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-- [By DIANA.]-


Ah* W. A. Alurdoch (Wellington') mill her little son mre Iho guests of Airs Cecil Haggitt, Alaori Hill.

Miss -Jean Hurt has returned from Australia, and is at present staying with Airs Nevill, Forbury road.

Dr and Airs H. Havelock Barnett (Napier) are at present staying with Airs John Wilkinson (.Melrose street).

Air and Airs John liaggilt will leave 10-murrow morning for an extended tour of Kngland and the Continent. They intend to include India in (he itinerary for the homeward journey.

The engagement is announced of Alay, second tin ugh ter of Air and Airs John llaggitt. to Charles Krie. eldest son of Air and Airs Charles Taiwan! Rillstone, of Invercargill.

The engagement is announced of Lilian Hnhy, youngest daughter of Mr and Airs John tlaggrtt. to James Seymour, youngest son of Airs Francis, of Gala street. Invercargill, and the late Rev. Robert Francis.

Miss Joyco N’evill will return tomorrow after a holiday spent a* the guest of Mrs APKenzio. Waller I’enk Station, ami of Mrs .Dennis Sumpter, Milton.

Airs John APKenzie and her sun. Mr Keith Al'Kenzie, who arc visitors r,o this city from Melbourne, arc Ihe t;nes(s ( if .Mrs .Keith Hanisay, London street.

Mrs (‘rncroft. Wilson fChristehnrcli) is claying with Mi's Williams, High .street.

Miss Violet I’nrlo n < W elii ngt on ) is visiting her nnele. Mr A, Hathgate, Clvde street.

Airs Callis ('St. Clair i left yesterday In visit her dang Ker in Hawke's Ha v.

Aliss Hennison left on Monday for her home at Lake Wakatipn.

Air and Airs K. Hryam, Te Aua tnntn. who have hen visiting All and Airs 11. I’. Hriganl, Musselburgh, have returned home.

Mrs L. J. Ihnioii lelt on Tne-day for a trip to Alelhonrne. She expects to he hack in ahont mu nionlh-.

The engagement L a n non ncml of Charles younger -on of Ah and is C. J. Hell, Melbourne time of Dunedin i, to I'ori-, lonrrh daughter •' f Mr A. S. (d I!a ndi'i's. Shag Point.

.Mis-, Mona Campbell and AL-s Sonness left on Saturday morning lor i.!ie North Island.

The Si, Clair Coif Club was lavonred with very beanlinil weathei on Saturday, when the Sidey Cup was competed lor by mixed tonr-onscs. The Hon. T. K. Sidey and Airs Sidey entertained members at a I ternoon lea. and alierwanls Air Suley presented the enp to the winner-. Ah's Cdbort and Mr .). Slierilf. Mr Sheriff al-n ieeoived a trophy and Airs Hilbert a miniature enp, presented by Mrs Sidey. The armntrenuniPs for play were very well earned out. and although there was a record entry the nmLelies were finished in good time.

The twenty-second annual meeting ol the St. Clair Ladies’ Cull Club was held in the Y..M.C.A. Hoom.s on Monday last. Alls. Sidey I president) was in lit" chair. Mrs W. T. Smellie (secretary! read tlie report and halaneeshee!. The’ president mined their adoption, and in doing so eongratnlaled the Hull on its growth, having now Hose on INI members Ihe Hub, .she said, still continued to rear champions, and oi this year's champion they were iitstly proud. Miss (finer Kay had alreadv won many honours, including the Canterbury ladies’ championship ( IhCT-h- I. Soul It Canterbury ladies’ e'ta in punish ip t HUL-IM, the Otag" Sadies’ championship (UPS), the South Auckland ladies' championship (PCS). She had also done wonderfully well in Australia, and was scmi-tinalisL in the Australian championship, held in Sydney in PJAS. creating a record ot 7i for the course. She was also semilinalKt for 10hS lor the New Zealand championship. Itad won the M.elisop Cnp three vears in succession, and had the be.-1: aggregate for thrre rounds at the Neve Zealand championship. She was the holder ol the Mill Cnp lor iifjfi and DtH, and (nee won the Sidey Cnp, and was the holder til the L.C.r, silver medal for PPM. AILKav was still very young and greater thine-- were expected nl her. Ihe spe;d<er congra tn laded tin: com init.i ee on the excellent work ‘tone, end Airs \V. I’. Smellie, Ihe retiring secretary, on her work during her term of ofhee. Tin; following office-bearers were elected lor the coming wn-mt Prc-i----ijcnt. Mrs T. K. Sidey; vice-presidents, Mrs A. Smellie and Airs W. I. Smellie; captain. Miss -School!; ilepntyca plain. Airs Hnrnert; lion, secretary and treasurer. Airs C. Wight; committee—Mesdames Hotelier. \\ . Hudson,

and Cameron, and Ali>s London; auditor, Air Irvine. .Mrs Waddell Smith was nnanimimslv elected a, lile member of the Hub. Mrs Sidey then presented the prizes lor the past season: Champion, Miss 0. Kay; runner-up, Airs APCart.hy; silver modal. Miss 0. Kay : bronze medal, .Mrs J. H. I’ohrrlson : pinior enp, Airs Anderson; knoek-ont competition. Airs Cameron; McCarthy enp, Afrs (iambic :• ringer competition. Mrs Wraither. A vote of thanks to Airs Sidey for taking the chair and for

Report* of social functions will be welcomed for this column. “Diana" will tions relating to the home, cookery, domestic science, and any topic of inten report must bear the writer’s name and address as a guarantee of genuineness, tS a public reply cannot be answered. Questions should be concisely put ; clearly written.

her many kindnesses to the club was passed, and one to Iho Press Hosed the proceedings.

that members of tbe A usl ral-Girton Club look forward with pleasurable anticipation to the coining season was evidenced by the large and enthusiastic gathering of members at the business meeting at Colnmba College on Saturday evening last. The election of ollice-hearcrs resulted as follows: President. Miss I’oss; vice-presidents— Mrs Mathewsou and Miss Dutton; secretary, .Mi'S Owen ; Ireasiirer, Miss 0. Park; committee—Mosdames Dick, Mah'oim, Davidson. Forrester. and Sconhir. Mi"C" d. .femes, Dutliic, and K, Stevenson. It was decided to hold meetings as under -April lb, ‘ I ravel m .Now Zealand ’ ; dune lit), hterary and musical evening; August », Annual reunion; Octob t 19, Flowci show.

A ino.-t t-!! j(>\;i iil<' aft c moon was spent at the weekly inoot-intc of the Ist Anderson’s Hay toi l Guides Company last Thursday. IJclore the meetillrr opened, Miss White (captain) entertained the commissioners, a number of friends, and the Guides at afternoon lea, when all enjoyed a social chat. The commissioners present were: Mrs Andrews. Miss Cheoscwian, Miss Feichlcy, and Mrs Host (secretary). After the usual opening ceremonies ol the company meeting, the horseshoe was formed.' Then memhe-s of the Ladies' were enrolled, alter which the first hlnc-and-while allround cords to be won by Guides in Dunedin were awarded to .Lieutenant* Meryl Service and Gretclien Williams, j Mrs Andrews conducted the ceremony of presenting tho cords and placing them in position. Alt tom'd in heatly dicers a ini congeal illations for the lieutenants. Ihe usual company woih was then continued.

Much interest is being taken m Die forthcoming entertainment ol the Hon Hon Revue Company to be held Un cliaritv in Port Chalmers. The dress parade will bo one of the ieatures. The costumes to be worn by the young ladies have been kindly supplied by the fill's leading linns, and vary from IUO vears ago to the present-day fashions. They are to he worn by_lho follow ing young ladies : —Misses J'lorence Reeves, Klorenee M'Leod, (''instance. Polls’. Holly Wilkinson, Gwen Perrv, Sybil Stanley, ami \ eta M'Stav. Miss (I ladys t'Tos.san will tie seen in some ol her spec, al autistic dance numbers.

‘The grounds ol Coluniba College presented an animated scene last Saturday afternoon and evening, when a garden pa itv was lie hi to augment the lands lor iho new organ which is shortly to bo installed in the Maori .Hill Probvtenau C'hurclt. Numerous stalls were situated in and around the grounds, end during the alicruoon business was carried on briskly. In the evening the stall' were transicried to the Const a nee Hall, where most o! the goods were di-po-ed oi hclore closing tune. Hright. inii'ic was supplied bv the Salvation Army Hand during liie afternoon, and in the evening by Hogg's Orchestra. A squad of pupiH ol t'olnmba Coilego al-o gave a display of phy■ ieal drill during the evening. A.s a lotdl ol this eliort the organ fund will benchl to a considoi able extentVA NHR CC 11-!!()!'('ICA HLT (.0)1RANY. A large and enthusiastic (irst-nighi audience greeted the Irene VanbnighDion Honeieanli. Comjiany on Saturday evening. C, K. Oppensliaw's play, ' All the King's,’ was well chosen as the initial one in which these two favourite ani-ts renewed their acquaintance with Dunedin andieme-. The I rocks worn by .Miss Irene Vanbrugh on tin.- occasion were by Handley Seymour. Horn! street, and were a.' ever a delight to behold. in the lii-i act she appeared in a putty-coloured georgette 1 rock deeply tlnmiced wiili lace of the -aine toim, and later in a handsome I'lack georgette evening gown with uneven hem line, the panels arranged in handkerchief frills with fringed edges. With this was worn green earrings and rings and a long crystal necklace drooping at the bade. Her next frock was of spring-green georgette trimmed with tiny frills, eaelt edged with Valenciennes lace, ami a little eoateo of the stum' embroidered in pastel shinies and gold. This frock sidled Hie artiste lo perieetion. and looked exceedingly well against the dark background of the library selling. In the last act a henna silk coal and skirl was wont, closely-litting black hat. with Oriental embroidery. Miss Rowena Ronald wore some uuv effective I rocks designed by l-Nther. Hralton street, London. A white t ,nc had perfectly plain lino, the only relief being a very heanliln! sparkling brooch, and with this she wore a white coat trimmed with fur. The whole white ensemble .suited admirably her red-gold haired type of beauty." Hci evening frock in ihe second act was of apricot georgette with .silver ami sequined girdle, and silver shoes. The whole of the stage settings were verv beautiful, with artistic Hirnisliiims. abundance ol glorious Mowers, and a perieetion of detail that was must ma rked.

Among (lie andieme were not iced Alt and Aim Kannan Reeves and naiiv. Al l- Willie Kids, Airs De Heerand partv! Dr and Mrs Carswell, Mrs George Roberts and parly, Dr and Airs Mr and Miss Ritchie anil pane,' Mr.s Leslie Mills, .Mrs and Miss Callaway, lion. T. [\. and .Mrs Sidev. Mr .John Edmond and party, Mr and Mi’s R- M. RntheiTonl ami .Mr ami Aim Dennis Sumpter (Milion), Mr and Mrs Sutherland Ross, Mis ami the Mi«es Reid Mr ami Mrs Carr and pari v .Mr and Miss Themnin, M r f| ,\ c i ;l 5 Mr and Mrs J . C. Stephens, Aim Ledic Wilson, Mr and Mrs J. Roberls' Dr and .Miss Fitzgerald, Mi a m ] j‘ Johnson Mr and Mrs A. Harnett’and party. Mr and Mrs Gamble, Mr and Mrs Cohn Gilray, Mrs E, Themnin. Mr am Mrs It Hudson and party, Mr ami Mrs Leslie Lilly, Mr and Mrs Oldham iMr and Mr.s Mandeno and Miss Mandeno. Mr and Mr.s Cogan, Mim May Hamm Jr and Mrs Gowland, itr and Mrs J. R. Dieki.son. Mr Tucker and party. Mr and Mrs F.' C. Taylor, Airs Robert Lee. Airs l[. J Guthrie r IlS^n Sha !'?• ?,‘- iss M ' ’ Mrs T M Donald, Miss Hart!;, Mr and Mrs AI George and party, M,. and Aim Xc,vimrgh Lawson. Mr and Mrs J * Alatthcwson, Air and Mrs Henson Airs Hon pi mm, Air and Airs G. IE Ritchie’

also answer all reasonable que»jst to her sex. But each latter or

and questions that do not permit and the writir’s nom da plume


The first annual conference ol branehcs of the Society lor the Protection of Women and Children was opened in the Educational Institute Clubrouins at Welington, when the followin'.! delegates were; present: Auckland,' Miss Dash, Messrs. Donaldson and Stratford; Wellington, Mesdames Chatticki. ' Lino, and Hunter; Cliristdinrcl), Miss Cardalc. Mrs 'romlinson, and Mr M.'Kio; Dunedin, Sister Nora. Mrs Cliatlield. president of the Welliimton society, presided, and welcomed the’ delegates. Mr Stratford replying. It was resolved to approach the Hovernment for greater assistance in the work of tlie society, and to request that the Child Endowment Hill be amended as fa provide that deserted wives shall be eligible for assistance ns well ns ttios.f women who have their husbands with them. It was decided that the societies endeavour to obtain a similar pension for a wife with a permanently sick husband as lor a woman whoso husband is in a menial hospital; also in endeavour to obtain a fair share of a drunken or spendthrift husband's wages tor the wile. Other subjects dealt with wore orcaler publicity, extension of subscribers’ lists, maintenance, absconding husbands, illegitimate children, and employment for bets and girls unabsorbod.

W.G.T.U, ANNUAL CONVENTION A public reception at the Town Hail, Wellington, by the mayor, Air G. A. Troup, was extended to the delegates of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union, there being lot) members present from all parts of New Zealand. Mr Troup said that he had served his initiation in work for boys under the union at Levctt House, in Dunedin. The union had long passed the stage ■when ridicule or opposition could do it any harm, it had reached Ihe stage when criticism was the only weapon that could he used against it. The Hon. A. J. Stallworthy also extended a welcome on behalf of the Government. Mrs T. K. Taylor. New Zealand president, said the' W.C.T.U. was based on the policy urged by Mr Baldwin, that only by men and women working together could the world he saved. The union had worked for the women’s franchise, and thirty-five years ago had obtained it. Much good legislation had been influenced by that vote, but compared with other nations, New Zealand women bad fallen into apathy. Deturning from the Pan-Pacific Conference she bad been depressed, as so many of the Eastern lands looked to New Zealand to see what had been done, and there was little to show them. She felt they would not get further with great reforms until women shook off this apathy.

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Evening Star, Issue 20129, 20 March 1929, Page 14

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WOMAN’S WORLD Evening Star, Issue 20129, 20 March 1929, Page 14

WOMAN’S WORLD Evening Star, Issue 20129, 20 March 1929, Page 14