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HIGH WATER. —To-morrow. — St. Clair: 4155 a.m., 5.15 p.m. Taiaroa Head: 5.5 a.m., 6.25 p.m. F.nrt Chalmers: 5.45 a.m., 6.5 p.m. Dunedin; 6.15 a.m., 6.35 p.m. THE SDN. Sets to-day, 5.43 p.m.; rises to-mor-row, 6.21 a.m. PHASES OF THE MOON. First quarter Sept. 15 3.57 p.m. Full moon Sept. 22 7.49 a.m. Last quarter Sept. 29 5.18 a.m. New moon Oct. 7 9.43 a.m. Set*.to-day, 8130 p.m.; rises to-mor-row, 8.8 a.m. WEATHER REPORT. The Dominion Meteorologist (Mr D. C. Bates) supplied the following at U a.m. to-day:— Bar. Ther. W.

Wind.—l,, light; b, breeze; f b, fresh breeze; m g, moderate gale; g. whole or heavy gate; w, gale of exceptional severity. Weather.—B, blue sky, be the atmosphere clear or heavy; C, clouds, passing clouds; D, drizzling rain; I l ',' foggy; 0, gloomy, dark weather; H, hall: 1.. lightning; M, misty; 0, overcast, the whole sky covered with thick clouds; P, passing showers; Q, squally; K, rnin, continued ram; S, snow; T, thunder; U, ugly, threatening appearance; Z, hazy. Forecast. Tile Dominion Meteorologist (Mr 1). C. Bates) the following at noon to-day;—The indications are lor westerly winds, strong to a gale; weather will probably become warmer, and will probably prove squally and changeable, with occasional showers; barometer unsteady, but falling again soon ; sea rough off shore, tides good. A 1 iRT V ED. —vScp tom her 1 0. Gale, s.s. (6.10 a.m.)„ 567 tons, Rodgers, from Wanganui via ports. Manuka, s.s. (9.5.) a.m.). La.‘l4 tons, Martin, from Melbourne via Wellington and Lyttelton. VESSELS LX DECT El) AT DUNEDIN —Coastal.— Kaitiina, Westport via. ports, to-day. Gale, Wanganui via ports to-day. Opihi, Wellington direct, Sept. 11. Kahika, Napier, Gisborne. Sept. 11. Orcti, Inver-, Port Craig, Sept. 12. Kurnw. Auckland via ports, Sept. Jte llolmdale, Wang., Well.. Sept. 13. Calm, Wang, via ports, Sept. 14. Storm, Wanganui via ports, Sept. ]6 Breeze. Wang, via ports, Sept. 17. Waipahu Auck. via ports, Sept. 21. Kaioa, Auck. via ports, Sept. 24. Wiugalni, Auck. via ports, Sept. 24. —lntercolonial and Overseas. — Rimntaka, Sontharapton, Sept, 11. Baron Kelvin, Montreal, Sept. I t. Karctn, Sydney. Lytt.. Sept. 14. Koclnng, New York, Sept. 14. Mamari, London, Sept. 13. Onawa, Liverpool, Sept. 18. Canad. Explorer, .Montreal, Sept. 19 Sussex, Calcutta, Sept. 21. Whangape, Sydney, Bluff, Sept. 24. Cumberland, London, Sept. 24. City of Newcastle, N. lurk, Sepi.. -•>. Canad. Commander, Mt'real, Oct. 26. Errilia, Montreal, Oct. 27. Thalruto, Gishi, Oct. 1. Queen Maud, Sydney (C.ii.l, Oct. I. Matakana, Liverpool, Oci. 10. Ruapehu. London, Oct. to. Katblaiuba, New I nrk. Oct.. 12. Port Hacking, New York, Oct. ,IG. Huntingdon, Liverpool, Oct. 20. Olivebank, Seychelles Islands, PACIFIC -MAIL SERVICE. Niagara left Auckland August 31 for Vancoiivor via ports; due \ ancoui'cr September 17. Tahiti leit San Francisco Sejdeinher 8 for Wellington and Sydney _ via Papeete and Rarotonga; due Welling--lon September 27 and Sydney October 2. Anrangi left Vancouver August 2-? for Auckland and Sydney via Honolulu ~nd Suva ; due AiKKlaml September 13, and Svdncv September 18. Maliura leaver Wellington September 14 for San Francisco via Rarotonga and Papeete; due San Francisco October 1. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Gale, Wang. via. ports, to-day. Manuka, Well), via Bluff, to-day. Kailnna, Grey'tb via ports, Sept. 11. Kin Ora, Newcastle direct, Sept. 12. llolmdale, Wang, via ports. Sept. 13. Opihi, New Ply. via ports, Sept. 13. Oroti, Inver,. Port Craig, Sept. 14. Kahika, Gisborne via ports, Sept. 14. Calm, Wanganui via ports. Sept. 14. Kurow, Auck. via ports, Sept. 14. Ilium taka, Nelson direct, Sept. to. Baron Kelvin, Melbourne, Sept. 16. Keeking, Hobart, Bnrnie, Sept. KL Storm, Wanganui via ports, Sept. 16. Waibora. Newcastle direct, Sept. 16. Breeze, Wang. via. ports, Sept. 17,, Kamo. Gisborne via ports. Sept. h. Karetu, Blull, Syd.. Sept. L. Canadian .Explorer, Bluff, Sept. 24). Waipabi, Auck. via ports, Sept. 22. Mamari, Lyttelton, Napier, Sept. 22. Sussex, Sydney, Newcastle, Sept. 24. Katoa, Auckland via ports, Sept. 25. Whangajie, Lytt., Timarn, Sept. 2.. AVingatni, Auek. via ports, Sept. 28. Cumberland. Bluff, Sept. 28. Queen Aland, New Plymouth, Oct. 4. The Kta Ora will leave Port Chalmers to-morrow morning—a day earlier than her listed date—for Newcastle to replenish her bunkers. The Kaituna, which arrived at Port Chalmers this morning from Westport via ports to discharge a part cargo ot coal, will probably come to Dunedin this evening to finish unloading. She will sail to-morrow with cargo lor Timaru, Westport, and Greymouth. The Opihi is now due on Sunday from Wellington direct. She will sail on Monday for Oaraaru, Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington, Nelson, and New Plymouth. The Kurow, due on Sunday, will sail about Tuesday for Timaru and other northern porks. The. Kahika has been scheduled to proceed direct from Wellington to Bluff. She is now duo here from Blnlf on Tuesday, and will sail on that day for Oaraaru, Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington, Napier, and Gisborne. The Gale is expected to sail to-night for Timarn, Lyttelton, Wellington, and Wanganui. The Canadian Explorer is expected at Auckland to-morrow from Montreal. The Dewey is now timed to sail on Wednesday morning for San Francisco direct. The Mamari is due at Dnnedin about September 18 from London and Antwerp via Panama and Suva to discharge a big quantity of general cargo. Her, other discharging ports are Lyttelton and Naples,

THE FERRY SERVICE. The Maori, from Wellington, arrived at Lyttelton at 6.50 a.m. to-day, and passengers and mails connected wnii the 12.20 p.m. express. THE TOFUA’S PASSENGERS, The following is the list of passengers who arrived at Auckland on Monday by the Tofua from Tonga, Samoa, and Fiji : —Saloon; Mr A. Brandford. Miss E. Brandford, Mrs M. Bucky, Miss L. Bucky, Mr A. Cutt, Mr H. Harrow, Mrs I. Harrow, Mr R. Edwards, Mrs H. Franklin, Miss S. Franklin, Mr J. Fleck, Mrs M. Fleck, Mr C. Hamilton, Air D. Henderson, Mrs M. Henderson, Mr L. Hoard, Mrs E. Heard and boy, Mr A. Hough, Mrs Holland, Mr G. Hewson, Mr N. Ince, Mr E. Izard, Air Ji, Jennings, Mrs F. Jennings, Mr A. Jarrett, Mr C. Lester, Mrs M. Masefield. Miss R. Palmer, Miss F. Pyko, Mr J. Swan, Mrs L. Swan, Miss E. Symes, Mrs L. Thorn, Miss G. West, Mr W. Ward-Baker, Miss C. Williams, Mrs A. Young, Mr C. M'Leod, Airs J. M'Leod, Miss H. M'Leod, Mrs FThompson, Air E. Taylor, Airs E. Taylor. Mr H. Boutell, Air J. Jones, Mrs L. Jones, Air G. St. George, Miss A. White, Airs A. Day, Mr J. Frost, Miss King, Aliss Lonergan, Mr G. Mcidecke, Mr H. Meidccke, Mr E. Spencer, Mr H, Yallop, Airs I. Yallop and two children. Miss M. Avery, Aliss A. Avery, Air F. Bakeweli, Air V. Cornaga, "Miss S. Davis, Mrs S, Marshall, Air A. Nicholl, Afrs Neill and infant, Mrs E. Peterson, Aliss Stowers, Air R. Thomas, Mr D. Weatherall, Air Warden, Mrs Warden, Mr W. Battorsby, Mr and Mrs S. M'Call, and_ thirty-one steerage, including twenty-eight members of the University football team. TILE MANUKA. The Union Company’s Afnnnka arrived this morning from Alelbonrne via northern porks, and was berthed at the cross wharf to land passengers and cargo and to load. A big quantity oi fresh fruit and transhipments ex the Abberkerk, Gera, City of Palermo, and Moldavia were included in the assorted cargo she brought. The list of Mclhourne-Dunedm saloon passengers is as follows Messrs F. Moss, A. Robinson, S. Trcwerne, F. Yates, Atesdamcs M. Donnelly. E. Todd, AL Trcwerne, Lady Flemming, Misses J. Nelson, M. Wills. 1). Yates, F. Yates, AL Vales, and nine steerage. The Manuka sailed from Melbourne at noon on September 1, and experienced fine weather and smooth seas until September 5, when a bard northeasterly blow was encountered which backed* to the north, causing a considerable sea. Rain also set in on that Sunday afternoon. On the morning of September 6 tine weather prevailed, and continued until the ship reached Wellington late in the afternoon. At Wellington Afr C. Priestley was replaced by Air F. S. llardgravc as assistant purser, the former going ashore for orders. The Manuka will sail at 9 p.m. for Bluff, thence Alelbonrne. CARSPEV WITH PHOSPHATES. The steamer Carspey. under charter to Alessrs Murray, Roberts, and Co., is expected at Bin ft on Monday irom the Gulf of Safogo, in the Red Sea. with 3,000 tons 'of Ephn.s phosphate manure. A portion of the cargo is lor Dnnedin, and this will bo transhipped from Bluff. RLMUTAKA DUE ON SUNDAY. The New Zealand Shipping Company reports that, the .Rimniaka, winch left | Southampton on July 17 for Wellington, Lyttelton, Dnnedin, Timarn, and Nelson* and reached Wellington on September 1. is now not ‘exported at Dnnedin until Sunday. Slow discharging at Timarn is believed to be responsible for the delay. BOUND FOR .MELBOURNE. The list of passengers for Melbourne I per tb<' .Manuka is as follows : -From !Do nod m ; Alesdarnes Al'Leod, W oodI house, Reese, Al'Cracken, Horne, Trotj lor, Idonr and inlant, Chambers, Nun- ; kiris, Ives. Hicks, Haldwinson, Beatio. j Aloncrc, Wright. Bailtie. Cburnside and two children, White-Parsons and 2 children, Barton, Christie, Baker, Fill. Ingram, .1. Jack. Misses Cook, TrnHer, We Ihe ridge. White _ (21, SJnrley, Menore, l/mcli, Buillie, Walsh, Ra.shIcigh, Newman, Stewart., Alessrs 111‘Lend, Rowe. Cook, Al'Craekon, AJcnere, Hill, Dickson, AULcan. WostI wood, Saxhy, Aeleiiwic.k, Wright, Carson-Walker, J. Walker, Thompson, Barton, Bowler, Mayall, Clmmside, Christie, Baker, Pitt, Ingram, Captain Ruxton. From Bluff; Moml nines Barion, Clingan, Alacneil, AVard, Adoss, Ali.sses Godnoy, Adess, Jones, Alessrs Thomas, Fraser, Campbell. Alacneil, Jones; and ninety-eight in steerage from both ports. PERSONAL. Captain J. Bono, who was for half a century in the employ of the New Zealand Shipping Company, latterly as shore master at Wellington, and who retired about a year ago, was among the passengers from Southampton by the Remucra which arrived at AVellington on Sunday. Captain Bono lias been on a visit to Great Britain and Europe. VESSELS IN WIRELESS CALLThe following vessels are expected to be within range, of the undermentioned wireless stations to-night:— Auckland. —H.M.S. Atoronica, TEALS. Laburnum, Hincmoa, Ngaknta, Aorangi, Glonbank, Aloutaguc, 11. J. Hanna, Eastern Planet, City of Newcastle, Kawatiri, AVaikawa, City of Manila, Ulimaroa, Sussex, Kuiloko. i Chatham Islands. —Dorn Pedro If. ■ AVellington.—Maori, AVahinc, Ngaio, i Arahura, Karctn, Kartigi, Wiiangapo, Remucra, Anamba, _ Kaitangata, Kponga, Keelung, Kaiapoi, Alakura, Opawu, ’Pool la, Yoseric. Karori. Awarna.—Port Dunedin, Tul.anekai, Manuka, Rimntaka, AVaihora. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. AUCKLAND, _ September 9. Arrived; AVaipori (9 p.m.), from Wellington. Sailed; AVaikawa (5 p.m.), for Newcastle. j WELLINGTON, September 9.-1 Sailed: Remnera (12.50 p.m.), for Auckland; Wingatui (1.20 p.m.), for Napier; Baron Kelvin (5 p.m.), tor Lyttelton; Anamba (5 p.m.), for Auckland; Invercargill (6 p.m.), tor Wanganui; Totara (7.40 p.m.), for New Plymouth. LYTTELTON, September 9. Sailed: AA r notion (3.40 p.m.), tor AVellington; Yoseric (4.30 p.m.), for. New Plymouth; Kaiwarra (6.15 'p.m.), lor Wellington; Breeze (6.20 p.m.), for Dunedin. SYDNEY, September 9.—Sailed: Maknra (4 p.m.), for AVellington. NEWCASTLE, September 10.— Arrived: Kauri, from New Zealand.

Wellington—N.W., 1) 30.00 57 BU Greym’tli—S.W., f b 30.10 52 B Christchurch—S.E., 1 29.80 54 B Tiinaru—N., I 29.84 57 B Oumaru—N.W., b ... 29.82 GO B Dunedin—Calm 29.81 GO B Queenstown —S., b ... 29.92 55 B Nuggets- -N.. f b ... 29.82 5*1 C Bln IT—N.N.W-, f b ... 29.80 52

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Evening Star, Issue 19351, 10 September 1926, Page 1

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SHIPPING Evening Star, Issue 19351, 10 September 1926, Page 1

SHIPPING Evening Star, Issue 19351, 10 September 1926, Page 1