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During the past fortnight the following Ridges met in their respective lodge rooms; — -Unity Lodge, No. 16 (Kensington Hall).--N.G. Bro. J. MTvor presided over a lair attendance of members and visitors. Two candidates were initiated into the lodge by the sitting .officers in a capable manner. Alter die general business, P.G. Bro J. Milne took ■ charge of cho meeting for the purpose of entertaining those present. A pleasant hour was spent with cards, etc., during which time supper was handed round. A special committee was set up to deal with matters contained in circular received from Grand Secretary relative to decisions by Grand Lodge in session. N.G. Bro. J. M'lvor urged the members ol Unity to assist in the exchanges of visits between lodges; these visits were most useful in the progress of a lodge. Tho vote of welcome to the visitors was responded to by D.D.G.M. Bro. A. Beveridge, P.D.D.G.M. Bro. 11. S. Kirkham (Leith), V.G. Bro, Harborne (Linden). D.D.M. Bro. L. 1). Grigs (Maori Hill). Pioneer Lodge, No. 1 (Pioneer Hall, Rattray street). —N.G. Bro. L. Smart presided over a large attendance. General business included report from the Social Committee, le the social and danco recently Held, arid the report showed a very successful evening.-The N.G. intimated that ho was arranging for suitable items for a concert to bo held on next Meeting night, and re extended an invitation to all- members and visitors. A special committee was set up to deal with matters contained in a circular from the Grand Secretary. After routine business, a pleasant hour was spent in playing cards, and members were entertained by Bros. L. Smart, J. Olsen, and H. Hastio with several musical items.- • Bro. Blanchard explained that, owing to his employment, ho had , been absent at sea for two years; however, during that time'ho_had visited many lodges throughout New Zealand and Australia, and he gave the members a very interesting account of his travels. The vote of welcome to the visitors was responded to by Bro. A. Beveridge, D.D.G.M., who reminded the members that the official opening of tho indoor bowls would take place at next district meeting, Bro. J. M'lvor, N.G. (Unity), Bro. W. M'Donald, N.G. (Linden), Bro. A. Phillips, N.G. (St. Kikla). St, Kikla, No, 87 (Forbnry School Gymnasium).—N.G. Bro. A. Phillips presided over an excellent attendance of members and visitors. Ordinary business was promptly disposed of, after which a friendly card match was played. The Social Committee rc-

ported that arrangements for the lodge’s twenty-first anniversary on May 13 wore well in hand, invitations were being forwarded to all the lodges of tho order in the district, and it was anticipated that a- pleasant evening would bo spent in musical items, dancing, etc. Bro. R. R. Hendry spoke briefly on matters pertaining to the juvenile lodges, and asked for tho cooperation of the adult members. D.D.G.M. lira. A. Beveridge said that be would like to see the new officers of tiie various lodges tak»> an active part in the work of the District Lodge, which met once a- month. He briefly explained -the value and necessity of subordinate lodge , officers attending such meetings, to keep themselves posted on matters of importance to their lodge. The vote of welcome to visitors was responded to by Bro. Blanchard (Pioneer), who also extended greetings from various lodges he had visited in New Zealand, Australia, and tho United States during the past two vears, Bro. E. Beech, V.G. (Leith), Bro. J. MTvor, N.G..-(Unity), Bro. Harborne, V.G. (Linden), Bro. M'Hardv, P.G. (Maori Hill).

Leith Lodge. No. 4 (Albany Street Hall).—NG. Bro. M. Gray presided over a large attendance. Before routine business was commenced, a vote of sympathy was passed to the relatives of the late" Bro. J. S. MTeak, who had been many years connected with Leith Lodge. D.D.G.M. Bro. A. Beveridge made his first , official visit, and received a very cordial welcome as tho chief officer of South Otago district. He was invited to take charge, and in doing so he expressed Ills thunks for tho hearty reception, and assured the members of his desire to servo tho district. P.D.D.G.M. Bro. H. H. Johnson conveyed greetings from Star of Melrose and Rawhiti Lodges (Auckland), and reported on his visit thereto. An invitation was received from St. Kikla Lodge to tho twentyfirst, anniversary, a largo number of members stating they would attend. After general business the half-yearly installation of officers was earned out by Grand Master Bro.-J. LG. Sommorvillo, assisted by D.D.G. 'Warden; Bro. L. Deans Ritchie, G Treas. ; D.D.G. Chaplain; Bro. W. F. Crooke, G. Secretary; D.D.G. Guardian; Bro, J. M'lvor, P.D.D.G.M.; D.D.G. Sup. Bro. E. Dunn, P.G. The following oifleers were installed:—J.P.G » Bro, J*. Gray; N.G, Bro. G. Tyrie; V.G., Bro. E. Beecher; warden, Bro. J. Healc; Con., Bro. G. Bingham; chaplain* Bro. W. Snelleskz; R.fe.fe., Bro. R. Ahornethy; - L.S.S., Pro. A. Bingham; R.S.N.G., Bro. L. -D. Ritchie; L.S.N.G., Bro. A Beveridge; R.SV.G., Bro. A. H. Valentine; L.S.V.G., Bro. R. S. Kirkbam; 1.G.. Bro. A. Noble. Pro. H. Jones was presented with a P.G.’s jewel by Grand Master Bro. Soimiiervillo, who remarked on the excellent manner the recipient carried out bis duties and the keenness lie displayed in lumbering' the interest of the order. .Lbo jewel was a present from - Leith Lodge as recognition of these qualities, and it waf the hope of tho members that they would continue to see him taking an active part in lodge work for many years. A vote of thanks was passed to installing officers, who responded. Mention

was made that the hew-'officers were specially favoured by having their ceremony conducted by the chief officer of New Zealand. Grand Master Bro. Sqmraerville explained that his official visit was the first he had made since his installation. Ho extended sincere wishes to the new officers for a happy term, and pointed out the high reputation that Leith Lodge held in the order. The vote of welcome to the visitors was responded to by Bro. E. Dunn, P.G. (Pioneer). Bro. J. M'lvor, N.G. (Unity), Bro. D. Harborne, V.G. (Linden), Bro. W. MTntyro, N.G. (Maori Hill), V. Phillips, N.G. (St. Kilda), and Bro. Heale, P.G. (Waimate). Linden Lodge No. 19 (Linden Hall), —N.G. Bro. W. M'Donald presided over a good attendance. < Various sick reports were received and dealt with. Correspondence included a letter from tho Grand Secretary dealing with matters from Grand Lodge in session. A special committee was set up to go further into the various questions. D.D.G.M. Bro. A. Beveridge was given a cordial welcome on tho occasion of his first official visit to tho Ibdfe. In replying, he. extended a welcome, to all members to attend tho next district meeting, when tho Grand Lodge representatives would give a report of the session; and he also-pointed out that tho indoor bowls would be available,' arid ho hoped all members would take an interest. During recess a pleasant hour was spent with cards, etc., supper being also handed round. Members extended congratulations to Bro. A. Beveridge, D.D.G.M., on his appointment to the position of chief -officer of the district. Bro. Beveridge replied in very appreciative terms, and urged the members of Linden Lodge to co-operato with the District Lodge in furthering the course of Oddfellowship. P.D.D.G.M. Bro. .1. M'lvor, replying to the vote of thanks, said that he appreciated tho fraternal welcome always received at Linden Lodge, and he gave some interesting reminiscences of his term as district officer, and assured _the inembers of ms continued interest in the order. Bro. R. S. Kirkham, P.D.D.G.M., also responded. Miriam Rebekali Lodge, No. 5 (Kensington Hall).—-A large attendance greeted Installing Master L.D.D.G.M. Sister Dobson, who was accompanied by D.D.G. Marshall Sister E. Wilson, P.L.D.G.M., D.D.G. Warden Sister Crooke, P.L.D.D.G.M., D.D.G. Guardian Sister Kilpatrick, P.G., D.D.G. Treasurer Sister Wardrop, P.N.G., D.D.G. Chaplain Sister F. Beale, P.N.G. The following officers were installedP.G., Sister (Mrs) Gillies; N.G., Sister M. Glover; V.G., Sister F. Arnott; Secretary, Sister (Mrs) Pockson ; Treasurer. Sister Black; Conductor, Sister N. Macfarlane; Warden, Sister J. Pockson; Chaplain, Sister N. : Graham; R.S.N.G.-, Sister I. Miller; R.S.V.G., Sister E. Gordon; L.S.V.G., Sister F. Smith; LG., Sister J. Deans. In replying to a vote of thanks to installing officers, Sister Dobson congratulated the newly-installed officers, and said she would like to tharik tho members of the various lodges who had assisted her during the past two years. Sister Baker (Linuda) and Sister E. Squire (Ruth) responded to tho vote of welcome to visitors.

Ruth. Lodge No. 3 (Albany. Street Hall).—Sister E. Squire, N.G., presided over a very large meeting of members and visitors. Two candidates' were initiated into the lodge in an efficient and impressive manner. Arrafigements were made by the Robe Committee to procure material for the necessary lodge work. ' After the ' routine business L.D.D.G.M. Sister Dobson stated .that Bro. L. Deans Ritcliie, Grand Sire of Australasia, would that evening instal Sister (Mrs) Baker into Hie office of L. The installing master, assisted by D.DvG; "‘Marshall Sister (Mrs) Crooke, P.L.D.D.G.M., D.D.G. Warden Sister E. Wilson, P.L.D.D.G.M., D.D.G. Chaplain Sister M, Barr, P.L.D.D.6.M., Grand Secretary Bro. W. F. Crooke, D.D.G. Guardian Sister (Mrs) Flawu. P.L.D.D.G.M., duly carried out the ceremony in a. very .impressive manner. A large number of the members present extended congratulations to Sister Baker on her appointment to such .an important position. Bro. Ritchie, Grand Sire, expressed his pleasure at being able to carry out the ceremony, and gave a very useful addre'ss on the ideals of Oddfellowship, and traced the progress of the Bebekah movement since 1856, when the first lodge was opened. He also congratulated Bister • Dobson, the retiring D.D.G.M., on the. excellent work she had done .-during her two years of office to cement the good feeling among the different lodges in the district. Bro. Crooke remarked-on the excellent attendance, and said he felt it was a token of the estcem’for the outgoing officer,' as' well as of congratulation to their new one. He exetuded his best wishes to Sister. Baker, and hoped that the coming two years would be of great benefit to the Rebekah movement in, Dundein, explaining that the next Grand Lodge session of the order would he held in Dunedin. He felt quite confident that the lodges in the district would co-operate and show their visitors from all parts of the dominion that Dunedin was truly the home of Oddfellowship. D.D.G.M. Bro. A: Beverdige (South Otago District),' Sister M‘Arthur, P.L.D.D.G.M., Sister Riuieimau, P.L.D.D.G.Mi, Bro. Blanchard (Wellington) also congratulated Sister Baker. Bro. Ritchie expressed on behalf of the Grand Lodge of New Zealand the thanks of the order Lor the asistahee of Sister Dobson aiid the other Rebekah sisters who had collected such a creditable amount on Poppy, Day. Sister Baker responded, and Sister Dobson also' thanked those who had assisted to make her terra a pleasant one.

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Evening Star, Issue 22783, 4 May 1931, Page 7

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ODDFELLOWSHIP Evening Star, Issue 22783, 4 May 1931, Page 7

ODDFELLOWSHIP Evening Star, Issue 22783, 4 May 1931, Page 7