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Will correspondents please note that items intended for Wednesday’s ‘Star’ must be in the office by Tuesday afternoon, and those intended for insertion on Saturday by Thursday afternoon, or at the latest Friday morning. In the latter case they must be brief. Miss Effie Gilkison Ims loft on Her return to Nelson. Dr Duncan Cook is flic gucst-of Mrs J. Cook, “ Aorangi,” St. Leonards. Signor and Signora Stella gave a delightful supper at the Savoy on Friday evening. Dr and Mrs Fawcett Dodds and Miss Shirley Dodds are the guests of Mrs Bevan Dodds, Michie street. Mrs L. G. Lilly and her sou left on Thursday for Wellington, where they will join the Rotorua, which sails on Saturday for England. They expect to be absent for about six months. Mr and Mrs Thornes, Shropshire, England, are staying with Mrs James Roberts, Montpelier. Miss Joan Fraser, who has been holidaying in South Canterbury, has returned to her homo in High street. Mr and Mrs P. L. Ritchie have returned after a very extensive tour of the North Island. Miss Betty Davidson (Methvon) is the guest of her aunt, Thomas Brown, of Broomlands. The engagement is announced of Joan Mary, only daughter of the late Air W. J. Carr and of Mrs Carr, Dunedin, to Herbert Russell, only son of Mrs E. L. Russell, Wellington. A very enjoyable evening was spent at the Bungalow Tea Rooms on Monday evening, when Mr Albert Hay, of Wilkie road, celebrated his twenty-first birthday. At the Leith Pavilion on Wednesday evening Mr and Mrs W. Dale entertained their friends at a dance given in honour of the twenty-first' birthday of their son, Harry. Miss Brenda 8011, of Shag Valley, secretary of the Drama League of the Otago Federation of Women’s Institutes, who accompanied Madame Winnie Fraser to Balchitha for the recent, drama festival, returned last night. The lloslyn branch of League of Mothers held its monthly meeting on Tuesday last in the .Roslvn Prcsbvtcrian Church Hall, Mrs G. W. Ucid'preaiding. Beautiful flowers brought by members were sent to the hospital. Mrs Reid impressed all with her thoughtful talk on ‘ Influence of Love and Home Life.’ Mrs Chisholm proposed a , hearty vote of thanks to the speaker.

A delightful gift evening was given last Saturday in honour of Miss Selina Connor, of llavensbourne, by Mrs Stevenson, of 50 Chamber street. The evening was spent in enjoyable games and dancing. Among the guests were Mr and Mrs Stevenson, Mrs Caley and Miss Reta and Arthur Caley, Misses G. Sebelin, C. and N. Cox. M. and I. Connor, M. Lunquist, S. Collett, O. Still, M. Hunt, P. Neville, D. Harxiss, A. Pocoek, -I. Raker, H. Coates, Messrs AVallace, Pattillo, Sebelin, Falconer, Bolton, Hodge, Cbricton, M'Gregor, Cox, Harris, Baker, Howie, Connor, Crawford, and Cuthbert.

A delightful evening was spent at Lake’s Restaurant on Saturday evening last, when Mr and Mrs Williamson, of Concord entertained some sixty guests in celebrating the twenty-first birthday of their only daughter, Nancy. The guest of honour, who received some lovely gifts, looked charming in blue organdie, daintily frilled at th'e neckline and ankles, Mrs Williamson being attix’ed in a handsome gown of deep maroon satin. Duties of M.C. were in the hands; of Messrs M. Vernon and Ivan Lennon, who provided an amusing programme of games and dancing. During the evening two novelty dances were given by Miss Gwen Cox.

The Green Island Women's Institute held its monthly meeting on Tuesday evening, Mrs AY. T. Smcllic presiding over a good attendance of members. After the usual • procedure a very interesting and instructive address was given by Airs Andrew .Miller of her experiences in China while on missionary work, which was greatly appreciated by those present, after which Airs Miller was accorded a very hearty vote of thanks. Various thrift articles were exhibited by the members, Airs Gardiner receiving tbo highest number of votes. The hostesses for the evening were Alosdames Barclay, Gough, Harris, Fdrnond, and Clnlce.

Air Charles Msvttiir was host at a most interesting afternoon tea party at the Savoy on Friday, when his guests were Miss Bertha Raxvlinsou and Air Tracey Moresby, who received the degree of Alns. Bac. at. the recent Capping ceremony, and Miss Alary Martin, who received the same degree last year. As Air Alartin is .the only other holder of the degree in Dunedin the party was a unique one, which it is imped to repeat evox-y year in Capping AA'eek to welcome new grhdiiutss in music.

On Saturday, May 5, the St. Clair Hydro was the scene of a very enjoyable banquet and dance given by the committee of the Aotea Tennis Club. The hall was very tastefully decorated in the Club colours. The. president (Mr JV Howie) presided over an attendance of eighty members and friends. After all the toasts had been honoured the chairman of the committee (Air C. Bowie) took the opportunity df presenting to the secretary, (Air D. Alason), a small gift as a toiprn of appreciation of valuable work dons by him throughout the season. Between the toasts, items 'were rendered by: —Alias P. Strachan (recitation) ; novelty numbers, Alessrs R. Brown (piano), B. Brown (banjo), and stop dance by Afr R. Brown accompanied by Air Eggers (piano), all of which were very much appreciated. The hall was then cleared, and-dancing brought a very successful evening to a close. For the first time in Otago representative groups from all the best amateur societies in Dunedin will be seen on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of next week in the Concert Chamber. As the committee of the Drama League wishes to make the festival a great success the prices of admission have been made to come within the reach of everyone interested. Four shillings buys a season ticket, xvhich admits to reserved scats for all three performances. Aliss Blake’s criticism of the plays each night should prove of great value to everyone, and interest is already being very strongly shown by each amateur group. The performance will begin at 7.30 each night, as the programme of four plays nightly is rather long.

The Musselburgh branch of the League of Mothers held its monthly meeting in the Baptist Church Hall, Musselburgh Rise, on the 17th inst. Despite the net weather there was a fair attendance. The speaker for the evening was Mrs Langmore, who gave an exceptionally interesting address on her travels through India. The evening concluded with competitions and community singing. A vote of thanks was passed by Mrs Leech.

The annual meeting of the Montecillo Croquet Club was hcfld in the club’s pavilion on Monday evening. Mr H. S. Reid presided over a good attendance, and moved the adoption of the report and balance-sheet. The president congratulated the club oil its financial position, and thanked the members of the committee for their assistance during the year. The following were elected to the various offices for the ensuing year President, Mrs Barry; vice-pre-sidents, Miss Black and Miss M. Russell ; secretary. Miss Stenhouse; treasurer, Mrs J. Rhodes; committee— Mesdamos Brown, Davis, Hill, Moss, Miss Cowie, and M.iss Findlay; captain, Miss Black; Match Committee—Mns Barry, Miss Black, and Miss M. Russell; delegates to Croquet Association, Mrs Barry and Miss Black. The following is a list of the guests registered at tlio Hermitage during the past week;—England: Miss Pearson, Miss D. Pridic. Dr R. J. Harrop. Netherlands: Mr Gijselman. Canada; Mr and Mrs R. Mima. Auckland: Mr and Mrs R. A. Wells, Mr W. Macindoe, Mr J. Gibson, Mr and Mrs J. Bari’. Marton; Mrs and Miss Galpiu. Wellington : Mr R. A.Rhodda. Miss K. A. Ellis, Mrs Cameron, Mr G. K. Yeurx, Mr K. E. Francis, Mr L. Hinge, Mr .1. B. Bibby. Otarc: Mr and Mrs R. JL Tochl. «■ Teiuuku : Mr G. Guild, Air A. Guild. Bluff: Mrs T. F. Doyle, Mrs J. H. Doyle, Mr and Mrs Dai ragh. Christchurch : Mr W. Johnstone, Miss Maginucss. Mr A. L. M. Perry. Miss Curtis, Master J. Langboin, Master i F. Langboin. Mrs M. Armstrong. Masiter Tony Armstrong. Miss G. Death. Miss Lj. Rawston. Miss L. Harper, Mr .1. Colclough. Mr Glifton-Moge. Mrs A. Allison. Miss P. Ward. Mr Tothill, M.iss. D. Adams. Miss J. Omcrod. Mr Gibson. Timarn: Miss Clifton-Mogg. Mr Walton, Miss Wade. Miss R. 1L I Reeves. Mr 11. G. Wilson. Mr S. Mills, jMr F. W. Chapman.'Mr Mahan. Dnii- | edin: Mr E. R. Guinness. Mr R. D. I Hudson. Mrs R. Lambert, Mr G. Smart Thompson. Mr Wood. Oamaru : Miss J. i Banks Wilson. Invercargill: Mr W 'Farnio. Miss E. Langford. Miss L. E. MTvay. Miss J. Dick. Mrs Gaining, Hisses M. and I. Fox. Mr G. Hewton, Miss A E. Campbell, Miss C. G. Woods. Miss - P. APLcunon, Miss daily. Miss More, Mr and Mrs W. S. Allan. Miss Nancy Nicholson. Air F. E. Hodgate. •

As M departure I'roin the usual the Yorkshire and Lancashire Association held a very successful “ fancy dress ” social in the Unity Chambers on Saturday evening last. There was a large attendance of members and friends, and tiie majority of those present had donned festive attire. Those judging the costumes were Mr and Airs fieccot, Mr and Mrs Webster, and Air A. Ellis. Those who received prizes were:— Humorous (“ When father papered the parlour Mr E. • Baxter; original Lancashire and Yorkshire roses, Airs Baxter: trades (Militias), Miss Crossiey j fancy dress (Lady Gainsborough) Airs Hargreaves, (pirate) Air Green. The president and secretary of the Orkney and Shetland Society, with their wives, were the guests of the evening and were welcomed by the president. The visitors suitably responded. The first part of the programme was spent in games and community singing, and vocal items were given by Airs Sparrow and Air Paris. After supper had been served dancing continued until a late hour, when the singing of ‘ Aukl Lang Syne ’ brought another successful social I>> a close.

A novel social function of considerable interest took place on Tuesday, in Millar Street Hall, North-east Valley, in the form of a mock wedding breakfast. The contracting parties were Lady Diana Montmorency (Miss L. Reilly), daughter of Lord and Lady Montmorency (Alias AJoriel Pearce and Airs J. Dean), and the Right, Hon. AJarmaduke Popolf (Aliss Isabel Gillies), sou of Lord and Lady Archibald Popoff (Airs H. Hogg and Aliss Mabel Paul). The officiating minister was the Rev. Peter Fitz-Morris-Buchanari (Miss Jessie Anderson). Following the signing of the register, to the strains of the 'Wedding march, played by Aliss Tasma Woodward, the bridal party proceeded to the supper room. .Some lifty guests were received by Lady Montmorency, attired in flora! georgette with bat to tone and musquash coat, and Lady Popolf. who looked charming in a frock of black lace, with small black hat with eycvoil. The bride wore an exquisite gown of ivory chenille georgette with a beautiful veil of Brussels net and coronet of orange blossom. She carried a shower bouquet of white chrysanthemums and maidenhair fern. A string of pearls, the gift of the bridegroom, completed her charming toiletc. The bridesmaids, Ladies Doro-thy-May and Rose-Alarie (Alisses Doreen Fitzsimmouds and Lilian Harris), sisters of thd bride, wore frocks of green and lemon floral georgette respectively. Each carried a bouquet of autumn-tinted chrysanthemums. Little Elizabeth-Anne Montmorency (Aliss Beatrice Moore), cousin of the bride, looked sweet in a dainty frock of white crepe de chine. The duties of best man were ably carried out by Sir Reginald Popoff (Aliss Eileen Wise), brother of the bridegroom, while Colonel Algcnon Smart (Aliss Alice Gillies) acted as groomsman. The ushers were Charles and Henry (Misses Myrtle Still and Joyce Xol’oed), and the charmingly decorated tables were waited upon by Misses N. Pearce, E. Young, and P~ Woodward. The duties of chauffeur were carried out by Miss Anne Reilly. During the evening items jvere rendered by Alisses AI. Giles, June Alden, and Signor Isereechio (Airs S. Ikin). Alid showers of confetti the happy couple left by car for the south. Games and dancing were enjoyed by all till a late hour. Among those present were Madame Popoff (Airs H. Dudfield), grandmother of the bridegroom, Airs Deborah Fitz-Alorris-Buchanan (Aliss Afa vis Aloore), Aliss A lon tagn e-Jones (Aliss A. Hurd), Aliss Juliet Smithson (Miss Olive Brewster). Mrs H. Dudfield. Jnnr. Hastings, Rev. S. A, G. Hurd, Air Al.idiael Colqnhoun (Aliss Reta Brown),

The League of Mothers met on Thursday, May 3, in the Presbyterian Church room, Albert street. Mrs Booth (president) presided over a full meeting, and members were interested in Mrs Graham’s' talk upon ‘The Building of Bettor Homes.’ Airs Moore sang two songs which were enjoyed, and afternoon .lea closed a helpful meeting. Tho Wakari branch of the Otago Homo Economies Association held its fortnightly meeting on Wednesday _ at the residence of Mrs .1. Bauld,\ Kaikorai. It was very pleasing and encouraging to see such a large attendance of members and friends, new members being enrolled. A demonstration on the art of making economical reading lamps from wooden reels, etc., was given by Airs Drain, assisted by Mrs Laurie, of the Tainui branch. This proved most interesting to all. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded the hostesses of the evening, Airs Lamond and Airs Alason; also the president, Mrs Bauld, for the use of her homo. Atadaine Winnie Fraser returned on Friday evening from Balclutha, where she had been acting as judge in the first drama festival held under the auspices of the South .Qtago Federation of Women’s Institutes. The festival lasted three nights, during which eleven plays were presented. Attendances every night were excellent, the plays were excellently staged, and the manner in which they were interpreted gave, evidence of “much time being spent in careful preparation. Madame Fraser said that it had been ’a very difficult matter to judge, as the teams were all so even. On Wednesday night variety was introduced by musical items and an interesting talk on her travels by Atadame Fraser, which was greatly appreciated. The winning teams were: — AVarepa Institute nfirst. Benhar Institute second, Tuapeka A.touth Institute third.

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Evening Star, Issue 21724, 19 May 1934, Page 22

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SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Evening Star, Issue 21724, 19 May 1934, Page 22

SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Evening Star, Issue 21724, 19 May 1934, Page 22