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THE HEW EXAMINATION OTAGO PASSES Last year the Department of Education, with the object of providing for pupils of those schools with a wider curriculum than the ordinary high school or college, established a new examination for the “ School Certificate,” and the results of the first examination, which was held last November, have now come to hand. The school certificate examination is one of the same standard as the University entrance examination, and in most "of the subjects the papers are identical. The principal difference between this and matriculation is that the candidate is offered a, much wider choice of subjects and the certificate examination is consequently more suitable for pupils of schools such as the King Edward Technical College, agricultural colleges, and similar institutiousT All who gain passes in the matriculation examination arc automatically entitled to the school certificate, and, under certain conditions, candidates who are unsuccessful in one or other of the matriculation subjects may bo entitled to a partial pass in the school certificate examination. The Government departments will accept the certificate as of equal value to matriculation when application is being made for employment in the Public Service, and several semi-public bodies have also agreed to accept this qualification. It is hoped by the Department of Education that private employers will take the same view.

The following Otago candidates were successful (the -names being given in alphabetical order, and place of residence indicated only when outside Dunedin and suburbs);

PASS Ainge, Joyce Annette; Allan, Janies Eric (Mosgiel); Alldred, Alan Joseph; Anderson, Douglas Peter; Anderson, William Lloyd; Andrews, Clifford Grainger; Andrews, Ernest Christopher (Pleasant Point) ; Andrews, Mary Eliza Hodgson (Pleasant Point) ; Angelo, Paula Marjorie; Archbold, Winifred Betty; Armstrong, Ernest Alexander; Armstrong, Sarah Thomson (Mosgiel); Aspell, Denis Bcrchmans (Oamaru); Austin, Frank; Bacos, Joseph Anthony; Baker, Audrey Jean; Ball, Lynll Grant; Barth, Margaret Ellen; Barton, Lydia Jean (Milton); Begg, Elizabeth Mackenzie; Bennetts, Bruce; Boswnrd, Elsie Lemnos; Boyle, Teresa Anno; Breeze, Cyril Lindsay; Brent, John Irvine; Brookes, Norman John; Brosnan, Denis Godfrey (Oamaru) ; Brown, Alison Creo; Brown, Dorothea Rita; Brown, Elizabeth Rao M'Farlane (Oamaru) ; Brown, Eunice Porteous (Oamaru) ; Brown, William Arthur; Brown, William Joseph. Cnirney, lan Meek; Caldwell, Gordon Mothieson Urquhart; Callan, John Bartholomew (Oamaru) ; Cameron, Elizabeth; Campbell, Douglas Haig; Campbell, John Kinder; Cannon, Nancye AVilson (Milton) ; Cartwright, James Samuel (Pleasant Point) ; Chandler, Inn M'Kenzie; Chapman, Arthur Ernest; Chapman, James Taylor; Cockerell, Noreon Mary; Collins, lan Fraser; Colvin, Neville Maurice; Cookson, John Graham; Contis, William Francis; Cowie, Jack Alexander; Cox, Herbert Bruce; Cox. Lloyd Woodrow,; Cradoek, Margaret Mary (Oamaru); Curnberbeach, David Stuart; Cunliffe, Millicent Vernon (Balclutha) ; Curran, Gerara Francis (Mosgiel) ; Dalziel, Edwin Robert; Davidson, Henry Albert Charles; Davies, Patricia Ellen (Balclutha) ; Dawson, Gordon Lorraine; Dick, Rognvnld Stuart; Dickie, James Jeffrey; Dickson, Alexander Robert; Didhaiu, Leslie John Morse; Dippie, Jean Hamilton (Balclutha) ; Doherty, Robert Charles (Oamaru) ; Doyle, Brendan Patrick (Oamaru) ; Dunlop, John Bonar. Eastgate, Jocelyn Agnes; Edgar, John Edwin Raymond; Elliott, Clive William ; Evans. Arthur Francis; Farhe, Ada Howard; Pastier, Frederick Noel .Mowbray; Fitzgerald, Bryan Edward (Oamaru); Fraser, Thomas Campbell; Fraser, William Dudley Urquhart; Garrick, John Alexander; Gibbs, Ralph Grantley; Gillon, Arthur John (Mosgiel) ; Gowland, Humphrey Walter (Oamaru); Graham, James Ambrose; Graham, Jessie Stewart; Gregg, Dorothy May; Brimsdale, Gordon Hector; Gunn, Zeta Joan (Oamaru) ; Guthroy, Albert Ronald (Oamaru). Hall, Dorothy Alice (Balclutha); Hamblctt, Marjorie Elizabeth; Hannagan, Teresa Rose; Hannan, James lan Ronald; Harbour, Margery Joan Bruce (Oamaru); Hardy, Kiwa Frederick; Harris, Victor; Hart, Keitf; Joslin; Hendy, Jack Arthur (Oamaru) ; Herron, Robert Weir; Hessey, William; Hickey, Patricia Mary; Hogg, David Alistair (Oamaru) ; Holmes, Joan Margaret; Hood. George Frederick (Oamaru); Hughes, Phyllis Mary (Oamaru) ; Hussey, Patricia Anno, Inder, James Haviland (Oamaru) ; Isaac, Kelly Tobia; Ives, Herbert Peter; Jenkins, Dorothy; Johnson, Maurice Robert; Johnston, Bruce Gibb; Johnston, Hilda Beatrice (Mosgiel) ; Johnston, Marie Jean (Mosgiel) ; Johnston, Raymond Alexander; Jolly, Maude Isabel.

Kearney, Anthony James (Oamaru) ; Kelly, Alan Cameron; Kennedy, Colin Patrick (Oamaru) ; Kinder, James Nelson (Oamaru); King, Phyllis Marion; Kingslancl, Beryl Joy; Knarston, Fran-

cis Merrilees (Balclutha) ; ' Knox, George Alexander (Pleasant Point) ; Knox, Neil M'Allister; Laverty, James Robert; Lindsay, William Ross; Littlejohn, Bessie Clark (Milton) ; Lyon, Edith Helen; Lyth, Mary Wheatley. M'Alcose, Daniel; M'Aleese, John Patrick; MacAvoy, Patrick James; Macdonald, Alexander Colin; Macdonald, lan James (Oamaru); M‘Hugh, Nancy 'Wallace; Mackay, Alan Frank (Oamaru); M‘Kay, Norman Robert (Oamaru) ; M'Kcllar,'Jean Margaret; M'Koliar, William Archibald ; Mackinnon. Martin Alexander; M'Kitterick, William Robert (Oamaru) ; M/Loau, Edna Loui; MacLcan, Margaret Milne; M‘Leuaghan, Hector Edward; M‘Manus, Patrick Joseph; M'Neur, Archibald James (Milton) ; M'Neur, Areta Hazel; M'Quitty, Albert lidward ; M‘Rao, .fames Alexander (Milton) ; Marshall, Francis Thomas (Oamaru); Marshall, Norman Graeme; Maslin, George Stephen (Balclutha) ; Maslin, Grattan Thomas Hall; Maynard, 'William Patrick (Oamaru); Meek, Margaret Audrey; Melclrum, Doris Gwendolen; Miles, Enid Constance; Millar, Norman Lindsay; Miller, Dorothy Isobel (Oamaru) ; Mills, Edward Mmr (Oamaru) ; Moir, Helen Margaret (Balclutha) ; Montgomerie, Inn Jeanette (Balclutha) ; Moore, William George Kitchener; Morgan, Elizabeth Agnes (Milton) ; Morrison. Arnold Robertson; Morrison, Edward James; Morrison, Frederick Allan (Pleasant Point) ; Munro, Martin Alexander (Oamaru) ; Neale, Brian Ashley (Oamaru) ; Nees, Olga Cecilia; Nelson, Matthew Kelso; Nixon, Joseph Harold. O’Callaghan, Michael George; O’Connell, Michael Augustine; O’Connor, Patricia Mary; O’Dea, Patrick Gerrard ; O’Kane, Eric Robert; Park, Douglas Robert; Patterson, Kathleen Margaret; Patterson, Kenneth Hardie (Oamaru); Penty, Edward Frederick; Plow, Margaret Barbara (Balclutha) ; Porter, John Ernest; Pringle, John Wilfred. Quelch, Aidan James (Mosgicl); Renton, Margaret (Balclutha) ; Iliad), Grade Marguerite (Roxburgh); Robb, Clifford Vernon; Robertson. George William; Robertson, Gwenytn Elwood (Oamaru) ; Robertson, Isabella Margaret Maud (Milton) ; Rodgers, Dorothy Catherine'(Balclutha); Ross, Donald Inkster; Ross, Thomas Allen (Oamaru) ; Russell, Neville David. Sanders, Sylvia Ellen (Oamaru) ; Soorgie, Ewing Kirkland; Scott, Clive Walter (Balclutha) ; Scott, Douglas Pickard; Simpson, Annie Farquhar; Sise, Gage Danvent; Smail, Edward Lonsdale John; Smith Albert Erie (Oamaru); Smith, Dorothy May; Spiers, Roy James; Sproule, Eileen May (Balclutha) ; Standage, Doreen Lois; Stephens, John Nolan (Mosgiel); Stevenson, Una Scott; Stuart, Dorothea Alison ; Sutherland, Jesse Manson; Taylor, Gilbert Cliff; Thomson, .Joyce Wilson (Milton) ; Throp William Frank (Balclutha). Urquhart, Grace Ohvynne Ann (Oamaru); Uttley, John William Frobisher (Oamaru); Valentine, Valerie Florence; Walker, Ellis Marsden; Walker, Marie Joan; Westwood, Eleanor Heath; Wheatley, Margaret (Mosgiel) ; White, Elma Lilian; White, Phyllis Dorene (Oamaru) ; Wilkinson, Robin Arundel; Williams, Evan Wilfred (Oamaru); Wilson, Eric Hamilton; Wilson, Patricia; Wilson, William (Mosgiel); Wimpenny, Dorothy Isobel; Wither, Douglas Anthony; Wright, Dundas Lennox; Wunsch, Priscilla Sandys. PARTIAL PASS Abercrombie, Eleanor Mary Gwyneth ; Aitken, Vernon Ross; Aldridge, Ruth Lois; Allan, John Cunningham; Alldred, Elizabeth Maud; Austin, Joan Mary; Baker, Margaret Adams; Bartlett, Gladys Laura Winifred; Bates, William Cruickshank; Baxter, Alexander Samuel; Baxter, Doris; Bay, _ Paul Arnold (Oaruaru); Birrell, Elvia Margaret; Blackie, Joan; Blundell, Gerald Martin (Oamaru) ; Brown, Elizabeth Cuthbertson ; Brownlie, Alexander; Bulleid, Victor Frederick (Oamaru) ; Bunting, Wilfrid Jack (Oamaru) ; Burns, Allan Edmund; Burton, Roderic Grant; Callender, William Stuart; Cameron, Phyllis Alexandra; Cartwright, Cyril Thomas (Oamaru) ; Chance, George Rfiger; Clarkson, Ronald Thomas; Ceilings, Bertram Frederick ; Goughian, Bruce Gerald; Cox, Joyce Mary; Davis, Olga Winifred; Dods, Victor James; Evans, Beryl Bromven; Ferguson, Stanley Muir; Foord, Dowl; Foote, Sydney Herbert; Gallaway, Judith Mary; Gapper, Harry Richmond; Garstang, Colin Sayers; Gawn, Elsa Mary;* Gow, John Graham; Grant, Brian Collier (Oamaru): Grimshaw, Alan (Balclutbn); Hall, Alan Harris (Oamaru); Hannan, Mervyn Ivan; Henderson, Robert James; Heward, Hilda Maud; Hobbs, Edna Gwendoline; Holloway, James Russell; Holt, Ida Marian Adelaine; Howell, Ackroyd Edwin Matthew (Oamaru); Howell, Alexander Edwin; Hutton, Gerald Percy; Hutton, Marjorie Lesley; Inder, Kenneth William (Oamaru); Jamieson, lan Stanley Bruce; Jenkins, Thomas; Joel, Lloyd; Josephs, Victor Joseph; Kean, Raymond Thomas (Oamaru) ; Kelk, Woodthorpe (Oamaru); Kennedy, Douglas Richmond (Oamaru); Kennedy, Rosemary; Keogh, Arthur O’Sullivan ; Kirby, Vincent Xavier (Mosgiel) ; Lind, Robert Alexander (Cromwell) ; Little, Frederick Gibson; Lord, Kathleen Stanfield; M'Cnlloch, Keith Kennedy; M‘Kay. Keith James; M'Kecbnie, Allan Cassilis; M'Kinney, Thomas (Milton); M'Leod, William David: Mnhony, Raymond Gerald; Maynard, Percy Alfred; Minola, Olga Patricia (Balduthn) ; Mulvey, Gregory John (Balclutha) ; Murphy, John (I’leasant Point) ; Murray, Eileen Margaret (Mosgiel) ; Nicholson, Lily Falconer (Roxburgh) ; Nicolson, Nancy Loraine; Onvay, Janies Harry; Oxley, Margaret Richmond (Roxburgh) ; Paterson, Jean Spencer; Patrick, David Moore; Pearson, Ernest William (Oamaru) ; Percy, Bert Bernard; Perry 'William Arnold John ; Peterson, lan Cassels; Porter. Walter Robert; Rea, James Matthew (Milton) ; Restieaux, Leslie Norman; Richardson, William Francis (Oamaru) : Robertson, Robert Elliott (Oamaru) ; Robinson, Esme Enid (.Milton); Salter, Francis Henry; Shepherd, Patrick Nimmo Hubert; Sherburd. Ernest Foster; Sheriff. Ernest Charles; Sinclair, Peter Holden (Oamaru) ; Sinclair, Winifred Joyce; Stevenson, 'Thomas Roy; Stone. William John (Dunedin) ; Taylor. Sydney Ronald; Thomas, Walter William; Tuck, Arthur Bruce; Tyrrell, Vernon George; Urouhart. Joseph Fletcher (Mosgiel) ; Vernon. Helene Jeanette (Roxburgh) : Vlietstra, Stanley Reginald; Walden, Joan Rona; Walker, John Ernest (Roxburgh) ; Whiteside, Joan Kathleen; Wilson, Mary Webster; Wilson, Thomas Hugh (Milton); Wood, Ivan Alexander; Wood, Joan Mary; Wrather, Elizabeth June.

Airs Brown awoke in the middle of Uio night. “ George,” she whispered, shaking her husband, “ there’s a burglar downstairs. I board him bump against the piano and strike some notes.” “ Oh, did yon?” said George, springing out of bed. ” I’ll go down at once.” “ George, George,” she cried, “ don’t do anything rash!” “ Bashl” he exclaimed. “ This is the chance of a lifetime. I’m going to help him. You don’t suppose he can move a fifty-year-old upright piano without help, do you?”

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Evening Star, Issue 21947, 6 February 1935, Page 2

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SCHOOL CERTIFICATES Evening Star, Issue 21947, 6 February 1935, Page 2

SCHOOL CERTIFICATES Evening Star, Issue 21947, 6 February 1935, Page 2