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During the period of daylight saving it is necessary to add half an hour to the times given in thi tables below. HIGH WATER. —To-raorrow.— St. Clair: 1.24 a.m., 1.49 p.m. Taiaroa Head: 1.34 a. ill., 1.59 p.m. Port Chalmers: 2.14 a.m., 2.39 p.m. Dunedin: 2.44 a.m., 3.9 p.m. THE SUN. Sets to-day 7.57 p.m., rises to-mor-row 4.12 a.m. PHASES OF THE MOON. Fjrib quarter Dec. 28 3.29 p.m. Full moon Jan. 5 0.45 a.m. East quarter Jan. 11 4.39 p.m. New moon Jan. 19 6.5 a.m. Sets to-day 6.11 p.m., rises to-mor-row 2.46 a.m. WEATHER REPORT. The Dominion Meteorologist (Dr E. Kidson) supplied the following at 9

Wind. —O, calm; 1, light air; 2, slight breeze; 3, gentle breeze; 4, moderate breeze; 5, fresh !), strong gale; 10, whole gale; 11, storm; 13, breeze; 6. strong breeze; 7, high wind; 8, gale; hurricane.

Weather.—U, blue sky; be, blue sky and detached clouds c, cloudy; o, overcast; g. gloomy; u, ugly, r, rain; s, snow; d, drizzle; p, passing showers; h, hail; o, squally; 1, lightning; t, thunder; (, fog; m mist; z, haze. Forecast. The Dominion Meteorologist (Dr E. Kidson) supplied the following at noon to-day;—The indications are for variable and moderate breezes, shortly northerly, moderate, freshening; there is a prospect of fair to cloudy weather with rising temperatures, but later incteasing naze and cloudiness; barometer falling slowly soon; seas rough swell, but decreasing; tides good. Tlio Storm is duo here in the morning from Wellington, and is to load and sail the same day for Timam, Lyttelton, Wellington, Picton, and Wanganui. The Breeze is due on Monday from Wellington and the Calm on Tuesday from Bluff. Both vessels will load cargo for Wanganui via ports. The Waikouaiti was to sail this afternoon for Lvttelton. She returns later via Timaru for further discharge and then goes;to Bluff and Sydney. The Waimarino is to,, load cargo at Dunedin on Saturday lor Oainaru, Timaru, -Lyttelton, Wellington, Napier, and Auckland. THE PERRY SERVICE. The Wahine. from Wellington, arrived at Lyttelton at 7.5 this morning, and passengers and mails connected with the south express. JUNE WITH PHOSPHATES. Advice lias been received that the steamer June is to leave Ocean Island to-day with phosphates for Lyttelton and Port Chalmers. She is due at this port early next month. WAIKAWA LEAVES NAPIER. The Union 'Company advises that the Waikawa left Napier yesterday for Lyttelton and Dunedin to continue discharging general cargo from the Pacific Coast. Sho is duo here on Monday. SYDIC IN PORT. The Swedish steamer Sydic arrived at Dunedin this afternoon from Bluff to discharge wood pulp from Scandinavia, jarrah from Bnnhnry, and a little general cargo Irom Capo down and Durban.

TRANS-TASMAN RECORD. It is thought that the S.S. and A. motor ship Karamea has established a trans-Tasman record for a "cargo carrier Sho covered the mileage from Gladstone to Auckland in four days three hours, at an average speed of just over fifteen knots. The ship holds the Wellington to London record, her time being 32 days 22min. Her actual steaming time was 32 days 12 hours 4min, and she averaged a little under fifteen knots on the trip. PASSENGERS FOR DUNEDIN. The Shaw, Savill liner Corinthic, which is now at Lyttelton, brought out from Home twenty-one passengers for Dunedin. Mr and Mrs J. Alexander and Mr and Mrs Matheson were travelling in the saloon, while the other seventeen were in the steerage. - TARANAKI LEAVES BALBOA. The Taranaki, en route from London for New Zealand ports via Suva, left Balboa on December 12. She is due at Suva on December 30, and at Port Chalmers, about January 8. THE KINI LEAVES HOME. The Kinl, the new coastal steamer built for the Union Steam Ship Company by John Lewis and Co., Aberdeen, left England on Saturday for New Zealand via Panama. As the Kini comes out at reduced speed, it is uncertain when she will arrive in New Zealand. The Kini has a deadweight capacity of about 1,800 tons, and is especially designed for the carriage of long timber poles. The vessel has two hatches, and the engines are amidships. Her speed is eight knots. THE WARSHIPS. H.M.S. Diomede arrived at Auckland on Monday afternoon from England, where she underwent an extensive refit. She will remain in port for some weeks. The Dunedin, ■which is to,go to England to refit early in April, will also he in port over the holiday period. The sloops Veronica and Laburnum carried out gunnery exercises in the Hauraki Gulf on Tuesday. The Veronica will proceed from the gulf to Wellington, hut the Laburnum will return to port for hunkers preparatory to sailing for Napier, where she will spend Christmas. TO MAKE MEDITERRANEAN CRUISES. A notah\p addition this year to the White Star Line’s winter cruise fleet is the new motor vessel Britannic, which made her appearance last Augustan the line’s New York-Liverpool service. The Britannic is scheduled for two forty-six-day cruises, sailing from New York on January 8 and on February ■ 20. The White Star liner Adriatic, which cniovs an outstanding popularity both witli transatlantic travellers and summer vacationists, will complete the Mediterranean programme with two cruises starting on January 17 and on March 7. Both vessels call at Boston the day after leaving New York. _ Both" the Britannic and the zldnatic are unique in the Mediterranean cruise field in that Jhey.cany tourist tlnrdcabih passengers, and offer the complete cruise, including shore excursions, at remarkably low rates. . The itinerary of the cruises will include Funchal. Gibraltar, and Algcqivas, Algiers, Monaco, and the French Riviera. Naples,- Athens, Istanbul (Constantinople), Haifa for the Holy Land, Alexandria for Cairo and the Nile, Syracuse, Naples, and Monaco (second call). PERSONAL. Captain G. B. Corby has relieved Captain J. L. Briscoe as master on the Kaimanawa. PASSENGERS BY MAKURA. The Makura, which at Wellington on Monday from San Francisco, and which sailed on Tuesday for Sydney, took the following saloon passengers from New Zealand;—Mr and Mrs E. Adams, Mrs Andrews, Miss E. Adams, Mr H. B. Alexander. Mr A. E. Barnard, Captain C. E. Bleny, Mrs A. Burnham, Lieutenant-colonel U. .L Bourke, Mrs R. Collett, Mr and Mrs D. Clarion, Mr Crick, MissC. M. C, 1. Carvlon. Mr J. Clegg, Miss C. Cary ion, Miss D. Cary lon, Mr R. S. Dyball, Mr Douglas, Mr A. M. Davies, Mrs H. R. Dunlop, Mr J. Fuller. Mrs Fry, Miss Fry, Dr and Mrs Ford, Miss H. Jflynn, Miss K. Flynn, Miss D. Flynn, Mr Gardiner, Miss . Glendenning, Mrs Gould. Miss A. B. G. Herd, Mr and Mrs H. M. Heron, Mr J. C. Rolls, Miss L. M. K. Kemp, Mr P. B. Lomas, Mr. D. A. Lingham, Miss S. M. Lowson, Mr D L. Lothcringham, Mr D. Lake, Rev, P. J. Loffman, Mr T. C. APGhee, Mrs S Mannings, Mr G. M'Betli, Mr and Mrs Macßennie, Miss Nicholson, Mr S. Peterson, Miss A. R. Payne, Mr F A Podesta, Miss T. Robertson, Mr and Mrs S. E. L. Rogers, Mr S. G. K. Smallbonc, Miss H. Slater, Mr and Mrs S. J. Short. Mr R. V. Tait, Mr and Mrs H. C. Thomas. Miss Tyneham, Mr Van Staveren, Bishop Wade, Miss G S. Wilkinson, Miss E. T, Wilson, M-- W. F. White, Mr A. Watkins, Dr Wilson, Mrs Wells, Air R. Anderson, Mr J. C. Broome, Mr and Mrs Belze, Mr M. Byford, Mr and Mrs Cartmel, Mr and Mrs Craig and child, Mr and Airs W. R. Ellis, Air J. B. Idle, Mr and Airs and Miss M, E. Kain, Miss E. H Lee, Air A. R. Lee, Mr Luvicli, Air and Airs AI. Millar, Air AI. AI. Afugliston, Mr and Airs H. Orth, Air G. Peterson, Air and Airs L. Ranfer, Air R J, Robinson, Airs Robinson, Airs E C Smith, Air A. Slaughter, Air and Airs R E. Sontham and hoy, Air and Mrs A. Winter, AUss E. Welsdy; unci twenty-two third class. MARAMA FROM SYDNEY. Fine weather across the Tasman was experienced by the intercolonial mail steamer Alarama, which arrived at Wellington from Sydney on Tuesday. The following first class passengers were on board:—Alesdames Thompson and four children, Reid and child. M'Taggart, Blundell, Alarkham and two children, Clay, Brown, Holditch, Stock, Gilh'gan, Sutherland, Keith, Smee and child. Broad and two children, Nash, Bourne, A’liller and three children, Evans, Alaunsell, Horsfield, Keane and child, Buchanan, Preston and child. Pratt and child, Alonk, Gostelow and child, Lutrell, Tolmie, Johnson, Armstrong and two children, APNaughton, Falconer, Leighton, Drury and child,

Behringer, Kempster, Caro, Frogley* Delaney, Crofts and two children, M'Kenzie, Seymour, M‘Kay, Cowens, Renshaw, Clalfey, Holyoake and fom* children, Owers, MacGillivray, Boyle, Giles, Hammond, Gregory, M'Kenzic, Sugden. and child, Witton., Paradice, Hannah, Davidson and child, Norman* Harris, Stopford, Le Lievre, Kilkelly,; Teagle; Misses fi, Haldane, E. SkogInna M. M'Taggart, A. Nelson, M. t Bourke, G. Owen, R. Horrell, P. Mitchell, P. Williams, M. Williams. K. Edgelow, M. Sutherland, M. Keith* L. Sharp, M. Carter, A. Evans, C. Taylor, B. Robieson, V. Norman, Williams, A. C. Falconer, H. Meikle, J. : Mitchell, M. Mitchell, A. Mathesou, M. Smith, D. Pitt, M. Hack worth, EMacGibbou, I. Holditch, G. Roberts, R. Orford, B. Crawford, D, Keane, C. Hammond, S. Chapman, C. Maelums, A. Hart, E. Tripp, S. Armstrong, M, Blakiston, E. M’lntyre, E. Baker, A. Falconer i Messrs D. Thompson, J, .Kivovitch, H. M'Taggart, L. Blundell, H. Markham, E. Kempster, R. Holditch, G. Harris, J. Casey, K. Allen, Rev. P. Carmine, Messrs A. Richardson, N. Cameron, W. Nash, N. Smith, B. Tindale, W. M‘Kay, J. Cowens, \V„ M'Causlana, T. MacGillivray, BBourne, J. Miller, D. Quane, T. Powell, H. Dickin, N. Dickin, R. Leitch, A, Herman, F. Dwyer, J. Heyworth, W* Kirkwood, A. Roberts, A. Witta, B, Wenden, H. Easton, Lieutenant-col-onel D.‘ Pratt, Major R. Turner, W. Shepherd, L. Teagle, R. M‘Naughton* D. Matthews, H. Leighton, 0. Berringer, Lieutenant-colonel P. Kilkelly, F. Bond, J. Watling, R. Frogley, Rev. W. Crofts, B. Smith, L. Seymour, J. King, W. Callaghan, W. Hickey, WKeith, P. Beaumont, R. Smee, G, M'Lean, A. Quince, T. Pellett, S. Reiishaw, R. Little, G. Johnson, J. Claffey, E. Holyoake, W. Owers, G, M. F. Evans,’ R. Maunsell, O. Opie, T. Minahan, A. Hamilton, D, Butherlaud, C. Howes, A. Roberts, W. Gregory, J. M'Kenzie, J. Crammond* J. Witton, D. Monro, W. Paradice, A. Story, K. Manning, C. Mullens, W. Mann, Rev. Father Lockington, Lieutenant R. Kilkelly, H. Teagle, H, Graham. AORANGI FROM SYDNEY. The following first class passengers landed at Auckland on Monday by the Acrangi, from Sydney:—Misses J. : Austin, E. M. Bulkeley, R. E. BulkeIqy, t E. Briggs, V. Derham, M. C. Erskine, D. Finnigan, E. Hardwicke,L. M. Jones, W. J. Kitching, T. A. Kitching, H. M. Kitching, G. E, Knight, G. M. Knight, P. Mason, H. Pickford, W. M. Pickford, 0. M. Riddell, E. Roid, S. G. Sinith, G. A. 'Tetley. R. Thomson, A. N. Urie; Mesdames E. S. Austin,- A. Binns, M, E, Bulkeley, T. Clulow, C. E. Cameron,; N. Cole, E. Davies, S. J. Friedlander, A. Goodwin, E; Gregory Harrison, T, G. Kitching, A. G. Mason. E. M. Montgomery, P. Maggs, A. Mehor D, K. M'Mhm, S. .H. Overton, H. M. Pickford, C. J. Phillijvs, J. M. Reardon. E. J. Reid, J. W. Stacey, M. A. Taylor, F. R. Thomson, N. Weidman,; B. M. Walton, F. M. Winstone, R. E, Watkin, R. Wright, P. Wright, C. DColumn; Messrs H. E. Beck, S. C* Bates, Dr J. R. Barriskilj, A. B. Burberry, M. Peard, Rev. C. A. Cherrington, Rev. G. Coakley, J. L. Crowther, E. Davies, J. A. Erskine,' C. Hood, J. V. T. Hutchison, D. A. Hamilton, W, E. Hayward. P. H. Hudson, H. AHorroeks, A. Howie, J. Halligan, RB. Horner, W. C. T. Hamn»ond, CJohnson, T. G. Kitching, G. Kitching, J. J. E. Knight, J, J. Knight. G. A, Lee. A. G. Mason, P. Maggs, Captain! E. M. Milne, B. C. MiArtney, W. M‘Rae-Peacock, D. K. M'Minn, K. Offenburg. S. H. Overton, I. M. Phipps, J. Phipps, C. W. R. Powell, E. H., Price, J. Pickford. C. J. Phillips, RJ, Pace, E. K. Rimmer, F. J, Reardon, W. S. Rogers, Stacey, W. E, Scott, W. J. Todhunter, W. C, Taylor, P. M. Thomson, B. G. Thomson, H. Waring, J. Walton. F. S. Walton, F. M. Winstone, W. F. Winstone. R< E. Watkin. VESSELS IN WIRELESS CALL. The following vessels are expected to b« within range of the undermentioned wireless stations to-night:— Auckland.—Aoraugi, Tofua, Sierra, Ventura, Myrtlebank, Laurel, Brunswick, Maui Pomare, 'Veronica, Rangitiki. Laburnum, G. C.' Brovig, City of Delhi, Golden Coast, Solna. Tongariro. Port Huon. Wellington.—Maori. Wahjne, Tam»hine, Matai, Rangitiki, Niagara, Kapouga, Tamaroa, Karamea, Waiotapu, Mahono, Canadian Victor, Waikawa, Port Hunter, Rotorua, Remuei-a, Benmohr. . Awarua.—Discovery, Monowai, Kalingo, Hinemoa, Makura, whalers. MOVEMENTS: BY TELEGRAPH. AUCKLAND, December 17.—Arrived; Tisnareix (4.15 p.m.), from! San Francisco. NAPIER, December 17.—Arrived; Westmoreland (2.45 p.m.), from Waikokopn.—Sailed: Waikawa (4 p.m.), for Lyttelton; Westmoreland (6 p.m.), for Wellington. WELLINGTON. December 17. Sailed; Wahine (7.50 p.m.), for Lyttelton; Waiotapu, for Melbourne; Opibi, for Nelson; Waipiata, for Auckland. LYTTELTON, December 17.—Arrived: Raranga (5.30 p.m.), from Wellington; Corinthic (8 p.m.), from WeU lington.—Sailed: Echo (<.25 p.m.), for Blenheim; Maori (8.20 p.m.), foi* Wellington. SUVA, December 17.—Sailed: Tofni (3 p.m.), for Auckland. (For continuation *ee Lat® New*.) to-day:— Bar. Tiier, , ,\v. Wellington—S.E. 5 29.97 50 B Greymouth—E. 5 29.98 60 B Christcli’cli —S.W. 2 30.01 54 O Timaru 0 30.02 55 O Oamaru—N.E. ... •1 30.00 55 0 Dunedin—N.E. ... 4 29.9(5 51 C Queenstown—S.W. Nuggets—N.E. ... 1 5 29.91 29.9(5 55 5*2 B CJ Z Bluff—E 2 29.99 50 B

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Evening Star, Issue 20670, 18 December 1930, Page 1

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SHIPPING Evening Star, Issue 20670, 18 December 1930, Page 1

SHIPPING Evening Star, Issue 20670, 18 December 1930, Page 1