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STRONG POSITION DESPITE ABNORMAL DEMANDS The thirty-sixth annual meeting of the Grand Lodge, Otago and Southland, of the United Ancient Order of Druids, was commenced at Mosgiel this morning, Grand President W. B. Buston presiding over a representative gathering from twenty-five lodges. In the course of his address the Grand President said:— In reviewing the position we find that, despite the period we have passed through and the abnormal demands made on the different funds, an increase of £6,763 is recorded in our accumulated funds. This is very satisfactory when we take into, consideration the fact that £5,725 (an increase of £756 on the previous year) was paid out in sick pay, and £2,450 (an increase of £320 on the previous year) was dispersed in death claims. Our total funds now stand at £162,315 4s 4d. This is very creditable and also a striking,,testimony to the admirable foresight of the Trustees and Advisory Boards of Invercargill and Oamaru,' and for their wise and conservative policy in the investment of our funds. • Last year our membership stood at 3,463, while this year we have 3,487 members (158 members were initiated, 301 made good, 31 joined by clearance, while 407 were returned unfinancial, 27 left by clearance, and 32 died), leaving a total increase of. tweniy-foui members. In commenting on the foregoing figures, especially with regard to the 301 members made good (the sum of £196 12s was dispersed by the Benevolent Committee of Grand Lodge), ] would like t° pay a tribute to the work of the Benevolent Committee of Grand Lodge. It has truly endeavoured to carry out the motto of our order: “ United to Assist.” Many members have been able to retain their membership through the assistance of that committee; the individual lodges are also to be commended for the assistance they have given to distressed members..

During the year I have been able, with the assistance of my fellow officers and members of the Board of Management, to visit all the lodges with the exception of the lodges in Southland; P.G.P, Bro. J. D. Gregg having .visited Ohai, Thornbury, Waikiwi, Acorn, and Mataura Lodges on my behalf. During the visits to the country lodges it has been most gratifying to find the marked improvement both numerically and also in ritual work. I would like to specially mention Alexandra Lodge, which has been revived under the able guidance of Bro. Nightingale, secretary, and P.D.P. Bro. Cecil Macintosh. I am pleased to tell you that I appreciated the sincerity of the welcome extended to me and my brother officers. While dealing with the visits to lodges, 1 would, at this stage, like to express my thanks to the Grand Lodge officers and members of the Board of Management who have accompanied me on the various visits for the support given and for .the very able way they carried out their duties while handling the different subjects allotted to them to convev to lodges. To P.G.P. Bro.. Gregg I tender my sincere'thanks for his work in Southland. Shortly after the Grand Lodge session of last March our senior trustee, P.G.P. Bro. E, J. Bryant, asked to be relieved of his duties, and his request was granted. Bro. Bryant was presented with an illuminated address conveying the thanks and appreciation of the whole of the order. This year we have carried on with the two other trustees, P.G.P. Bro. Sunderland being the senior trustee, and at this Grand Lodge session you will be asked to elect another trustee. While I have attended several of. the juvenile lodges, there are some I have' not had an opportunity to visit, but I wish to express my appreciation of the work of the Juvenile Council, the executive officers, superintendents, and adult members acting as secretaries for the sacrifice they have made of their tune, and also their pockets, to further stimulate the interest in a movement that must reflect in the near future in .the membership of our different lodges. The introduction of the junior member to lodges has already been felt, and I am optimistic enough to believe that when more is known of tho junior member rule that there will be a steady influx to the lodges. The Royal Arch Chapters of the various districts are to be congratulated on their achievements during the past year, and I appeal to the past officers to take up this work. The inside administration of the order leaves nothing to be desired. I have to thank Grand Secretary Bro. Steel/ and his staff for tho courteous manner in which I have always been received when visiting the office. The information I sought was always readily given and has been much appreciated.

It would have given me great pleasure to have informed you that we were now a surplus society, but owing to the late arrival of returns from some secretaries, the registrar has held over the quinquennial valuation of our order, but I have every reason to believe that when the returns do come down we will be in that happy position. REPORTS. —Board of Management.— The report of the Board of Management stated (inter alia): The records

show a loss by death during the year of thirty-two members, nineteen wives, and six widows. The low record of last year has not been maintained, and each class shows an increase. The slight upward tendency in the number of financial members has been maintained, and the board reports an increase of twentyfour upon last year’s total. While the board would have welcomed a greater increase it is pleased to report that the barometer is still rising. The advancing age of the lodges and the tendency of sickness to increase during the late years of life and in periods of economic strain is exemplified by the increase of sick pay during the year. For the first time in our history it exceeds £5,000, showing a startling advance over last year, _ The necessity of accumulated funds is shown by the demand which, exceeding the amount put in by contribution, has been met by payments from ,the interest earnings of the year. The interest earned for the year has been more than satisfactory when the difficulty of investing money at reasonable rates is considered. The downward tendency of this source of revenue has not been checked, however, and the indications are for even a lower rate being paid upon trust securities. The effect of proposed legislation upon the finances of friendly societies is being watched, and the board may be required to take action along with tho other branches of the friendly society movement in defence of their interests, and also in connection with _ the' question of the rate of valuation under which the societies are at present working. The work of the Benevolent Fund Committee again merits the thanks of Grand Lodge. The action taken has materially assisted in keeping members good who would otherwise,have lapsed, and the board feels confident that the good work of the committee will be of lasting benefit to the order. The general efficiency competition for the year resulted in a victory for Mistletoe and Lily of the Valley Lodges. The growing interest in ritual work, especially 1 by the lady members of the order, is most gratifying, and the spirit of healthy emulation thus engendered will make itself felt in the work of lodge officers. The thanks of the board has already been conveyed to the judges, Bros. J. T. Faulds and' J. D. Sinclair, for their splendid service. An edition of the booklet for 1935 has been issued, and the board commends the work of tho committee responsible to Grand Lodge. The publication is practically self-supporting, and merits the support of lodges and members. The board recommends to Grand Lodge the appointment of the following brethren as district presidents:—No. 1 District: P.A. Bro. J. R. Paterson, West Harbour Lodge. No. 2 District: P.A. Bro. A. Jelley, Pride of Mornington Lodge. No. 3 District: P.A. Bro. W. M'Leary, Oak of Waikiwi Lodge. No. 4 District: P.A. Bro, D. Miller, Endeavour Lodge. No. 5 District; P.A. Bro. R. J. Forbes, Star of Tuapeka Lodge No. 6 District • PA. Bro. J. T. Logie, Rose of Palmei 1 - ston Lodge No. 7 District; P.A. Bro. W. R. Robinson, Alexandra Lodge. No. 8 District: P.A. Bro. W. Redman, Gore Lodge. —Grand Lodge Trustees.—■

This report states: We must first of all express our sincere regret that our esteemed colleague P.6.P. Bro. E. J. Bryant felt compelled on account of illhealth to definitely retire from the position of senior ’trustee very early in the year. We desire to place on record our deep appreciation of the loyal service and sound judgment so whole-heartedly devoted to the administration of _ the Grand Lodge funds- during his thirtytwo years of office, for which our order will be for ever indebted_ to him. Two facts stand out in _ the history of the year just passed, viz.-—(1) The marked drop in the interest earning power of money. (2) The welcome improvement in the demand for, and the use of money. Interest has reached the lowest basis yet experienced by us; 4j per cent, is now the standard rate, but money is offered by some associations at 4 per cent, in some instances. The reduction has no doubt contributed to the improvement of trade and encouraged building operations, which have _ provided us with more opportunities. for investment. The following statement shows the operations for the year:—Number of applications received, 29; amount applied for, £15,315; number of loans granted, 23; amount invested—at 5 per cent., £5,925; at 4f per cent., £800; at 4} per cent.,£4,olo, The amount invested shows an increase of nearly 70 per cent, over the amount recorded for the previous year. The brethren will notice that the balance sheet shows that at the end of our financial year there was £6,426 in the Savings Bank in Dunedin. There were, however, a number of loans granted on buildings in the course of erection. Payments on these and subsequent loans granted will absorb practi-. cally all the capital available.. We advised the hoard of management during the year that we considered it necessary in order to keep our funds invested (especially in the best securities) that we should reduce the rate of interest to the mortgagors whose terms have expired to 4} per cent. The result of this move has been that we have received up to date forty-eight applications covering £24,700 for renewal to the lower rate, forty-six of which, representing £23,700 have been granted, the balance being held up for repairs. The total funds actually invested at the end of the year in securities and halls' amounted to £152,465. and the total funds of the order £163,400, an increase of £6,779 _in the year. The interest collected in the year amounts t° £7,444 16s lid, against £6.825 13s 4d for the previous year, showing an increase or £619, and was sufficient to cover all the sick pay of the year (£5,725) plus over half'the amount of the funeral claims. ■ —Royal Arch Chapter.— The Royal Arch Chapter reported: The Ross-Stewart Shield Comeptition again attracted a largo number of entries from Nos. 1 and 2 Districts, and was won by West Harbour Ladies’ team, whose interpretation of the initiation ceremony was a revelation and constituted a record for being the Indies’ team to gain this coveted shield. The other competing teams also rendered very impressive displays making the work of the judges, P.D.P Bro, ™ l ds ’ Dp - Bro - Bezel, and P.A Bro. Maslin, very difficult. Our thanks are due to both the lodges which competed and to the judges. The chapter also conducted several solo competitions in the various lodge rooms during the year, and met with marked success both in the numbdr of entrants and the quality of the rendering of the rituals. —Juvenile Council. The Juvenile Council reported:—Although our total membership shows a further decrease on the figures of the last two years, I feel sure that we are passing the worst of the conditions that hinder such organisations as ours We started the year with 282 members, and close with 276 We transferred to adult lodges a total of twenty-two members a satisfactory figure, illustrating one of the major benefits of our movement to the Order., At present a membership campaign is in operation, and a bonus oh Is is being paid to members who introduce a new brother. Returns are not yet complete, indications are heartening.

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Evening Star, Issue 21977, 13 March 1935, Page 3

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DRUIDS CONFER Evening Star, Issue 21977, 13 March 1935, Page 3

DRUIDS CONFER Evening Star, Issue 21977, 13 March 1935, Page 3