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LATE ADVERTISEMENTS. TO ARCHITECTS, BUILDERS, ELECTRICAL . AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, MOTOR BODY BUILDERS, HARDWARE MERCHANTS, PLUMBERS, MANUFAO, TUBERS OF LEATHER AND METAL WORK, DECORATORS, ETC,,-ETC. , 'ABRIDGED PROSPECTUS ■of THE HYDRAULIC POWER PRESS (NEW ZEALAND), LIMITED. Intended to bo Incorporated under iho provisions of “ Tho Companies Act, 1903." NOMINAL CAPITAL - £30,000. Divided into 30,000 Shares of £1 cacb (of which 5,000 havo been allocated to the -Ota*® District), Whereof 26,000 Shares of £1 each shall bo. Preference Shares, conferring on the holders thereof the preferential rights herinafter specified, and 4,000 Shares are to bo Ordinary Shares, conferring the rights also hereinafter specified. - The Preference Shares shall confer upon the holders thereof the right to a fixed cumulative preference dividend at the rate of Ten Pounds (£10) per centum on tie capital for the time being paid up thereon. Subject ns aforesaid, the holders of Ordinary Shares shall, ho entitled to receive a cumulative dividend at the rate of Ten Pounds (£10) per centum out of any profits it may be determined to distribute amongst the members. 'The holders of Preference Shares shall, in addition to iho preferential right hereinheforo mentioned, be entitled to rank pari passu with the ordinary shares in proportion to the amount for the time being paid up on the Preference Shares in tlm distribution of any surplus profits available for dividend after payment of the cumulative dividends above mentioned. , .... , .. The Preference Shares are to he offered to the public for subscription on tna following terms:— ? > 5s per share on application. 2s 6d par share on allotment. . Balance in calls of not less than 2s per share at intervals of not less than one niontn. The Ordinary Shares are to be credited as fully paid up and allotted to Hydraulic Power Press, Limited, a Company duly incorporated, having its registered office at Melbourne, as part payment for patent rights for Dominion of New Zealand. Directors: ALEXANDER JAMES, Esq., Architect., Wellington. CHARLES WILLIAM MACK, Esq., Merchant Plumber, Wellington. LIONEL NELSON, Esq., Managing Director, J. J. Niven and Co., Ltd., Engineer*, Wellington. GERALD FITZGERALD, Esq., Civil Engineer, Wellington. FRANK R. HOGARTH, Esq., Timber Merchant, Wellington. Dunedin Brokers: Messrs QUICK AND SMITH, Stock Exchange Buildings. HYDRO PRESS. Five years ago the Hydro Press Company Proprietary, Limited, was formed 1 In Melbourne, Australia 0 , to perfect and exploit a new_ process discovery by Mr Theodore M. Harrison, an Australian inventor, for the pressing of sheet metal. Early Difficulties and Success.—This invention was revolutionary, and for Hus vary reason the Company experience most of the difficulties that must bo expected when .an attempt is made to substitute new methods for old. But these difficulties have long: since been overcome. Though the Company was formed in the midst of the depression that followed Iho war, it has carried out the pioneering work so successfully that the venture was no longer ftn experiment! it is a soilidjly-esitiablishcd 1 commercial success, with a fine record “of profitable trading and the prospect of incalculable wealth ahead. In 1923 a. Company called Hydraulic Power Press Co., Limited, was formed, with • capital of £200,000 (tho whole of the issue was underwritten by the sharebrokers), and the first Board of Directors were: Right Hon. William Alexander Watt, P.C., M.H.R. Frederick Emil Thonemann, Stock and Share Broker. Colonel Charles Edward Merrett, J.P., Engineer. Matthew Clavering Coates, A.M.1.E.E., A.M.1.F.8., Consulting Engineer. Theodore Marfieet Harrison, Engineer. This Company showed a profit as a result, of its first year’s operations, which was considered in Melbourne to bo a great achievement for a now manufacturing concern, and assures the future success of the Company. Production has been confined to only a few lines, but the process can bo remuneratively applied to the manufacture of almost every article that is at present produced by die pressure. FUTURE OF THE COMPANY. With this remarkable new process, which has been proved in Australia, a good, sound,' and profitable business can -be done in New Zealand. In the first place, the Hydro' Press Process enables the Company to produce goods at considerably less than half the cost that they can be produced in New Zealand at present, and iho Company can therefore undersell rivals to such an extent that there will be no competition to fear, besides which the Company will have protection for its goods to an extent varying from 10 per cent, to 35 per cent., which gives a good margin for any manufacturing company to work on. . , ~ , ~ In the second place, the expansion in Now Zealand should alone ensure the success of any company relying on the manufacture of bread-and-butter lines for the people. That, 'iho output of the Hydro Press Company can bo fairly reckoned amongst_tha nation’s bread-and-butter lines is obvious from the fact that the Australian Company has already been manufacturing mudguards, steel panels, lamp reflectors, caps, wheels, wheelbarrows, all aluminium ware, and the same should apply to the Dominion of New Zealand. . . , The process will emboss sheet metal as easily ns ordinary typo prints paper, -this means very neat and effective signs can be turned out cheaply for advertisements, street names, house names, motor car numbers, etc. Even this field in Now Zealand wide though it is, will he enormously extended. Leather and fibre goods can ho embossed and shaped by the Hydro process, and when the possibilities in_ regard to portmanteaux, trunks, ladies’ handbags, and scores of other lines nro taken into consideration, it Js not too much to say that iho Hydro Press is one of the most important and far-reaching commercial discoveries of this igeneration. _ , Naturally, the ramifications of the business oan only ho appreciated by engineers ami those directly associated with the engineering business. A reference to the Board of Iho"Australian Company will show that three of tho five directors are engineers, and the few New Zealand engineers under whose notice the invention has been brought hare signified their intention to take shares in the New Zealand Company. e jt, j s confidently anticipated that in the course of a few years the New Zealand rights to the invention will be worth many times the price at which they are being that the capital of the Australian Company—viz., £200,000 was subscribed before the Hydro Press Process was proved to he a commercial success, whereas the Now Zealand Company will embark upon a business that is beyond the experimental stage anl is firmly established in Australia.. Prospectus'" may bo obtained on application to tho brokers. IMPORTANT.—Mr A. F. Echherg. consulting engineer, of Melbourne, who la the representative of the Hydraulic Power Press Company < Australia), will be _ pleased te explain the whole process to any person interested at our office during business hours, and will also deliver a short lecture on this wonderful invention on ‘Wednesday Evening, at 8 o’clock, in the Chamber of Commerce. , . QUICK AND SMITH.

ro LET. MAJESTIC MANSIONS, ST. CLAIR. TTUJRNISHED AND UNFURNISHED JO BED-SITTING ROOMS; own conveniences, largo rooms, beautifully finished. Also. .VROOMED TJ NFI J R NTS 11 F,D SELFCONTAINED FLATS, newly renovated. The above are To Let. to suitable tenants at reasonable rentals. Apply CARETAKER-, Ala jostle Mansions. T) LLT, 2 Rooms, unfurnished, 20s; BcdSitling Hoonii, furnished. 15s; 4 Rooms and kitchen, unfurnished, 'lss. L. J. IRELAND, 207 Princes street (next Public Trust Office). TtonCT. sunny Room, partly furnished, ToIN Let; close to town.—Address 634, ' Star ’ Office. I~j\URN I SHED and Unfurnished Rooms; . every convenience, electric light-, h. and o. water, kitchenette; use telephone; near Frederick street. —177 Leith street. MHO LLT, in good locality, close to car, in JL quiet, refined home, Furnished Boilroom; electric light, hot and cold, bath, nlc.; suit-able for lady engaged during the day.—C69, ‘Star’ Office. rpO~TIJR Stuart street, small Double JL Office; low rent -to suitable tenant.— Clarke, 10 Dowling street. mO~E ; i\"oir rise, large sunny Furnished 1 Bedroom; suit 2or 3 girls.—Apply 7s Heriol row. nnO LET, 2 sunny Furnished Rooms; gas 1 cooker, electric light; comfortable home ; ceutral.—66s, 1 Star. for 2 Adults, 2 UnfurYV nished Rooms; permanent.—Mrs A. Morris, Tost Office, Port, Glialinera. mo”LET, 2 Unfurnished Rooms, also Self--1 contained Unfurnished' Flat, High street.—Apply 10 Alva street. nsjO LKT, splendid Country Private Hotel. X doing first-class business; no goodwill; good lease.—Mucasscy and Co. mo LETrilosgicl Junction, 2 sunny Rooms, J. use of conveniences.—Address 539, ’.Star.' _ AO Flat; use telephone, Xi conveniences.—3s6 George street, City. moTETTangio and Double Rooms, handy i. centre of town, furnished, unfurnished. —Clarke, 10 Dowling street. IDURNTsHED ’ Double Bod-Sitting Room ' To Let; 15s, with all conveniences . Apply 253 Main road, N.E. Valley. nnO~LF,T.—Saunders, Otago Window CleanX ing Co.; . Windows and ‘Chimneys Cleaned when required; trial solicited.— Telephone 3,253. fjpO LET Gain Forwarding Co. Remove X your Furniture means safety and economy.— Office, 22 Bond street. FURNITURE REMOVED BY RAIL, ROAD, OR SEA. EXPERT PACKERS. GOOD STORAGE, rjpLBURY Phones; FORWARDING COMPANY, LIMITED. 2,304; after 5 p.m., 1,123. Office; 7 Crawford street. YOUR MOVE, SIR I Household removals by Expert Staff. Greatest care exercised. Lowest prices. Dry Storage. Consult us. CRUST AND CRUST, 20 Manse street. MONEY. T UST MONEY FOR INVESTMENT. ASLIN AND BROWN, Solicitors, Egress Co, Buildings, Bond street.

EDUCATIONAL'. TRINITY COLLEGE OF MUSIC, LONDON. PRACTICAL EXAMINATIONS HELD IN SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER. ENTRIES for tho above will Close on THURSDAY, July 50th, on which day the Secretary will bo in attendance at Tbo Bristol Studio. BEATRICE BARTH, Local Secretary. 1 Entry Forms obtainable from Bristol Piano Co., Clias Beg" and Co., and Miss B. Bartli, Bristol Studio. KING EDWARD TECHNICAL COLLEGE. H Xfill-('LASS COOKERY will commence on WEDNESDAY EVENING, July 29. o'clock. A, MARSHALL, Director. HANALET, Certificated Hawaiian Instrumentalist; we teach all Hawaiian instruments ; instruments shocked. —Kidd a Viulding, 75 Princes street. H~ AWAI m r S(^i'Gnifar7Ukulele, Mandolin, Violin, Piano, —J. 11. Hutton, 207 George street. Tft/ffTLLINERY Classes —Latest Spring TrjL Fashions Taught thoroughly, 2s two hours; Hats Made To Order, moderate.— 615, ‘ Star.’ |/riS3 MARtIERY ]lELre,'lloriij r ’piace. Ifil —Lessons by Arrangement in all branches of Art and Crafts. LOST AND FOUND. GOVERNMENT LIFE INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, LOST POLICY. IHYIDENCEi having been supplied of the j loss of Policy numbered 265,443 in tho books of (his Department on tho life of JAMES ALEXANDER THOMSON, of Wni- , kouaili, Farmer, I Hereby Give Notice of . my intention to issue, at the expiry of Two Weeks from this date a Copy to taka tho place thereof unless objection ba previously lodged, A. T. TRAYERRI, Government Insurance Commissioner. ■Wellington, July 28, 1925. LOST, Purse, Octagon Theatre, Saturday night, containing money, etc.—Pleaoo communicate to 681, ‘Star’ Office. LOST, Pekingese Dog, vicinity St. Clair; | reward.—Ring 2,556 m. J LOST, between George Street Ironmon- j gery and 546 George street, Book en- j titled; ‘Three Pilgrims and a Tinker.’ — 'Boturn Mrs Riley, 316 George street, LOST, on Oval, 2 or 3 weeks ago, Boy'* ' Grey Topcoat; reward. —Apply $5 Harbor terrace. LOST, £B, between Hope, and Graham streets; reward.—l 3 Graham street. LOST, in or about South Dunedin Town Hall, 1 Gold (white sapphire) Ring.— Reward on returning to 75 Bay View road, SLJCilda. LOST, on Saturday, 18th, Black-and-Whlte Fox Terrier Pup; reward.—Jay’s, 156 George street. ~ OVERCOAT Missing.—Would the Person seen taking wrong Overcoat from Dixieland on Saturday night communicate with 642, ‘Star,’ to save further proceedings. . LOST, Dust, Germs, Moths by having your carpets collected; cleaned, returned same day; no waiting; Chimneys Swept.—Dunedin Window Cleaning Co., St. Andrew <Aicot; 'phono 493. LOST, all thoughts chimney fires by employing Saunders, Otago Window Cleaning Company; competent chimney sweep.—Telephone 3,250. WANTED Known—That Billheads, Circulars, Cards, Programmes, and General Printing of every description are j executed at the ‘Evening Star’ Offllo* Aft I Moderate Prices. A),

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Evening Star, Issue 19004, 28 July 1925, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Star, Issue 19004, 28 July 1925, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Star, Issue 19004, 28 July 1925, Page 7