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•wssr »• === [By DIANA.]=

Will correspondents please note that item* intended for Wednesday’s ‘ Star ’ must be in the office by Tuesday afternoon, and those intended for insertion on Saturday by Thursday afternoon, or at the latest Friday morning. In th« latter case they must be brief. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr and Mrs Angus Gunter, of Christchurch, are spending a few days in Dunedin as the guests of Mrs Joseph Allan, Opoho. Mrs 0. Mead left to-day for Blenheim, where she will spend some time. Mrs James Hay, of Christchurch, who has been the guest of Mrs R. Kennedy, London street, returned on Saturday to her home. Mr and Mrs A. C. Matheson are spending the holidays at Lake Tekapo after going on to Omarama. Mrs Bernard Falck, accompanied by her sister" Mrs Arthur Chisholm, who have been visiting Dunedin, motored back to Christchurch on Monday. Mrs M. E. Allen, of Christchurch, who has been the guest of Lady Sidey at “ Corstorphine,” has returned home. Miss Tennent was hostess at an afternoon tea party in the lounge of the Otago Women’s Club on Saturday, the guests being the twelve final-year nurses who had just sat their State registration examination, and Misses Nosworthy and Smith. The engagement is announced of Edna Mary, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs M. Cameron, of St. Kilda, and Cyril G. Sew Hoy, of Nokomai, Southland, third son of Mr and' Mrs K. P. Sew Hoy, of Mornington, Dunedin. Miss Gladys- is at present spending a holiday in Christchurch. Mr and Mrs Pearce and Miss Pearce, of -Wellington, who have spent a short holiday in Dunedin, intend to go on to Queenstown at the week-end. Sir Lindo and Lady Ferguson gave a dinner party on Tuesday at their residence, “ Wychwood,” when their Excellencies .the Governor-General and Lady Bledisloe were the guests of honour. Other guests were Mr Justice Kennedy and Mrs Kennedy, Dean Cruickshank and Mrs Cruickshank, Mr and Mrs J. Hutchison, Mrs Stanley Batchelor, and Captain Tweedie.

A very pleasant function took place on October 25, when Mr and Mrs A. Donald, of East avenue, St. Kilda. celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding. In the afternoon old friends, including the Rev. A. M. Findlyson, who performed the ceremony fifty years ago, were entertained. At night a dinner was given for the family. The first annual meeting of the Grange Ladies’ Cricket Club was held on Monday evening at the North Ground pavilion, and the following office-bearers were elected :—Patron, Mrs W. A. Divers; president, Mr C. Chadwick; vice-presidents—Mr Hamer, Mr A. Boyd, Mr J. Divers, Mr 0. Day, Mrs Froggart, Mrs Hamel, Rev. Hardy Johnson, Mrs Rowlands, Mr A. Galland, Mrs Knowles, Miss E. Tilbury, and Mr W. A. Divers; club captain, Miss N. Knowles; deputy captain, Miss M. Froggart; secretary, Miss C. Shepherd; committee—Misses R. Hamel, T. Divers, and G. Tilbury; Selection Commitee—club captain, deputy captain, and Miss J. Shepherd, auditor, Mr Anderson. A charming little village, in a unique setting of blue waters, white sandy beaches, tree-encrusted i islands, and lofty snow-capped mountains —such is Wanaka, the sunny tourist resort of the great Southern Lakes. The following were among the guests at Wanaka Hotel, Pembroke, for the week ending December 10, 1932;—Mr and Mrs L. E. White (Palmerston North), Mrs M. A, Frances and child (Wellington), Mr J. E. Watson (Timaru), Mr and Mrs P, R. Sargood, Mr and Mrs H. Mandeno, Miss Scott, Mr 0. W. Justice, Mr J. R. Fairbairn, Mr W. A. Mitson, Mr J. M. Love, Mx* J. N. Thompson, Mi' N. B. Callan, Mr Ikos. Hyde, Mr F. E. Simkin, Mr J. F. Walcott, Mr D. H. Hill, Mr R. J. Kingsland, Mr W. H. Jenkins. Mr A. V. Crombie, Mr G. E. Dimmock (Dunedin), Mr J. Sutherland (Mosgiel), Mr E. W. Morrah (Invercargill), Mr J. Clark (Lovell’s Flat), Mr and Mrs J. Hay (Arrowtown), Mr 6. J. Rattray (Cromwell). The executive of St. Paul’s Cathedral branch of the Mothers’ Union gave a morning tea party on Thursday as a farewell to one of their members—Mrs S. J. Cooper—who is leaving shortly for Christchurch. The guest of honour was presented with a book and a bouquet of roses, tied with ribbons in the union colours. Roses were also given to Mrs E. R. Nevill, who was a guest for the occasion. Others present were Mesdames R. C. Jones, T. Stewart, Hawkins, Haddock, Bennett, and Gillies.

Lady Ferguson was hostess on Saturday morning at a tea party in the Otago Women’s Club, given m honour of Miss Adine Acton-Adams, whose engagement has just been announced. Other guests were Mesdames R. ActonAdams. Sydney Neill, J. Fotheringhnm, W. Wallace, Misses May Barron. Barbara Williams, Phyllis Norton Francis (Christchurch),, Violet and Margaret Livingston, Peggy Dawson, Cicely Ramsay, and Mary Ritchie.


The committee of the Patients and Prisoners’ Aid Society were favoured with a perfect day on Tuesday, for the function arranged by them at the James Powell Rest Home, when their Excellencies honoured the home by a visit. . , , , The function was a particularly happy one, as so many people were given the pleasure of meeting their Excellencies who would not otherwise have had that privilege. As the distinguished visitors walked up the beautiful drive the pupils of the Warrington School, under the direction of their master (Mr Findlay). were lined up, and sang the National Anthem, His Excellency stopping and giving them a short address. On arrival at the home, their Excellencies were met by Mr Justice Kennedy (president of the society) and Mrs Kennedy and taken over the building, afterwards the matron (Mrs Adams) and members of the committee were presented. Those who are at present enjoying the hospitality of the home also had the pleasure of a few words with their Excellencies. A large marquee had been erected on the lawn, which commands a beautiful view of the ocean, and here afternoon ten was served to the many guests under very happy conditions. The tables were prettily decorated with roses, and the marquee presented a very attractive appearance. Among those present were:—The Mayor and Mayoress (Mr and Mrs R. S. Black),

Hcnorts of social functions will be welcomed for this column. " Diana ” will also answer all reasonable que*tions relating to the home, cookery, domestic science, and any topic of interest to her sex. But each letter off report must bear the writer’# name and address as a guarantee of genuineness, and questions that do not permit nublio reply cannot bo answered. Questions should be concisely put and. the writer e noro do pluiv r clearly written.

Mr and Mrs D. Phillips, Mr and Mrs E. C. Reynolds, Mrs J. B. Gallon, Mrs G. R. Ritchie, Mrs Dey, Miss Tennent, Dr and Mrs Thomson, Mr and Mrs Gumming, Mr and Mrs J. Louden, Mr D. E. Theomin, Mrs E. M. Theomin. Mr G. L. Denniston, Miss Denniston, Lady Sim, Sir James Allen and Miss Rona Allen, Lady Williams, Mr F. W. Mitchell, Mr and Mrs AV. Easton, Mesdames Watson Shennan, Garth Callaway, R. W. Glendinning, J. Sim, Spedding, Button, C. E. North, R. C. Jones, J. M. Gallaway, A. C. Begg, Dr and Mrs Hayes (Seacliff), Dr and Mrs Tizard, Rev. and Mrs Hardy Johnson, Dr and Mrs T. R. Ritchie, Mr and Mrs J. Sutherland Ross, Rev. and Mrs Gemraell, Misses Begg, Farquhar, Reynolds, Jamieson, Gallaway, R. Phillips, H. Cox, M. Reeves, and Mr R. Gilkison. A "SUMMER SCHOOL" FOR GIRLS

AVaitaki Boys’ High School is always a popular place for summer schools, and this year, oy the courtesy of the rector (Mr A. Milner, C.M.G.), it has been lent to the Y.W.C.A. of New Zealand for two summer conferences,' opening on December 27 and running until January 5. The senior conference is open to any girl over eighteen years of age, and will be directed by Miss Jean Stevenson, national general secretary of the y.w.c.A. The junior conference—girls fourteen to eighteen years—will be led by Miss Audrey M‘Crca, who has recently returned from two years’ travel and study abroad, during which time she attended camps and conferences of all kinds in the United States, England, and the Continent. The purpose of the conferences is education, inspiration, health, and friendship, and it gives to girls and women an ideal holiday full of interest and opportunity. One hour of each day is given to group study, and one to councils, discussing club and group work. The senior conference has grouped its studies round the idea of ‘ This Changing _ World,’ from the industrial, economic, and religious point of view. The leader of the international study will be Miss Elsie Andrews, of New Plymouth, secretary of the New Zealand Pan-Pacific Women’s Association. The juniors have a fascinating study called ‘ Creating a New Earth, which has been arranged by Miss M'Crea, and will be led by a number of group leaders. ‘ Hobbies ’ and ‘ Crafts ’ take quite a big place in the conference programme, The craft workshop will be in charge of Miss Kathleen Scoon, and opportunity will bo given to learn some delightful new crafts simple enough to allow of some work being finished while at the conference. Music is in charge of Miss Allen, and folk dancing will be in charge of Miss Tui Eldridge. Sport is an important feature, and each day there will be interassociation matches, and one day OamarU teams will be challenged. Miss Beryl Service is the director. Health and physical work will be supervised by Miss Peggy Ramsay, and Mr Renfrew White has lent a posturegraph apparatus so that there may be an aim at definite improvement along physical lines. Miss Greta Stevenson, B.Sc., is responsible for Nature study and tramps. The very beautiful' Memorial Hall at Waitaki makes an ideal setting for assemblies, ceremonials, and worship, and should add much to the spirit of the conference. In order that as many girls as possible may have the benefit of the conference the Y.W.C.A. is inviting enrolments not only from association members but also from country girls or girls from centres where the Y.W.C.A. is not established. Particulars may be obtained by writing to the national secretary, Y.W.C.A. of New Zealand, Hamilton Chambers, Lambton Quay, Wellington, N.Z. WEDDINGS CARTRIDGE—AVERILL. A wedding of great interest to many people throughout New Zealand was celebrated at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Auckland, when Miss Winifred Mary Averill, only daughter of the Primate and Mrs Averill, was married to the Rev. Lawrence Edwin Cartridge, elder son of Mr and Mrs J, E. Cartridge, of Whitby, Yorkshire, England. The ceremony was conducted by the bride’s father, and the Rev. Walter Averill, the bride’s brother, of All Saints’ Church, Ponsonby, was chaplain. The bride entered the church through a guard of honour comprised of Girl Guides, and then passed down the aisle on the arm of her brother, Dr Leslie Averill, of Christchurch, who gave her away. She wore a charming princess gown of deep cream satin, effective in its simplicity and cut on long, flowing lines, which were moulded to the figure and fell to the ground. The neck line was V-shaped, and the long tight-fitting sleeves were an attractive note. A train of cream satin fell from the shoulders to the ground, where it widened out, a large rose being placed at tho end. This train was the one in which tho bride made her curtsey to the Queen on tho occasion of her presentation. _ Her veil of Honiton net trimmed with two rows of narrow lace across the top was thrown over and caught at the back with sprays of orange blossom, and fell billowing softly over her shoulders and in' filmy masses over the train. There were six bridesmaids—Misses Laura Mappin, Joan Robertson, Ethel Hammond, Clodagh Kitcat, Meg. Russell, and Annette Thorne-George. Their frocks were similarly made, being of the gold of dawn satin, cut on long lines and featuring bouffant bows at the back

caught from the shoulders. The bridegroom was attended by Mr Lloyd Averill, youngest brother of the bride, as best man. After the ceremony the bride and bridegroom left the church through another guard of honour of Girl Guides, and proceeded to Bishopscourt, where a reception was held. Eight hundred guests were received by Archbishop and Mrs Averill, assisted by the bride and bridegroom. ALLAN—REID. A very pretty wedding was celebrated at Anderson’s Bay Church (Presbyterian) on Tuesday, November 16, at 7 p.m., when Amy Isabella, only daughter of Mr and Mrs L. F. Reid, Dunedin, was married to Robert John, eldest son of Mr ana Mrs J. Allan, Opoho. The Rev, R. Scott Allan officiated at the ceremony and Mr Clark at the organ. The church was beautifully decorated by friends of the bride. The bride, who entered the church on the arm of her father, looked most attractive in a beautiful gown of white georgette and lace, a lovely white tulle veil tinted with blue was worn as a cap and held to the head with a coronet of orange blossom. She carried a bouquet of roses and maidenhair fern, with touches of pale blue. The bridesmaids, Miss May Allan and Miss Muriel Wilson, who wore becoming frocks of blue georgette and lace cut on long graceful lines with little coatees to match and dainty caps of pearls and forget-me-nots, each carried bouquets of roses and maidenhair tinted with colours to tone. The duties of best man and groomsman were carried out by Mr Leslie Reid and Mr Allan Reid respectively. After the ceremony a reception was held at the Marigold Salon, where 130 guests gathered, and dancing was enjoyed. _ Mrs Reid received the guests wearing a navy frock and hat and carrying a bouquet of red roses. Mrs Allan wore a smart navy frock trimmed with white with hat to tone, and carried red roses. HERMITAGE GUESTS The following is a list of the guests who registered at the Hermitage last week:— Dunedin; Mrs G. Miles, Mr and Mrs R. S. Black, Mr C. M. Sidey, Mr HHenderson, Mr G. AV. Bardsley, Mr and Mrs Hutcheson, Mrs G. Small, Mr and Mrs Mackay, Miss M. Hare, Mr L. E. Baker, Mrs F. Mitchell, Mr E. Seymour, Mr G. Wills, Mr H. Smith, Mr J. Ross, Mr A. Ibbotson, Mr W. M’Kechnie, Miss K. Hogan, Mr G. Newey, Mr J, M'Crae, Mrs L. M'Cormack, Mrs A. P. M'Cormack, Misses M. and N. M'Cormack, Mr and Mrs Steel, Mr Hope, Mr S. M. Mackay, Mr J. Matheson, Mrs Jones, Mr T. Fogg, Miss Davidson, Miss M. Hale, Mr Gardiner. Wellington: Mr and Mrs Travers, Mr F. Robb, Mr P. Hartman, Mr H. Davis, Mr C. Bridgman. Queenstown: Mrs J. Hoyle, Miss W. Hamilton, Mr P. Tobin, Mr W. James, Miss M. M'Gregor, Mr A. Simson, Mr W. M'Gregor, Mr G. Davis, Mr J. M'Bride, Miss E. Thomson. Waimate: Mr D. Larnach, Mr E. Bray, Mr S. De Grut. Tnnaru: Mr W. Mander, Mr J. A. Butler, Mr J. Moyes, Mr R. Downes, Mr Vance, Mr and Mrs Drewitt, Miss D. Drewitt, Mr and Mrs M'Gee, Mr H. Fraser, Mrs J. Preem, Mr T. Shewin Mr and Mrs Ward, Mr and Mrs C. Preen, Mr G. Seott, Mr D. T. Todd, Mr W. Allport, Mr AV. Tait, Mr T. Dunn, Mr T. Black, Mr I. Fraser, Mr and Mrs H. Hatchett, Mr G. Clark, Mr P. Clark, Mr AV. Kirker, Mr J. Hutcheson, Mr AV. Hayward. Auckland.: Mr J- Gilbert, Mr T. Gilbert, Mr Harrowell, Mr S. Hassell, Miss E. M'Donald, Mr B. Murphy. England; Mrs L. Fowlds, Mr D. M'Dougall, Mr B. Goodfellow, Mrs S. Douglas, 'Mr F. Burton, Mr and Mrs AVoodward, Miss Woodward, Mr H. Rodman, Mr A. Diggle. Oamaru; Mr W. Cooper, Mr D. Barr, Mr and Mrs Forbes, Mr AV. Trotter, Mr J. Rodman, Miss J. Hunter, Misses A. and L. Boyle, Mr Cooney. Christchurch: Mr H. Vincent, Mr E. Brittendeir, Mr A. Leugesen, Mr D. Laugesen, Mr C. Cox, Mr F. Langbein, Mr S. Samson, Mr L. Aitken, Mrs T. Lewis, Mr E. Jones, Mr R. Spiers, Mr S. F. Marshall, Mr N.' Reese, Mrs Hobbs, Mr and Mrs J. Powis, Mrs H. Henderson, Mr G. Cox, Mr Tynedale, Mr and Mrs Mockett, Mr P. Tosswill, Mr N. M'Gara. Ashburton: Mr A. H. Todd, Mr P. Lewitt, Mr AV. Amos, Mr A. Lane, Mr J. Bowden, Mr H. Brown, Mr M. 0. Segers, Misses A. and A. Madden. Cromwell: Mr and. Mrs M'Knight, Mr and Mrs Munro, Mr and Mrs Wishart, Mr AA 7 . Taylor, Miss J, Campbell, Mr and Mrs Jolly. Arrowtown: Miss A. Milne, Mr AV. Milne, Mr J. Shaw. Alexandra; Mr R. Hewitt, Mr W. Badkin. AVoodbury: Captain R. Burdon, Mrs C. Burdon. Waiho Gorge: Mr J. Fox, Mr J. Fluerty. Pembroke: Miss K. Mackay, Miss A. Urquhart. Nightcaps: Mr AV. Koch. Invercargill: Mr Abbey-Jones. Geraldine: Mr and Mrs Undrill, Miss G. Mole. Kaiapoi: Mr C. Brown. Garston: Mr. and Mrs Gordon. Riverton: Mr A. Willet. Albury: Miss C. Irving, Fairlie; Mr F. Geaney. Pleasant Point: Mr R. Cleland. Clyde: Mr J. Ritchie, Mr E. George. Winchester: Mrs Grant, Miss Scott. Australia: Mr and Mrs F. Oliver, Mrs AVilson and child, Miss M'Cullough. Balclutha: Mrs Stevenson, Mr and Mrs Mitchie. Hampden: Mr and Mrs Stevenson. Waitaki Hydro: Mr E. Alecock, Mr R. Packwood. Seadown: Mr T. Brosnahan.

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Evening Star, Issue 21285, 14 December 1932, Page 15

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WOMAN’S WORLD Evening Star, Issue 21285, 14 December 1932, Page 15

WOMAN’S WORLD Evening Star, Issue 21285, 14 December 1932, Page 15