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SUCCESSFUL YEAR CLOSES Marking the conclusion of a very successful year, the annua! break-up ceremony of the Otago Girls _ iiigfi School was held in His Majesty s Theatre last evening. Dr G. E. Thompson, chairman of tho Board or Governors, presided, and associated with him on the stage wore Dr Emily M'Kinnon, Mrs S. M. Park, representatives of tho board, the principal (Miss M. H. M. King), and tho momhers of the staff of the school. flic theatre was packed for the occasion, and the numerous prize-winners were warmly applauded on receiving their awards. N In his opening remarks Dr Thompson stated that the past yeay has been a comparatively uneventful one, in that there had been few changes in the personnel of tho staff. Alter reading Miss King’s report for the year one could not but be struck by the breadth of tho school’s activities. With the continual research into education by great psychologists, their ideas were broadening all the time. People could not agree on tho subject of education, which was a very abstruse problem. The educational system or the dominion was on the eve of a change itself. Dr Thomson referred to the commissions in connection with education during past years, and the recent investigation into tho possibilities of a revision in the primary school syllabus. The late Government had not had time to define its policy m this respect, and it was too early yet for tho policy of the present Government to be made known. Mrs Park, who presented the Navy League prizes, congratulated the pupils upon their essays, of which the judge had spoken in very high terms. She spoke of the ideals and principles which governed the Navy League. Her Majesty the Queen had found time, she saicj, in a period of great anxiety and stress, to unveil a memorial to the men of the mercantile marine recently. Tho work of these men constituted the subject for the essays. _ “ Our memories last us only a life-time,'’continued Mrs Park, “ and an effort is being made to raise a permanent memorial, not because of our gratitude, but in order that posterity snail honour their work. That is why the Navy League offers these prizes every year—to make vivid the memories of those who .have played such an important part in the building of our Empire. It is the nature of a permanent memorial itsclt. Our Navy is not an instrument of aggression, but rather one to vindicate the liberties of smaller nations, and preserve our own liberties and sentiments.” (Applause.) , The school prizes were distributed by Dr M'Kinnon, who stated that Miss King was to be congratulated upon the excellence of her report, the number of scholarships which the school had carried off, tho number of higher leaving certificates, and tho comprehensiveness of her whole scheme of work. Such subjects as music, drama, swimming, photography, housecraft, art needlework, and typing were not included in the curriculum of the speaker’s day. , These subjects introduced tho pupils to the lighter and more enjoyable side of life, and should make school life a delight. Those pupils who had attained their ambitions to bo prize-winners were leaving ior their holidays with that happy feeling of satisfaction which work well and faithfully done always brought, all through life. Then there were the pupils who were just as full of ambition, just as keen workers, putting all their best into their year’s work, but who did not have the public recognition of an actual prize. Dr M‘Kmnon know they wore disappointed, but wished to assure them that nobody else was disappointed in them. She emphasised tho necessity of close application and study in the pursuance of careers, whatever category they fell ; under. There were many avenues of ivork open to women at the present time, and it was advisable for each girl to think seriously of what branch would suit her and give her happiness and satisfaction. Dr M'Kiunon concluded with some practical advice to tho girls who were leaving school, and extended her best wishes to all the pupils. A delightful concert programme was presented by tho pupils during the evening. The school orchestra opened proceedings with ‘ Buckingham Palace ’ (Milne) and * Vespers ’ (FraserSimpson). The orchestra is quite a sound little combination, and played with great spirit. Tho whistling effects introduced were exceedingly novel. The school choir sang several part songs with taste and finely-developed expression. The fresh young voices blended most prettily, and some very pleasing singing was heard. The choral pieces given were * Jerusalem (Blake), ‘0 Beautiful Violet’ (Reinocke), i A Lake and u .Fairy Boat (Dunhill), ‘Evening Song’ (Ireland), and ‘Worship’ (Shaw). The national and folk dancing was another attractive feature of the programme, a Dutch presentation being enthusiastically encored. The marching displays were executed with neatness and precision. Dr Marion Whyte also spoke, and paid a. high tribute to the work of the principal and staff. PRIZE LIST. Dux of school: Edna Winifred Wilson (Board of Governors’ gold medal). Form VJ.-AL. —E. Wilson; First English, Latin, French (Dunedin French Club’s prize), botany (equal), second mathematics, heat. P. Martyn: First mathematics (Messrs Brown, Ewing, and Co.’s medal), heat, botany (equal), second English, Latin, French, physical training. A. Hanning: First physical training, third Latin, mathematics, French. M. Wills: Second botanv (equal), third English, physical train nig. M, Bell: First geography. Form VI.-BL. —E. Sell: First home science, French, physical training, second Latin, mathematics (Ex-girls’ Association prize). I). Trevena: I'irst English, botany, hygiene, second French (equal; M. G. Burn memorial prize). W. M'Naughton: -First Latin, second English, home science, French (equal). V. Davidson: First mathematics, third home science. F. Wilson: Second botany (equal), physical training, third mathematics. M. Woods: Dairmyple prize. , Form VI.-N. —D. Groves; first mathematics (equal), second_ English, French (Dux Association prize. _ E. Labes: First English, second scjence (equal), geography, third French (equal; Alexander Wilson prize). B. Robertson: First mathematics (equal), tliir dscienco. 1. Bennett: First f rencli (ex-pupils’ prize). I. Cruickshank: First science. V. Lamb: First physical training, first Dalrymple prize. M* Stewart: Second Dalrymple prize. D. Brasier: Third English third Dalrymplo prize. C. Tewsley; Second science. Form V.-S.—-E. Joss: First English, Latin, French, homo_ 'science, botany (Fergus memorial prize). J. Trownson; First mathematics, second English, Latin, home science, third French. L. Faigan: Second French, third English, botany. G. Wilson: Third Latin (equal), French, home science. N. Benzom; Sccvond mathematics/ third Latin (equal). N. Thomson; First physical training, sevond botany. M*. Sutherland: First Dalrymple prize. M. Clemens: Second Dalrymple prize. JMarshall: Third Dalrymple prize. Form, V.-AL.-N. Wallace: first English, history, second science, Latin (equal). C. Wildey; First French, second English. 'A. Blackie: First science, second history. J. Cameron : Second French, Latin (equal). H. french: First Latin, third history (M lS ® Downes’s prize). I. Young: f RSt drawing, third French. B. Cairns: first algebra, arithmetic (equal). - D. Rainsay: First arithmetic (equal), third drawing (equal). N- Jupp: First physical training. E. Hamilton: First Dalrymple prize, second drawing, third English. A. Shilcock: Second Dalrymple prize. ! ■ , Sara. JVilkauispni Fxsi

drawing, s‘*»ond English (equal), home science, geometry (equal), French). L. Coleman: First home science, history (equal), second geometry (qual), algebra (equal). P. Jenkins: First English, second French, third history. M. Brewster: First dietetiiis, geography ' (equal), second arithmetic (equal). D. ■lorgan; First physical training, third geography. A. Ferguson: First arithmetic, fii'st algebra (equal). M. Reeves: First Dalrymple prize, history (equal)', second English (equal). G. M'Cormack; Second Dalrymple prize, arithmetic .(equal), geometry (equal). R. Mirams: First French, it. Bennett: First geometry (equal). Form V.-M.—E. Banwell: First English, French, liistory,_ shorthand, physical training, third science. D. Drake: First book-keeping, second English, arithmetic. E. Sherwood: First geography. second science, third French (equal). M. Stewart: First housecraft, drawing. T. Burke: First science. second typewriting, _ third shorthand. D. Jolly: First arithmetic. . Form Y-R. E. Lawson: First English, geography, dietetics, second French, third history, arithmetic. K. Marshall; First French, arithmetic, second dietetics (equal), third home science. H. Cnjnpbell; Firts history (equal), second home science, third geography. A. Simpson: second shorthand, typewriting (equal), third French, physical training. D. Watson: First history (equal), third English. M. Fish: First home science, housecraft, drawing, second arithmetic. I. M‘Gregor. Firts typewriting, physial training, second drawing. H. Price: First Dalrymple prize. G. AVoodward: Second Dalrymple prize, second English. J. Guthrie: Third Dalrymple prize (equal), second dietetics, third housecraft. F. M'KZinnon: Third Third Dalrymple prize (equal). Form IV-S.—J. Scoblo: First English, homo science, botany (equal), history, cooking (equal), second Latin, French. P. Bnrrowman: First Latin, mathematics, botany (equal), second homo science, third French. P. Davies: First French, second English. B. M‘Lea 11 ; First physical training. ,]. Ramsay: First cooking (equal). 1. Nelson • Second mathematics, third history, Latin. N. Aingo: Third mathematics. M. Grant: First Dalrymple prize, second history, third homo science. E. Allan: Second Dalrymple prize E. Duckworth : Third Dalrymple prize. Form IV-AL.—H, Johnson: First algebra, geometry, homo science, physical training, second French, cooking. G. Smith; First English (equal), drawing, second geometry, third arithmdic, iiistory (equal). A. Newton: First French, Latin, third geometry (equal). P. Benzom: First English (equal), arithmetic. L. Hamilton • Second French, Latin, home science, iiistory. L. Cooper: First history, second drawing, third English (equal), Latin. 11. Sinclair: First arithmetic (equal), third algebra, geometry (equal). D. Hamblett: First cooking second algebra, third history (equal). 10, Annstrong; First needlework, third English (equal), arithmetic geography. M. Macdonald: Firts Dalrymple prize, second home science. L Wither: Second Dalrymple prizcc. J. Ballard; Third Dalrymple prize. Form IV-AG.—N. Isaac: Hirst arithmetic, algebra, geometry, bookkeeping, second English (equal), third homo science. F. M'Lachlan: First home science, second English (equal), shorthand (equal), third arithmetic, drawing. N. Minnooh: First history, geography, typewriting (equal). S'. Robertson: First home science, cooking, second history, third bookkeeping. E. de Beer: Second arithmetic, algebra, geometry. S. Humphreys: First English, second drawing. J. Cooper: First French, third algebra, arilitmetic. J. Reid; First physical training, third bookkeeping, geometry. R. _ Alcock: Second typewriting, bookkeeping. E. Barnes: Second shorthand (equal) third French. R. Hunt: First shorthand. M. King; First typewriting (equal). G. llowlatt: First drawing. D. Forster: Dalrymple prize, second French, third history. Form IV-BL.—C Pelling: First French, algebra, Latin, second geometry, third arithmetic. M. _ Ashton: First English. M. Rhodes: First drawing, second English, history, third French (equal) geometry (equal). I). Murdoch: First history, physical training. K. Wilson First arithmetic, second algebra, third physical_ training. M. Francis: Second arithmetic, French home science. C. Lang: Second Latin, physical training. J. Mee: First needlework, first Dalrymple prize. E. Gorton: Second Dalrymple prize. Form IV-BC.—M. Crawford: First bookkeeping, shorthand, third English, French. S. Armstrong: First history, second homo science, geography, typewriting (equal). L. Freeman; First English, third shorthand. G. Orlowski; First geometry, physical training. R. Wilson: First cooking, second bookkeeping (equal), third physical training. M. M'Ewan; First typewriting, second English, shorthand. L. Page: First arithmetic. H. Portman: First home science, third history. M. Galbraith: Second arithmetic, bookkeeping (equal), third algebra, M. Turner: Second iiistory, third home science, Dalrymple prize. L. Morrison: First drawing, second geometry (equal). Form IV-CO'.—JO. Ricliun: First English, history, geography, home science, arithmetic, cookery, bookkeeping (equal). M. Blair: First bookkeeping (equal), second arithmetic, third geography. E. Fogarty: First French, shorthand. M. Hindie: Second English, history, third arithmetic. N. Bowie: First physical training, third English; bookkeeping (equal). N. Stewart First drawing, typewriting, second shorthand. D. Lcftwich; Second geography, typewriting, third shorthand P. Brown: Dalrymple prize, second French, physical training. Form IH-S.—J. Reid; First French, Latin, geometry, homo science, physical training. 1. Herrick: First arithmetic, history. E. Tattcrsfield: First algebra, second Latin (equal). M. APNeill: First English. N. Fustier: First botany. E. AUStay: Second algebra, physical training, third geometry (equal). J. Southern. First needlework (Mrs S. M. Park’s prize), second homo scion ;o (equal), history (equal), third botany. A-Connor; Second geometry, needlework (equal), third algebra. E. Marett: First Dalrymple prize. E. Marshall: Second Dalrymple prize. F. Robertson: Third Dalryjnplc prize. Form ILL.-AL. —F. Mac Donnell: First English, Latin, French, history, home science (equal), jihysical traininf, second geometry. N. Rutherford: First arithmetic, algebra, third English, Latin, geometry. R. Wither: First geometry, second Latin, French, needlework, third arithmetic. M. Craig: First homo science (equal), second history. M. Cumberbeach: First needlework (Douglas memorial prize), second English, drawing. R. Griffiths: Second arithmetic, algebra. M. Fish: First drawing. AL Grocott: First Dalrymple prize, third English (equal), French. H. Andrews: Second Dalrymple prize. J. Huddart: Third Dalrymple' prize. Form lIT.-AC.—I. Allan: Fust English, algebra, geometry, book-keeping, French (equal), homo science, second arithmetic, history (equal), third shorthand. D. Johnston: First arithmetic, French (equal), second algebra, third book-keeping (equal). D. Cole: First home science (equal), second English, book-keeping, history (equal), third physical training. 0. Perriman: First drawing, needlework (Douglas memorial prize), second geometry, third arithmetic. K. Langley: First historv, third home science. R. Clarke: First shorthand, physical training. E. Cole: First Dalrymple Pi’ize, third English, French. Al. Walker: Second Dalrymple prize, shorthand. C. Lunan: Second drawing (equal), third geometry, Dalrymple prize. R. Wight: Second sewing, fourth Dalrymple prize. R. Sanders: Second drawing (equal), fifth Dalrvmple prize. Forpx Arugtrpuft: First

English, Latin, French, third physical training. T. Duckworth; First arithmetic, second algebra, geometry (equal), physical training. J. Butler: First homo science (equal), second French, needlework (equal), third algebra. T. Minohan: First home science (equal), second Latin, third drawing. A. AVoodward: Second history (equal), third English (equal), arithmetic. R. Larking; First history, second drawing. _T. Green: First Dalrymplo prize, third homo science. H. Dodd: Second Dalrymple prize, third French, Latin. T. Maddox; First physical training, second history (equal). |. Johnstone: First drawing. V. Wingfield: First needlework (Douglas memorial prize). Form Ilf.-BC.—M. Jolly; First English, history, jihysical training. A. Sinclair: First algebra, geometry,.third history. M. Kirk; First arithmetic, home science, book-keeping (equal), third shorthand (equal). D. Liscnner: First geograjihy, second arithmetic, homo science. E. AVilson: First drawing, second geograjihy. A. Linnane: First needlework (Douglas memorial prize), third geography (equal), shorthand. J’. Griffiths: First shorthand, second English, first book-keeping (equal). AL Collins: First French. P. Jory: Second French (equal), shorthand. third homo science, book-keep-ing. B. Randle: Dalrymple prize. Sjiecial Prizes.—A. Hanning: Anna P. Logan Stout cuji. 1. M'Gregor: First Shakesjiearo rending (Dunedin Shakespeare Club’s prize). AV. Hunter: Second Shakespeare reading. A. Hanning: Sidey medal for physical culture. D. RobertsOtago Art Society’s medal. L. Faigan, J. Trownson, AV. APNiugliton, D. Trevena; Athenaeum prizes (senior) for English and history. P. Davis, AL Grant, K. Kerr: Athenrcnm prizes (junior). J. Scohle: David Baxter memorial bursary. li. Armstrong: Design (crafts). SPORTS TROPHIES. Tennis.—lntcrfonn cnjis; Senior doubles, VI.N; junior doubles, 11LBC. School championship singles: Senior, M. Pearce; junior, M. Jolly. Swimming.—School championship: D. Murdoch. Intcrfonn rclav; IV.BL. Athletic Sports.—Senior cup, VI.L; junior emp, iV.s, Mallard Cups (interform relay): Senior, A’.-AM; junior, IV.-S. Hockey (intcrfonn).—Senior, V.AM; junior, IV.-AC. Netball (interform).—Senior, A 7 .-S; middle school, J.V.-S; junior, 111.-BC. NAVY LEAGUE PRIZES. VI.L Upper: M. AYills (1). VLL Lower: AL AAYods (1). Form A'i.N: D. Brasier, E. Labes (1, equal). Form VI.S: E. Joss (1). Form V.-AL: N. Wallace (1), E. Hamilton (2), Form A l ’.-AN; AL Catberwood (1). Form A 7 .AM: A. Stewart (1). Form V.Ji; D. AVatsou (1). Form IV.S: E. Wheeler (1), P. Barrowmau (2). Form IV.AL: M. Armstrong (1), E. Hamilton (2). Form IV.AC: N. Minnock (1), AL King (2). Form IV.BL; K. AVilson (1), A. Pearce (2). Form IV.BG; R. M‘Kav (1). Form I.V.C: M. Kindle (1). Form LIES: N. Pastier (1), J. Reid (2). Form 11 I.AL: A. Griffiths (1), R. Wither (2). Form HI.AC; Af. Rogers (1), J. Thompson (2). Form ilf.BL: AL Macdonald (1), F. Green (2). Form HI.BO; M. Hall (1), J, Hutton (2). Higher Leaving Certificates.—D, Brasier, I. Bennett, L Cruickshank, M. Davidson, AV. Fairbairn, AV. Hunter, C. Johnstone, E. Labes, A 7. Lamb, E. Linnane, G. Alacoy, AV. APNaugliton, G. M'Fadden, B. Robertson, E. Sell, M. Stewart, E. Scofield, C. Tewsloy, D. Trevena, M. AA’alt, AVikley, E. AVilson, M. AVoods.

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Evening Star, Issue 20049, 14 December 1928, Page 5

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GIRLS’ HIGH SCHOOL Evening Star, Issue 20049, 14 December 1928, Page 5

GIRLS’ HIGH SCHOOL Evening Star, Issue 20049, 14 December 1928, Page 5