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'Although competition was disappointing in many of the events, there were «ome really good performances at the Otago University interfacility sports at the University Oval, Logan Park, on Saturday afternoon, and m two cases existing records were bettered and another equalled. In the 100yds and hop, ttep, and jump, however, the competitors had the assistance of the wind, so that recognition of the performances is unlikely. _. . ~ The attendance was disappointing, and the fewness,, of students among the spectators was freely commented upon. The old carnival air that used to per-, vado these ’Varsity gatherings was missing, but it was, no fault of the officials that there was any lack of colour about the meeting, since they performed their duties very capably, the programme being put through. m_ good time. The referee was my E. L. Macassey (president of the Otago Centre), and the superintendent Mr P. W. Breen. Mr H. J. C. M'Kenzie was the starter, and the other official positions were filled by members of the University Club and the Otago Centre ; Although the times recorded m some of the track -events were not particularly impressive,, the deadness of the ( track was a contributing factor, and with another three'weeks’ training several of those representing Otago at the mter’varsity. fixture.'should be capable or much better efforts. Even allowing for the assistance of the bredae, ;}R. AV. Maskell s performance in'wiiining.ihe 100yds championship in 10 l-oseo was a really good one. This powerful sprinter got away well and had tbe .race in hand all the way. His time equalled the record established by A. E, Porritt in 1923, and subsequently equalled by J. J- Brownlee, but owing to the favouring wind it can scarcely be recognised. Maskell won. tho shot putt with 34ft, and by virtue of his win in the 100yds holds the Porritt Cup for one year. - The well-known Wellington runner and New Zealand University champion —J. Watt—was in a class of his own in-the 220yds and 440yds championships, which he won in 23sec and 53 2-ssec respectively. Watt,- who was second in the New Zealand 440yds championship last year, scored comfortably in both events, and had he been extended ■ might have gone close to hitjown record for, the 440yds. The Otago champion, A. L. Price, was secoiid to Watt in both 220yds and 440yds, but’ran a long way below his true form in the latter event. The 880yds was a slow ■ race, but the winner, P. .Howden, showed promising form andTook's capable of improving upon his time. The mile went to M. R. Robinson in 4min 42sec, but he certainly is capable of ■'considerably better time,' being the present holder of the ’. New Zealand University championship. , Robinson is not eligible to represent Otago at the New Zealand University meeting, but will run in the colours of Canterbury College." By winning the mile, he became the holder of the Lovelock Cup, presented by Oxford University. A. A.C., in commemoration of E E. Lovelock’s world record in the oqe mile. -The three-mile was a very slow race indeed, the winner, -G. A. Smith, being credited i. with' 17miri 13sec. , The most .successful competitor was R. O. • Johnson, who, scored a treble,' winning the long jump with 21ft lin, only an inch short of I). R.-L. Stevenson’s record, while in the hop, step, and jump he bettered his own record of 44ft * 2ih by doing 45ft l*in. He had the ithe however; His-: third championship success was in the 220yds low hurdles, which ho won in 27 3-ssec. As he had also scored a third in the hammer, be won the, Barnett Cup for most points in championship events with 10 points, the runner-up being J. M'Donald,, whose best performance wafi in winning the 120yds hurdles championship in 16-3-ssec after a good display. M'Donald was also second in the 220yds and 440yds hurdles, and third in the broad jump and hop, step, and jump, scoring a total of 9 points. In the 120yds' hurdles event, the Canterbury champion, E. G. Young, struck a: hurdle and did-not finish.- _ A return to serious competition was made by G. S. Cabot, tho ex-New Zealand champion, and though the time, 7min 27 4-ssec, was slow, he shaped well to win the mile walk, and with more training should-be able to register much faster time. It is nine years since Cabot 'established an Otago ’ Varsity record- of 6fnin 40 3-ssec. . , , • In the high jump W. D. Bome broke ( \V. J. Scott’s record of sft, 6*in, and though he got no assistance from the turf whatever he cleared sft 7|in. ■ The javelin throwing produced very ordinary performances, the winner, G v H. Boyes, doing only 127 ft 9in. 'The Thompson Shield, awarded to the, faculty gaining most points in championship events, was won by the Medicals with 47 .points, Arts being runnersup; with 29 points. Law and Commerce team scored 15 points, and the Dental, llining, and Science team 13. The featurp of .'the open handicap events was the performance of last year’s New Zealand, mile champion, ,L*. C. M'Lachlan, who won the mile in 4min 27 l-ssec. the fastest time yet registered on the ground, despite the slowness of the track. A good deal of interest centred in M'Lachlan’s meeting with T. Allen, who was second m this year’s New Zealand mile championship; 1 hut M'Lachlan went away from Allen in the last lap and finished on his own, Allen retiring at the furlong mark.! M'Lachlan’s performance was a fitting finale to a highly successful season.- In the 120yds handicap his brother, J. M‘Lachlan (6yds) won from the youngest member of tho family, R. M “Lachlan. Results (abbreviations: Med., Medical; Arts; L. and C., Law and. Commerce; D.M.S., Dental, Mining, and Science!: — TRACK EVENTS. 100 YARDS CHAMPIONSHIP. (Record: A. E. Porritt, 1923, and J. J. Brownlee, 1925-26,10 l-ssec.) First Heat.—R. W. Maskell (Arts) 1, Steele (D.M.S.), 2, Four start-

Interfaculty Championships R: O; Johnson’s Treble W. D; Borne’s High Jump Record

ors. Won bv a yard. Time, 10 2-ssec. Second Heat.—D. L.Cropp (Med.) 1, C. M. Bisset (L. and C.) 2. Four starters. Won by half a yard. Time, 10 2-ssec. . Third Heat.—T. A. Watson (Mecl.) 1, I. J. M'Leod (D.M.S.) 2. Three starters. Won by half a yard. Time, llsec’. —Final.— Maskell T Cropp 2 Steele m 3 The field rose to an even start, hut Maskell established a lead at the 60yds mark, coming away at 60yds to put in a great finish, winning hy2yds from Cropp, Steele a yard back third. Time, 10 l-ssec. 220 YARDS CHAMPIONSHIP.: Record: A. E. Porritt (1923) and H. D. Morgan (1924), 22 3-ssec. ; First Heat.—>l. Watt (Med.) 1, Hf A. Steele (D.M.S.), 2. Three starters. Won by 2yds. Time, 24sec. Second Heat.—A. L. Price (L. and C.) 1. M, Watt (Med.) 2. Four starters. Won by 4yds. Time, 24 4-ssec. Third’Heat.'—R. W. Maskell (Arts) 1, E. H- Stephenson (D„M.S.) 2-, Won ■by Byds. Time, 23. 4-ssec. ‘Fourth Heat.—D. L. Cropp (Mecl.) I. J. Davies (Arts) 2. Only starters. Won comfortably. Time. 24 3-sseo;.; —Final.J. Watt ... 1 Price ••• 2 Maskell 3 Watt moved off fast and had opened up a commanding pap entering the straight, finishing full of dash to win by 2yds, Maskell a similar distance back third. Time, 23sec. ; 440 YARDS CHAMPIONSHIP. • Record: J; Watt (1933). 52sec. J. Watt (Med) ... ...■■ ... : 1 A. L. Price (L. and G.) ..’ i 2 W. H. Archclall (Arts) ... 3 The heats of this event were decided on Friday night. Watt had tho outside jane, with Price in the middle lane and Archdall on the inside. Watt began very smartly, and maintaining an.even clip and.,having plenty in reserve ho drew .away from Price along the hack. jHc led into the straight by Byds 1 , antT'Price then eased up, Watt finishing with something in hand to win by 15yds‘, Archdall another 12yds back third. Time, 53 2-ssec. ,880, YARDS CHAMPIONSHIP. , Record: J. H. Webber (1929-30), 2min 4 3-ssec. P. Howden (Med.) 1 B. Nixon (Med.) 2 W. H. Archdall (Arts) 3 Ten starters. In a slow-run race Howden, who showed good style, took command entering the -second lap, and though Nixon went after him 200yds from home, Howden finished full of running to win by six yards, Archdall twenty yards back .third. Time, 2min Bsec. ONE MILE CHAMPIONSHIP. Record: J. E. Lovelock (1930), 4min 28 4-ssec. M. R. Robinson (Arts) 1 A. W. Sutherland (Med.) 2 L. W. Woods (Arts) ... .... ... ... 3 Four starters. Sutherland went to the front from the start, Robinson sitting in behind him,, and being .a yard hack at the end of the first lap. Robinson tok charge in the second lap, and Sutherland hung closely to him at the end of the second lap. The issue lay between them, hut entering the hack straight in the last lap Robihson lengthened out, and drew away -from Sutherland. . Sprinting up the straight, Robinson won by thirty yards from Suthreland, Woods being sixty yards back third. Time, 4min 42sec. THREE-MILE CHAMPIONSHIP. Record: J. J. Morris (1931), 15min 14 2-ssec. ■ G. A. Smith (Med.) ... T E. S. Thodey (Med.) ... > 2 A. Ross (Arts) 3 Four starters. In a slow-run race the placed men were together practically all the way, but Thodey took the lead about the halfway mark, and held it at the bell._ Smith was always within striking distance, and challenged .from the 220 yards mark. In ■an exciting finish Smith * led up the straight to .win by . a yard, Ross being some distance hack third. Time, 17min 13sec. ONE MILE WALK CHAMPIONSHIP. Record: G. ; S. Cabot (1026), 6min : » 40 3-ssec. G. S. Cabot (D.M.S.) 1 A. W. Pike (D.M.S.) 2 Four, starters. Cabot opened up a big gap in the first lap, and walking well and with something in reserve, he drew away to win by. 150 yards from Pike.; Rolleston finished third, hut was disqualified. Time, 7min 27 4-ssec. 120 YARDS HURDLES CHAMPIONSHIP. Record: A. E. Porritt (1923), 16sec. First Heat.—J. Meek (L. and O.) 1Three starters'. Meek was the only finisher. Time, 18 4-ssec. 1 Second Heat.—J. M'Donald (Med.) I. R. Harper (Med.) 2. Three starters. M'Donald hurdled well, and won by 7yds. Time, 16 4-ssec. —Final.— J! M'Donald 1 Harper ••• 2 Meek 3 M'Donald had the race in band all the way, and won by syds, Meek 15yds back third. Time, 16 3-sscc. 220 YARDS LOW HURDLES. R. O. Johnson (L. and C.) 1 J. M'Donald (Med.) - T. A- Watson (Med.) ... ... 3

Johnson gave a clean display of hurdling, and drew away the latter stages to win by syds. Watson 4yds back third. Time, 27 3-ssec. ONE MILE INTERFACE TLY RELAY (440yds, 220yds, 880yds, and 220yds), Medical (J. M. Watt, E. G.-Young. P. Howden, and D. L. Cropp) ... 1 Arts ••• ■••••• Only starters. Won easily.. Time, 3min 52sec. FIELD EVENTS. . PUTTING THE 161 b SHOT CHAMPIONSHIP Record: A. S. Reid (1911), 36ft 10*in. R. W. Maskell (Arts), 34ft ... ... 1 G. H. Boyes (Arts). 31ft 6*lll. ... 2 L. Yosailagi 29ft IJin. ... 3 Five competed. JAVELIN THROWING CHAMPIONSHIP. Record: W. Harhutt (1930), 152 ft lin. G. H. Boyes (Arts). 127 ft 9in ... 1 L. A r osailagi (, 125 ft 2m ... 2 Anderson (D.M.S.), 110 ft Sin ••• 3 Twelve competed. BROAD JUMP CHAMPIONSHIP. Record: D. R. L. Stevenson (1926), v 21ft 2in. R. 0. Johnson (L. and C.) 1 A. A. Lockett (D.M.S-) - J. M'Donald (Med.) ... ... ••• f Twelve competed. Distance, 2116 lin. HOP, STEP, AND JUMP -’CHAMPIONSHIP. Record: R. O. Johnson (1932), 44ft 2in. R. 0. Johnson (L. and'C.), 45ft l*ih 1 P, G. M'Leod (Med.), 43ft 4m ... 2 J. M'Donald (Med.), 42ft 7*m ... 3 Eight competed. HIGH JUMP CHAMPIONSHIP. Record: W. J. Scott (1924), 6ft 6*in. W. D. Borne (Arts), sft 7jin ... ... 1 T. M'Donald (L. and C.), sft sra ... 2 L. Vosailagi (D.M.S.), sft 4m ... 3 Twelve competed. HANDICAP EVENTS. 120 YARDS HANDICAP. J. M'Laclilan- (6yds) ••• ••• 1 R. M'Lachlan (7yds) ... H. J. Tyrio (syds) x - J Seven starters. Won easily by three yards, two yards between second and third. Time, 12sec. BROAD JUMP HANDICAP. P. g! M'Leod (2ft) ... I 11. O. Johnson (scr) - A. A. Lockett (scr) 3 Fourteen competed. ONE MILE HANDICAP. L. C, M'Lachlan (scr) .' ••• 1 Of the four starters, M'Lachlan was the only one to complete the course. W. H. Archall (40yds) and R. M'Laclilan (100yds) did not seriously trouble the scratch meii, L. C. M'Lachlan and T. Allen, who were close together in the early stages. M'Lachlan went ahead of Allen in the first Jap, done in 62sec., and though Allen made the pace for a while in the second lap, M'Lachlan was in command again at the end of the half mile, left behind in 2min 9sec. At the bell, L. C. M'Lachlan led by two yards, the third lap being left behind in 3min 20sec. Along the back M'Lachlan was striding beautifully, and he simply went away from Allen, who retired at the 220yds mark. M'Lachlan unloosed’ a strong finishing sprint, but had plenty in reserve, his time being 4min 27 l-ssec, the fastest yet recorded on the track.

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Evening Star, Issue 21993, 1 April 1935, Page 14

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’VARSITY SPORTS Evening Star, Issue 21993, 1 April 1935, Page 14

’VARSITY SPORTS Evening Star, Issue 21993, 1 April 1935, Page 14