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A NEWSPAPER COMMENT PARIS, October 11. ‘Le Journal,’ editovtially discussing th© forthcoming trial of the footballer Taillantou, arising out of the death of another player, suggests that Rugby " might be forbidden in France as o\erThe paper adds that the rules, as applied to France, might be modified, but' this would necessitate the abandonment of international matches.


TI» Maori footballers from the Kaik journeyed to Tomahawk on Saturday afternoon to play a return match with the local fifteen. A hard game' was plaved on Luke’s Park, and a large gathering of interested spectators saw the Tomahawk team down the visitors (who had beaten the Tomahawk side by a large margin in the match played earlier in the season) by 6 to 3—a try scored by G. M‘Kay and a penalty goaL kicked by J. Lee to a free kick put over by S. Geary. Following the match refreshments were provided.


drawn contest SYDNEY, October 12. At the Stadium in the match between Kostonaros (13.10$) and Coleman (14.0) a draw was declared. Each secured a fall, but the critics consider that the Greek scored the honours and should have won.


PHELPS RETAINS CHAMPIONSHIP LONDON, October 11. Phelps retained the championship sculling race convincingly in ideal Put-ney-Mortlako_ conditions. There was little public interest. . Barry’s quicker stroke gained lor him early a two lengths’ lead, but Phelps drew up with him at Hammersmith Bridge, and had six lengths’ advantage at Barnes Bridge, thereafter forging ahead and just paddling past the post an easy winner. Time, 22mm 48sec.


MAIKORAI There was. a representative gathering of bowlers and friends at the Kaikorai green on Saturday for the opening of the green. . The president (Mr 11. Forsyth) expressed his pleasure at the large attendance, and his regret that there would be no play owing to the recent spell of wet weather. He made special mention of the work of the greenkeeper (Mr J. Boyd), endorsing the opinions of visiting bowlers at the excellent playing surface provided last season. After welcoming the new players and mentioning the loss the club had sustained through the removal and other causes of several well-known players, ho referred. feelingly to the death of Mr W. Pettitt, an ardent supporter of the jgame and club. Mr E. Tamblyn (oh behalf of the centre) and Mr J. J. Marlow (N.Z.B.A. Council) extended their congratulations. Mrs Forsyth then sent down the first bowl, the green was declared open, and all adjourned to the pavilion for refreshments.


SOUTH ISLAND ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP WON BY A. N. RALSTON. [Pbe Unitsd Press Association.] ' CHRISTCHURCH, October 11. A. N. Ralston (Otago) easily won the South Island fifty-mile road cycling championship to-day. Tho race was over an arduous hilly course, with bad roads and a rough surface, steep hills, and manjr bends. L• W. Hill made the fastest time, 2h 33min lOsec. The first' to finish were A. N. Ralston (12imin), 2h Sflmin 20s ec 1 W. K. Weir (7min), 2h 29min Isec 2 R. G. Watson (22min), 2h 44min 59seo ... ... ... ••• .... 3 8. A. Jordan (SJmin), 2h 31min 40seo ... 4 L. M. Hill (ecr), 2min 23min lOsec 5 PALMERSTON KORTH-WAHCAHUI RACE , CP** TTxntD Press Aisocution.] PALMERSTON~N., October 11. Perfect weather favoured the third amuual Palmerston North-Wanganui amateur road cycle race to-day. Fortythree starters constituted a record field. Heathley (New Plymouth) put up 2h 12min 27 l-ssec—a record for a forty-eight miles’ ride. Tho race resulted:— Hyde, Palmerston (20raiu). 2h 17min 43 3-ssec ... 1 Mackenzie, Palmerston N. (22min), 2h IShnin 43 4-ssec ... 2 Hirst, Feilding (26min), 2h 44min 56 l-sseo 3 The fastest times were;—Heathley (New Plymouth), off 12miu, 2h 12mih 27 l-ssec, 1; Tinkler (Masterton), off fhnin, 2h 14min 22 3-ssec, 2; M'Cord (Masterton), off 9min, 2h 14min 23see PALMERSTON NORTH-WELLIHGTON RACE (Pkjc "(Jotted Press Association.] WELLINGTON, October 12. IVo Auckland cyclists, H. R. Dwight and C. A. Clarke, put up a distinguished performance in the Palmerston North-Wellington road race, held on Saturday by the Port Nicholson Amateur Bond Cycling Club (Inc.), affiliated to the New Zealand Union of Cyclists. Both rode magnificently, and more or less outclassed the rest of the field. Together they made a five showing. piarke was the winner, and Dwight came second, taking home the honours. with _ fastest time. The placing and riding times of tho first four are as follow: C, A. Clarke (20min), Ghomin 38seo 1 H. Dwight (scr), 5h 50min 46sec ... 2 C. Tasker (20min), 6h llmin 15sec 3 R. Black (3omin), 6h 42min 16sec 4 ■ Fastest times: Dwight, Clarke, Tasker, and Bray (scr). . The last named took 6h Ifiiuin 34sec.


CHRISTCHURCH MATCHES The season was opened on Saturday in beautiful spring sunshine. The grounds were in good order, though both the wickets and the outfields were a little slow. The change-over of many leading players to equalise in some degree the playing strength of the competing teams appeared to add interest to the matches, for there was a big attendance of tho public. Results: — Lancaster Park (old Limvood Club) batted first against St. Albans for 141 (B. Hawkins 49). Fraser took four wickets for 27, and Page three for 24. St. Albans has lost one wicket for 16 runs. East batting against Old Boys, were dismissed for 119 (T. Kennedy 31). Merritt took seven wickets for 59. Old Boys have lost six wickets for 69. .Old Collegians, playing against Riccarton, were all out for 138, and Riccarton has scored 106 runs for one wicket (Jacobs not out 50, Roberts not out 37). West Christchurch, playing Sydenham, scored 238 (Kerr 64, Alexander 79, Allen 37). Oliver took six wickets for 28. Sydenham has scored 42 for no wickets (Wall-Burton not out 33).


In spite of the bad weather and the fact that the state of the ground made organised practice impossible, there was a very large attendance at the Caledonian Ground on Saturday, when the Dunedin Cricket Club officially opened its season. Over fifty playing members attended, and the total number present at afternoon tea in the pavilion was eighty. ' In declaring the season open the newly-elected president (Mr R. C; Torrance) said that the attendance that day was the largest known on an opening day for many years. Ho referred to the* fact that the club was back in its old home at the “ Gale.” after an absence of nine years, and predicted return of the social spirit that pervaded the club in the early days of its history. This season the prospects from a playing point of view were also excellent, for a number of good players had joined up, while they would also have the services of the 0.0. A, coach, Mr Badcock. Mr Torrance referred to the presence that day of numbers of ladies, and expressed the hope that still another feature of what promised to be a record season would be a large increase in the list of lady members. Mr Torrance then made a presentation on behalf of tho young members of the club to Mr James M’Farlane. Mr M'Farlane, he said, was an old and esteemed member who had always taken a very keen interest in the young players, and for> some years past he had acted as honorary coach to these boys Tho latter had so deeply appreciated Mr M'Farlane’s kindly interest in them that they had clubbed togther and bought their coach a case of pipes. “ Mr M’Farlane has two hobbies,” said Mr Torrance, “ cricket_ and smoking; and ho is never happier than _ when standing behind the nets with his pipe poking through the meshes.” _ Mr G. A. Wycherley (president of the Otago Cricket Association) tendered the good wishes of tho association, ana congratulated the club on such, a wonderful turn-out of members. Speaking of the season’s prospects from the point of view of cricket as a whole, Mr Wycherley said that, given the necessary good weather, the game should receive a decided impetus, mainly because of tho interest and enthusiasm aroused among tho younger players by tho activities of tho association’s coach The project to send another New Zealand team to England at tho end of tho coming season was, he understood, practically assured, so that it behoved those colts who were showing promise to hasten their development and bid for a place in the team. The New Zealand selectors would, he felt sure, bo pleased to be able to include more than one. Otago man on this occasion, but, to gain a place, a player must prove his ability. Mr Wycherley congratulated Mr Torrance on his elevation to tho office of president, an office which he (the speaker) had himself held foxsome years, and which ho had always recognised as an honour. He hoped to hdve the gratification at the end of tho season of congratulating Mr Torrance upon being also the president of the premier senior club. Mr Alec. Regan, who has joined up with the club this season, said that ho wished to express his appreciation of tho privilege of being a member of such a live and sociable organisation. To further show his appreciation he invited al tho members, with their lady friends, to a “ D.C.C. night ” at tho Regent Theatre on Monday. , Cheers were heartily given for the ladies who had provided afternoon tea for tho big gathering.


OTAGO CLUB The first round of the Otago Club’s championship was played on the Balmacewon links on Saturday afternoon and resulted in several surprises. J. W. Trewern, the present holder of the championship, was decisively beaten by D. H. Butcher, the match finishing on the thirteenth green with Butcher the winner by 6up and sto play. G. Gibson beat N. G. Hay, the present Otago champion, hy 3 and 2. J. G. Dick and J. R. Laidlaw, who had gone neck and neck in the‘qualifying rounds, had a great battle, and the match was carried to the twentieth green with Laidlaw tho victor. E. A. Reed failed to produce the good iorra he lias shown lately, and T. D. Adams carried this game to tho last green, where E. A. Reed won by 1 up. C. T. Irvine, last year’s runner-up, was too good for R. W. Dick, winning by G and 4; R. E. Havward rather easily accounted for L. 11. Marshall, winning by 4 and 3; and J. Spence was to strong for b. L. Wilson, gaining a win 6 and 5. The first round of tho matches m tho Balmacewen Cup competition was also played. The results were as follow J. Manson heat P. W. Clarkson, 1 up; J. H. Gilkison heat J. A. Jenkins, 4 and 3; T. B. Ferguson beat D. K. L. Stevenson, 6 and 5; W. E. .Lamshaw beat T. S. Holme, 4 and 2; G. F. Latimer beat H. Henderson, 3 and 2: G. A. Russell, boat H. 0. M'Farlane, 5 and 3; F. S. Salinger boat C. Shuttleworth, 2 up; K. Ross, jun., beat J. R. Paterson, 3 and 2; A. O. Russell beat J. G. Dykes, 4 and 3; R. F. Barr bent W. G. M'Clymont, 3 and 1.


The South Auckland championship was won by J L. Black (Hamilton), who heat 11. A. Black (Miramar), 3 and 2.


The Wanganui amateur championship meeting was concluded in perlect weather. Results Semi-finals: W. B. Reilly beat J. Goss, 2 and 1; B. Silk C. Hutchison, 1 up. bmal; Reillv beat Silk, 2 and 1. Reilly played tho more steady golf, and was better on the short work round the green. Silk played better in the semi-finals, going .out in three under bogey.


Tho silver and bronze medal L.G.U. will be played to-morrow. The following is tho draw:—Mrs J. H. Robertson v Mrs Gilbert, Mrs Burnett v. Mrs M'Gregor, Mrs Wight v. Mrs Jacobs, Mrs Wilson v. Mrs A. Snielhe, Mrs R Hudson v. Miss Hall, Mrs M'lvwen v. Mrs Anderson, Mrs Osborno v. Mrs M'Allen, Miss Martin v. Mrs laylor, Mrs Paterson v. Mrs Wrather, Mrs Breeze v. Miss Arnett, Mrs Wood v. Miss C. Orr. Miss Kindley v. Miss Thompson. Mrs Adess v. Mrs Kindley.


INTERNATIONAL TOURNEY LINDRUM IN THE LEAD. LONDON, October 11. Lindrum, 24,883 (including breaks of 634, 684, and 353); Newman, 23,699 (320, 269, 679, and 583). Lmdrum’s match average is 149 and Newman’s 101. Snooker: Newman, 1,611; Lindrum, 1,347. Davis, 24.863 (including breaks of 250, 254, and 218); M'Conachy, 22,689 (243). Snooker: Davis, 1,403; M'Conachy, 1,372.


Ereparations are well in hand for the annual competition for tho shield presented by Billiards Ltd. among representatives of local clubs. The trophy was won last year by the Returned (soldiers’ Association, and under the rules of tho competition this association organises the contest this year. Tho following entries have go far been received: Balmacewcn Bowling Clad) (Mr R. MTntyre), Dunedin Sports Club (Mr W. Stiglish), Returned Soldiers’ Association (Mr C. Mason), and the' Commercial Travellers’ Club (player to be nominated). The closing *date for tho receipt of entries is Wednesday October 15, and it is hoped that others will bo forwarded as soon as possible to Mr J. M. White (secretary of tho R.S.A.).

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Evening Star, Issue 20613, 13 October 1930, Page 6

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THE WORLD of SPORT Evening Star, Issue 20613, 13 October 1930, Page 6

THE WORLD of SPORT Evening Star, Issue 20613, 13 October 1930, Page 6