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LATE ADVERTISEMENTS. THE PICK OF WEEK-END BARGAINS. AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER OF INTEREST TO LADIES. UNDOUBTEDLY A GIFT. MANUFACTURERS WOULD BE SURPRISED AT THE PRICES. PENROSE'S OFFER 500 FAIRS OF LADIES’ KID GLOVES AT 2s lid. 500 pairs Ladies’ French Kid Gloves, in white, black, (an, grey, brown, self ■points, 2button length. Usual prices, 8s 6d to lOs 6d. Special Week-end price, 2s Hd. 40 dozen Ladies' Art. Silk flow, in tan shades, also marl effects, half and three-quar-ter length silk. Usual price, 5s lid. Sale price, Is Hd. , 20 dozen Ladies’ All-wool Cashmere Hose, in black only; extraordinary value. usual price, 5s 6d. Special price, 2s 6d. . 100 gross Flosso Reels, for fancy work and stitching, all colors. Usual price, Bju. bale price, 2s Hd dozen reels. IN THE DRESS DEPARTMENT. Thousands of Remnants of all classes of materials, useful lengths, at special prices to 50in Spun Fuji Silk, in sky, lemon, saxc, pink, brown, brick, biscuit, helio., and white. Usual price, 5? Hd. Sale price, 2. Hd. , . 30in Striped Fuji, a beautiful heavy quality, in all the newest stripes. Usual price, oa Hd. Sale price, 3s Hd. _ r , c , Double-width Jazz and Eastern Fancy Silk, in great variety. Usual price, lbs otl. price, 4s lid. . . . • 20iu Chiffon Taffeta Silk, in sky, lemon, n'l, pink, maroon, emerald, and tuon.Ma. Usual price, 6s lid. Sale price. Is Hd. . _ . . ~ „ , 40in Woven Striped Gingham, in a great va. Toty of colorings, usual price, <Js oa. .-»ie 30iu P Uotten Crepe, in lemon, fate, helio., flame, grey, reseda, black, fawn, apricot, sky, pink, salmon, and while, etc. Usual 'price, Is Hd. Sale price, 11««. 40in Closely-woven Sponge Cloths, in sky, pink, cinnamon, champagne, v. rose, grey, fawn, 'and cream. Usual price, 4s Hd. Sale price, Is 6cl. CUTTING PRICES IS A PENROSE FAILING. HE RECOGNISES THE IMPORTANCE OF GIVING THE BEST BARGAINS. THIS WEEK-END QUOTATION WILL SURPRISE EVERYONE. Smart Checked Gingham Frocks, round necks, J-slcevcs. Usual price, 12s 6d. Safe price, 5s Hd. . , Striped Tweed Skirls, in brown, pockets and belt. Usual price, 29s €d. SHe price, 5s lid. . c , Silk Jersey Cloth Coats, pretty shades to choose from. Usual price, 355. bale price, 7s Hd". „ , ... Useful 3-pieco Costumes, m checked sponge cloth. Usual price, 03s. fca.c puce, ids 6d. , ■ 00 . Smart Fuji Silk Frocks, in stripes and chocks. Usual price, 4zs. .tale price, it.% W. Stylish Marabout Capos, in smoko, mole, and black. Usual price, 355. price, 2os. Woollen Costumes, long roll collar, pockets, and belt. Usual price, 755. ba.e price, A lovely range of Serge and Gaberdine Costumes, in all shades. Usual price, £5 ss. Sal© price, 555. UNDERCLOTHING. Ladies’ Colored Crepe Nightdresses, in Magyar shapes, with short .sleeves, in all shades, splendid quality; cheaper Hum you could make. Usual price, 12s 6d. Sa.e price, 5s Hd. . _ A lino of Ladies' Colored Overalls, in light checks, easy to slip on. Lsual price, fas Hd, Sale price, 3s Hd. . , , ~ , , A splendid ranee of Ladies’ Woven Silk Princess Underskirts, in all fashionable shades, Ion" bodice!” with straps over shoulder. Usual price, 255. Sale price. 13s 6d. Ladics’°White Fleecy 'Bloomers, with elcstic at waist and knee, medium weight, for summer wear. W.; U.-ual price, 5s lid; Sale price, 5s Hd. 0.5.: Usual price, 6s 6d; Sale price, 4s 6d. Ladies’ Navy Cotton Bathing suits, in two-piece the thing to finish the season. W. : Usual Usual price, 5s lid ; bale price, 3. lid. A large assortment of Bathing Caps, in pretty shades, in close-fitting shape price, 2s lid. Sale price. Is. Another line of Fancy Bathing Caps, in smart prices, 4s lid and 5s 6d. Sale price, 2s Hd. CHILDREN’S DEPARTMENT. Infants’ Waterproof Filches, in .-hades of blue, flesh, creme, and natural, medium and large sizes. Usual price. 4s Ho. bale price, 2- 6d. , , Children’s Striped Flannelette Fvjamas. in two-piece shape. Sizes 3,4, and 5: Usual price! 10s 6d : Sale price. 5s 6.L Sizes 6 and 7; Usual price, 1& 63; Sale pnoe, 5h lkL LADIES’ MILLINERY, .Straws, and Crinolines, in small and large shapes, in black, navy, brown, grey, and white. Usual price, 19s 6d. bale price, 4s Hd. , Tim last of our season’s Models .in Georgette, Crepe do Chine, etc., trimmed with flowers and ribbons. Usual price*. 39s 6d to 45«. Sale price, 10s 6d. Hat. Scatvo?. finished with silk in pretty jazz coloring*. Sate pnc<\ U lid. Small Sprays of Flowers and Fruit, a smart but inexpensive trimming. Lsual price. 2e 6d. Sale price, Is. FT. PEN 11 OSF AND CO., LTD. PROFITS CUT OUT SO THAT ALL CAN SHARE, IT MEANS HEAVY LOSSES TO PENROSE’S, BUT THE PUBLIC APPRECIATE IT. 600vds Washable Figured Casement Muslins, blue, crimson, green, brawn, helio. color"bigs. ' Usual price. Is 3d. bah' price, tQd.- . SOOvds strong While Calico, 55iu wide, linen finish, lsual price. Is 4-d, bale price, 9^l jJOOviis Checked Glass Cloth, for tea towels. Usual price. Is 3d. Sale pnee, fid. _ 200yds strong White Twill Sheeting, for single beds. Usual price. 2s fin. bale price. Is 9d. ICO Fringed Heavy Velvet File Heart lirugs, for kitchen and bedrooms, brown, goid, blue, areen. crimson. Usual price, le- dd. Sale price, 5s lid. SOOvds Speeial Heavy-weight Cretonnes, 52in wide, suitable for i-yon rovers euUams. and cushions, serviceable datk colorings. Usual price, 4- 6d. bale puce, Is Hu. IN THE MEN’S DEPARTMENT. 100 pairs Boys’ Saddle Knickers, in dark shades, nothing better for hard wear, sizes 5 to 16, Usual price, 9s Hd. bale price, 7« 6d ...... 50 only Bovs' Sports Suits, in dark and brown shades, specially mauutactured lor hard wear! sizes sto 16 Usual prices. 39s id to 455. Sale price. 29s 6d _ 200 pairs Mens Heavy Denim Trousers, sell pockets, Veil made. Usual price. 9s fid, bale price, 7s 6d. , , , , „ inn nairs Men's Barb wire Trousers, specaaby manufactured for hard, rough wear, ah dark shades. Usual price. I3s 6d. bale pure, 9s 6d. , , 25 pairs Men's Tweed Trousers, 3 good pockets, cuff bottoms, raise,, -cam, mostly dark shades, l sual price, 17s 6d. bale price. 13s 6d, ■ 25 oniv Men’s Box Suite in dark grey and brown wool tweens, correct, -Ivie, penret, .ittin". Usual in’ice. 79s Bd. bale price. 50* M, . . , 90 hoses Men’s Neglige blurts, white grounds, with smari woven stnpos: spender wearin" and wash'll" shirts. Usual price. 8s fad. bale pree, r> Ho. -p , , ion d-zen Men's Striped both f ©liars, polo shape, in tobralco and income m-itenal?. fashionable colored stripes- Usual prices, Is 69 amt Is fid, Noe price, ys. Men's Black Half Hose, medium weight-, spliced heels and toes, strong wearing q.ialuy; snec’al vain" T'sini price. Is fid. Sale"price, fid pair. . , p.,.j , mii rt dressy shapes, plain and welted edge, ewers m brown, grey, Wai and raw, good quality hat. Usual price. 12- fid. Sale once. 8* Hd Aim's Summer-weiehi Finp’et> and Underpants u.eai garment -T waim nay-, ad sizes- speeial sale vibrn. Usual price, 5s Hd. bale pure. 1. Men’s Under Flannels, best quality ail-wool cole,„n flannel. enters ,n navy ..ant "rev. ” Shetland, and Orkney; lies, value offer,ng. Usual price. 9- fan Sal" Price 6s Hd. style, will, facings of pale blue; just price, 5s 63 ; -Sale price, 3s 6d. 0.5.: Usual shapes and pretty colorings. Usual W. PENROSE AND CO., LTD.

miscellaneous. 'OROTOGRAPHS of licoiday tour should fl. bo kept in Pluto Soyjip Album ; cheap at Pi ino a n am! Simpson's. IrinkfHlrrs. Hr NORTHS n( propip who tv,old not r.u- iOi'o have mod ftoyal Ire ('roam, and now, like ( diver Iwirl. ate .mkin£ foi moro. P‘ ICNU; Commit' make vnnv days outiim a Mtooofs by supplying Royal foe ( roam.-- Particulars 'phono 2.5t4. OUR CuKiomors per, (he. benefit ot our low overhead expense?. 'Veiled Shoes, patent cap, 255.-—Economic. Royal Arcade. _ TtYFR'S (1; cat Summer Sale.-Opening d (liv, To-ni-irrow. Wondcrtul Bargains in Gloves! Hosiery, l.aecs Neckwear, Hand--IVTI* R'S (iron Summer si\W\ —(ire.u ing ducemcius offering Tn-inormw. Ladies' Undcrvofis, Coii-els. Nightdresses, Ponces., Petticoats. Caniii-oie-n jIYTTi’S Great Summer Sale. 1 o-munw d (Friday) : Ureat. reductions pertaining m Jumpers, Bleu Louts, Frocks, Overalls, Pina foi es. ■jVYFK r S~ 'Great. Summer prices will comm; IU lc. —Alluring _ (iiii camca, attention at our Stores To-morrow (Friday). 17IYFFS Great Summer Sale—To-morrow (Friday): Drastic reductions in order 10 clear all'our Summer Stocky _ ']LVY : FF’.3' Great Summer Sale.—Wonderful Jp Bargains offering in Ginghams, talk?. Lotion Dress- Goods, Sheetings, Towels, Calicoes. Sr )Y FIT'S Great Summer Sale. —Genuine re- ’ auctions tlnmighoiii our Store T'u-nior-row (Friday). Gloves', Hosiery, Paces; come, participate. __ DAVITS Great Summer Sale, —To-morrow Jb (Friday) we inaugurate a Bargain-giv-ing Epoch;' wonderful reductions throughout. I TYPE'S Great Summer Sale.—Great roI duotious in Lsirscts, Undeivests, Nightdresses, Princess Petticoats, Jumpers, Goats, Blouses, Frocks. ITVVFk'S Great Summer Sale. —See our < Gloves, at 4|d v Stockings at & 6d, Vests at Is Hid, 2- 6d. tTVFTJS Great Summer Sale. Sec our 1 Frock? at 10? 6d, Jumpers at Ss lid. Bloomers at Is llgd. 2s lid. I7VVFFVS Great Summer Sale.- -See our Cor- ( seis at, 4s U<l. Petticoats at 7s lid, Lace? l;Jd, Ribbons 2?d. % TVTFR’S Great Summer Sale.—See our JH tiuiv wonderlul reductions t.hronghont. Reliable goods, reliable reductions, reliable attention. '~T)F,FORE (i, e "Wedding ” arrange to have 13 Uie Bridal Group mken by Patullo, the recognised bridal phologiaphei. “mo Parents of Voting Children!" Before X t lie hirlwols reopen get a Family Group photographed by Patiitlo. “ QtOME Men are difficult to photograph,” io but Paitilio succeeds in getting satisfactory portraits of such sitters. MOORE AND MOORE Pianos are available on exceptionally easy terms.— Howell Company, Stuart street, sol© agents.

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Evening Star, Issue 18852, 29 January 1925, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Star, Issue 18852, 29 January 1925, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Star, Issue 18852, 29 January 1925, Page 7