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Classic swimming was provided in the invitation scratch races at the Otago Centre’s carnival at the Municipal (laths last night, the largest crowd for years being loused to a high pitch of enthusiasm by the great struggles over •50 yards and 100 yards between the Australian, all-round champion, R. V. Clark, and W. J. Jarvis (the young Otago champion and New Zealand 50 yards record holder), and by the magnificent diving of Harry Tickle, Australian high-board champion and New South \Vales high and low-hoard champion. The baths were packed to the. doors, the extra seating accommodation being taxed to the utmost, and the swimming and diving were of such a high standard as to provide the spectators with as fine a night’s sport as could be wished for. ' . The long-anticipated meeting of Walter Jarvis and Beg. Clark not only resulted- in thrilling racing, but afforded the public an opportunity of comparing the styles of two of the greatest young swimmers in Australia and New Zealand to-day. Both are splendidly-proportioned athletes, Walter Jarvis being some inches the taller. In some respects their styles are not dissimilar, and both possess great relaxation. Walter Jarvis’s reach, however, gives him a long pull-through, Clark being quicker on the recovery and getting a great glide on the forward arm. Cach man swims with the elbows fairly high. By his performance in dead heating with Clark over 50 yards in 24 4-ssec, and in winning the 100 yards in 57 l-ssec, Walter Jarvis has further indicated that he is in the very top flight of Australian and New Zealand sprinters, and both races will long be remembered by all who saw them. Both were so closely contested that the return meeting of the pair at Dunedin next Wednesday should bring forth another memorable contest. Jarvis had the bettor of the start in the 50 yards, hut Clark gaining on the turn, unloosed a tremendous spurt over the last fifteen sTards5 T ards an< 1 literally carved his way through the water "to the finishing pole to share the honours with the Otago man. In the 100 yards it was Clark who had the better of the start, and here Jarvis showed his fighting powers and determination by staging one of the greatest last-lap efforts ever seen in Dunedin to win by a touch from Clark. The crowd showed its appreciation of the spectacular finishes in both races by giving the swimmers an ovation.

After only a week in the dominion, swimming in fresh water and under conditions to which he was not accustomed, Clark registered sterling performances to dead-heat for first place in the 50 yards and to push Jarvis to such a close verdict over 100 yards; but, on the other hand) Walter' Jarvis’s displays further indicate what a mistake was made when he was excluded from the New Zealand team for >±he Empire Games at which Clark represented Australia. While greatest attention centred upon the swimming of Walter Jarvis and Clark, the performance of J. D. O’Driscoll, especially in the 100 yards, showed that he, too" is in real championship class, since over 100 yards he finished barely a foot behind Clark after swimming with rare dash throughout. It was a very worthy effort on the part of the young Dunedin swimmer, who must be regarded as a fine second string to Walter Jarvis over this distance. The fifteen-year-old intermediate, S. W. Jarvis, finished so close to the others as to make- his performances in both races outstanding.

The crowd's .appreciation of the brilliant diving of Harry Tickle was no less marked, and both in his solo display and in his exhibition with local divers comprising P. K. Mathieson, A. Williams, and Mrs E. C. Isaacs the crowd was loth to let the Australian champion leave the boards. He performed some of the most difficult dives in the handbook —including some which have been introduced only recently—with consummate ease, his dash and finish being outstanding. His display in many respects was a revelation, and nothing finer has probably ever been seen in Dunedin. ,His style is based on that of the American champions, and after relaxing almost completely on coming on to the board he gathers himself to-

gether for one great eilort as he takes off, and the way he turns above the board in his somersaults should be an object lesson to local divers. His Isander dive with a half-screw, running, and bis one and a-half forward somersaults with a full screw running were both exceptionally well done, the twist being very well accentuated. His two and a-half forward somersaults was very cleanly executed, the Australian champion securing just as clean an entry in this number as in the more simple ones. As a finale he performed the spectacular running swallow, and was accorded an ovation by the crowd which lasted for some minutes.

The handicap events produced very keen competition and large fields, and the finishes kept the crowd interested to the very end of the programme, which culminated with the ever-popular relays. After the Australians had been introduced to the crowd by the president of the Otago Swimming Centre (Mr W. A. Jenkins) the carnival was declared open by the deputy-mayor (Mr J. ,1. Marlow), who paid a tribute to the Otago Centre for its enterprise in arranging the tour. R. V. Clark, the Australian champion, also expressed the thanks of himself and Harry Tickle to the Otago Centre for sponsoring the tour and for the hospitality extended to him in Dunedin. Mr-W. A. Jenkins (the starter) had an onerous task with such large fields, but carried out his duties with his usual efficiency, while Mr W. H. Matthews (superintendent) saw to it that the events were despatched without delay. The swimming judges were Messrs rf. Brown, E. H. James, P. N. Rundle, and D. T. Woodfield, and the diving judges Messrs W. H. Matthews, R. C. Calder, PI G. James, J. L. MTndoe, and H. Tickle (Australia). The use of the public address system for the announcing of results proved a successful innovation. Results:— 50 YARDS INVITATION SCRATCH RACE. New Zealand record, 23 l-ssec. W 1 J. Jarvis (Otago), April 13, 1934. W. J. Jarvis (St. G.) ... + R. V. Clark (Australia) + J. D. O’Driscoll (D.) 3 Also started: S. W. Jarvis (D.). The swimmers were all a little eager at the start, but after one “ break ” the starter got them away to a good despatch. Walter Jarvis hitting the water a shade ahead of Clark. Clark was barely a stroke behind W. J. Jarvis going up the first length, with O'Driscoll in very close attendance. W. J. Jarvis turned with a foot to spare, however, but the Australian gained an advantage on the turn, and putting in a desperate challenge drew level with the New Zealand record-holder almost on the finishing pole, the pair touching simultaneously for a dead heat. It was a thrilling finish to a wonderful race. O’Driscoll was'only a foot away third. Time, 24 4-ssec. 100 YARDS INVITATION SCRATCH RACE. New Zealand record, 53sec, Noel Crump (Auckland), April 17, 1934. W. J. Jarvis (St. C.) I R. V. Clark (Australia) ... 2 J. D. O’Driscoll (D.) ... 3 Also started: S. W.-Jarvis (D.). A wonderful race, with the issue in doubt all the way. O’Driscoll had the best of the start, and slicing his way over a fast first lap turned a foot ahead of Clark, who had a slight advantage over W. J. Jarvis, the last-named having the worst of the start. The first lap was left behind in 16 4-ssec; and in the second Clark and- W. J.‘ Jarvis drew up on O’Driscoll, the whole three being almost on terms at the second turn, the 66 2-3yds being completed in 38sec. Clark gained slightly on W. J. Jarvis at tho turn, hut the Otago champion staged one of the greatst finishes ever seen in the .baths, and after a magnificent tussle over the last 15yds W. J. Jarvis won. by a touch, O’Driscoll being barely a foot back third. The intermediate, S. W. Jarvis, finished) a yard back after also going a fine race. Time, 57 l-ssec. 33 1-3 YARDS SECOND-CLASS HANDICAP.

First Heat. —C. M'Gregor (K.), Isec, 1; Miss P. Duncan (D.), 7sec, 2. Throe starters. Won by a touch. Time, 18 4-ssec. Second heat: Roy Geddes (K.), 3sec, 1; A. Tyrie (St. C.), 3sec, 2. Four starters. Won by a toucli. A. J. Leeden (K.) scr finished first, but was disqualified for leaving before his time. Third heat: H. Beadle (St. C.), 4sec. 1; P. Stewart (St. K.), 4sec, 2. Sis starters. Won by a touch. Time, 21 2-ssec. Fourth heat: C. Ferguson (D.), 1; R. Baker (St. K.), 3sec, 2. Six starters. Won by 2yds. Time, 20seo. Fifth heat: K. Nisbet (St. C.), 4sec, 1; W. A. Black (K.), scr, 2. Won by 2yds. Time, 21sec. Sixth heat: C. Lawrence (K.), 4sec, 1; E. Johnson (D.), 4sec, 2. Won by half a yard. Time, 20 4-ssec. Seventh heat: G. Laing (Kai.), 6sec, 1; T. Ness (Kai.), ssec, 2. Five starters. Won by a yard. Time, 21 2-ssec. First Semi-final. —Miss P. Duncan (D.), 7sec, 1; Roy Geddes (K.), 3sec, 2; H. Beadle St. C.), 4sec, 3. A very close race. Geddes overhauled Miss Duncan in great style over the last Byds, but the latter lasted long enough to win on the touch, Beadle a similar distance back third. Time, 23 l-ssec. Second Semi-final. —G. Laing Kai.), 6sec, 1; K. Nisbet (St. C.). 4sec, F. Stewart (St. K.), 4sec, equal, 3, Another close finish. Time, 20 l-ssec. —Final.— G. Laing (Kai.), 6sec 1 Miss P. Duncan (D.), 7sec 2 K. Nisbet (St. C.), 4sec 3 The first two swimmers were almost in lino with oyds to go, Nisbet coming up fast. Laing drew ahead and won on the touch, Nisbet touching a fraction of a second after Miss Duncan. Time, 22 4-ssec. 100 YARDS INTERCLUB BREAST STROKE HANDICAP. First heat; C. Gladwin (St. C.), 9scc, I; G. Ruston (D.), 7sec, 2. Four starters. Gladwin took the lead from the limit swimmer, Miss H. Huddart (Kai., 23sec), nearing the last turn, and despite a strong challenge from Ruston the St. Clair man won by a toot. Time, 88 2-ssec. Second heat; C. W. Elliott (D.), scr, 1; D. Shanahan (K.), scr, 2. Four starters. The race early resolved itself into a tussle between the two scratch men, who swam together all the way and took the lead in the last lap. Elliott gained slightly on the turn, but halfway up the Jap Shanahan was with him. In a clinking finish Elliott got home by barely a touch in the good time of 80sec.

—Final.— C. Gladwin (St. C.), 9sec ] D. Shanahan (K.), scr 2 C. IV. Elliott (D.), scr 3 Gladwin held the lead all the way, ami swam a good race. He hold a 2yds advantage at the turn from Shanahan and Elliott, who were ugain together tor the whole journey. Shanahan lost on the turn again, but swam with great determination over the last lap to beat •Elliott for second ' place by a touch, Gladwin touching just ahead of Shanahan. It was an exciting finish.

66 2-3 YARDS BACK STROKE HANDICAP. First heat: P. E. Mathieson (K.), scr, 1; K. Decide (D.), 14sec, 2; M. Taylor (K.), llsec, 3. The scratch man got up to win by a yard in a field of six, Taylor being a yard back third. Time, 43 3-ssec. Second heat: T. Wallace (D.), llsec, 1- A. G. Wood (St. C.), 6sec, 2; A. Thomas (K.), 4sec, 3. Five starters. Won by 2yds, a yard between second and third. Time, 64sec. ■—Final. — T. Wallace (D.), 14sec 1 M. Taylor (K.), llsec ... ... ... 2 K. Decide (D.), 14sec 3 Taylor made a bold bid to head Wallace in the last lap, but Wallace held his lead to the end," winning by a couple of yards, with Leckie in third place IJyds back. Time, 53 2-ssec. 75 YARDS JUNIOR BREAST STROKE HANDICAP. First heat; Roy Goddcs (K.), 9sec, 1; R. Knewstu'bb (D.), 4sec, 2; C. Ferguson (D.), 9sec, 3. Four starters. Won by 7yds, a yard between second and third. Time, 71sec. Second heat: W. W. Buckland (Z.), 12sec, 1; C. M'Gregor (K.). 3sec, 2; M. Shanahan (K.), scr, 3. Five starters. The New Zealand junior champion, Shanahan, was set a heart-breaking task in this event, as he would have had to break Reg. Geddes’s New Zealand record by more than 3sec to win. Yet he swam a fine race to qualify for the final. Buckland led all tho way and won in good time with 4yds to spare, Shanahan being 2yds back third. Time, 68sec. —Final.— W. W. Buckland (Z.), 12sec 1 Roy Geddes (K.), 9sec 2 R. "Knewstuhb (D.), 4sec 3 Buckland swam another good race, and though challenged by Geddes over the J*-.t 20yds was moving strongly and appeared to have something in hand. Geddes finished very fast, but Buckland won by a good yard, 4yda between second and third. Time, 69 2-ssec. 50 YARDS JUNIOR AND INTERMEDIATE HANDICAP. First' heat: A. R. Kay (K.) 15sec 1, C. Ferguson (D.) 7sec 2. Five starters. Won by Byds. Time, 35 2-ssec. Second heat: A. Smith (K.) 13sec 1, K. Nelson (Kai.) 7sec 2. Four starters. Won by syds. Time, 33 1-Ssec. Third heat: Miss D. Turnbull (Z.) 9sec I, W. Turnbull (Z.) 5530 2. Five starters. Won by 4yds. Time, 41 Fourth heat; C. Smith (K.) llsec 1, Miss A. Gillies (K.) 6sec 2. Five starters. Won by 4yds. Time, 34 4-ssec.

—Final. — A. Smith (K.), 13sec 1 A. R. Kay (K.), ISsec 2 C. Smith (K.), 13sec 3 Won by syds, 2yds between second and third. Time, 34sec. 33 1-3 YARDS LADIES’ HANDICAP. First heat: Miss C. Knowles (K,), 4sec, 1; Miss D. Pope (K.), 6sec, 2. Four starters. Time, 23sec. Second heat: Miss A. Gillies (K.),' 3sec, 1; Miss M. Stewart (Z,), 7sec, 2. Four starters. Time, 20 4-ssec. Third heat: Miss G. Rix (D.), scr, I. A swim-over. Time. 21 4-ssec. ■—Final. — Miss A. Gillies (K.V, 3sec 1 Miss C. Knowles (K.), 4sec ... ... 2 Aliss M. Stewart (Z.). 7sec 3 Miss Gillies caught Miss Knowles a few yards from the finish, and won by half a' yard, Miss Stewart being liyds back third. Time, 20 3-Sscc. 100 YARDS INTERCLUB HANDICAP. First heat: G. Huston (D.), 9sec, 1; M. Taylor (K.), 7sec, 2. Four starters. Taylor challenged strongly over the last lap, Ruston winning by, a touch. Time, 69 3-ssec. Second heat; E. Toase (D.), scr, 1, J. Clulce (D.), 9see, 2. Four starters. Toaso caught Clulee in the last lap and won by a yard. Time, 62 l-ssec. Third heat: A'. J. Leeden (K.), Bsec, 1; V. Newall (St. K.), 4sec, 2. Won by a yard. Time, 71sec. ' —Final.— J. Clulee (D.), 9?ec 1 A. J. Leeden (K-), Bsec 2 E. Toase (D.), scr ... 3 Clulee led for most of the way, and, swimming smoothly, turned for home a yard ahead of Taylor, who was reducing his stroke badly with the pressure on in the last lap. Leeden passed Taylor, but Clulee won by a yard, Toase finishing strongly 2yds back third. Time, 68 l-ssec. 0 INTEROLUB DIVING HANDICAP. (Running header off top board and one voluntary with points for difficulty) . Miss O. Ferguson (D.), 4 points in X A. Williams (D.), 1 point in 2 Mrs E. C. Isaacs (K.), 3 points in ... 3 Eight competed. The placed competitors gave fan- enough displays, but the standard generally was not so high as usual. The winner’s neat entry gained her the decision.

133 1-3 YARDS FOUR-A-SIDE SECOND-CLASS RELAY HANDICAP. First heat: Kiwi No. 4 (C. Smith, A. Smith, Miss C. Knowles, and Graham M'Donald), 19sec, 1; Kaikorai (K. Nelson, I. Laing, T. Ness, and J. Ness'), 6sec, 2: Five teams started. Time, Imin 36 l-ssec. Second heat; Dunedin No. 4 (R. Meikle, Miss G. Rix, Miss J. Harris, and G. M'Donald), Ssoc.l: Zenith No. 3 (Miss O. Buddand, J. Marston, A. Sands, and G. Thomson). 7sec. 2. Four starters. Time, Imin 27sec. Third heat: Dunedin No. 3 (T. Wallace, A. M‘Taggart, Miss P. Duncan, and Miss J. Ramsay), Bsec, 1 ; Kiwi No. 1 (G. Goodwin, S. B. Holder, J. Shanahan, and Roy Geddes). ssec, 2. Five starters. Time, Imin 35sec. —Final.— Kiwi No. 4 (C. Smith, A. Smith, Miss C. Knowles, and Graham M‘Donald) 1 Dunedin No. 4 (R. Meikle, Miss G. Rix. Miss J. Harris, and G. M‘Donald) 2 Dunedin No. 3 (T. Wallace, A. M‘Taggart, Miss P. Duncan, and Miss J. Ramsay), Bsec 3 Won by a yard, a touch between second and third. Time, Imin 36sec. 133 1-3 YARDS SHORT-LTMIT FOUR-A-SIDE RELAY HANDICAP (15 seconds limit). First heat: Dunedin No. 3 (E. Toase, N. Williams. J. D. O’Driscoll, and K. Leckie), 4sec, 1; Kiwi No. 1 (D. Shanahan. P. E. Mathjeson, A. Thomas, and Reg. Geddes), 2sec, 2. Three starters. Won by a touch. Time. Imin 11 I-ssec. Second heat- Kiwi No. 2 1 (W. A. Black, M. Taylor, A. J. Leeden. and (). Holland), 7sec, 1; St. Clair (W. J. Jarvis, H. D. Gillies, 0. Wood, and H. Tyrie), gcr, 2. Won by a foot. Time, Imin losec. —Final.— St. Clair (W. J. Jarvis, H. D. Gillies, 0. .Wood, and H. Tytie,

scr 1 Kiwi No. 1 (D. Shanahan, P. K. Mathieson, A. Thomas, and K. Leckie), 4sec - Kiwi No. 2 (W. A. Black, M. Taylor, A. J. Leeden,- and 0. Holland), 7sec 3 Won by a touch, a foot between second and third. Time, Imin 9 2-ssec. VISITORS ENTERTAINED. At the conclusion of the carnival the Australians were entertained at supper. This afternoon they journeyed to Milton to take part in demonstrations, tomorrow they leave for Alexandra to compete at a carnival there on Saturday, and also to engage in demonstrations at Cromwell and Roxburgh. They return to Dunedin on Monday afternoon, and compete here again on Wednesday, leaving for Oamaru on Thursday.

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Evening Star, Issue 21890, 29 November 1934, Page 2

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JARVIS BEATS CLARK Evening Star, Issue 21890, 29 November 1934, Page 2

JARVIS BEATS CLARK Evening Star, Issue 21890, 29 November 1934, Page 2