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AWARDS FOR IRE YEAR WAKARI Standard Vl.—Dux of school: Olive P. Richan and Veda L. Thomson (equal). General excellence: Girls— Margaret Tweedie, Ruby Bain, Joyce Perry, Winifred Waugh, Jean Campbell, Isabel Topping; boys—Kenneth Godwin, Leslie Braid. John Robertson, Henry Freeman, Maxwell Walker. Athenaeum prize: John David Ness. Woodwork; Leslie Braid. Home science: Margaret Tweedie. Attendance certificates: Six. Standard V.—Class marks —Section A: Girls—Nancy Goodlet 1, Gladys Laing 2, Marie Holden 3; boys—Walter Kodzlie. 1. Class prizes: Eileen Herd, Noeline Freeman, Doris Kershaw, Mary Harneiss. Section B—Class marks; Girls—Eleanor Rainbow 1, Maimie Kyles 2, Reta Sharp 3; boys—Lyle Thomson 1, Ninian M'Donald 2. Class prizes: Girls—Doris Pledger, Annie Lanrenson, Annie Robertson, Margaret Hunter; boys—Nghari Sheppard, James Anderson, Eion M'Leod, Gordon Lamond, Earle Still, David Holden, Samuel Holden, Stuart Millar, Samuel Smith. Home science: Gladys Laing. Attendance certificates: Twelve. Standard IV.—Class marks : Girls— Jean, Knox 1, Lorna Stevenson 2, Gladys Thomson 3, Lenore Stedman 4; boys—Bertram Hollebon 1, Peter Brown 2, George Matthews 3. Class prizes: Girls—Lilian Harneiss, Francos Gray, Russell Stenhouse, Doris M'Shain, Queenie Holden, Nancy Lauronson; boys—Duncan Wallace, John Beadle, Edward Bevin, Allan M'Leod, Patrick Rogan. Attendance certificates: Eight. Standard lll,—Class marks: Section A—Robert Wilson 1, Leonard Bevin 2. Section B; Boys James Moody 1, Wilfred Bunting 2. Neil Barton and Mac Passmore (equal) 3 • girls—Muriel Davy 1, Olga Brown 2. Class prizes: Boys— Chris. Beadle, John Huddart, Norman Richan, Bruce Falconer, Harold Ufton, Robert Anderson, Robin Gare, David Macleod, John Hamilton, Robert Ashton, Alan Walker, David Wilson, Thomas Wallace, Jesse Bain, Frank Allan, Mervyn Gare; girls—Barbara Henderson, Kathleen Millar, Helen Gray, Betty Samson, Mary Spence, Ethel Booth. Attendance certificates; Ten. Standard ll.—Class marks: Girls— Winnie Thompson 1, Noeline Johnston 2, Kathleen Hollebon 3, Betty Tweedie 4; boys—Harrison Lamond. Alexander Topping, David Laing, William M'lntyre. Diligence : Girls—Grace Beadle, Chrissie Ness, Runa M'Leod, Russell Greenslade; boys—Frank Rowan, William Henderson. Attendance : Ten certificates. Class prizes: Girls—Joan Gibb, Stuart MacDonell, Hugh M‘EarJane. Mr Rutherford’s special prize; Malcolm Wells .(English). Mr Rutherford’s special prize: James Robertson (arithmetic). First agriculture : Alexander Wilson: Monitorship: Gordon Allen. Writing: Neville Allen. Merit marks: I’homas Brown. Margaret Baxter memorial prize for writing: Ray Garden. Attendance certificates: 34. Form I. (girls).—First class—Mary Warrington, Shirley Barrie, Margery Goodwin, Frances Steel; second class — Isabel Lock, Veda Keinan. Progress: Marie Valentine, Joyce Bethune. Progress (special) : Joyce M'Donnell. English (special, Mr_ Rutherford’s) : Kathlyn Holmes-Libbis. Arithmetic (special, Mr Rutherford’s) : Frances Steel Sewing: Iris Udy. Cookery: Gwenyth Buchan. Attendance certificates: 32. Margaret Baxter memorial prize for writing: Joyce M'Donnell. Standard IV. girls) .—First class— June Leckie, Doris Mowat, Margaret Hudson, Daphne Russell, Greta Harris, Rona Kitchin, Dulcie Sykes, Eunice Puddy, Mary Crawshaw; boys—Arthur Chetwin, Allan Johnston. Second class: Girls—Molly Robertson, Elvm Dodd, Fraser. Barbara Herd, Ruth Hamilton; boys—Douglas Booth, Archibald M'Donald, Martin Monoghan, Allan Ness. Standard I.—Class marks : Girls— June Lees 1, Linda Edwards 2, Ivy Allen 3, Gwen Gare 4; boys—-John Moody 1, Harry Robertson 2, William Walker 3. Diligence: Margaret Hughes. Brenda Clark, Dorothy Holden, Phyllis’ Spence. Attendance; Three certificates. Class prizes: Girls—June Lees, Chrissie Thompson; boys—James Crombie, Ivan M'Noe, Bryan Samson, Allan Ufton. Primer TV.: —Class prizes; Nancy Godwin 1, Heather Pezet and Iris Stevenson (equal) 2, Florence Harborne 4, Donald Ashton 5. _ Every pupil in the primer classes received a gift book. Attendance certificates: Seven. SPECIAL PRIZES. Sewing Prizes.—Standard VI.: Veda Thomson, Olive Richan. Standard V.: Noeline Freeman, Margaret Hunter. Standard IV.; Jean Knox, Lorna Stevenson. Standard III.: Muriel Davey. Standard II.: Kathleen Hollebon. Standard I.: Gwen Gare, Christina Thompson. Scripture Prizes (Mr Passmore’s prizes).—Standard ill.: Janies Moody, Muriel Davey. All infants receive a text., Best Kept Book in Cookery Class (Miss Park’s prizes). Joyce Perry, Winifred Waugh. Singing (Mrs Stenhouse’s special).— Ruby Bain. Most Improved Footballer (RoslynWakari Football Club silver medal). — James Anderson. French Memorial Prize (cricket, gold ■medal). —Walter Kedzlie. Most Popular Boy (Mr Terry’s special).—John David Ness. Most Popular Girl (Mr Terry’s special). —Olive Pearl Richan. GAVERSHAM Form ll.—First class, girls: Joyce Edridge, Evelyn List, Ray Barnes, Joyce Carrington, Yvonne M'Farlane. Boys: Grahame Felton and John Porteous.' Second class, girls; Jean Malcolmson, Jessie Leishman, Betty Milnes, Dorothy Clark. Boys: Burnett Brosnan, Alex. Campbell, Arthur Jones, Russell Caldwell, Fred. M'Kay, John Grant, Noel Mong. Progress prizes (Miss Fisher) : Leslie Williams, Williamina M'Kay. Diligence: Len Craig, Betty M'Crackon. Sewing: Dorothy George. Woodwork: Arthur Jones. Cookery (Social Club) : Ray Barnes. English (Mr 11. Rutherford) : Joyce Edridge, Ray Barnes, Joyce Agnew, Dorothy Clark. Arithmetic (Mr R. Rutherford) ; J. W. Porteous, A. Milburn, James .Haig, Jessie Leichman. Drawing: M. Williamson. Ngaire Keach. Victory Shield: J. W. Porteous. Athemeum prize: Joyce Edridge. Margaret Baxter writing prize: Phyllis Shephard, John J. Hanvey. Special class prize: Joan Chetwin. Dux of school: Joan E. Chetwin. Attendance certificates: 28. Form 1. (boys).—First class—Albert Fraser, Norman Homer, Reginald Motion, David M'Kay, Richard Powley, William Toomer; second class —Walter

Daphne Finncrty; boys, Edward KingProgress: Girls—Dorothy Bacyertz, Nancy Brown; boys—James Valentine, Ken Hinds. Special sewing; Chris Justin. Attendance, certificates; 39. Standard Ilia.—First class honours: Boys—Geoffrey Couling, Lionel Leasby, Ronald Eminerson. Second class honours: Girls—Peggy Elvidge, Dorothy Irvine, Dulcie Allen, .Klsie Hodges; boys—Edwin Hanvey. Progress : Girls —X'ettie Tavlor: boys—Janies Davies. Handwork, William Chalmers. Sewing, Joyce Beveridge. English (Mr Graham) ; Geoffrey Couling. Twenty-five attendance certificates. Standard 111b.—First class honouis. Girls—Joyce Taylor, Betty Paine, Joyce M'Gee; boys—Jack Smithson. Second class honours; Girls—Alice Lyon, Yvonne Reid; hoys—Morris 1 avion, Lynn Turner, Robert Smithson, Jamcs Plunkett, Ewan Stewart. Handwork: Fred. Wall. Sewing: Edna List. English (Air Graham) : Betty Paine. Twenty-five attendance certificates. . , . Standard ll.—First class: Is Laura Kwart, Muriel Leckie, i\larie Rush, Violet Russell; boys—Kenn Cariiegie, Garfield M ( Gill. Robert Sheri in. Second class: Girls—Joan Rower, Joan Chapman, Audrey Chammen. Dorothy Cox. Doris Halford, Lena Johnstone, Florence O’Rourke, Joan Roberts; boys—Keith Baines, Peter Lincoln, Jack Scott. Sewing: Agnes MtKay. Handwork: Bernard Lockhart. 1 eter Smith memorial prize for diligence: lain Graham. Forty-nine attendance certificates. Standard T.—First class: Girls — Betty Palmer, Sylvia Tretheway, Joan Millies, Doreen Scott, Patricia Lockhart, Joy Wilden; boys—Frederick Prvde. Second class: Girls—lsabel Melrose, Margaret Russell, Florence M'Kav. Merle Quennell, Jean M Currack, "Thera Holmes-Lihbis, Winifred Davidson; boys—William Veitcli, Harold Smith, Ray Gough George Lyon, William Blackwood, Alan Chandler, Edward Aitcheson. Sewing: Joan Binnie. Special for sewing: Jean M'Currach. Handwork: William Robertson. , Fifty-four attendance certificates. , , „ Dux of infant department: Colin M'Laren. MUSSELBURGH Foi'in ll.—Aggregate marks: Elsie Taylor (Mr D. C. Cameron’s medal) 1, Clifford Irvine (Collin Allan memorial) 2, Doreen Stuart (Collin Allan memorial) 3. Merit: Joan Caddie, Doreen Ross, Francis Wilson, Marjorie Brago-, Annie Manson, John Friedlander. Specials: English and history—Elsie Taylor I (Dunedin Athenaeum prize), Doreen Stuart I (St. Kilda Library prize) ; sewing, Marjorie Brain 1; science notes, Harold Branman; home work, June Nickels and Gus Hastie; home garden, Douglas Alexander. Attendance prizes: Doreen Ross, Elsie Nowlands, M. Brain, M. Park, J. Stout, Jack Thomson, M. lyson, D. Lunam. Attendance certificates, 27. Swimming certificates: 1 Claude Thomson, Malcolm Tyson, ! Phyllis Willers (880yds), Winifred Ferrers (220yds), W. Paine, E. Highet, C. Irvine (50yds). Special basketball prize, Betty Tyson. Form I.—Robert Mathieson 1, Francis Rennie 2, Betty Rout 3, Joyce Beatson 4, Irvine Cowie 5, Robert Gall (3, Harold Dykes 7. Home garden: Alison AVilliams. Attendance prize: Gertrude Friedlander. Attendance certificates: 23. Sewing prize: Ada Bolton. ~ „ IV.b.—Joyce Gibson 1, Donald Burns and Lindsay Johnson 2 equal, Frank Penny 4. Drawing: Betty Whitaker. Home garden: Joyce Gibson. Ill.b.—Zelda Morris 1, Betty Jackson 2, Gordon M'Kenzie 3, Margaret Abernethy 4, Joan M'Lennan 5. Standard IV.a.—Joan Thomson 1, Rae Caddie 2, Eileen Ross 3, Edna Thomson 4, Norman Bresanello 5, Mary Balneaves 6, Stanley Paine 7. Sewing: Gladys Longmore. Attendance certificates; 21. Home garden: Douglas Garbutt. , I Standard Ill.a.—Jean Pemhle 1, Ruth Thompson 2, Lewis Spiers 3, Elizabeth Gall 4, lan Pollard 5. Sewing prize: Margaret Abernethy. Attendance certificates: 20. Standard II.—Boys; Robert Booth j 1, James Mathieson 2. Cyril Crawford j 3, Grahaemp Johnson 4, Gibb Pinfold j 5, Robert Wilson and Keith Thompson 6 equal. Attendance certificates; 5. i Standard ll.a.—June Barclay 1, [ Cushla Stone 2, Jean Nelson 3, Norrie I Goodyer 4, Chase Clark 5, Maureen i Hill 6. Sewing: Olive M‘Cay. Neatest work book: Joyce Bond. Attendance certificates; 12. j Standard I.a.—June M'Culloch 1, Dorothy Shaw 2, Lorna Parker 3, Gwynda Bailey 4, Nola Walker 5, Joyce Rennie (5. Sewing: June M'Culloch. Attendance certificates: 5. Standard I.b. —Hilary Wellborn 1, Margaret Harrison 2, Leonard Roberts 3, Ivan M'Ewen 4, John Drysdalo 5, Esmae Robb 6, Charles Begg 7. Sewing : Isa Allan. Attendance certificates : 19. RAVENSBOURNE Standard Vl.—Dux of school; Joyce Evelyn Rovell and Hazel George (equal) 1, Joyce Kellett 3, Doreen George 4. Specials; History and geography, William Stewart (Mr FI. George’s prize) ; arithmetic, William Carter; reading, Edna Farquharson; composition, Lilian Murdoch; writing, Daphne Wilson; cooking, Amalda Smith; handwork, Palmer Bryant. Progress prizes: Frederick Bullen (Mr Richardson’s prize), Robert French (the Rev. J. Cairney’s prize), Dorothy Hunt, Helen Badcock, Alice AVilson, James Thomlinson. Standard V. Bruce Campbell 1, Gladys 'Noonan 2, Joyce Venn 3. Specials: Arithmetic, Stanley French; writing, Ina Grant; progress, Douglas Rawlings (Mr Richardson’s prize); reading, Ahvynn Randall. Standard IV.—Noel Jackson 1, Irene Montgomery 2, Mavis Franch 3. Specials: Arithmetic, Joan' Robertson; reading and recitation, Robert Ayatkins English, Leslie Rawlings; writing, Joyce Carter and Myra Grant. Standard lll.—Noll French 1, Marcelle Connor 2, Irene Harkess 3. Specials: Conduct, AVarwick AVills; writing, Desmond O’Gorman (Mr Miller’s prize). Standard (1. —Norman Montgomery 1, Andrew A 7 eitch 2, Stanley Jarvis 3, AA r eatherly Chapman 4. Progress: Fred. Penson, Elizabeth Cameron. Specials: Excellence in daily work, Norman Montgomery. Standard I. (a). —Keith Campbell I, Allan French 2, Sidney Bryant 3, Jean Mellon 4. Specials; Arithmetic and neatness, Kenneth Pearson; writing, Ronald Rawlings. Standard I. (b). —Russell Harkess 1, Raymond Gallagher 2. Special: Progress, Eric Cordel. Infant Room.—Norma A'cnn 1, Dorothy Mowbray 2.

CURIOUS INVENTIONS FIRE ESCAPE BRACES MECHANICAL SALUTATIONS WATER WINGS FOR HORSES. Curiosities of the United States Patent Office provided almost incredible material for a book entitled ‘ Beware of Imitations,’ recently published in America. Messrs A. E. Brown and H. A. Jeffcott. jun.. have searched the records of the Patent Office and compiled a descriptive list of such oddities as a device to reshape the upper lip into a “ Cupid’s how,” and a balloon propelled by eagles or vultures. The object of the inventor of a chew-ing-gum preserver was “ to provide a locket of novel form and construction for holding, with safety, cleanliness and convenience, chewing gum, confections, or medicines .and which may be carried in the pocket or otherwise attached to the person as lockets are ordinarily worn, and the invention consists essentially in a locket having an anti-corro-sive lining.” Another device relates to “ improvements in men’s braces, having for its object to provide a brace with a cord so secured thereto c‘ iormed therewith as to constitute a part of the same and to be readily and easily detached therefrom, whereby, in the event if a person being confined to a burning building and having all the usual means of escape cut off'the cords can be disengaged from the braces and lowered to the ground to receive a rope and thus enable the person to effect his escape.” It was during the late Victorian period that an inventor patented a device “ either to produce dimples on the human body or to nurture and maintain dimples already existing.” Another invention illustrated is a “ device for automatically effecting polite salutations by the elevation and rotation of the hat on the head of the saluting party when said person hows to the person or persons saluted, the actuation of the s hat being produced by mechanism therein and without the use of the hands in any manner.” _ . Water wings for horses and an irrigating .machine for dry, climates which shoots pellets of ice into the ground are among other inventions which the patent Office has protected. An inventor, long before the first aeroplane was devised, had already patented a parachute and ‘‘ goloshes having elastic bottom pads,” with which one “ might safely jump out of the window of a burning building from any height and land, without injury and without the least damage, oh the ground.” It was more than twenty-five years before the advent of National Prohibition that an inventor perfected an in-nocuous-looking clothes brush concealing a liquor flask and drinking cup in its back. His object, he asserted in his specifications, was not deception, but compactness. Deception, however, was the aim of another inventor, who patented a fishing apparatus with a mirror. The fish, “ when approaching the bait,” he said, “ will see the reflection of himself in the mirror, and will be made bolder by the supposed companionship, and more eager to take the bait before his competitor seizes it.” More humane- was another inventor, who patented a rat trap which, instead of killing the rat, attaches a small ball of killing the rat, attaches a small bell back into its hole it scares away all the other rats. One individual perfected a rocking-chair churn, and another a rocking chair equipped with a bellows which blows air on the head of the occupant.

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Evening Star, Issue 21286, 15 December 1932, Page 15

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PRIZE DAY AT SCHOOLS Evening Star, Issue 21286, 15 December 1932, Page 15

PRIZE DAY AT SCHOOLS Evening Star, Issue 21286, 15 December 1932, Page 15