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Between November 6, 1927, and March 4, 1928, the summer-time hours necessitate the adding of one hour to the times given in the tables below. HIGH WATER. -“To-morrow. Sfc. Clair: 3.21 a.m., 3.44 p.m. Taiaroa Head; 3.31 a.m., 3.54 p.m. Port Chalmers: 4.11 a.m., 4.34 p.m. Dunedin: 4.11 a.m., 5.4 p.m. THE SUN. Sets to-day, 7.32 p.m.; rises to-mor-row, 4.17 a.m. PHASES OF THE MOON.

Sots to-day, 8.12 p.m.; rises to-mor-row, 5,0 a.m. WEATHER REPORT. The Dominion Meteorologist (Mr D. C. Bates) supplied tho following at 0 to-day;— Bar. Tlicr. W.

\Vim].—L, light; h f breen; I b, fresh breeze; m g. moderate gale; g, whole or heavy gale; v, gale of exceptional severity Weather.—U blue sky, be the atmosphere dear oi heavy; C, clouds, passing clouds; I), drizzling '•.jin; K, foggy; G. gloomy, dark weather; 11, hail; E, lightning; M, misty; O, overcast, the whole •Uy covered with thick ebuds; P, passing showers. Q, squally; K, rain, continued rain; S, snow; T. •bunder; U, ugly, threatened appearance; Z, ba«cy. Forecast. Tho Dominion Meteorologist (Mr D. U. Bates) supplied the following at noon to-day:—The indications are lor south-westerly winds, moderate to strong; there is a prospect of fair to cloudy weather, with light ground frosts to-night; barometer rising; sea roi'gh, tides good.

SAlLED.—November 24. Breeze, s.s. (9 p.m.), 542 tons, MTvenzic, for Wanganui via ports. Owing to tho rain yesterday, very little work was done on the Canadian Pioneer, and sho. is now to sail to-mor-row for Wellington, Napier, and Auckland to complete loading for New York, Boston, and Halifax. Tho Holmdalo arrived this morning from Wanganui and Wellington, and sho is to sail to-night for Wanganui via ports. . Delay in working cargo on the Ojulu was experienced yesterday on account of tho rain, and she is now limed to sail to-night for Timaru, Lyttelton, and Westport'. The Karelu is fo sail to-morrow for Lyttelton, Oamaru, and Bluff to compiotc discharge ot her Australian caigo. Tho Katoa was due this afternoon from Auckland via ports, and is to sail 1 to-morrow for Bluff. Tho Kahika is expected to learc Gia-borno-to-morrow for Dunedin direct to load on Tuesday for Napier and Gisborne via ports. . , , i . The Wiugatui loft Auckland yesterday for Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Timaru. The Waipiata loads at Auckland on Wednesday lor Wellington, Lyttelton Dunedin, Oamaru, ami Timaru "itii fruit ex the Tofna. . Tho Breeze sailed last night lor J imam, Lyttelton, Wellington, and Wanganui. The Calm is due on Tuesday morning, and is to sail the same day ior Timaru, Lvltclton, Wellington, and Wanganui. “The Gale is expected hero on Wednesday to load and sail tho following day ior Oamaru, Timaru, Lyttelton, \>cllingtou, and Wanganui. I'ho Ruapehu was timed to sail irom Auckland at 4 o’clock this altcnioou with passengers, mails, and cargo tor London via Panama. The cruisers Dunedin and Diomcuo arrived at Auckland this morning from Wellington. They will remain there orcr the week-end. and are to sail on Monday for Lite Hauraki Gulf, where they will carry out gunnery exercises until December 9. They will aitorwards return to Auckland. THE FERRY SERVICE . The Maori, from Wellington, arrived at Lyttelton at 0.55 this morning, and passengers and mails connected with tho 12.20 express. POPULARITY OF MOTOR SHIPS. Trials were recently carried out by iho largest and highest-powered motor passenger liner yet completed, If 11 * is tho Batumia, which sailed from Trieste to Buenos Ayres on her maiden voyage on September 21. Built at Monfalcono by tho Gantiere Navalo Triestino_ for the Cosulich Pine, Trieste, she is a twin-screw vessel of 23,500 tons gross, and a sister ship, Urania, is building at the same yard for the same owners. Tho Salurma carrio;; 2,500 passengers in four classes, and her propelling machinery consists of two sets of eight-cylinder four-cycle double-acting engines of the Bunncistor i and Wain typo,' built by tho Btabhmeuio Tccnico Trieslmu, _tho iota, horse-power developed being about 21,000". There arc, in addition, six i Diesel auxiliary engines, developing altogether 9,300 i.h.p. She will be lol;,y a .-.DO larger- vessel, the Augustus. whoso gross tonnago is nearly 33,000. Reviewing the question of the future possibilities of oil-engined liners, the ‘ Motor Shi]) points' out that there arc fifteen such vessels now in service of Irom J,OUu tons gross up to 22,000 tons gross, and, with one exception, all tho owncis of these ships who have further tonnage under construction are again ■ utiTising internal combustion machinery in their now liners. At the present time there arc twenty-six motor passenger ships being built, and these range from 9,000 tons gross up to 33 000 tons gross. There does not seem to’ he any doubt that this number is greater than that of steam-driven passenger vessels, mS equal tonnage, although it is only a comparatively short time since tho first largo odengined liner was built.

PERSONAL. Citptaiu J. L. Briscoe bus been appointed master of the Kaimai, relieving Captain W. A. Cray, who has been transferred to the command of tbo Katoa. Captain A. R. Stewart has taken command of the oil-tanker . (Jtokia, relieving Captain Corby for holidays. Air A. Macdonald' is now chid engineer of the Kairanga, and Mr K W. Macklcy is chief engineer of the Kaimai. , Mr 0. J. M'Phcrson has joined the Otokia as chief engineer, relieving Mill. Laurence for holiday leave. Messrs S. H. Hoad and H. G. Whyte have joined the Waikawa as third and fourth engineers, relieving Messrs J. C. Coekburn and J. L. Hunter for holiday leave Mr B. W. Gandoll has joined the W'ai temata as second engineer in place of Mr N. Fleming, who has gone on holidays. WESTRALJA TO BE A HULK. The Huddart - Parker steamer Westralia, which ran for a. number of years in tbo intercolonial cargo and passenger service, bas been sold. She is to ho used as a hulk for the storage of copra at Bnhanl, ATUENIC’S PASSENGERS. The S.S. and A. steamer Athcnic,' which is scheduled to reach Auckland at the end of this week from London and Southampton, has on board the following passengers;—For Dunedin: Miami Airs A. Munro, Miss E. Rankin, Miss M. Whyte, Mr C. Romilc, Mr C. Seager, Air J, Wales. For Napier: Air and Mrs Twistlelon and son, Mr N. Elder, Air and Mrs G. Land. For Gisborne .- Mrs H. Peel. For Auckland: Miami Mrs G. Davison, Misses Davison (2), and Master 11. Davison, Mr and Mrs S. Evans, Mr and Mrs F. Whittomc, Misses Whittome (2), Mr and Mrs G. Williams, Mrs J. Blomlield, Mrs B. Ford, Mrs L. Gray, Mrs G. Hoggo, Mrs C. Mackie, Mrs J. Seaton, Mrs A. Whistler, Mrs M. Whittome, Mrs and Master Wrigley, Misses S. liloomiidd. B. Burnett, I. Crouch, J. Elliott, S. Gray, N. Gray, M. Gray, D. Gray, L. Hogge, C. Jackson, B. Jewett, E. Kavanagh, I. Moore, E. Shepherd, L. Shields, E. Stubington, J. Watt, D. Whistler, K. Wood, Messrs M. Kavanagh, F. Low, A. Murdoch, J. Perman, K. Seaton. For Wellington; The Rev. 11. Whitby-Jamcs, Mrs and Master Whitby-James, Mr and Mrs F. Manlesden, Air and Mrs J. Townsend, Airs J. Alien, Mrs H. Barkcley-Snutb and son. Mrs A. Jennings, Misses Jennings (2), Mrs J. Staveley, Misses E. Allen, F, and M. Burnett, E. Connelly, I). Edden, B. Godfrey, K Jensen, D. Langley, L. Leighton, AI. Maginoss, JN. Martin,' K. Quinton, F. Seymour. B. Smalo, P. Stocks, V. Thomas, B. Wallace, Messrs 11. Barkelcy-Smith, J. Duify, R. Mumly. G. Oliver, W. Tucker. For Lyttelton; Mr and Mrs R. Johnston, Mr and Mrs J. Johnston, Mr and Mrs B. Pearce, Mrs E. Price, Miss S. 1 Bancroft ? Air T. JJaucroit, Air *l. Christie, Mr H. Macaulay. In the t hird class there are eigbly-tbroe passengers for Wellington, ninety-two for Auckland, thirty-nine for Lyttelton, fourteen for Dunedin, sixteen lor Napier, two for Timaru, three lor Gisborne. Commander J. W. Links is in command of the Athcnic, with Dr J. B. Hessian as medical officer. The Afcbenic will unload general mctchandise at Auckland, Wctuiigton, Lyttelton, and Port Chalmers. She is due here about the middle of December. CROSS KEYS AND WEST CALERA. With cargo from Pacific Coast ports, the American steamers Crosskeys and West Calera, are scheduled to reach Auckland on December 1 and December 4 respectively. The Crosskeys will unload at Auckland, Launceston, and Melbourne, and the West Calcra at Auckland, ’Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, and New Plymouth. PASSENGERS ON ORONSAY, Passengers for New Zealand by the Oronsoy,* which left .London, on October 15 for Sydney via ports, include Sir Francis Colchester-Wemyss, K.8.E., J.P., D.L., General J. A. Douglas, G.M.G., C.1.E., and Mrs Douglas, Dr and Mrs A. Douglas, Dr and Mrs A. E. Porter, Mr G. Porter, Dr Margaret G P. Reed, Dr G. Home, Miss J. L. Home, Mr and Mrs U. T. Adams, Mr and Mrs T, Bennett, Mr and Mrs JG Campbell, Mr and Mrs W. G. Compton, Colonel and Mrs W. B. Du Pro, Miss Du Pro, Mr and Mrs W. H. GuthricSinith, Miss B. M. Guthrie-Snnth, Mr and Mrs J. Henderson, Mr and Mrs G. Uickmott, Mr and Mrs R. C. Lawrence and child, Mr and Sirs G. M'Beth, Mr and Airs T. 11. Alacky, Mr and Mrs H. Windsor Richards, Mr and Mrs B. V. Riddiford, Miss J. Ruldifortl, Miss P. Rifldiford, Mr and Mrs F. Rowell, Air and Airs F. W. Sbalicrass, Air and Airs L. J. Shearman, Air and Airs G. S. Smith, Air amQ Airs A. W. Thompson, Air and Airs T. Is. Toneyclilfc, Air and Airs L. 0. H. Tripp, Air and Airs J. Sladen Wing, Airs Gilmonr, Miss J. C. Gilmour Airs Goklinghain, Mrs Kellick, Mr \\. G* Kell ink, Miss M. A. Kelhck, Mrs Northcroft, Airs Plinimor, Airs lodd, Miss S. Todd,. Air C. P. Todd, Mrs Tosswill and chi id, Airs Wcllwood, Aliss P AT. Blair, Aliss AI. L. Brown, Aliss AI. G. Gabbubt, Aliss A. J. Grant, Aliss D. Kemp, Aliss N. APDougali, Aliss M. Lilian Alacfarlane, Aliss AI. J. Macfarlano, Aliss H. Morrison, Air C. l ( • Moutrio, Miss .15. R. Nojvtou, Muss Beta Hack, Aliss G, B. Rhodes, Aliss J. Sanderson, Aliss D. Steele, Alts Withers, Aliss C. Withers. Aliss N. 1. Withers, Air C. D. Ackhmd, Mr B. N. Carlton, Air 11. C. Horton. Air J 5. G. Leo. Air J. Lobb, Air B. Aliddlemass, Air F. AI. Alilford, Air A. Narbormigb, .Mr H. B. Sargent, Air G. B. Smith, Air AI. S. Spence, the Rev. C. J. Aloikane. WAIKAWA, FROM PACIFIC COAST. The Union Company advises that the Waikawa, from Pacific Coast ports via Papeete and Wellington, is due hero to-morrow morning at an early hour. She is to sail at the beginning of next week for Lyttelton, Napier. Nelson, and New Plymouth to complete dis-. charge. VESSELS IN )VHIELESS CALL. The following vessels are expected to be within range _of the undermentioned wireless stations to-night:— Auckland.—Wm. AFArthur, Tofua, Hinemoa, Niagara, West Calera, Athcnic, Louis L. IX, Matakana, Maunganui, Ruapehu, Turakina. Chatham Islands.—lonic. Wellington.—Maori, Wabino, Tamaliiue, Ngaio, Arahura, Aorangi, Niagara, Kekerangu, Sitbonia, Port Darwin, Corinthic, Port Curtis Port Hardy, Alahia, Poolta, Waiteraata, Alarama. Awania.—Sir J. C. Ross, C. A. Larsen, N. T. Nilscn-Alonso, Tntauekai, Tahiti, Karetu, Remucra, Waikawa, Queen Eleanor.

OIL TANKER COMING. The R. J. Hanna, an oil tanker from San Pedro via northern ports, is expected here to-morrow to discharge bulk oil. She will later go to Bhifl. POOLTA,' FROM AUSTRALIA. The Union Company advises that the Poolta., from Clarence River, tort Stephens, and Newcastle, left Wellington yesterday for Timaru and Dunedin to discharge the rest of her timber cargo. She is due here on Monday. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. AUCKLAND, November 24.—Arrived: Kaituim (10.40 from Napier. Sailed: Wiugatui (3.45 p.m.), for Wellington. November 25—Arrived : ILM.S. Dunedin (9.35 a.m.) and ILM.S. Diomede (9.45 a.m.), from Wellington. WELLINGTON. November 24.—Arrived : Kamona (6 p.m.), from Greymouth. ■ Sailed; Waikawa (3.45 p.m.), for Dunedin; Calm (5.30 p.m.), for Lyttelton-, Maori (7.50 p.m.), for Lyttelton; Poolta (10 p.m.), for Timaru. November 25—Arrived; Ngaio (0.2 U am) from Nelson: Manuka (bmO a.m.), from Lyttelton; Waitemata (6.50 a.m.), from Auckland; Wall me (4.50 a.m.), from Lyttelton. Sailed; Port Hardv (7.20 a.m.), for Bluff. LYTTELTON, November 24.—Sailed; Katoa (4.30 p.m.), for Wellington; Anstralind (1.15 p.m.). for Dunedin; Kennedy (9 p.m.), for Wellington; Manuka (6.5 p.m.), for Wellington; Totara (9.30 p.m.), for Wellington; Wahino (10 p.m.), for Wellington. November 25—Arrived ; Maori (6.45 a.m.), and Totara (10.5 a.m.), from Wellington. , . . TIMARU, November 2o.~Arrived: Breeze (9 a.m.), from Dunedin. SUEZ, November 24.—Arrived: Matakana, from London. Sailed; Tofua, for Auckland. . •

(For continuation seo Late Shipping.)

First quarter Don. 2 1.45 a.m. Full moon Dec. 1) 5.2 Last quarter Dee. 1C 11.34. p.m. New moon Doc. 21 3.43 i). ni.

Wellington—W., I ... 29.9.1 05 J{ Greymoutli—S., 1; b .'iO.Od 49 1.’ Christchurch—W., 1 29.81 60 .11 Timaru—W., 1 29.76 60 J5 Oamaru—N.. £ b ... 29.77 59 .13 Dunedin—S.W., m g 29.77 52 43 (j Queenstown—S.W,. b 29.01 55 C Nuggets — W., £ b ... 29.80 47 J’ Blntf— W., g 29.85 49 liCQ

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Evening Star, Issue 19723, 25 November 1927, Page 1

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SHIPPING Evening Star, Issue 19723, 25 November 1927, Page 1

SHIPPING Evening Star, Issue 19723, 25 November 1927, Page 1