 19; Liddell, Savage, Cunningham. M'Donald 19, M'Caskill. Young, lacer, Ellison 18. Totals: Mornington 58. Otago 52. M‘Donnell, Ghent, J. Garside, Holgate 22, Woods, Gascoigne, Crawford. Walker 17; Whale, Clarke, Nelson, Hardie 28, Hornal, Shepherd, Henderson, Beasley 20; Morrison, Holloway, Boatwood, Robson 21, Gillies, Marks, Lucas, W, J. Crawford 27. Totals • Mornington 71, Otago 64.

CALEDONIAN v. ST. CLAIR (St. Clair names first). Passmore, Gray, Clark, Johnson 11. Clancy, Lambert, Sutherland, -Smith 28; "Kensington, Ball, Humphreys, Harrawav 23, Hunter, Gerrett, Latham, * Edwards 18; Austin, Clinch, Nicolson, Smith 32, Smith, M'Comish, Summerell, Claridgo. 9. Totals: St. Clair 66, Caledonian 55. Hagan, Davy, Coutts, Howorth 18, Kettle, Burgess, Lyng, Seddon 18; Robertson, Hamilton, Gibson, Fastier 17, Latham, Procter, Cameron, Smyth 23; Price, Foster, Peters, Scryraageour 17, M'Kenzie, Carroll, M'Leod, Vaughan 28. Totals: Caledonian 69,; St. Clair 52. Black, Gillanders, Blyth, Coxon 25, Kettle, Tyrrell, Porter, Fountain 27; Rendel, Speight, Lanham, Coiill 13, Callender, Hamel, Peterson, Dey 29; Wood, Davis, Burns, Willis 14, M'Leod, Coventry, Forrester, Lloyd 27. Totals; Caledonian 83, St. Clair 52. Jenkins, Ritchie, Smart, ; Crawford 16, Sheehan, Williams, Elliott, Hinchcliff 22; Rowden, Grigg, M'Naughton, Coombs 13, Wootton, Sutherland, Jolly, Cavanagh 17; Ruhen, Henry, Piddington, Tilburn 16, Cox, Walker, Betting, Hendry 20. Totals; Caledonian 59, St. Clair 45. FAIRFIELD v. CALEDONIAN (Fairfield names first). Moore, Cooper, J. Anderson,; Ross 23, Evans, Martin, Carman, Walton 11; Townrow. Buchanan, Scott, Anderson 17, Hawkins, Hungerford, Hamilton, Henaghan 17; Barclay, Grant, Kirkland, Allan 19, Chilcott, Mnrie, Scott, Isaac 20. Totals: Fairfield 59, Caledonian 48. ANDERSON’S BAY v. ST. KILDA (Bay names first). Bishop, Mayston, Brain, Ashton 16, Spiers, Gould, Wright, Robertson 20; Oaten, Williamson, Newlands, Ledlie 19, Reardon, Brown, Edwards, Leith 15; Gall, Friedlander, Gunn, Scott 20, Harrison, Stenhouse, Gladding.; Hinton 15. Totals; Anderson’s Bay 55, St. Kilda 50.

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Evening Star, Issue 21993, 1 April 1935, Page 3

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BOWLING Evening Star, Issue 21993, 1 April 1935, Page 3

BOWLING Evening Star, Issue 21993, 1 April 1935, Page 3