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RINKS CHAMPIONSHIP. DUNEDIN BEATEN IN FINAL. [SPECIAL TO THE ‘ STAB.’] WELLINGTON, January 28. The weather conditions being favorable, Ihe rinks championship contest was continued and concluded. Stewart (Dunedin), he only “two-lifer” left in the competiinn, was defeated in the sixth round today. In the sixth round all- the games vere very keenly contested—in fact,, in each case the result remained in doubt .util the last two heads were reached. In the two games of the semi-linal ila’yed on the lower green interest, for some curious reason, centred in the match between Walker and Pilkington, although perhaps more attention should have been attached to tho other match between Stewart and Bremner, particularly as Bremncr’s rink was exactly identical with the winning rink last year. Results — —Semi-final.— Stewart (Dunedin) v. Bremner (West End).—This game was one of those in which tho result was uncertain until the end. Stewart maintained his supremacy in tho early stages, but it looked as if Bremner at any time nnjjht notch a suilicient number of points to bring him into a very advantageous .position. The opportunity for Bremner occurred on the twentieth head, when lie was 5 points down. He endeavored to displace a wing bowl of Stewart's team, ami if ho had been successful in doing so ho would have been able to roach tho final head on equal trims. Unfortunately for him, although he played a good shot, he wicked in one of his opponent's bowls, and only lay 1 shot, which made it necessary for him to secure 4 points to tic on the final head. In the twoniy-tirst head at one stage he lay 5 a sufficient number to make him th.o winner—but Stewart’s No. 3 altered tho position, and when the skips went up to play Bremner only had 3 lying to his credit. In some dangerous bowds behind Stewart removed two bowls, and left Bremner lying 1 only, so tfiat with his last shot he'had no alternative but to make a dead head in order to give him a chance of saving the game. He put down an excellent driving shot, hut instead of moving the kitty, as was his object, he removed his own bowl, and Stewart thus became the winner by 5 points. Pilkington (Hamilton) v. Walker (Auckland).—Play right through was of a very attractive character. Interest in the game was maintained till the close, although it appeared at all stages as if Pilkington was a sure winner. At the eighteenth head Walker was within 1 point of his opponent, hut in the following heads Pilkington scored 5 points. On the twenty-first head the card showed 5 points to Walker, and the result therefore stood: Pilkington 22, Walker 21., —Final.— For some reason Stewart’s team seemed to go to pieees in tho final, and Pilkington had practically a walk-over, winning by no less than *27 to 11. The Hamilton team (Warnham, Wilson. M’lntyre, and Pilkington) thus hold the rinks championship banner for the. ensuing year. The Dunedin team was Gregory, Smith, Bentley, and Stewart, At no stage in the final did Stewart eomo within coo-eo of his opponent. Pilkington started off with a 5 and two 2’s, being 9 to Stewart’s 0 on the third head. On' the tenth the score stood Pilkington 18 Stewart 5, and thence onward the Dunedin team only scored 3 points, while Hamilton increased their score to 27. At the close of the play the dominion president (Mr F. Meadowcroft) heartily congratulated the winners. SATURDAY’S FIXTURES. West Harbor v. Caledonian.—At Caledonian ; Barclay, Don, Mnllenger, W. Connor ; W. M* Hutton, W. French, A. Silver, J. Yeitch. West Harbor v. Leith Valley.—At Vest Harbor; Budge, Galloway, J. Connor, J. Kay; Venn, J. L. Page, W. Gale, A. French; Page, sen., Cranefield, A. Portmen, J. M. Hutton. St. Hilda v. Dunedin.—At Dunedin: Nelson, Sheppard, Peacock, Smeaton; Lowrv, M'Faull, Robertson, M'Curdy; Doncker, Wakelin, Stark, Claridge. At Ht. Hilda: Brvce, Prehble, J. I). Cameron, Adess; Doull, Harper, Himburg, Harris; Doggart, King, O’Sullivan, Jacobsen.

St. Hilda v. Mornington.—At Mornington : Wilson. Campbell, Haig, Dowland; Ormond, Lightfoot, Leeden, Petrie; Jago, Parker, Gladding, Tamhlyn. At St. Hilda: Hall, Gallaway, Todd, Watson; M’Dermott, Duncan, Cooko, Stuart; Crawford, Morrison, W. Smith, Summered. Kaikorai v. Caledonian.—At Kaikorai: Campbell, Gehbie, Pettitt, Marshall; Armstrong, A. Morrison, Ramsay, H. Moirison; Keelar, Cross, Stewart, Lindsay; Renton, Wilson, Webster, Mastorton; Mackay, Spiers, Rankin, M'Gregor; Kershaw, *A. Armit, Heenan, Weir. At Caledonian ; Ufton, Cayzer, Walker, Ellis; M'.Meeking, Goodley, J. Armit, Millar; Ferguson, Hanna, Wilkinson, Tyrrell. Roslyn v. North-east Valley.—At Roslyn ; Mustard, Findlay, J. W. Thomas, G Wcdderspoon; Blackwood, Merchant, Baird, M'GUlivray; Stout, T. Barnett. Torrance, Wood. Roslyn v. Port Chalmers.—At Roslyn : Wilson, Wallace, Crawford, A. Barnett; Mackav, Allen, Cameron, Dickson ; Richards, Johnston, J. Scott, Campbell. At Port: M'Lean, Sewell, Worthington, Harraway; A. Thomas, Clark, Earley, G Anderson; Dixon, IraSßr, Moodio, W ilkinb°Roslyn v. Outram.— At Outram: ArmiO’Connell, Roy, Jones; Gavan, Young, May a 11, Todd; Bell, Wall, He., Morrison. . Mornington v. Dunedin. —At Mornington: Orr, jun., Scott, Brocklohurst, Smyth; Evans, Herrick, Robson, Whelan; Bringans, Caldow, Vance, Thomson. Mornington v, St. Hilda. —At Momington: Wallace, Howes, Orr, son., Holgate; Edwards, Agnew, Walker, Smith; Wood, Tough, Hocking, Connell. At St. Hilda ; Stanley, Taylor, Beattie, Cunningham; Anderson, Hope, Hardie, Perry; iaton, Osborne, Hobbs, Barclay. St. Clair v. Kaituna.— At Kaituna; Grigg, Wills, Scrymgeour, Coxon; MTnivre, Ryan, Kingston, Foster; R. Johnston, Turner, Marshall, Harraway. At •St. Clair: Gillespie, R. W’ilson, Smart, Piddington; Miller, Simkin, ihompson, Stowart; Anderson, W atson, Henderson, Colo; Speight, Connor, M'Naughton, Hancock; L. Johnson, G. Crawford, lilyth, Rodgerson; Ruheu, Coutts, MTntosh, Jones. _ , Kaituna v. St. Clair. —At Clair: Kellan, Barron, Penrose, J. Sanders; Moody, Henderson, M'Kenzie, Campbell; H. S. Reid, Glendinning, Mirams, Melville; E. J. Smith, Millar Frapwell F. Smith; Briton, Sincock, Elvidge, llalliwan; Mills, Rae, Napier, Shortt. At Kaituna: Crawford, Collier, Patterson, Gorin ack; H. WL Reid, Duncan, Walker, Allan. ' Dunedin v. St. Kilda.— At Dunedin: Sewell, Flint, Baker, Nelson; Murdoch, Miles, Goo. Scott, H. L. Smith; Croft, Briggs, W. Smith, Peterson. At St. Kilda: J. Murray, Kinaston, Martin, M'Fadden; Tarlton, Dr Hendry, W7ilkinson. Bardsley; Legal, Higginson, J. D. Smith, S. Hutchison. Dunedin v. Anderson Bay.—At Dunedin : Buchart, Lawson, Gregory, J. Hut- ; chison; Grindley, J. Scott, W, H. : Adams, Dr Shore; Burk, Alexander, Durie, Dali. Dunedin v. Caversham. — At Dunedin: Whitelaw, Hunter, Marris, Johnson j Duke, H. F. Gibson, M'Crae, Stephens; Mercer, Tewsley, M’Natty, Dow. At Caversham: Gordon Scott, J. H. Crawford, I Frame, Stewart; Spite, Simpson, Meek, Bentley: Sligo, Kirkwood, H. W. Gibson, Sullivan. Dunedin v. (Mornington.—At (Morningtom Rosevear, J. H. M‘Kay, Best, Neil; Laurie, Barnes, 8. Leith, Thomson; Nicolson, Harraway, C. Young, Williams. Port Chalmers v. Roslyn.—At Roslyn: J. Pickard, A. Watson, J. Osborn, A. Miller; F. Smith. J, Riploy» R.. WTllmot^

J. Emerson; W. Smith, J. Da Costa, W. J. Wilson, W. Love. At Port: J. Watson, J. Knewstubb, J. Miller, T. Collier; R. Leftwich, E. Godfred. G. Booth C. Scott; N. Dodds, R. Asher, C. Braithwaite, A. King.

Caversham v. Dunedin.—At Dunedin ; Romorill, Paine, Dempster, Thomson; Seddon, Often, Forster, Tret haway; Blackwood, Henderson, Hanning. Brown. At Caversham: W. Thomson, Cranston, Love, Forrester; Lowry, Parker, Beecroft, Todd; Hennord, W. Johnston, Stubbs, Mitchell.

Caversham v. Fairfield.—At Caversham : Scott, Anderson, Shand, Will; Lumsdcn, Thom, Giles, Ball; Pitts, (Murray, Wftlmsley, Blackwood.

Green Island v. Balmacowen.—At Green Island ; M'Laiiachan, Pcnson, A. 11. Smellie, W. T. Smellie; Hcrhison, W. 0. Smellie, J. G. Lindsay, A. Smellie; R. Thompson, J. Thompson, Kane, J. L. Miller. At Balmacewen: H. Smellie, W. A. Smellie, J. C. Lindsay, W. B. Smellie ; Hilgendorf, Murie, Brown, Sloan; Bulger, Mehalski, Harraway, Dryden; emergencies—A. Young, Ray, M'Lean, Haler.

Anderson Bay v. Dunedin.—At Dunedin ; Jas. Wilson, Ironside, Laidlaw, Morrison; Rcufreo, jun,, Fairbairn, sen., Hodsun, Campbell; Pearce, Menzies, Mooney, Hinchcliff.

Anderson Bay v. Otago.—At Otago; W. Wilson, Bamford, Barnes, Wcathcrburu; J. L. Wilson, Lischner, Renfreo, sen., Read; Jenkins, Bennett, Robertson, Ashton.

Balmacewen v. Green Island.—At Green Island: Harrison, Ritchie, Melville, Ferguson; Geo. Hogg, Coxhoad, W otliey, Wright; Swann, Ait-ken, Baird, Buchan. At Balmacewen ; Brown, Gumming, BrinGlover; Forbes, Ghillingwoith, Pilkington, Malcolm; Pliinn, Thomson, Sharp, Allen. Balmacewen v. North-east Valley.—At Valley: Rtueh, W. Omand, E. Omaiul, Morrison; Barnes, G. Campbell, J. Adamson, Millin; MT’ae, Collier, E. Adamson, M‘Donald. At Balmacewen: M'lmosh, Philip. Rigby, Wat sob; Kindle, Smith, M'Arthur, Rol’fc; Goodley, King, Leslie, Nisbet. Leith v. West Harbor. —At West Harbor; E. Paterson, W. Paterson, J. Mitchell, A. L. Applcgarth; J. Ilnngcrford, W. Johnston, W., 11. Rowley ; G. Campbell, It. Ferguson, J. Gray, C. G. Rawlinsoii.

Otago v. Anderson Bay.—At Otago Green: Macadam, Dodds, Brown, Robson; Flynn, Mahoney, Fynmore, iSmitlx; Telford, Cameron, M'Kinnon, Falconer.

Otago v. Taieri.—At Otago; 0. W. Crawford, Pngson, McDonald, Crawford; Scott, Gil Hes, Melville, King; Easton, Swanson, Lloyd, Weir. At Taien: Bridgman, O'Driscoll, Henderson, Gilroy ; Dixon, Gascoigne. Stewart, Beasley; Edwards, Fogarty, Cook, Hamilton. Turnbull, Strang, Young, Walker: M’Glashan. Hnrlcn, Rose, MTntosh; Ellison, Burl, Myles. Kennedy. Caledonian v. West Harbor.—At Calc. ; Eyre, Hamel, Brockie, Cavanagh; Butcher, Clancy, D, Smith, WL Latham. Caledonian v. Kaikorai.—At Gale. : (Murie, Maik, (M'Donnld, Emslie; W. Ross, Ogg, Snmmorill, Tillie. At Kaikorai; C. Latham, Browne, Carroll, 1). Scott; J. Smith, Roscow, J. Scott, Doy. Critchfield, J. Ross, Dickel, Gilligan; Pope, Hanson, Rotting, Langley; Hunter, Edwards, Hamilton, Farrell. FOUR-RINK CHAMPIONSHIP. Caversham v. Green Island (Green Island names first) :—Murie, M’Mnllan, Lindsay, Dryden 14. Stubbs, Todd, Hanning, Mitchell 14; Bulgur, Young, Walker, WL T. Smellie 10, love, Thorn, Forrester. Blackwood 22; Thompson, Lindsay, WL B. Smellie, M'Lean 12, Anderson, W'almsley. Will, Brown 16; Brown, Harraway, Miller, Sloan 15, Dempster, Ball, Forster, Thomson 11. Totals; Green Island, b}’; Caversham, 63. Balmacowen v. Mornington, at Mornington, on Monday evening, at 5.30: Bringans Melville, E. Omand, Ferguson; Morrison, Sharp, Watson, Buchan; J. Adamson, Rolfe, M’Donald, Malcolm; Hindle, Glover, Nisbet, Wright.

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Evening Star, Issue 18852, 29 January 1925, Page 4

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BOWLING Evening Star, Issue 18852, 29 January 1925, Page 4

BOWLING Evening Star, Issue 18852, 29 January 1925, Page 4