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[From Oub Correspondent.] BALCLUTHA, October 12. OBITUARY. During the week the deaths have taken place of two old residents of this district. Mr Robert Paterson Henderson was an old resident of Benhar. He was eighty-four years of age, and cainq to Now Zealand in the sailing ship Oamaru on her maiden voyage, arriving at Port Chalmers in 1874, after a trip lasting three months. He remained in Anderson’s Bay for about three months, and then proceeded to Hillend, where he worked for Begg Brothers for nine years before going to work on Pillans’s station, where he remained for about four years. Ho then returned to Begg’s, but owing to the difficulty in getting schooling for his family, he shifted to Stirling, and lived there for a few years. He then went to Benhar and started work for Mr J. Nelson, and carried on with the late Mr Peter M‘Skimming, when he took over the business, and he remained with the firm until two or three years ago after a service of about forty years. He is survived by a widow, two daughters, and four sons, viz., Messrs Thomas (Invercargill), James (Wellington), Robert and Andrew (Dunedin), Mrs Gilroy (Wellington), • and Mrs Caldwell (Benhar).

Mr George Duncan Stewart, who died at his residence, Balclutha, at the ago of sixty-five years, was born in Dunedin, being a son of the late Mr Wm. Stewart. He came to Balclutha when about five years of age, and, with the exception of a short period spent in Hastings, he has lived here ever since. Ho was educated at the Balclutha School under the late Mr Todd, and was taking an active part in the forthcoming jubilee celebrations of the school. He was being educated for the teaching profession, but finally went into the painting trade with his father. He was one of the early members of the Clutha Rifle Volunteers, was reputed to be a good shot, and won a cup in 1888. He was also one of. the original members of the Balclutha Brass Band, and a life member of that organisation in which he took an active part until a few years ago. He was a good swimmer, and also a member of the Balclutha Bowling Club at one time. Ho was married thirty-eight years ago to Miss Sarah Lloyd, of Seacliff, and she, together with one daughter, is left to mourn. Mrs Fred Murphy (Auckland) and Mr W. Stewart (Balclutha) are a sister and brother respectively, and are the only survivors of this old Balclutha family. BOWLING. The Kaitangata Bowling Club opened the season yesterday _ afternoon when there was a very fair attendance of local and visiting howlers. The green was declared opened by Mr A. Botting, in the absence of the president (Mr W. Neill), and the _ first bowl was thrown up by Mrs Neill. The weather was very fair, and those present spent a very enjoyable afternoon. The Kaitangata Club provided an appetising afternoon tea, and this was much appredated. CRICKET. Yesterday the Clutha Club sent a team to Waiwera to play a friendly game with the team there. The result was a win for the visitors by 123 runs to 101. Balclutha played thirteen men, and the best scores were made by Guest 32,' Gallagher 22, Lennox 27, O’Sullivan 19. For Waiwera Edwards, was top scorer with 30, and others to reach double figures were Sutherland, jun., 12; J Dunn, retired, 12, and extra 16. NicoJ, four for 25, and Edwards, six for 23, were Waiwera’s best bowlers, while Lennox, Stephens, and Moffat shaped best for Clutha. The visitors were hospitably treated by the home team, and spent a very pleasant afternoon, despite the fact that the weather was not altogether the best for the game. PRIMARY SCHOOL SPORTS. The third annual sports meeting under the auspices of the South Otago State Primary Schools’ Sports Association was held at Balclutha yesterday afternoon, and was an unqualified success from every point of view. The weather, although showery, kept up wonderfully well, and the large attendance was treated to a very interesting day’s racing. The gate takings and other receipts totalled in the vicinity of £SO, which is very gratifying indeed. Entries totalled 979, schools from Papatowai to Toko being represented. This number was a very big increase on that of last year, and goes to show that the association is now firmly established. The lengthy programme was got off in splendid manner, the organisation being well-nigh perfect, and the officials, of whom there were many, are to he congratulated on the way they conducted tho meeting. Messrs A. W. Alloo,-F. Forrester, D. Forsyth, A J. Woods, and H. Hawkins, of tho Otago’ Association, were present, and gave valuable assistance, which was much appreciated. The championship shield was won by Kaitangata School, which was 10 points ahead of Toko, tho next in order. The shield the previous two years was won by Balclutha School, whicn this year was fourth on the list. After the sports Mr Alloo presented the shield to Mr Melville, head master of Kaitangata School, amidst great enthusiasm, and the latter briefly replied, Mr A. M. Miller, tho secretary, thanked the teachers, Mr Roydhouse, and the Dunedin members for the assistance given. A feature of the afternoon was tho display given by the children under Mr A. P. Roydhouse, physical instructor for Otago schools. Altogether 437 children took part in tho display, which had never before been attempted in South Otago. The various schools marched on as follow—Otanomomo 16, Papatowai 14. Romahapa 9, Owaka 11. Clinton 48, Milton 65, Balclutha 11. '69, Balclutha I. 72, Kaitangata 71, Kakapuaka 10, Benhar 20, Stirling 32. After a march past to music supplied by the Balclutha Brass Band the children formed up and went through their various evolutions in a very creditable manner to tho huge delight of the crowd, who applauded loudly and in a manner that must have been flattering to the instructor and the children themselves. Tho display was all tho more creditable when it is considered that this was the first time they had been together, Mr Roydhouse imving visited the various schools at intervals and put tho children through their paces. Tho event was certainly an eye-opener to many, and tho hope is expressed on all sides that it will become an annual one at this meeting. Tho various officials worked hard, and particular praise is due tho lady teachers for the manner in which they assisted. Results:— —Championship Events.—

50 Yards, boys under 10; ,‘)8 entries. —First heat: A. M‘Laren( Romahnpa) 1, J. Findlay (Warepa) 2. Second

heat: J. Donaldson (Kaitangata) 1, C. Jardine (Balclutha) 2. Third heat: A., Wilson (Otanomomo) 1, C. Lucas (Tuapeka Mouth) 2. Fourth heat; E. M‘Lachlan (Clinton) 1, B. Craig (Greenfield) 2. Fifth heat: I. M‘Noe (Balclutha) 1 ; V. Dickson (Tuapeka Mouth) 2. Sixth heat: C. Clements (Kaitangata) 1, A. Scott (Balclutha) 2. Final; Jardine 1, Donaldson 2, Scott 3. Time, Bsec. Broad Jump, boys under 12: 29 entries. —I. Chandler (Lovell’s Flat, 13ft llin) 1, M. Anderson (Balclutha, 13ft ]oin) 2, A. Martin (Toko., 13ft lin) 3.

High Jump, boys under 14; 26 entries. —A. Paisley (Tuapeka Mouth, 3ft 9Jin) 1, J. Olver and C. Roughton (Toko., 3ft 9in) equal 2. 50 Yards, girls under 11; 37 entries. —First heat: F. Lee (Lovell’s Flat) 1. J. Gordon (Warepa) 2. Second heat. E. Cockburn (Toko.) 1, 'W. Buchan (Clinton) 2. Third heat: M. Aitkenhead (Otanomomo) 1, M. Martin (Waiwera) 2, Fourth heat; C. M'Kenzio (Clinton) 1, A. Cain (Kaitangata) 9. Fifth heat: F. M'Donald (Lovell’s Flat) 1, E. Stirling (Tuapeka Mouth> 2. Sixth heat: A. Edie (Tuapeka Mouth) 1, P. Edwards (Kaitangata) 2. Final; M'Kenzie 1, Edie 2, Cockburn 3. Time, Bsec. 75 Yards, girls under 13; 32 entries —First heat; R. Ward (Lovell’s Flat) 1. E. Gordon (Warepa) 2. Second heat: J. Gold (Balclutha) 1, J. Allan (Kaitangata) 2. Third heat: M. Carson (Kaitangata) 1, L. Findlay (Warepa) 2. Fourth heat: E. Borthwick (Balclutha) 1, M. Burnby (Warepa) 2. Fifth heat: M. Park (Kaitangata) 1, T. Smart (Balclutha) 2. Final: Gold 1, Park 2, Borthwick 3. Time, 10 l-ssec. 100 Yards, boys under 12; 27 entries. —First heat: I. Chandler 1, A. Forrester (Kaitangata) 2. Second heat; D. Hopkins (Otanomomo) 1, D. Stanley (Balclutha) 2. Third heat: C. Willocks (Benhar) 1, A. Ferguson (Toko.) 2. Fourth heat: M. Anderson (Balclutha) 1, B. Bennie (Kaitangata) 2. Fifth heat; D. Randle (Balclutha) 1, G. Richardson (Kaitangata) 2. Final: Chandler 1. Anderson 2, Willocks 3.

High Jump, boys under 13; 26 entries.—J. AUDonald (Toko.) and M. Blair (Balclutha), 3ft Biin, equal 1; W. Barron (Benhar), W. Kennard (Toko.), M. Anderson, and W. Campbell (Balclutha),. 3ft Cin, equal 2.

75 Yards, boys under 11; 33 entries. —First heat: K. AULeod (Stirling) 1, W. Meggett (Clinton) 2. Second neat; W. Carson (Kaitangata) 1, B. Stirling (Greenfield) 2. Third heat: W. Anderson (Waiwera) 1, Winchester (Owaka) 2. Fourth heat: U. Allan (Kaitangata) 1, J. Logie (Stirling) 2. Fifth heat: C. Jardine (Balclutha) and J. Prescott (Kaitangata) equal. Final: Carson 1, Allan 2. Prescott 3. Time, 10 4-ssec.

200 Yards Relay, girls under 12; 10 entries.—First heat: Tuapeka Alonth 1. Stirling 2 Second heat. Balclutha 1, Kaitangata 2. Final: Balclutha (L. Scott, D. Lyall, D. Rogers, D. Algie) I. Kaitangata 2, Tuapeka Month 3. 880 Yards Relay, boys under 15; 8 entries.—Toko. (C. Houghton, J. Jones, A. Sellars, W. Lyall) 1, Kaitangata 2, Clinton 3. 75 Yards, girls under 12; 31 entries. —First heat; O. Cook (Warepa) 1, Z. Latta (Papatowai) 2. Second heat: H. Bisset (Kaitangata) 1, A. M'Neur (Toko.l 2. Third heat: A. Edie (Tuapeka Alouth) 1, M. Weir (Stirling) 2. Fourth heat; L. Scott (Balclutha) 1, J Al'Callum (Toko.) 2. Fifth heat; D. Rodgers (Balclutha) 1, M. Robertson (Kaitangata) 2. Final: Scott 1, Bisset 2, Edie 3. Time. 10 l-ssec. Hop, Step, and Jump- boys under 13; 29 entries.—W. Throp (Balclutha) 28ft Sin 1, J. APDonald (Toko) 28ft 4in 2, I. Chandler (Lovell’s Flat) 27ft Sin 3 .

75 Yards, girls under 15; 23 entries. —First heat: Z Morris (Toko.) 1. J. Carson (Knitangata) 2. Second heat: M. Borthwiek (Balclutha) 1, K. Clements (Knitangata) 2. Third heat; J. Barton (Toko.) 1, I. MTvenzie (Pox’t Mclyneux) 2. Fourth heat; B. Dick (Knitangata) I, B. Mitchell <Balelutha) 2. Final: Dick 1, Morns 2, Borthwiek 3. Time, 9 3-ssec. 50 Yards Skip, girls under 12 • 38 entries. —First heat: L. M'Keich (Benhar) 1, Y. Latta (Papatowai) 2. Second heat; A. M'Neur (Toko.) I, U. Bisset (Knitangata) 2. Third heat: A. Edie (Tuapeka Mouth) 1, P. Scott (Port Molyneux) 2. Fourth heat: E. Cockburn '(Toko.) 1, D. Lyall (Balclutha) 2. Fifth heat: F. M'Donald (Lovell’s Flat) 1, B. Stirling (Tuapeka Mouth) 2. Sixtii heat: M. M'Corlundale (Tuapeka Mouth) and N. Vidal (Toko.) equal 1. Final; Edie 1, M'Keich 2. M'Donaid 3. Time, 8 2-ssec. Hop, Step, and Jump, boys under 15; 22 entries.—J. Wright (Stirling) 31ft 10in 1, E. Melvin (Balclutha) 31ft Sin 2. J. Cockburn (Toko.) 30tt 4m d

220 Yards Relay, boys under 11; 8 entries. —Kaitangata (\V. Carson, H. Allan, P. Robertson, W. Sullivan) 1, Greenfield 2, Toko. 3. Time 29 2-oseo. 100 Yards, boys under 13; 24 entries.—First heat: E. Brown (Clinton) 1 A. M'Leod (Papatowai) 2. Second heat: A. Bowman (Kaitangata) 1, T. M'Kinnoy (Toko.) s 2 Third heat: N. Tsukigawa (Balclutha) 1, K. Kitto (Kaitangata! 2, Fourth heat; J. M‘Donald (Toko.) 1, B. Throp (Balclutha) 2. Final: M‘DonaW_ 1. Bowmar 2, Brown 3. Tune, 13 3-osec. 75 Yards, girls under 14; 35 entries. —First heat: J. Willocks (Benhar) 1, R. Ward (Lovell’s Flat) 2. Second heat: Z. Morris (Toko.) 1, J. Cold Balclutha 2. Thirt heat; J. Carson (Kaitangata 1 M, Wray (Toko.) 2. Fourth hoat: B. Dick Kaitangata) 1, R M'Gillivray (Warepa), 2. Fiitn heat; J. Barton (Toko.) 1, 1. M‘Kenzie (Port Molyneux) 2. Final; Dick 1, Morris 2, Carson 3. Time, 9 l-ssec. 300 Yards Relay, boys under 12; 4 entries. —Kaitangata (A. Forrester, B. Bennie, G. Richardson, W. Carson) 1. Toko. 2, Clinton 3. This was one ot the best events of the day, Carson putting in a great run to bent the Toko, representative on the tape. Broad Jump, boys under 14; 27 entries.—J- Diver (Toko.) ]3ft Bin 1, A. Paisley (Tuapeka Mouth) 13ft 4in 2. C. Houghton (Toko.) 13ft 3in 3. Potato Race, girls undbr 13; fortyeight entries. —First heat: R. Ward (Lovell’s Flat) and Z. Latta (Papatowai) 1. Second heat: J. Allan (Kaitangata) 1, D. Lyall (Balclutha) 2. Third heat; A. Edio (Tuapeka Mouth) L E. Stirling (Tuapeka Mouth) 2. Fourth heat: N. Johnstoil (Romahapa) 1, D. Thomson (Clinton) 2. Fifth heat: J. Gold (Balclutha) 1, D. M'Corkindale (Tuapeka; Mouth) 2. Sixth heat: F. Lee (Loiell's Flat) 1, 0, Cook (Warepa) 2. (seventh heat: M. Park (Kaitangata) jL E. Madden (Clinton) 2. • Eignth hpat: I). Craig (Greenfield) 1, E. Stirling 2. Final: Allan 1, Craig 2, Edie S. 100 Yards, boys under 14; twentysix entries. —First heat: J* Diver (Toko) 1, M. Clarkson (Kaitangata) 2. Second heat: W. Thiop (Balclutha) 1, A. Paisley (Tuapeka Mouth) 2. Third heat: C. Roughtoh (Toko) 1. R. Petrie (Balclutha) 2. Üburth heat; J. Jones (Toko) 1, L. Ghjddes (Tuapeka Mouth) 2. Final: Olvir 1, Roughton 2, Throp 3. Time, 13 J-ssec. 200 Yards Relay, girls under 14; eight entries.—First heat: Kaitangata 1, Clinton 2. Second heat: Tuapeka Mouth 1, Toko 2. Filial: Kaitangata (J. Carson, 13. Dick,! M. Park, J. Spiers) 1, Toko 2, Tnareka Month 3. 300 Yards Relay, bovs, 10-15; eight entries.—First heat: lalclutha 1, Kai-

tangata 2. Second heat; Otanomomo 1, Greenfield 2. Final: Balclutha (A. Scott, C. Jardine, M. Anderson, N. Tsukigawa, W. Throp, W. Begg) 1, Kaitangata 2. Greenfield 3. Time, 300 Yards Relay, girls, 10-15; eight’ entries.—First heat; Kaitangata 1, Toko 2. Second heat: Balclutha 1, Warcpa 2. .Final; Kaitangata (M. Petrie, P. Edwards, H. Bisset, M. Park, J. Carson, B. Dick) 1, Balclutha 2, Warepa 3. Time, 46sec.220 Yards, boys under 15: sixteen entries.—J. Cockburn (Toko) 1, J. Wright (Stirling) 2, L. Whitson (Roniahapa) 3. Time, 28sec. —Non-championship Events.— Three-legged Race, girls under 12; eighteen entries. —First heat: P. Houghton and S. Allison (Toko). Second heat: E. Smith and G. Jury (Clinton). Third heat: B. Brown and M. Clarkson (Kaitangata), and L. Hansen and P. Sellers (Toko) equal. Final; Brown and Clarkson 1. Hansen and Sellars 2, Smith and Jury 3. Wheelbarrow Race, boys under 14; twenty entries.—A. Plew and W. Dawson (Balclutha) 1, Stuart and Morahan (Clinton) 2. Obstacle Race, boys under 14; twenty-three entries.—A. Dovey (Te Houka) 1, A. Scott (Toko) 2, A. Woodrow (Owaka) 3. Sack Race, girls under 13; sixteen entries.—J. Wethey (Toko) 1, N. Legget (Clinton) 2, D M'Cartney (Clinton) 3. Obstacle Race, boys under 12; 23 entries.—First heat: S Parr (Kaitangata) 1, S. Begg (Toko) 2. Second heat: R. Currie (Toko) 1. N. White (Balclutha) 2. Final: White 1, Currie 2. Pan; 3. Time, 30sec Three-legged Race, girls under 14; thirteen entries. —L. Forrester and Gray (Kaitangata) 1, N. Buchanan and 0. Peterson (Balclutha) 2, G. Low and L. Simpson (Balclutha) 3.

—Championship Points.— Kaitangata 66 Toko 56 Tuapeka Mouth 53 Balclutha 50 Lovell’s Flat 26 Clinton 24 Bctihar 16 Stirling 10 Warepa 7 Rotnahapa 5

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Evening Star, Issue 20613, 13 October 1930, Page 2

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SOUTH OTAGO NOTES Evening Star, Issue 20613, 13 October 1930, Page 2

SOUTH OTAGO NOTES Evening Star, Issue 20613, 13 October 1930, Page 2