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HIGH WATER. Wj’o-moiTow.— St. Clair-; •.’.15 a.m.; 2,42 p.m. Taiaroa Head: -.'Jo a.m.; 2,52 p.m. Burt Chalmers: .3.5 a.m.; 3.32 pun. Dunedin: 3.3-5; J.2 p.m. ' THE SUN. Sets' to-day, 8.3 p.m.; rises to-mor-row, -1.-17 a.m. PHASES OF THE MOON,

Set to-day, 4 a.m.; nscs to-morrow, 8.2 4’,.m. ' WEATHER REPORT. HTio Dominion Meteorologist (Dr E. i Kidson) .supplied the lollowing at id a.m, to-day:—

Wind.—o, calm; 1, liglit oir, slight breeze; a, gentle breeze; i, moderate brec/c; 5, fivsli brec/c; C, strong breeze; 7, liigb wind; 8, gale; 9, strong gale; 10, whole gale; 11, storm; 12, hurricane.

Weather.—ll, blue shy; be, blue sky and dcinched clouds; c, cloudy; o, overcast; g, gloomy, dull; u, ugly, threatening; r, continuous or steady rain; s, snow; d, drizzle; p, passing showers; It, hail; q, squally; I, lightning: t. thunder, f, log; m. mist; z, haze. Forecast.

Tito Dominion Meteorologist (Dr E. Kidson) supplied the following nt noon to-day:—Tito indications aro for easterly winds, moderate to strong and veering by east to south and freshening; the weather appears likely to bo eloudv and unsettled, with scattered showers, and will probably become colder; barometer falling slowly; seas moderate, tides good. AIIRIVED.—Nmember 25. Alatakana, s.s. (1.3 U p.m.), 8,018 tons, H. V. Thurston, from Glasgow and Liverpool ‘via. Panama and north New Zealand ports. —Sunday, November 25. Taimii, s.s. (7.15 a.m.), 0,965 lons, A, Elford, from London and Southainpiou via Colon, Panama, Wellington, and Lyttelton. Wirral, s.s. (8,30 a.m.). 4,066 ions, (r. B. Nasmyth, from Montreal via Panama and northern ports. City of New York, auxiliary barque (", , 503 lons, F. C. Melville, from Now York via Panama, Ralboa, and Papeete. Progress, s.s. <6 p.m.), 303 tons, Hay, from Port Waikato via ports. Copenhagen, s.s. (2.45 p.m.), <). ■!. Kerr, from Ocean Island via Lyttelton. .ARRlVED.—November 20. Holmdalo, s.s. (5.15 a.m.), 081 ton', Williams, from "Wellington. Eleanor Boling, s.s. (8.15 a.m.), 598 tons, Brown, from Wellington. ' SAlLED.—November 21./ Gale, s.s, (.11 p.m.), 507 tuns. APKcnVao, for Wanganui via iporis.


—Coastal.— Holmdalo, Wang.. Well., to-day. _ Orcti, Invercargill, P, Craig, Nov

Paua, Lyttelton, Blutf, Nov. 27

Breeze, Wanganui, ports, Noy. 28. Waipiata, Ancle, via ports, Nov. 29. Calm, AA'ang. via ports, Nov. 36. Sturm, Wanganui, ports, Doc. 2. Corinna, New Plymouth. Dec. 3. Gale, Wanganui, ports, Dec. -I. Kahika, Napier, Gisborne, Dec. Wiugatui, Auckland, ports, Dec. 7. Progress, P. Waikato, ports, Dee. 10 Kurow, Auckland, ports, Dec. 12. —lntercolonial and Overseas.— Waitcmata, Los Angeles via (ports, Nov. 27.

Eleanor Boling, "Wellington, Nov. 27. Bonhohn, N. York via ports, Nov. 28. Kawatiri, Sydney, ports, Nov. 2.*>. Kairanga, Adelaide via, purls, Dee. Manuka, Melhonrno via. ports, Dec. 6. Somerset, Liverpool vi. northern ports, Dec. 9, Pore Curtis, New Turk via. northern ports, Dec. 11. Maui Poniare, Apia, Nino Eland, Dec. 11. Easlmoor, Mom real via northern ports. Dee. 11. Golden Cloud. Los Angeh-s via northern ports, Dec. .12. Karclti, Newcastle, Syd., Dec. 11. PACIFIC MAIL SERVICE. Makura. leaves San Francisco November 28 for Wellington and Sydney via Papeete and Rarotonga; line Wellington.’December 17. Aorangi left Auckland November 2d for. Vancouver via Suva, ami Honolulu; duo Vancouver, December 7. Niagara left Vancouver November I 1 for Auckland and Sydney via Honolulu and Suva; due Auckland December 3. Tahiti leaves Wellington November *29 for San Francisco via Rarotonga and Papeete; duo San Francisco December 21. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. .liohndalo, Wang., ports, to-day. Progress, P. Waikato, to-day. Knrow, .Auckland, jiorts, to-day. Breeze, Wanganui, ports, Noy. 20. _ Canadian Highlander, Well., Nov.2/. Orcti, Invercargill, P. Craig, Nov. 28 Taimii, Bluff, Lyt., Nov. 28. Paint, Wellington direct, Nov. 28. Waitcmata, Nelson, New Plymouth, Nov. 29. Waipiata, Auck., ports, Nov. 30. Calm, Wang, via- ports, Noy. 80. Kawatiri, Lyttelton, Tim., Noy. JO. Storm, Wang, via ports, Dec. J. Corinna, N. Plymouth, ports, Dee. o. Gale, Wang., ports,_ Dee. 4. Kahika, Gisborne via- ports, Dctn 4. Manuka, Alelb. via Blull. Dec. 0. "Wiugatui, Auckland, ports. Dec. 8. Maui Pomarc, Lyt., Wei., Dec. 11. Golden Cloud, Sail Fran.. Doc. io. Karetu, Sydney, ports, Dec. Id.

The Progress, arrived last night Irom Wellington, and is scheduled to sail tonight ior Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington. Now Plymouth, and Port Waikato,

The Holmdalo arrived this morning, and is expected io get away again tins evening for Wanganui via ports. The Knrow, which arrived on Saturday morning to unload general cargo from Auckland and AAR'llingtoiu is to sail this evening for Timaru, AA el lington, and Auckland.

- The AVaitomata is to leave Lyttelton at 5 o’clock to-night, and is due here about middnv to-morrow.

The Calm is due on Friday to load fog Timaru, Lyttelton, AA cllington, and AA'anganui.

The Waipiata is expected to leave Wellington this evening for Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Blnlf. The AA’ingatui is timed to leave Auckland about Thursday for Lyttelton and Dunedin with fruit ex tlio Tofmi. The Kninpoi is to load nt AAcstporC to-morrow for Bind', Dunedin, and Lyttelton.

'The Breeze is duo hero early on Wednesday morning, and sails the same day for Timaru, Lyttelton, Pieion, and Wanganui. The Storm is expected on Monday next from Lyttelton. The Copenhagen arrived at Port Chalmers from Ocean Island via Lyttelton yesterday to discharge about 2,000 tons of phosphates, after which she will proceed to AVcstport for bunkers.


.Messrs Turnbull, Martin, and Co. advise that the following A. and A. vessels aro scheduled to leave Now York for Now .Zealand ports : Bluinfenticn, to sail to-day for Auckland, AA'cllingloii, Lyttelton, ami Dunedin. Tickieve. Io sail November 8 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin. WIRRAL BERTHED. Tho steamer Wirral arrived at Dunedin yesterday morning, and berthed at tho Rattray street wharf to discharge cargo from Montreal, Tho vessel left Montreal on Septcmho'-’ 21, and,steamed direct to Good weather was experienced prac-' tit-ally throughout the voyage, _ which was uneventful, the sh arriving nt Auckland on November 8. Part cargo was discharged at Auckland, AVellinglon, and Lyttelton. Captain G. B. Nasmyth is in command, and with him aro the following .officers: —Chief officer, Air H. Twist; second, Air D. T. Moore; third, Ah' -J. A. Gourgcson; chief engine 1 -!', Air E. Bcckcrlcg: second. Air T. 31‘Nair; third, Air H. Kidd; fourth, Air ,/. Kirk; wireless operator. Air J. Dean; chici .-.reward, Air T. AValsh. TAIN I" I AT PORT CHALAIEILS. The S. S. and A. liner Taimii arrived in tho harbour yesterday morning irom London and Southampton via Panama and northern ports. Tho vessel was berthed at Port Clialn its, where the Dunedin portion oiHier Home cargo will bo discharged. Tuo Tamili loaded at London and called in at Southampton to pick up her passengers and mails. SI to left Southampton on October 2, and alter a moderate to line-weather run across tho Atlantic passed through Panama Canal. The Hiiin stopped off ‘Pitcairn Island for an hour and a-half io permit the Islanders to eomo aboard to exchange and salt fruit and curios. Fine weather prevailed on the voyage down tlio Pacific until arrival at Wellington. Caplain A. Elford is in command ol iho Taimii, and his officers aro as follows Chief, Air 11. A". Scddall; second. Air K. D. G. Fisher; third, Air L. J. Hopkins; fourth,. Air A. E. Collins; surgeon. Dr E.. J. Blcwitt; chief engineer, Air C. Arthur; second. Air J. A. Tail; third, Air I?. S. Robson; fourth. Ah' Thomas 11. Richardson; fifth, Air S. AV. Lodger; sixth, Mr 11. K Taylor; chief refrigeratiug engineer, Air J. Bainbridge; second, Mr 11. D. Tones; boilermaker, Air S. AAood; electrician. Mr J. Rudd; wireless operators, Messrs AV. K. Sandon and C. T. Stirling; purser, Air S. J. Liilcn; chief steward. Mr J. Leslie. ' From this port tho Taimii will go to Bluff to complete discharge. She will afterwards load at dominion ports for London C A RJ'AI X AJ ETC A LIFE'S R K'iT HEAIENT.

Ca.i.’tain Gcorgo R. AlcLalle, cummaiuier of tho "White Star liner Majestic and commodore of tho fleet, who Jus been absent from duty for sonic weeks because of ill-health, will not resume active service again, according to a. cable from the International Alcreantilc Marino Company. Tlio cable further slates that Captain Metcalfe has been given extended leave until bo reaches the retirement age at the end of 1.936, " in tho hope that relief from duties will completely resiorp him h> health and the enjoyment of a. well-earned retirement.” Captain AVilliam AlarshalL C.IL, D. 5.0., succeeds him in command of the Ala jostle. Captain Aletcalle, who succeeded Sir Bertram Hayes, first commander of tho world’s largest ship, rose irom. betoro tho mast, having begun Ids career in sail forty years ago. Ho was born in Yorkshire, and left home at a, tender ago with a few shillings in Ids clothes and a bundle on Ids back. Ho served in windjammers for ton year.-, securing

an officer's ticket. Ho joined tho AVldto Star Lino in .1890 as a, junior office!', am! m:\e steady prog res.-, through the various guides until RJOrf, when ho hecaiuo captain of a cargo ship. Ho had commanded among others the Canopic, Megantic, Baltic. Homeric, and Cedric, and served as stall" captain of the Olym. M ic - NEW "IT I! BU-ELECT BIG LIN El!. The laying of tho heel cf tin- third 33.1XK1-toil tnrho-clectne liner widely is being built by the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company lor tho Panama-Pacific. Line took place last month at Newport News on the same ways from which the second ol the ships, tho A’irginia, was launched on August IS. The new vessel will he a sister ship ot the California, which entered the coast io coast service of tho I’anama-R.aeijic Lino last .Tanmiry, and of the A’irginia, which is scheduled to leave New York on her maiden trip on December 8 next. It is tho third unit in the moat extensive building programme ever undertaken under the American flag by a private shipping eomjnmiy. These three liners aro tho hugest ever built in an American yard, and the world’s largest commercial vessels with electric, propulsion. It is expected that the third ,liner will ho roadv for service in December. 1929. VESSELS IN WIRELESS CALL. The following vessels arc expected Io lie within range of tho undermentioned wireless stations to-night;— Auckland.- Alani Rnmare, Dauyhryn, Canadian AA'imicr. Glenmoor, Mnram-i-Ujimaron, Tutanekai, Golden Cloud, Bos worth. Port AA’ellington. Wellington.—Maori. Wahine, Ngaio, Arnhura, Tamaliine, Niagara, Scopas, Hilda, Knudsen. Rlmutaka, Port Darwin, Aorangi. Kalmgogn. Awarua.--C. A. Larson. Sir T. C. Boss, X. T. Nilsen-Alonso. Tahiti, Eleanor Boling, AA'ailcmata, Kawatiri, Karetu. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. AUCKLAND. November 21.—Arrived: Balls Head (-5.30 jktii.), from Grey mouth. Sailed; Kairanga (9 p.m.). for Portland. November 25 — Arrived; Port Curtis (8.30 p.m.). from New York. Xovcmlier 20—Arrived; AVaimea (0.5 a.m.), from Napier.

WELLINGTON, November 21,— Arrived : Opihi (8.35 p-.m.), from Timaru. Sailed: Katiki- (1 p.m.), for Greymouth j Eleanor Ruling (3.30 p.m.), for Dunedin; Holmdalo (6.5 p.m.), for Dunedin; Kaiapoi (G. 15 p.m.), for Westport; AV’iiigalni (6.50 p.m.), ior Balikapan, November 25—Arrived: Wahine (6.55 a.m.). Irom Lyttelton; Kaitnna (9.30 a.m.), irom AVcstport; Corinna (10.30 a.m.), from Lyttelton; John (2.40 p.m*.), from New Plymouth. November 26—Arrived: Kalinpo (12.20 a.m.), from Newcastle; Alako (1.15 a.m.). from Nay.ic)'. LYTTELTON," November 2-1 ."—Arrived : Cygnet (9 a.m.), from Kaikor.ra; Corinna. (10.40 a.m.). Irom 'J imam.' Sailed: Copenhagen (2.15 p.m.), for Port Chalmers; AVairau (2.45 p.m.), for Blenheim; Corinna (5.30 p.m.), lor Wellington; AA’ahine (8.1:6 p.m.). lor AVollington. Nnvendier 2 s-Arrived ; Maori (0.50 a.m.). Inna Wellington; Breeze, from I’icton. November 26 Sailed' Cygnet (12.5 a.m.), lor Kuikenra.

BALBOA, Novomlier 24.--Sailed: Tamaroa. for AVollington. LONDON, November 25.-Sailed: Amllins, for Wellington. SOUTH AAIP.TON, November 25. Sailed: .Remnera. for AA’cllinglon.

SAN FRANCISCO, November 25. Arrived; Alakura, Irom AAollington.

(For continuation sec late shipping-)

Full moon Nov. 27 , l.G a.m. Last quarter J >oc. 4 2.-'i2 p.m. Nee moon Dec. V2 5.G First quarter Dec. 2U ;i,13 p.m.

Bar. 1 her W. Wellington—N.W. ■( 29.90 92 0 {Weymouth—K. 2 29.76 no 1!, Christchurch 0 29.81 98 O Timaru I) 29.89 92 ii(J Oanmru 0 29.00 91 0 Dunedin 0 ‘>9 01 59 11 0 Queenstown ... 0 29.80 58 () M Nuggets—S. ;i 29.00 52 1U Bluli'—S.E o 29.01 57 u

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Evening Star, Issue 20033, 26 November 1928, Page 1

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SHIPPING Evening Star, Issue 20033, 26 November 1928, Page 1

SHIPPING Evening Star, Issue 20033, 26 November 1928, Page 1